November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

I had a rough day yesterday I have mastitis wguch means very sore breast and flu like symptoms. And a toddler and a newborn that wouldn't stop screaming because she wanted to be walked around and I felt I would fall over if i did - tears of frustration.

We still only do 2 hour sleeps at night had a couple if three hours but not tonight. Still feeling rough on antibiotics.

Sorry about the rant but I just don't see how I can do it all sgain in a few hours!

Olivia was up from 1 am until 5am last night. Fed and thought she was down but woke up. I had a meltdown and OH took her and she fell right asleep. Honestly made me feel like I couldn't do anything.
Here's a pic of Mattison at 4 days old. We had our 3-day checkup with the home visit nurse yesterday and he only lost 7% of his body weight since birth, which is good, because the newborn clothes we have barely fit him as it is since he's tall and skinny.

OH is going into work for part of the day today, so this will be my first time alone with him for an extended period of time. Wish us luck.


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Here's a pic of Mattison at 4 days old. We had our 3-day checkup with the home visit nurse yesterday and he only lost 7% of his body weight since birth, which is good, because the newborn clothes we have barely fit him as it is since he's tall and skinny.

OH is going into work for part of the day today, so this will be my first time alone with him for an extended period of time. Wish us luck.

Awwww he's adorable!
Good luck laylagirl. Are you feeling any less worried?

Come on all you December duckies xxx

I'm really anxious over here because it's super painful doing body is just too tired now. TMI, but I had very loose bowels for a couple days which resulted In a very painful hemoroid so just walking hurts...
I'm very tired now. The stretch didn't work and baby isn't moving so much. I'm on my way to dr this morning because they scheduled a nst. But my induction is scheduled for Friday night at 8 pm. I just wish he would come on his own... Feeling lots of tightness in my belly, but nothing painful. Just uncomfortable so I doubt they're doing anything for me. Midwide yesterday said I was 3.5 cm and they keep you if you're at 4 but only I'd you're contracting... So let's see how things go this morning..
Hope those December babies don't keep you waiting another moment.
Good luck laylagirl. Are you feeling any less worried?

Come on all you December duckies xxx

I'm really anxious over here because it's super painful doing body is just too tired now. TMI, but I had very loose bowels for a couple days which resulted In a very painful hemoroid so just walking hurts...
I'm very tired now. The stretch didn't work and baby isn't moving so much. I'm on my way to dr this morning because they scheduled a nst. But my induction is scheduled for Friday night at 8 pm. I just wish he would come on his own... Feeling lots of tightness in my belly, but nothing painful. Just uncomfortable so I doubt they're doing anything for me. Midwide yesterday said I was 3.5 cm and they keep you if you're at 4 but only I'd you're contracting... So let's see how things go this morning..

Good luck! Remember that all this anxiety, while hard to avoid, will be forgotten the moment you first hold your baby. And you will be holding him soon.
I had a rough day yesterday I have mastitis wguch means very sore breast and flu like symptoms. And a toddler and a newborn that wouldn't stop screaming because she wanted to be walked around and I felt I would fall over if i did - tears of frustration.

We still only do 2 hour sleeps at night had a couple if three hours but not tonight. Still feeling rough on antibiotics.

Sorry about the rant but I just don't see how I can do it all sgain in a few hours!
Big hugs honey.
Mastitis is a b**ch...hope it's better soon.
I hope your nights get better soon, we are still not much better than 2 hours most nights. Xxx
Here's a tmi question sorry.
Wednesday will be 4 weeks pp. Lochia is almost gone but has stayed red the entire time. Gonna email the nurse in the morning, but wondered if this was totally weird or concerning....
with F I bled bright red for 8 weeks, this time it's almost gone 5.5 weeks pp. get it checked out if you are worried? Xxx

I had a rough day yesterday I have mastitis wguch means very sore breast and flu like symptoms. And a toddler and a newborn that wouldn't stop screaming because she wanted to be walked around and I felt I would fall over if i did - tears of frustration.

We still only do 2 hour sleeps at night had a couple if three hours but not tonight. Still feeling rough on antibiotics.

Sorry about the rant but I just don't see how I can do it all sgain in a few hours!

Olivia was up from 1 am until 5am last night. Fed and thought she was down but woke up. I had a meltdown and OH took her and she fell right asleep. Honestly made me feel like I couldn't do anything.
oh gosh, everything's so hard in those early hours aren't they? Sorry for your rough night. She will have settled for dh because he came in all relaxed and she will have sensed it? Sucks after you did all the hard work for 4 hours. Hope tonight is better xxx
Here's a pic of Mattison at 4 days old. We had our 3-day checkup with the home visit nurse yesterday and he only lost 7% of his body weight since birth, which is good, because the newborn clothes we have barely fit him as it is since he's tall and skinny.

