November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Great news, Dissy! Hope Kella stays put a while longer! :flower:

Jalanis, glad to hear you are being closely monitored and things are under control. Don't stress about dreams- we dream about what we think/obsess/worry about. I had plenty of miscarriage dreams during first tri, and non of that ever came to pass. Besides, your boy dream had a 50% chance of turning out right. :winkwink:

Oh my gosh, Missy! That sounds exhausting. Glad things are good with your BIG boy!! Are you going to try for a vaginal delivery or opt for the c-section?
Glad your time at work is almost done. It wears me out and I'm only carrying one!

I think I'm just opting straight for the c-section. At my 28 week growth scan, both were head down and my OB said she'd feel comfortable with a vaginal delivery if I wanted. However, now it looks like Isla is breech again. Even if I opt for a vaginal delivery, they'll make me do it in the OR just in case. Plus, I run the high risk that Declan (the lower if the two) will come out just fine, but breech Isla will not and I will need an emergency c-section anyway. I'd rather not go through labor AND recover from a c-section, so I'm taking the "wimpy" way out and just going with an elective c-section. It just feels all around safer for me. I'm totally ok with my decision at this point. :) What about you, are you still hoping for a VBAC?

A c-section is by no means a wimpy way out! It's a tough recovery, yes, but still an incredibly amazing experience, and I don't blame you one bit for making that decision. I've definitely heard that once the second twin has all that room suddenly, they can often go breech and make a vaginal delivery basically impossible. And I definitely don't blame you from not wanting to recover from both L&D and a section. When I was induced, we opted for a c-section after 10 hours (21, if you count from when I was admitted and received the cervidil) of no progression. I didn't want to labor for HOURS on end and end up with a section anyway, because my waters had broken and they'd only let me go for 24 hours past that anyway. So - that being said - assuming you make it long enough, what's the scheduled c-section date?

I am hoping for a VBAC still at this point, but not sure if that will happen. I'm okay with a section if it happens - the timing of it is just crappy though. If I don't go into labor on my own by 41 weeks, I have a repeat c-section. Which would put me November 26th - the day before Thanksgiving. Which puts me in the hospital on Thanksgiving. Blech. I don't want that. I'd rather have her a week or so before, or a few days after! But, I doubt they'll schedule an election c-section on a Saturday, particularly the one after Thanksgiving :) So bottom line - we'll see!

I personally don't think a c-section is wimpy... I should have never said that. I know I am absolutely making the right/safe decision for myself, and my children. I also know it will be no picnic and recovering from major surgery while learning to be a mom to two infants is anything but wimpy. I have had a few busy body, nosey people (mostly a couple of my mom's friends at my baby shower) question my decision to go straight for the elective c-section and one implied I'd be "missing out" and that it was a wimpy decision. To which I thought, ok thanks 60 year old women who gave birth 30+ years ago and never to multiples, you know nothing about my medical care, what I've been through in this pregnancy or what me and my medical team have discussed. But thanks for the input! :haha:

My c-section is now scheduled for November 4th when I'm 37+1. It was originally scheduled for 11/11 at 38+1, but with my blood pressure issues, the GD, and now with Isla's growth concerns, my doctor is recommending I go no later than 37 weeks. I'm really hoping I make it that far! I'm going in twice a week now for non-stress tests and to check amniotic fluid levels (We found out of Friday that in addition to Isla's growth concerns, Declan's amniotic fluid level was still normal, but borderline high, so I can add that to my list of potential issues/worries). Plus I'm still being monitored weekly for pre-eclampsia although my BP has been much better the last couple weeks, which I think strongly correlates to my mental knowledge that I'm almost done with work. My job is VERY high stress. Anyway, any one of these potential issues could mean I'll have to deliver before that 11/4 date, but with each week I get more and more optimistic I just might get these babies to term yet. Time will tell!

