November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Awhile ago there was a great deal on stayfree pads and coupons that made them free so I stocked up, now I have a cabinet full of pads that I never use because I prefer tampons. Now I have a use for them, I've been wearing the thin ones during the daytime for the increased discharge and I'll use the overnight ones for post partum. I've heard that depends work great for post partum too. If I had a need I'd stock up.

Mwel, that is cute, but I wouldn't spend money on gowns for the hospital, especially as they might get ruined. A matching homecoming set would be better I think.

My dog isn't acting any different I don't think. She has a big surprise coming when we bring the baby home, she won't be the baby of the family anymore, lol.

I've been feeling a little blue lately, mostly I'm just tired of being pregnant and all the restrictions, with everything I can't have, especially tonight, I'm worried how I'll deal with a housefull of trick-or-treat candy I can't have. I never thought I'd cry over candy, lol. It's sad and ridiculous at the same time.
Awhile ago there was a great deal on stayfree pads and coupons that made them free so I stocked up, now I have a cabinet full of pads that I never use because I prefer tampons. Now I have a use for them, I've been wearing the thin ones during the daytime for the increased discharge and I'll use the overnight ones for post partum. I've heard that depends work great for post partum too. If I had a need I'd stock up.

Mwel, that is cute, but I wouldn't spend money on gowns for the hospital, especially as they might get ruined. A matching homecoming set would be better I think.

My dog isn't acting any different I don't think. She has a big surprise coming when we bring the baby home, she won't be the baby of the family anymore, lol.

I've been feeling a little blue lately, mostly I'm just tired of being pregnant and all the restrictions, with everything I can't have, especially tonight, I'm worried how I'll deal with a housefull of trick-or-treat candy I can't have. I never thought I'd cry over candy, lol. It's sad and ridiculous at the same time.

Ya I don't use pads either, so I don't want to over buy and be stuck with them ! I guess I'll get a pack or two and see where that takes me.
Awwwwww massive congratulations Selaphyna !! :yipee:
I can't wait to hear about how your little man got here xxxxx
Congrats Selaphyna! Can't wait to hear the story and see pictures!!!
I bought 1 large pack of pads, and then stole a bunch from the hospital (the benefits of having a friend in L&D, she hooked me up!). I still have some of my pads left over...will have to get those out soon :)
Now that I have some time. Most of you ladies know I started feeling contractions Tuesday morning, almost right after waking up. They weren't regular and not too extremely painful, just annoying aunt flo like cramps.

Slowly as day went on, they started to get more annoying, but still didn't seem regular so OH and I just enjoyed the evening together. We laid down for bed about 10pm, he was out by 10:30, I dozed off, but then was woken up about 20 minutes later with a contraction that was a bit more painful. I started timing them. They were anywhere from 10-15 minutes apart, lasting a minute. About an hour later I laid on my side, and they were starting to come anywhere from 8-10 minutes, lasting almost 2 minutes. I got up (almost immediately it felt very painful), went into the bathroom, to take a shower as that made me feel better earlier. Well (sorry tmi), I noticed a dribble on the floor of bathroom after I stripped, it smelled off, and was completely different than my discharge. I got in the shower, contractions were still coming, getting more painful. So once I was done, I got out and woke OH up (it was about 12:30am at this time), told him we needed to go to the hospital. We got everything together, and left the apartment by 1am, got to the hospital at about 1:15. I was taken right up to L&D, which they got me in a room. Told the nurse that I had an internal the day before, but was sure I had bloody show Tuesday morning, and how often my contractions were coming. Also told her I was sure my water broke (smell and dribble in home bathroom). I was checked by the nurse, which she found me to be 5cm, and fully effaced. They rushed to get a full bag of fluids into me because I did plan to get an epidural. Doctor came in to check on me around 2:10, and I was 7 cm. Well by 2:40, I got my epidural. About 10 minutes later they put a foley in me as they wanted to get UA, and I all of sudden, I felt like I needed to push. They were then rushing to get everything in the room, and have the doctor in there. Three big pushes, and by 3:20am, Eryk was born.

