November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Good luck cncem!

As for me, I felt weird yesterday, nausea all day and extreme tiredness, went to bed 9pm and only got up to pee twice. Had a bit of mucus and a tiny bit of blood when I wiped this morning and I've been feeling a bit crampy and odd. It's probably my paranoia going into hyperdrive but I think it might be the start of something as I'm only two days away from my due date. Fingers crossed! All of my stand-by people are working or sick today and I'm home alone with my toddler but nobody is uncontactable.

Fingers crossed for you :D
Had a bunch of light contractions last night, but nothing major. Slept well again. Only got up twice to pee. I've noticed when I'm sleeping she's sitting higher up now. It's like there's a huge rock in my stomach. I swear last night when she was moving her lego were in between my boobs ! It felt really weird.
So much going on now. I can't wait to read more birth stories and see pics of the adorable bundles. My boy is still cooking, but I'm still 2 weeks away. Everything is set up and ready for him to arrive, so now I'm just bored. I should just enjoy that feeling. I have a prenatal appointment today, but since nothing has been happening, I expect it will be a quick visit. The MW won't check dilation/effacement until next week. I do wonder how big he is right now, though I probably won't want to know when it comes time to push.
It wAs very hot in the house last night...I turned on the AC but didn't feel a sleep was horrible...
OMG I was sweating to death last night too and I live in NY :rofl:

DH had the heat on at 60 and I had to change into a t-shirt and take off my pants, because I was sweating to death. I didn't sleep so well last night either.
Sweep number 2 tomorrow, really hope something happens!
Was only 1cm dilated on Saturday so really hoping I am more!!

Congratulations to the new mummies and good luck to everyone else!

How'd sweep #2 go?

Still 1cm dilated but cervix is much lower and soft and baby has dropped even more so hoping sweep does something but not holding out much hope really!

How are you doing?
Just had my "38 week" appointment, all is fine. She is guessing the baby weighs 7and a half pounds already... hopefully she isn't getting too big! They asked about her movements and with being so busy at work I couldn't for sure say she was moving enough so they did a NST and she was moving like crazy, and I had two contractions while I was there that I didn't really feel, so all is well. They didn't do a cervical check, it seems this practice perfers to be non-invasive and only test things when indicated for some reason. So, just keep waiting!
Got home from the hospital yesterday, and I never thought I would be so busy watching a tiny human sleep! I guess I'll write up my birth story here.

Monday afternoon (11/3) at my OB appointment I was still only dilated to 4.5cm. I had been there since leaving the hospital at 33 weeks, but she noted that I was 80+% effaced. She couldn't figure out how I wasn't progressing any faster, especially since she could feel that the baby had dropped significantly. She stated that she couldn't medically intervene with an induction until 39 weeks and asked if I wanted her to "stretch things around a bit" with my cervix to see if it would help. I said, sure, go for it! I knew 37 weeks was still considered early, but after 5 weeks of not knowing when labor could happen I was ready! I left with almost spotting or pain, but started feeling pretty crampy that night.

