November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!


Tomorrow #35 wks...i see my belly dropped and my belly button never decided to take shape lol
Is it possible for me with my fourth baby to drop this early? I feel as though baby has dropped and I can actually move and breathe....
I keep up with this thread but rarely post since I stopped being a november sparkler after my loss, and started being a january jellybean!
I can't believe how close you all are to having your babies.
Just wanted to wish you all luck. Enjoy the experience xx

Thanks ab75 .. so lovely to hear your wonderful news too :)

I have a few days of posts to catch up on... but it really does seem like we will have some October babies! :happydance:
Posting from the hospital...

On Tuesday, after being told at 1:30pm that I was dilated to 2cm with contractions, I was sent to the hospital to receive a steroid shot to help develop my baby's lungs. That was at 3pm.
My husband and I went home with me still having no idea what contractions felt like: all I kept feeling were constant period-like cramps in my lower back that would not subside. Finally at about 6 I talked my husband into goin back to the hospital, because I was still in pain. They sent me to labor and delivery, I was disrobed and admitted pretty quickly.
The on call doc checked me at about 7pm for dilation. She decided I was more like a one on her scale but kept it at a 2. We stayed in the small entry room for about 2hrs while they checked my cervical length and did a US (baby was just fine, no distress thank goodness!). It turns out I have a shorter cervix which can cause preterm birth. At about 930 the dr checked me again and said I was 4cm DILATED! I waz progressing very quickly. she said I would deliver within 24 hrs.
That night they put me on a magnesium drip to slow the contractions until I could get the second steroid shot for the baby. That was yesterday (wednesday)y at 3pm. I've been having about 2 hr, sometimes more or less. They are keeping me on the drip until 3pm today to let the shot take effect, then will monitor my progressions afterward.
So far, no one has been able to tell me if I will have my baby by this weekend, but the way they are prepping my room tells me they're probably expecting it. Just playing the waiting game for now. Getting pretty anxious!
Posting from the hospital...

On Tuesday, after being told at 1:30pm that I was dilated to 2cm with contractions, I was sent to the hospital to receive a steroid shot to help develop my baby's lungs. That was at 3pm.
My husband and I went home with me still having no idea what contractions felt like: all I kept feeling were constant period-like cramps in my lower back that would not subside. Finally at about 6 I talked my husband into goin back to the hospital, because I was still in pain. They sent me to labor and delivery, I was disrobed and admitted pretty quickly.
The on call doc checked me at about 7pm for dilation. She decided I was more like a one on her scale but kept it at a 2. We stayed in the small entry room for about 2hrs while they checked my cervical length and did a US (baby was just fine, no distress thank goodness!). It turns out I have a shorter cervix which can cause preterm birth. At about 930 the dr checked me again and said I was 4cm DILATED! I waz progressing very quickly. she said I would deliver within 24 hrs.
That night they put me on a magnesium drip to slow the contractions until I could get the second steroid shot for the baby. That was yesterday (wednesday)y at 3pm. I've been having about 2 hr, sometimes more or less. They are keeping me on the drip until 3pm today to let the shot take effect, then will monitor my progressions afterward.
So far, no one has been able to tell me if I will have my baby by this weekend, but the way they are prepping my room tells me they're probably expecting it. Just playing the waiting game for now. Getting pretty anxious!

Wow what a roller coaster so glad you went back in. It must be scary. I was born at 33 weeks in 1989 and did fine I needed the incubator obviously but no long term affects. Good luck x
Posting from the hospital...

On Tuesday, after being told at 1:30pm that I was dilated to 2cm with contractions, I was sent to the hospital to receive a steroid shot to help develop my baby's lungs. That was at 3pm.
My husband and I went home with me still having no idea what contractions felt like: all I kept feeling were constant period-like cramps in my lower back that would not subside. Finally at about 6 I talked my husband into goin back to the hospital, because I was still in pain. They sent me to labor and delivery, I was disrobed and admitted pretty quickly.
The on call doc checked me at about 7pm for dilation. She decided I was more like a one on her scale but kept it at a 2. We stayed in the small entry room for about 2hrs while they checked my cervical length and did a US (baby was just fine, no distress thank goodness!). It turns out I have a shorter cervix which can cause preterm birth. At about 930 the dr checked me again and said I was 4cm DILATED! I waz progressing very quickly. she said I would deliver within 24 hrs.
That night they put me on a magnesium drip to slow the contractions until I could get the second steroid shot for the baby. That was yesterday (wednesday)y at 3pm. I've been having about 2 hr, sometimes more or less. They are keeping me on the drip until 3pm today to let the shot take effect, then will monitor my progressions afterward.
So far, no one has been able to tell me if I will have my baby by this weekend, but the way they are prepping my room tells me they're probably expecting it. Just playing the waiting game for now. Getting pretty anxious!

