November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

My lo would happily be carried around all day but she a lot of time in her Moses basket since she mainly sleeps she seems to struggle to be awake without eating!
So I'm trying to figure out how much time to hold my little lady vs. how much time she spends in her rocker. I feel like she's not getting any kind of stimulation when she's in her rocker, and I feel so bad that she spends the majority of the day in it! I hold her when I can, during feedings and just for cuddles but housework is piling up and I'm going a little crazy I think. I don't want her to get "flat head" but I don't even know how long it takes for that to happen! I keep trying to tell myself that if she were at a daycare they wouldn't be holding her all day, either, but still. Help me out and let me know how you spend your day with your LO's please?

Ack! I have the exact same question/concern! Input and help needed, ladies. Isla is still to small for our baby carrier, though Declan is big enough. But with two, carrying them both around is not an option. I'm worried about not giving them enough stimulation as well, and wondering if too much time in their rock n plays and pack n plays will lead to flat head. Basically all of Dissy's questions are my questions. Haha
So I'm trying to figure out how much time to hold my little lady vs. how much time she spends in her rocker. I feel like she's not getting any kind of stimulation when she's in her rocker, and I feel so bad that she spends the majority of the day in it! I hold her when I can, during feedings and just for cuddles but housework is piling up and I'm going a little crazy I think. I don't want her to get "flat head" but I don't even know how long it takes for that to happen! I keep trying to tell myself that if she were at a daycare they wouldn't be holding her all day, either, but still. Help me out and let me know how you spend your day with your LO's please?

So I'm trying to figure out how much time to hold my little lady vs. how much time she spends in her rocker. I feel like she's not getting any kind of stimulation when she's in her rocker, and I feel so bad that she spends the majority of the day in it! I hold her when I can, during feedings and just for cuddles but housework is piling up and I'm going a little crazy I think. I don't want her to get "flat head" but I don't even know how long it takes for that to happen! I keep trying to tell myself that if she were at a daycare they wouldn't be holding her all day, either, but still. Help me out and let me know how you spend your day with your LO's please?

Ack! I have the exact same question/concern! Input and help needed, ladies. Isla is still to small for our baby carrier, though Declan is big enough. But with two, carrying them both around is not an option. I'm worried about not giving them enough stimulation as well, and wondering if too much time in their rock n plays and pack n plays will lead to flat head. Basically all of Dissy's questions are my questions. Haha

Dissy I know this is hard to do, but try and ignore the housework for now, these early cuddly days are so precious, your baby will never remember the dust but will remember the love.
I think it's a balance, they need some independent time and sometime being cuddled, do you have a playmat? I make sure K has some tummy time on this so he's changing things up all day.
Just keep an eye on which way their heads are when they are laid down to keep changing it up.

Missy do you have a soft carrier? They can carry teeny ones from newborn and I've definitely seen a twin carrier hold, keeping swapping them is good though? Xxx
I've read that once their cord stump comes off you can start tummy time with them. Unfortunately that won't help to get housework done as you have to be there with them. Plus the earlier you start it the better. I didn't start until 3 months with DS1 and he hated it, I was worried about his neck, but Eryk is always lifting his head on his own, and is very strong, so I plan to start it soon, but most likely not until he's more alert during the day.
If she Olivia falls asleep in my arms I'll either keep her there or put her in her basinet. She has yet to sleep over night in it, she sleeps on me. That's me being paranoid though. I know I need to get her use to sleeping alone and she does when she sleeps during the day. I think it's the fact that I'm sleeping and worry I won't hear her cry that makes me nervous.

As for during the day - when she's awake, which is starting to get longer, thank god. I try and sit her on my lap and hold her head up. She's always looking around when she's gor her eyes open. Taking everything in. We've put her in her swing, but she just falls asleep. I have a tummy time mat but haven't used it yet. May start next week or on the weekend when OH is home.