Tuesday (11/4) I woke up still feeling the cramps, but nothing major or painful. I went shopping with my dad, then my sister, and went to an Aunt's house to pay my respects to my aunt that had passed. There were so many babies there, I told their moms to keep them close to me to keep my hormones going! By this time the cramps were becoming fairly regular, and I had a feeling my OB's sweep had worked. I texted my husband to grab the bags from home before picking me up from my parents' house just in case.
DH showed up at 3 PM and we decided to go to L&D. I still wasn't in any pain, just discomfort. I was checked and excited to hear that I had progressed to 5cm and 90% effaced! I was getting admitted! Then, all of a sudden, BOOM came the contraction pains. Holy COW. In 3 hours, I went from 5cm to 8cm and completely thinned out. I was still in the triage unit, and they had to hurry to get me to a birthing room. I quickly received my epidural (the 15th that day!)and was told I had stalled out at 9cm at about 10:45pm.
The Dr. on call finally decided to break my waters to get me the rest of the way there. I immediately felt the need to push. The hospital was so busy, though, that they were trying to keep me from pushing because there was only 1 nurse available to be in my room! :dohh: It took about 10 minutes for a couple of other nurses to come and by that time my epidural had nearly worn off. I got another dose, though the anesthesiologist was initially against it since I was supposed to feel the pressure. I said, I feel the pressure still but I also feel the friggin' pain!! I started pushing just as he administered the next dose.
The resident helping me push noted that my baby was having a hard time passing under my pelvic bone and that I needed to push harder. I pushed for nearly an hour before she finally passed under. By that time the Dr. on call had finally found her way into my room. It is never fun to hear "this patient is losing a lot of blood, we need to get this baby out soon because this isn't looking good". They brought out dropcloths and a LOT of rags to try to keep my bleeding at bay. As she started to crown, my epidural was wearing off AGAIN. The anesthesiologist couldn't believe that the meds were wearing off as fast as they were, but I could feel the burning and stretching that her head was causing. I received my 3rd dose of medicine just as the shoulders were passing through. FINALLY, after an hour and 45 minutes of pushing, my little girl found her way out into the world! Somehow, even with the amount of blood I lost, I only suffered a 2nd degree tear and required one stitch. Because I could feel pain, they also had to give me a shot of numbing medication as they sewed me up. I didn't care, though, because I was holding my baby girl and all was right with the world. :cloud9:

After delivering Kella, I was informed that she was facing the wrong way for most of the delivery, and instead of looking down, her head was craned upwards. That was why she was unable to pass easily under my pelvis. She received a really nasty looking bruise on the front top portion of her head that still hasn't gone away. My OB was not happy about that one, and said that they allowed me to stay dilated without interfering for way too long. My blood loss wasn't enough to keep me over the amount of time we needed, and so we were released the next day!
Many people have commented that I went through a pretty harrowing experience, but honestly I feel that it went really well! I've been up and about with little pain, and feel blessed that I'm able to rest at home.
Ouch, sounds painful and scary Dissy, I'm glad you are both safely recovering :hugs: xxx
Glad you are both home and doing well, Dissy! Thank you for sharing your story!!
Congrats dissy! Sounds scary! Enjoy your precious bundle! Post pics when you can!
Sweep number 2 tomorrow, really hope something happens!
Was only 1cm dilated on Saturday so really hoping I am more!!

Congratulations to the new mummies and good luck to everyone else!

How'd sweep #2 go?

Still 1cm dilated but cervix is much lower and soft and baby has dropped even more so hoping sweep does something but not holding out much hope really!

How are you doing?

It is progress! :D whats your plans next?

Im doing good to be honest, i dont really feel overdue i just have my moments of feeling so exhausted.
Sweep number 2 tomorrow, really hope something happens!
Was only 1cm dilated on Saturday so really hoping I am more!!

Congratulations to the new mummies and good luck to everyone else!

How'd sweep #2 go?

Still 1cm dilated but cervix is much lower and soft and baby has dropped even more so hoping sweep does something but not holding out much hope really!

How are you doing?

It is progress! :D whats your plans next?

Im doing good to be honest, i dont really feel overdue i just have my moments of feeling so exhausted.

Got another sweep on Friday and if that's fails I'll be induced the following week but hoping just for the gel or pessary as really want a water birth! In the meantime I'll be carrying on with lots of walking, sex etc and see what happens! Hopefully I go naturally on my own!

What are you plans? Will you be getting a sweep?
Cramping last night was stronger than it has been. Still sporadic but I have a feeling they may become more even soon. They're starting to feel like medium level period cramps now. I was awake for almost 2 hours trying to time them and get comfortable last night. Poor OH was up too and I know he's going to be tired today.
I have been feeling like I have to poop all the time. I am so ready for this baby to be out!
I am pleased to announce I had my daughter Brooklynn Rose on Nov 5th at 12:12pm she weighed 9lbs 2oz and was 20 3/4 inches long.

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