Blech, I see what you mean about the bad timing of the c-section happening right around Thanksgiving! I will keep my fingers crossed Reese decides to come on her own before it comes to that! :thumbup:

Missy, how do they find the high blood pressure? Did you have swelling or head aches? How does that happen towards the end of some pregnancies, or for yours?
Laylagirl, starting at about 24-25 weeks, my BP started registering high at my normal appointments. I had no major symptoms, no headaches, not much swelling. They had me start coming in once a week to check my blood pressure and to get labs drawn to test for pre-eclampsia. I think the highest it ever got was 140-something/90-something, but it's fluctuated. The last two weeks it's miraculously gone down into somewhat normal levels, like 120-something/80-something. Still high, but I'll take it! :thumbup:
Laylagirl, starting at about 24-25 weeks, my BP started registering high at my normal appointments. I had no major symptoms, no headaches, not much swelling. They had me start coming in once a week to check my blood pressure and to get labs drawn to test for pre-eclampsia. I think the highest it ever got was 140-something/90-something, but it's fluctuated. The last two weeks it's miraculously gone down into somewhat normal levels, like 120-something/80-something. Still high, but I'll take it! :thumbup:

Ah...I see... I know high blood pressure is s not good for you and especially not for baby, but I never knew how some pregnant women got high blood pressure.. At least youve been able to keep it somewhat lower and theres already a good plan for the delivery of your little one! :thumbup:
I was going through all of baby girl's clothes and gifts from the shower last weekend. Just putting them aside so they're not still in the middle of the floor in our room, lol. I was getting a little emotional thinking that she'll be here soon. I got her bassinet set up with her blanket and sleeper and picked our her coking home outfit. Afterwards I decided to do some dusting around the walls and where OH keeps the DVDs and his action figures (hes into comics lol). I accidently knocked one of them over and broke a piece off. He got upset but not overly and I started to bawl my eyes out. I don't think he 100% knew why I was crying so much. I was like it's hormones ! Plus getting the bassinet ready and her coming home outfit made me a little emotional. I hate crying !!
Any of you deal with pelvic girdle pain?
This pregnancy has become a literal pain in my ass. Ouch :(
I was going through all of baby girl's clothes and gifts from the shower last weekend. Just putting them aside so they're not still in the middle of the floor in our room, lol. I was getting a little emotional thinking that she'll be here soon. I got her bassinet set up with her blanket and sleeper and picked our her coking home outfit. Afterwards I decided to do some dusting around the walls and where OH keeps the DVDs and his action figures (hes into comics lol). I accidently knocked one of them over and broke a piece off. He got upset but not overly and I started to bawl my eyes out. I don't think he 100% knew why I was crying so much. I was like it's hormones ! Plus getting the bassinet ready and her coming home outfit made me a little emotional. I hate crying !!

Awww...don't cry... I know it's hard not getting emotional.. I haven't even put up my little mans bassinet...I'm just too tired.. And have tons to do...what did you decide on her coming home outfit? I chose a baby blue one piece sleeper type, but it has suspenders imprinted on it and's cute. With a matching blue newborn cap says "handsome"... I have to do a bit of cleaning around here...make room for two year old gas two big baskets of toys in the family room...trying to condense into one so I can put the baby's swing in place... Too much work and my hip at my back is killing me..feels like I'm gonna break in half...
It feels so close to having my baby boy already...on thursday it will be 3 weeks left if he doesnt decide to come out sooner. Im kind of ready nursery wise, i just need to wash the clothes and blankets already.
My shower was this weekend so I have been doing lots of baby stuff organizing and finishing touches on the nursery. I would love a Few more days off to just do laundry, organize, and decorate!
Hey pelvic girdle pain over here! Been wearing a support band for weeks over bump and hips it helps loads. Mine has been made worse by my stomach muscles splitting which added pressure down there.

Have you tried ice when it's very bad?

I have a list of things to do before baby arrives only I feel like every time I cross one off I'm adding one on!
I've been lucky to escape pgp this time, I had a spell in the middle of my last pregnancy but managed to ease it with a belt and doing special yoga postures.

I can't believe how close we are getting. Hospital bag is almost packed, I will share a list of what is in it when I'm doen see if you have any ideas of what I have forgotten! Xxx
Hey pelvic girdle pain over here! Been wearing a support band for weeks over bump and hips it helps loads. Mine has been made worse by my stomach muscles splitting which added pressure down there.

Have you tried ice when it's very bad?

I have a list of things to do before baby arrives and I feel like every time I cross one off I'm adding one on!

I also feel like every time I accomplish something on my baby to do list, I think of something else to add!