We've been out alot - going to appointments and visiting my mom and sisters so she gets to see other things other than our room lol. We walked around the mall for a bit today before OH got off of work. I find me going out (getting dressed, doing hair and makeup) makes me feel less emotional. It being cold her now really makes it hard to get out and about and post pardum blues set in.
So I'm trying to figure out how much time to hold my little lady vs. how much time she spends in her rocker. I feel like she's not getting any kind of stimulation when she's in her rocker, and I feel so bad that she spends the majority of the day in it! I hold her when I can, during feedings and just for cuddles but housework is piling up and I'm going a little crazy I think. I don't want her to get "flat head" but I don't even know how long it takes for that to happen! I keep trying to tell myself that if she were at a daycare they wouldn't be holding her all day, either, but still. Help me out and let me know how you spend your day with your LO's please?

Im going to say, having my oldest turn 7 next month its crazy how quick time flies, esp in first year. I dont believe you can spolit them, i think house work etc comes second.

Ruby is very different baby to what im use too, she sleeps in 4hr blocks so i can get a lot done (my first never slept in night until after 2w old so i was constantly holding her)

Ruby has morning feed then stays awake for an hour or so this is when we have a little play, walk around. I let her sleep in all different places throughout the day.
I've read that once their cord stump comes off you can start tummy time with them. Unfortunately that won't help to get housework done as you have to be there with them. Plus the earlier you start it the better. I didn't start until 3 months with DS1 and he hated it, I was worried about his neck, but Eryk is always lifting his head on his own, and is very strong, so I plan to start it soon, but most likely not until he's more alert during the day.
Ive started tummy time very early with my 2, 2-4weeks old but my first born would only sleep on her tummy if not held she slept that way until she was 3.

Ruby had about 10mins on tummy yesterday while i rubbed her back..
If she Olivia falls asleep in my arms I'll either keep her there or put her in her basinet. She has yet to sleep over night in it, she sleeps on me. That's me being paranoid though. I know I need to get her use to sleeping alone and she does when she sleeps during the day. I think it's the fact that I'm sleeping and worry I won't hear her cry that makes me nervous.

As for during the day - when she's awake, which is starting to get longer, thank god. I try and sit her on my lap and hold her head up. She's always looking around when she's gor her eyes open. Taking everything in. We've put her in her swing, but she just falls asleep. I have a tummy time mat but haven't used it yet. May start next week or on the weekend when OH is home.

We've been out alot - going to appointments and visiting my mom and sisters so she gets to see other things other than our room lol. We walked around the mall for a bit today before OH got off of work. I find me going out (getting dressed, doing hair and makeup) makes me feel less emotional. It being cold her now really makes it hard to get out and about and post pardum blues set in.

Me & hubby took turns first night with ruby as she had so much mucus on her chest i was worried thankfully after few good throw ups it cleared. I wouldnt worry about her sleeping on her own; its normally about 6-8w they recommend starting some routine :)
Ladies - pretty sure I've just had my bloody show. Woke up at 3am to pee, and things were really slick when I wiped. I turned on the light and sure enough, lots of stringy discharge with spots of dark blood, one little bitty clot in there (about half the size of my pinkie nail). Have had 2 contractions, about 20 minutes apart...stronger than any I've had and mostly in my back, but I'm not counting on those yet because they're so far apart.

Definitely sounds like you're in labour mariemo! Give l&d a ring, with you bleeding they might want you to go in (they did with me, my show was pretty heavy though and mixed with my waters)
Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx
Ladies - pretty sure I've just had my bloody show. Woke up at 3am to pee, and things were really slick when I wiped. I turned on the light and sure enough, lots of stringy discharge with spots of dark blood, one little bitty clot in there (about half the size of my pinkie nail). Have had 2 contractions, about 20 minutes apart...stronger than any I've had and mostly in my back, but I'm not counting on those yet because they're so far apart.


I would count them mine were 20mins apart was deffo early labour.

Have you had anymore? It sounds promising for you :D
Good luck Mariemo! Xxx

Mummytoamber did you let your eldest sleep on her tummy at night? I'm coming to the end of my tether with K. I know you are not supposed to but he just won't go down on his back. He just gurgles and moans a d then is sick :dohh: xxx

Yes i did, i cant remember how old she was but had to have been under a month. What i did before doing nights was let her sleep on tummy during the day so i could watch her to make sure she did keep her head to the side. It also helped that she was head strong from quite early on. I didnt tell HV etc like you say your advised against it but as we all know every child is so different in their needs.