All I have to say is I did not expect it to go that quickly, and I got hardly any use out of the epidural, honestly probably didn't need it. I pretty much labored at home on my own all day Tuesday. For the most part I worked through all my contractions fairly well. Nurse was kind of surprised I was hardly making any noise, except when I was pushing. That hurt like hell, but I didn't tear and he didn't have to cut me.

As for how Eryk is doing, he's doing alright, other than he is very small (was told my placenta was small too :( ). Breastfeeding was hard at first. Had a hard time last night because I was worried he wasn't getting anything at all, but then about 1am this morning I realized that I was leaking. Think some of my milk came in today. He's feeding pretty well, but weighed in at 4lb13oz this morning. Doctor's appointment on Monday, so I hope he gains some over the weekend.

I'm doing alright other than overwhelmed by my emotions. OH is wonderful though by being supportive.
My November sparkler turned into a October pumpkin. Another boy to add to the group. ha Grayson Leroy was born at 445 am 10/29/14 weighing in at 5lbs 10oz. I was induced due to gestational hypertention at 37+5. We got to go home today finally and will update with birth story when I find a spare moment. Which may be awhile lol.

Congrats to all the other moms on recent births. How quick the time seems to go in the end.
Just stopping in to say hi. I have a lot to catch up on.

Had Eryk Alexander at 3:20am on 10/29/14. Will update later with birth story. Weighed 5lb 4oz and 18 inches long.

How did I miss this? Congrats Selaphyna!!!!
Congrats Selaphyna! He'll gain weight in no time! <3. I'm glad you could do most of the labor at home.

LovingLife: Congrats! Enjoy your new bundle and yay! for getting to go home. Wonderful weight!
Aww! Congrats Selaphyna and lovinglife! The babies are really starting to come now!

Selaphyna, sounds like you had a fast delivery! Glad all went well! I had my growth scan today, and my daughter is estimated to be only 5. lbs 4 oz too, just like Eryk. I'm a little nervous about her weight too as she is coming on Tuesday regardless, so I understand your concerns. (Her brother is estimated a whopping 7 lbs 6 oz., over a 2 lb discrepancy between the two! Makes me a tad nervous). I'm sure these babies will grow fast though! Hoping Eryk gains weight over the weekend!

Speaking of my over 7 lb baby, he's sitting right on my bladder, really low, digging in ever since my ultrasound this afternoon. I am SO FREAKING uncomfortable. I can't sleep or get comfortable for very long in any position- sitting, standing, laying down, it all sucks right now and the pgp is out of control. Is it Tuesday yet? Lol. I'm ready for eviction day. :haha:

Happy November! We are up!!!! Let the Sparklers rain in!
Congrats to the new mummy's. All boys? Well bang goes the theory that girls come earlier!

1day until due date I need to fill my time going to take DS to build a bear to make a bear for his baby sister to give her at the hospital.

Thought contractions were starting last night as they didn't feel like BH they were more painful and stomach less tight. Well that turned into nothing again. Have been losing small bits of mucus plug this week though.

Half of me wants her out NOW the other is going to miss DS so much I'm happy with her staying in. I think if I just knew I'd go into labour at some point I'd be okay I'm just worried I won't get the chance for my vbac :(
My November sparkler turned into a October pumpkin. Another boy to add to the group. ha Grayson Leroy was born at 445 am 10/29/14 weighing in at 5lbs 10oz. I was induced due to gestational hypertention at 37+5. We got to go home today finally and will update with birth story when I find a spare moment. Which may be awhile lol.

Congrats to all the other moms on recent births. How quick the time seems to go in the end.

Happy November! Hope you all had fun Halloween :D

I am so not ready to have this baby in next few days so hope he/she stays put. Despite our best efforts our beloved chinchilla Dexter passed away in my arms yesterday i am heart broken. Im so not in right frame of mind to birth a baby.

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