Best of luck hun! I'm sure everything will be okay! :hugs:
Good luck, Dissy! 33 weeks is good! Kella is going to be just fine no matter what. Sending you lots of good vibes for whatever comes next.
Oh my gosh, Missy! That sounds exhausting. Glad things are good with your BIG boy!! Are you going to try for a vaginal delivery or opt for the c-section?
Glad your time at work is almost done. It wears me out and I'm only carrying one!

I think I'm just opting straight for the c-section. At my 28 week growth scan, both were head down and my OB said she'd feel comfortable with a vaginal delivery if I wanted. However, now it looks like Isla is breech again. Even if I opt for a vaginal delivery, they'll make me do it in the OR just in case. Plus, I run the high risk that Declan (the lower if the two) will come out just fine, but breech Isla will not and I will need an emergency c-section anyway. I'd rather not go through labor AND recover from a c-section, so I'm taking the "wimpy" way out and just going with an elective c-section. It just feels all around safer for me. I'm totally ok with my decision at this point. :) What about you, are you still hoping for a VBAC?

A c-section is by no means a wimpy way out! It's a tough recovery, yes, but still an incredibly amazing experience, and I don't blame you one bit for making that decision. I've definitely heard that once the second twin has all that room suddenly, they can often go breech and make a vaginal delivery basically impossible. And I definitely don't blame you from not wanting to recover from both L&D and a section. When I was induced, we opted for a c-section after 10 hours (21, if you count from when I was admitted and received the cervidil) of no progression. I didn't want to labor for HOURS on end and end up with a section anyway, because my waters had broken and they'd only let me go for 24 hours past that anyway. So - that being said - assuming you make it long enough, what's the scheduled c-section date?

I am hoping for a VBAC still at this point, but not sure if that will happen. I'm okay with a section if it happens - the timing of it is just crappy though. If I don't go into labor on my own by 41 weeks, I have a repeat c-section. Which would put me November 26th - the day before Thanksgiving. Which puts me in the hospital on Thanksgiving. Blech. I don't want that. I'd rather have her a week or so before, or a few days after! But, I doubt they'll schedule an election c-section on a Saturday, particularly the one after Thanksgiving :) So bottom line - we'll see!
Posting from the hospital...

On Tuesday, after being told at 1:30pm that I was dilated to 2cm with contractions, I was sent to the hospital to receive a steroid shot to help develop my baby's lungs. That was at 3pm.
My husband and I went home with me still having no idea what contractions felt like: all I kept feeling were constant period-like cramps in my lower back that would not subside. Finally at about 6 I talked my husband into goin back to the hospital, because I was still in pain. They sent me to labor and delivery, I was disrobed and admitted pretty quickly.
The on call doc checked me at about 7pm for dilation. She decided I was more like a one on her scale but kept it at a 2. We stayed in the small entry room for about 2hrs while they checked my cervical length and did a US (baby was just fine, no distress thank goodness!). It turns out I have a shorter cervix which can cause preterm birth. At about 930 the dr checked me again and said I was 4cm DILATED! I waz progressing very quickly. she said I would deliver within 24 hrs.
That night they put me on a magnesium drip to slow the contractions until I could get the second steroid shot for the baby. That was yesterday (wednesday)y at 3pm. I've been having about 2 hr, sometimes more or less. They are keeping me on the drip until 3pm today to let the shot take effect, then will monitor my progressions afterward.
So far, no one has been able to tell me if I will have my baby by this weekend, but the way they are prepping my room tells me they're probably expecting it. Just playing the waiting game for now. Getting pretty anxious!

