November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Congratulation beccabear xxx

Mummytoamber that was another name from our list. You have fab name taste xxx
Congrats Dragonflywing!! I wish you a quick and painless recovery, enjoy newborn cuddles, they are the best :)
Thank you to those that recommended the Nipple Shield! Isla is breast feeding so much better now! I was ready to give up and go straight to bottles for her exclusively, but she's finally latched again. I still plan on making another appointment with a lactation consultant though and will bring up the nipple shield and my new success with it.
Thank you to those that recommended the Nipple Shield! Isla is breast feeding so much better now! I was ready to give up and go straight to bottles for her exclusively, but she's finally latched again. I still plan on making another appointment with a lactation consultant though and will bring up the nipple shield and my new success with it.

So happy to hear that! Glad things are going better :)
Congrats Ladies... I had Jacea today November 18 at 10:13 am. She weighed 7lbs 10oz, 20 inches long. She is perfect and laying right next to me!


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Congrats Ladies... I had Jacea today November 18 at 10:13 am. She weighed 7lbs 10oz, 20 inches long. She is perfect and laying right next to me!

Congrats, Leinzlove! And congrats to all the new mommies I missed! Wow... November is clipping along! Won't be long until all the Sparklers are here. Now that my pregnancy is over (and has been for over 2 weeks) I'm starting to reflect on just how fast the whole experience went. I gotta say, part of me really misses being pregnant and feeling their little kicks. Plus, it was easier to take care of them on the inside! Getting two vabies to sleep at the same time is no joke. And if I ever get to sleep again, I will never take it for granted! Haha
Congratulation beccabear xxx

Mummytoamber that was another name from our list. You have fab name taste xxx

Thanks PK, i cant take credit on this one. It was hubby who mentioned it :)

I still havent finished writing my birth story.
Great names ladies! And congrats to the new moms!

Missy I'm glad the shield worked! Funny how little things can make a huge difference!

As for missing pregnancy, I know I'll miss it too. Those kicks and nudges are just so unique. But, I know it will be so surreal when I can finally hold LO. Honestly, I'm quite nervous something is going to happen to LO. I won't let DH throw out the boxes for the stroller or car seat because I'm worried we won't have a need (not that I can say that because he will just poo poo me). I know it's irrational. I'm doing my best to just trust God. I know he has a plan. He gave us this child. However, after 5 years of infertility it's crazy to think we are here and this is happening. I want to bond so much but afraid of what could be (I know I need to just focus on the present, which I'm trying to do) that I'm putting a wall up until I know it's all ok. My older boys are hard to bond to because they are foster kids and could go home in a few years, so some of this is just adjusting and realizing this baby can't be taken away. It's just a hard concept. I really am excited though too. I just need baby to come and let this anxiety pass by.

AFM- I'm 40+2. I woke up this morning with really strong cramps and contractions. They were coming every 5 mins for about an hour but they weren't getting stronger. After 2.5 hours they stopped. :( I was hoping today was it, but I guess I have more waiting to do. I you'd DH this morning that I was going to go to the store to see if I could jump start things more just walking around, he wants me to wait to tomorrow. I don't know if I can do that. I really don't want to go to work anymore... But unless this baby is coming, I have to go. Not to mention we have things going on tonight I know he wants to take care of, but I'm very indifferent. Its not like we have a choice anyways. I'm going to the store this morning as my sweet craving is through the roof with no good sweets left under the roof! ;)
40 weeks today!
Had consistent weak contractions all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday, every 10 minutes, with the occasional strong one thrown in. Tuesday, contractions were much more sporadic, but stronger when they did come. So far today...we'll see.
Today is my last day at work. I have an ultrasound this afternoon, and an appointment with my OB...we'll see if these contractions have done anything. If she can reach, she'll give me a sweep. Either way, 5 more days till baby, so...I'm more than ready!
Great names ladies! And congrats to the new moms!

Missy I'm glad the shield worked! Funny how little things can make a huge difference!

As for missing pregnancy, I know I'll miss it too. Those kicks and nudges are just so unique. But, I know it will be so surreal when I can finally hold LO. Honestly, I'm quite nervous something is going to happen to LO. I won't let DH throw out the boxes for the stroller or car seat because I'm worried we won't have a need (not that I can say that because he will just poo poo me). I know it's irrational. I'm doing my best to just trust God. I know he has a plan. He gave us this child. However, after 5 years of infertility it's crazy to think we are here and this is happening. I want to bond so much but afraid of what could be (I know I need to just focus on the present, which I'm trying to do) that I'm putting a wall up until I know it's all ok. My older boys are hard to bond to because they are foster kids and could go home in a few years, so some of this is just adjusting and realizing this baby can't be taken away. It's just a hard concept. I really am excited though too. I just need baby to come and let this anxiety pass by.

AFM- I'm 40+2. I woke up this morning with really strong cramps and contractions. They were coming every 5 mins for about an hour but they weren't getting stronger. After 2.5 hours they stopped. :( I was hoping today was it, but I guess I have more waiting to do. I you'd DH this morning that I was going to go to the store to see if I could jump start things more just walking around, he wants me to wait to tomorrow. I don't know if I can do that. I really don't want to go to work anymore... But unless this baby is coming, I have to go. Not to mention we have things going on tonight I know he wants to take care of, but I'm very indifferent. Its not like we have a choice anyways. I'm going to the store this morning as my sweet craving is through the roof with no good sweets left under the roof! ;)

Those 2.5hrs worth will be putting you in right direction, your nearly there :D
40 weeks today!
Had consistent weak contractions all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday, every 10 minutes, with the occasional strong one thrown in. Tuesday, contractions were much more sporadic, but stronger when they did come. So far today...we'll see.
Today is my last day at work. I have an ultrasound this afternoon, and an appointment with my OB...we'll see if these contractions have done anything. If she can reach, she'll give me a sweep. Either way, 5 more days till baby, so...I'm more than ready!

Happy due date! Fingers crossed you can have a sweep.
40 weeks today!
Had consistent weak contractions all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday, every 10 minutes, with the occasional strong one thrown in. Tuesday, contractions were much more sporadic, but stronger when they did come. So far today...we'll see.
Today is my last day at work. I have an ultrasound this afternoon, and an appointment with my OB...we'll see if these contractions have done anything. If she can reach, she'll give me a sweep. Either way, 5 more days till baby, so...I'm more than ready!

So exciting!!! Hopefully the baby will come on its own soon! I'm due on Thanksgiving and I already feel like I'm ready for her to be so much back pain but I don't want to be induced if I can avoid it.
MarieMo: Come on baby! It's time to come meet Mommy! Happy 40 weeks!
After allllll those contractions...I'm 50% effaced (was 25% last week), no dilation, she hasn't dropped. Doc isn't optimistic about the VBAC but she's supportive so we are still waiting until Monday, just in case. I'm good with that.

Got a sweet pic of my baby girl. Can't wait to meet her!


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