When did you ladies buy nursing bras? I have read to wait until closer to the end of pregnancy in case your breasts grow more?
Hormones- I cried last week when i couldn't find a parking space.
Nursery- put together the dresser, which was the last thing we had to get ready for the room, other than baby.
Hospital bag- I'm going to pack it this weekend, but I got the stuff I need for it already.
Nursing bras- I bought a couple of inexpensive ones that give me a little room to grow. That will get me through the first few weeks until i know what size I'll need in a real nursing bra.
And my before baby to do list doesn't seem to ever get shorter.
My pgp usually happens at night when I have to get up to go pee. Hurts so much to roll outta bed. Although yesterday and went grocery shopping and as I was walking it felt like she was going to just drop out of me - such a weird experience. My mom told me she's getting ready to come out ! Her friend still thinks I'm going to go 3 weeks early, which would mean only 4 weeks to go. I'd like her to stay in a little longer lol.

Haven't packed my hospital bag yet, but here's a pic of her coming home outfit.
It's Thanksgiving here in Canada this coming weekend, and I'm going to visit my dad, so won't have time to pack my hospital bag this weekend. I'll probably start putting things together during the week.

The room is finally painted !
So happy with how it turned out. Except that border is being a pain in the ass. It's a vinyl sticker and doesn't want to stay on. So I went out and bought a spray adhesive, so I'm hoping it works. Fingers crossed !
I've had sciatic nerve issues this pregnancy. Just kind of at random, so enough just to be a nuisance (a painful nuisance) until this weekend. This weekend it was so embarrassing. I was at a continuing education meeting all weekend, and I've barely been able to walk the whole time. After I get home, it's seemingly better, so I'm wondering if the problem was more having to sit all day long. I'm generally more comfortable the more I can move around (as long as it's not too much).
3 weeks to go for me! My hospital bag is packed. Nursery is almost done. Have to figure out how to put the car seat in the car. I've been getting more and more period like cramps, especially at night. Anyone else?
My main symptoms are carpal tunnel realllllly bad, and some sciatica sporadically. I am feeling much more prepared after my baby shower this weekend. Still lots to do though!
PGP was really bad this weekend. Could barely walk yesterday. I've officially had to give up on high heels. Almost 34 weeks in, I don't think that's too bad! :)

Hospital bag is not packed. We've had too many overnight trips recently, including this past weekend - so I didn't have a free bag! But, no more overnight trips till baby comes, so I'll probably get it packed this weekend. With Chase, I didn't pack it till I was 39 weeks...and even then only because I was induced at 39+2, so...I'm going to get a little more of a head start this time :)

Nursery is coming together so well, but I'm not stressing about it. Honestly, she won't be in there until probably 5-6 weeks after she's born, so I know I have some time after she's here. We finally finished (well, 90% finished) Chase's new room this weekend - just need to put some shelves up and her room is fully decorated! Reese's room still needs some love, but it'll all come together in due time. Most likely sometime after she's born.

I have a "sprinkle" on the 19th. Looking forward to a little girl time. And then family photos on the 25th. Sort of maternity photos, but with the whole family. I'll just be really pregnant!

My birthday is tomorrow. I'll be 31. And then my anniversary is Thursday - 4 years! I feel like time is really flying and I can barely handle it. I need work to slow down a little bit, but there's no sign of that happening any time soon!!!
Every where I go, strangers, co-workers, acquaintances all make comments that I look ready to pop and that I must be giving birth any time now. Ummm... I still have one month left (hopefully) and technically have 7 weeks until my real due date!! :haha: I get lots of surprised looks when I tell people this. I'm very attractive these days with my bowling ball stomach! I even have maternity shirts that are starting to be too snug! Just glad Friday is my last day at work and I can pretty much live in my PJ's for my last 3 1/2 weeks! :)

I'm also getting crazy pelvic pain at night, my back hurts like crazy if I lie on it for even 10 seconds to roll out of bed, and I have major acid reflux. Sleep has been less than stellar. I'm usually up for at least 2-3 hours every night sitting in a chair because my acid reflux is so bad laying down all night long. But on the bright side getting up with babies should be less of an adjustment for me! I haven't slept through the night in MONTHS and I'm getting kind of used to it. DH I think will have the much bigger adjustment.
3 weeks to go for me! My hospital bag is packed. Nursery is almost done. Have to figure out how to put the car seat in the car. I've been getting more and more period like cramps, especially at night. Anyone else?

Me defo for the period cramps! And loads of BH throughout the day! I'm struggling to sleep at night and get comfy in the day :(

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