November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Well, I had my doctor appointment this afternoon and found out that I am actually 2cm dilated :nope: They sent me in for steroid shots to help progress my little lady's lung development in case she decides to come early. Until then I'm on immediate bed rest.

I'm so scared, and nervous. Women have been telling me their stories of being dilated this early and still carrying full term but I'm thinking I won't last more than 3 weeks. On top of that, I don't know how we're going to afford ANYTHING without 2 incomes, and I have to drop out of school :cry: I just hope she's healthy when she decides to make her debut...
Don't worry Dissy, you can walk around 2 cm dilated for weeks. Have you been having contractions? BH contractions don't feel like anything to me, but if I'm having one and press on my bump it's real hard. It is best to be on bed rest though, and don't be stubborn like I was in my first pregnancy and retiled the bathroom floor, lol. And things will work out financially, we are a four person (soon to be five person) family on one income and make it work. We're not rich, but not broke by any means. And you can always go back to school, that is the beauty of higher education. You seem to have alot on your plate, just try to relax if you can, I know that is easier said than done. Life has a way of working it all out, you'll see.
Hi ladies!
Lately I have been going to growth scans due to my thyroid disfunction and because I had Graves Disease last year. Everything was going well so far until today. I had my US and baby was moving around and very happy and he still over the percentile a bit... but my amniotic fluid was preety low... at 28+6 weeks my AFI was 14.6 and now at 31+6 has dropped down to 6.6
Doctor said is far too low for this stage and asked me if I had any gush of waters or something... I asked I don't know but I notices my discharge has increased and sometimes was more watery? ( I thought I had some urine loss) then she checked me and said she couldn't see any leaking but we need to keep a close eye. Me and OH are concerned to death as we are now on a dead point until we get some blood results on Friday and a new US on Tuesday. Another possibility doctor said is that baby has been swallowing fluid and his tummy and kidneys might be full and the levels won't go back to normal until he has a pee... but then she said something about that was not normal to drop almos a 50% of fluid in 4 weeks... don't know what to do :( any suggestions?

Enan I don't know what you could do to help the situation with the fluids, did your doc suggest anything? Are you staying hydrated? Would drinking more water help? I hope things situate themselves, I'll be thinking about you.
Yes, I am having real labor contractions. I heard that makes a difference on how soon she could be here. And I don't know if it's me being paranoid or getting checked, but I feel as though my contractions are getting stronger so we're going back up to L&D just so that for anything else I can rest a little easier tonight.

My advice is this for other FTM's on here - my contractions didn't "come and go". They were a constant, period-like feeling that never decreased in strength or consistency. Impossible to count because they never go away! Just a head's up.
Good luck dissy hopefully nothing bad...i also get contractions irregular though...
Dissy- hope that little lady stays put a while longer
I just barely noticed my belly is starting to drop...anyone else?
Oh no Dissy, those two things together sound like preterm labor. Keep us posted and good luck to you!
Cncem: doctor said drinking more won't make a difference :( just rest and see what happens.I have been feeling so guilty as I might have been leaking and not knowing it... baby is moving fine but I feel very anxious...
Dissy, try not to worry too much. You are almost 33 weeks. My minimum goal with the threat of pre-e was 32 weeks, and my doctor has been assuring me at very appointment since 30 weeks, that even in worse case scenario if I had to deliver, my babies would have good outcomes. Worse case scenario at this point if you have to deliver early at 33 weeks, Kella will be just fine. Yes, she'd be in NICU for a bit, but she'll likely be a feeder/grower and be released home just fine after a couple/few weeks.

All that being said, I hope they can stop the contractions and your daughter stays put a while longer. :flower: Don't even worry about school or work. Trivial, and you'll figure that crap out later. It will work out.
Last night I had to go to the hospital for monitoring- while I was at work, I had 20+ BH contractions in an hour. I called, and at first they told me to just go home and rest, but then they looked at my history and saw that I had my twins at 32 weeks, so they had me come in. I sat on the monitors for an hour, which showed I was still contracting every 4-5 minutes, and baby's heartrate and movements were great.