Heres pic of day time sleeping had to have been 3 weeks ish X


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Contractions came on about 9-10 minutes apart, in my low back and abdomen - very different than the BH I'd been having. Lasted about 90 minutes and then I fell back asleep for a couple hours. Still every 10 minutes or so, not stronger. Still very slick and blood-tinged when I wipe. Mummy, how long did your early labor last?
Contractions came on about 9-10 minutes apart, in my low back and abdomen - very different than the BH I'd been having. Lasted about 90 minutes and then I fell back asleep for a couple hours. Still every 10 minutes or so, not stronger. Still very slick and blood-tinged when I wipe. Mummy, how long did your early labor last?

Thats good sign if you feel they are different to BH & that they are closer.

It was 24hrs for me, got close as 2mins as far apart as 20mins with couple hour breaks here & there.
My early labour lasted sat morning-sun eve. Had bloody show sat eve but contractions kept being random though no longer than 10 mins between each. Waters broke sad eve.

When you become 'established' you will know they don't give you much if a break and the pain is more intense.

Walking helped bring the contractions closer together for me but when I stopped tgeyd get further apart so if advise resting if you can.
My early labour lasted sat morning-sun eve. Had bloody show sat eve but contractions kept being random though no longer than 10 mins between each. Waters broke sad eve.

When you become 'established' you will know they don't give you much if a break and the pain is more intense.

Walking helped bring the contractions closer together for me but when I stopped tgeyd get further apart so if advise resting if you can.

Wish mine had followed that pattern, so weird. Lol
Contractions have all but stopped. Still getting a few random ones here and there but nothing timeable anymore. Trying to relax today...this is kind of my only day of it! Last day of work was Wednesday. Toddler was home sick on Thursday. She's back at school today (though we have a thanksgiving lunch at her school in a few minutes), but then it's the weekend and those are never restful :)
And c-section Monday! Really hoping something starts up before then...last chance, little one!
I finally have an induction date of December 2nd if she is not here by then! This morning she gave me the worst back pain of my life though. I got up to go pee at 7am and as soon as I sat down a shooting pain went up the left side of my back so intense I nearly fell off the toilet. I couldn't bend down to pull my pants up and I had a really hard time getting back in bed to try and make the pain stop by getting her weight to shift around. It only lasted about 5 minutes, but I thought it was never going to go away. Then an hour later I started having vision issues. Called the doctor and they said they would call me back and tell me what the doctor suggests I do. I hope I don't develop sudden preeclampsia! I feel like any minute something else is going to happen, but at the same time I know it could take days for labor to actually start. I wish I had something to check my blood pressure, and I hope they tell me to come into the office and get it checked just to make sure.
This wait is SO exhausting!

So yesterday I went to work, on the way there (45min drive) I got super nauseous. I sat in the car a few minutes trying to decide if I could make it through or not (I work with kids on the spectrum and this particular kiddo is draining). While trying to decide I had a mini contraction on top of feeling like crap so I decided to cancel and go home.

Once home I relaxed. And felt better. Went to get me boys from daycare since my DH had to work late. The night started fine until my 10yo got frustrated with homework and all he'll broke loose. It was a terrible night. I was a mess. I was crying, super emotional etc. Totally not myself. Clearly hormones are raging!

I told DH that we should DTD to try to get things moving again but I think I was so wound up from the evening that it did nothing. I had a headache all night (bp was fine when I checked it this am) I was very crampy too.

Today I've had some bloody show so I'm hopeful things get going soon. I think we will DTD again tonight.

I go in Monday for ultrasound to check fluid levels and NST. If I fail they will induce then. If I pass I have induction scheduled Wednesday. Which means Thanksgiving in the hospital and likely a thanksgiving baby!

So hoping to go this weekend!

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