Best of luck, Dissy. 33 weeks is still great! A friend of mine had her daughter at 34 weeks in 2012. She stayed in the hospital for a total of 4 nights, the last one solely to get under the billirubin lights for some light jaundice. Other than that - a perfectly healthy little girl! You'll do great. Good luck and we're all sending thoughts and hugs your way!
Dissy - we are all thinking of you! Kella will be absolutely fine, 33 weeks is plenty these days if she decides it is time to come out. Best of luck to you!!!! :hugs:
Good luck Dissy!! Like everyone said, Kella will be just fine, keep us updated if you can and I'll be thinking about you :flower:.
Posting from the hospital...

On Tuesday, after being told at 1:30pm that I was dilated to 2cm with contractions, I was sent to the hospital to receive a steroid shot to help develop my baby's lungs. That was at 3pm.
My husband and I went home with me still having no idea what contractions felt like: all I kept feeling were constant period-like cramps in my lower back that would not subside. Finally at about 6 I talked my husband into goin back to the hospital, because I was still in pain. They sent me to labor and delivery, I was disrobed and admitted pretty quickly.
The on call doc checked me at about 7pm for dilation. She decided I was more like a one on her scale but kept it at a 2. We stayed in the small entry room for about 2hrs while they checked my cervical length and did a US (baby was just fine, no distress thank goodness!). It turns out I have a shorter cervix which can cause preterm birth. At about 930 the dr checked me again and said I was 4cm DILATED! I waz progressing very quickly. she said I would deliver within 24 hrs.
That night they put me on a magnesium drip to slow the contractions until I could get the second steroid shot for the baby. That was yesterday (wednesday)y at 3pm. I've been having about 2 hr, sometimes more or less. They are keeping me on the drip until 3pm today to let the shot take effect, then will monitor my progressions afterward.
So far, no one has been able to tell me if I will have my baby by this weekend, but the way they are prepping my room tells me they're probably expecting it. Just playing the waiting game for now. Getting pretty anxious!

Good luck Dissy. I'm sure it must be really scary, I'm glad you have the support of dh with you. I hope they can get Kella all the extra steroids they would like, she will be tiny but hopefully strong and healthy by now. Good luck honey...thinking of you xxx :hugs:
Good luck dissy!

Im heading to the dr. I had a blood clot last terrified.
Jalanis, good luck, hope everything is ok, I'll keep you in my thoughts today too.

Good news, my cousin is having her baby today!! For real this time, lol. y mom called with the news that her contractions are 5 minutes apart. She just told me yesterday that her doc was scheduling her for induction on the 8th, sometimes all it takes is being faced with an induction date, lol. I'm about 5 weeks behind her, so exciting!!
Thanks ladies....i was really nervous as i headed to the dr....reason for blood clot is that my placenta is laying low so i cant really do anything anymore cleaning wise. He said i need to relax already. And it felt so real already as to when he told me that if i start bleeding like period kind to head to the hospital asap to deliver my baby fingers crossed i dont bleed like that and baby will hold on to scheduled delivery day.
Having bub's at 33 weeks is absolutely fine! My DS was born at 32+2 and it hasn't held him back at all. By the time he was 9 months old he had completely caught up. Now at 2.5 years old he has developed and is the normal size for kids his age. If your bubs comes early now they will be tooootally fine!
I was feeling blue yestetday - not talking much to OH and keeping to myself. Told him this morning that I'm nervous about whether or not we'll make good parents and that I'm afraid I'm not going to know what to do. I think the fact that I have about 7 weeks until her 'due date' is what freaked me out so much. It seems like just yesterday I took the test and bam, now I have two months to go. The baby shower on the weekend also solidified the fact that, this in fact, is real and going to be happening soon.
I'm better today, but I know anxiety is just going to kick in even more the closer I get to the due date.

Trust me, the fact you are worrying about whether you'll make good parents means you will make good parents. And you will be surprised how naturally things will flow when your natural instinct kicks in. When she's here just take each day as they come... it gets easier as times goes on. You guys will be fine :) Believe in yourselves :thumbup:
Take it easy Jalanis! What's your scheduled delivery date?? You've got to almost be there! You should take this opportunity to lay on your butt and watch lots of TV, movies and have people cater to you :D

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