They did a fetal fibronectin test, which is supposed to predict if you have a high risk of going into labor in the next week. They said they couldn't use any lubricating gel because it could affect the test, so they shoved a huge metal speculum in me with no lubrication- SUPER painful. Luckily the test was negative. Then, they decided to check my cervix, which is closed and not at all effaced, so that's great. At that point they sent me home and basically told me to rest as much as possible, stay hydrated, and call them if I have any other symptoms.

Today I'm very sore, and have lower back and pelvic pain any time I'm sitting up, probably from the exam/tests. Still contracting pretty regularly, although not as frequent as yesterday. Luckily I'm working from home, so I'm relaxing in bed with my laptop.

I'm sorry you are dealing with this, Dragionflywing. It sounds like you are getting good medical care and are being closely monitored though! Just take it easy,
Ladies I hope these labor signs stop! But like Missy said, babies born now would still have very good outcomes! Xoxoxo
I had my first stress test this am. They had trouble finding both babies on the monitor, so I ended up getting an biophysical ultrasound to measure their movements and practice breathing. My blood pressure was remarkably only 128/72! No one could believe it and they even rechecked it later just to make sure. Crazy, but I will take it! My doctor told me not to be concerned about my mucus plug unless I start getting contractions. She didn't even check to see if I was dilated, because she didn't think it was necessary.

I go in for another growth ultrasound with the perinatal specialist tomorrow and I am nervous! They are going to look at Declan's ventricle in his brain again, and I'm just praying it stayed stable (or got smaller). They told me 95% chance he was ok at my level II scan at 29 weeks, but they would keep monitoring it at every growth scan.
Dissy- I hope your contractions stop and your cervix stays stable for several more weeks! Even so, if you have your baby now, she'd most likely be perfectly fine. I had my twins at 32 weeks, and they did fabulously. They were in the NICU for about 4 weeks, but only so they could grow and learn to eat. Healthwise, they were perfect, and at 21 months they are completely caught up with growth and have always been right on track with milestones.

Of course, we want to get as close to full term as possible, but try not to worry too much, because we are pretty much in the safe zone now! I'm sending positive vibes your way.
Dissy, I hope she stays put a little longer.

I did something stupid today. I fell at work. I was doing inventory, and couldn't get to some of the tags, so I climbed up on a sofa to reach them, and as I was trying to get back down, I tripped and fell backwards. I landed on my back, busted my pinkie finger (broke the blood vessels under the skin), sprained my wrist and elbow, and I got a bruise on my thigh just below my butt. I was nervous at first because of Pickle, but luckily he's been active so I know he's okay. I'm just sore now.

Also last night was the first night that hb really bothered me. OH and I laid down around 10 to go to bed, I had to sit back up and was up until about 2am because hb would not go away. I think Pickle is starting to run out of room, which is why the hb is getting worse.

I got a doctor's appt week from tomorrow, and get to have a growth and position scan at that time. I can't wait.
Please be careful doing things like that at work! My boss won't let me anywhere near moving anything of any weight or standing on anything and we've been doing some hardcore cleaning and changes throughout my center. I hope that you are okay and I'm sure Pickle is just fine!
thanks mandaa

yeah I try not to move things unless they are extremely light when it comes to work, but I've always been one of those people at work that if I don't do it, no one will. It's been very hard the last few months to relinquish a lot of the things I was used to doing. Like I said I'm fine, just sore, and probably will be for a few days, and he's kicking up a storm, so I know he's fine.
Good luck on the scan tomorrow Missy! Keep us posted.

Be careful Selaphyna. I'm such a natural clutz I wouldn't even be tempted to do something like that, because I know I'd fall. My husband hid the step stool from me because he doesn't want me even trying to stand on it. It is really irritating when I Know the spice that I am searching for has to be on the top shelf of the cabinet and I can't reach it.

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