OH is going into work for part of the day today, so this will be my first time alone with him for an extended period of time. Wish us luck.
eeeeeeek he's so cute. Good luck today xxx

Good luck laylagirl. Are you feeling any less worried?

Come on all you December duckies xxx

I'm really anxious over here because it's super painful doing body is just too tired now. TMI, but I had very loose bowels for a couple days which resulted In a very painful hemoroid so just walking hurts...
I'm very tired now. The stretch didn't work and baby isn't moving so much. I'm on my way to dr this morning because they scheduled a nst. But my induction is scheduled for Friday night at 8 pm. I just wish he would come on his own... Feeling lots of tightness in my belly, but nothing painful. Just uncomfortable so I doubt they're doing anything for me. Midwide yesterday said I was 3.5 cm and they keep you if you're at 4 but only I'd you're contracting... So let's see how things go this morning..
good luck today xxx
So I thought I'd share my birth story.

Sunday 11/23 (40+6) I had contractions on and off all day. Around 10:30pm they got to be very painful and were every 30mins. Needless to say I didn't sleep well at all.
Monday 11/24 (41weeks) contractions stopped around 7:30am. I had an ultrasound and NST scheduled for a little later in the am. It was snowing that morning and when DH left for work he knew I was worried I'd make it to the appointment since I was still having contractions. He got to work and decided to turn around because it was slick and he didn't want me driving in that. It was going to cut it close but I said I'd wait for him. 8:30 comes and he still wasn't home so I called the clinic to warn them I'd be late. A few minutes later he called telling me he got stuck in the ditch! So I had to go get him. So off I went. I found him (he was sideways with the front and rear end stuck and the middle had no ground underneath as it was a low ditch, I about split a rib because of the irony). We made it to the clinic. Another couple came in talking about someone who got stuck in the snow going 35mph and I lost it, I started laughing histarically!
Anyways during the NST my mw said well your definitely not in labor as I had 0 contractions during the test. She did say to go deal with the car, then rest, as if I was up all night the night before it's a good sign and maybe she'd see me Tuesday! (She was on all Tuesday. I was scheduled for an induction Wednesday anyways.) So home we went, got the car out, no damage thankfully. But it definietly taught my DH to SLOW down (and not be so cokie). We decided to go out for lunch for one last hurrah before baby. Then went home to try to rest.

By 3p contractions started again. By 8p I was having to stop and breath through them so I knew that was it! They were still only 15mins apart, but intense. At 10p I called the hospital they said to wait (they were 8mins apart) until they were 5mins apart and to try to take a bath and call back in 2 hrs.

So I told DH to get our older boys stuff packed, lunches made, backpacks packed, etc. I went and took a bath. It felt great! Contractions eased a little in the tub. But once I got out they were nearly constant and all I could do was be on all 4s. I called the clinic back attempted to talk but couldn't so DH did. They said ok come in. So we went woke up our boys took them to the friends house and headed in.

We got to the birth center around 1am. By then the contractions were going in spurts 9mins then 2mins then 1min apart. All very intense. Mostly in my back. They checked me I was 4/5 cm 75%effaced. Yay I thought. They checked 2hrs later I was the same! So the dr said I should go home. The nurse however fought for me as she saw how uncomfortable I was. Not to mention we live 20mins away in the country and roads were terrible. So she called the midwife who fought for us too. She was more concerned about the GBS positive. So she and the dr checked me another 2hrs later which ended up being at 6:30am I was 5cm 90% effaced and a 0 station so she said that was enough to admit me.

At that point I had been up for a full 24 hours but more like 48hrs due to little sleep the night before. So I asked for something to help me sleep. They gave me Demerol and another anti anxiety med to help me relax. I definietly relaxed but couldn't sleep through the pain and the Demerol only worked for 30-45mins! So I decided to go back to the birth ball. My midwife came in around 8am and checked me, no change! So I labored on the birth ball, later in the water, having DH use a massager on my back during contractions (which helped a lot!) around 2p I asked to get checked again because I didn't think I had any change and contractions seemed to be fizzling. So again no change! So midwife decided pintocin was next. I was due for more antibiotics so I had that first then at 3p they started pintocin and I asked for pain relief again to help me sleep. So they tried fetenol. Fetonal did nothing! And the pintocin made everything worse! Around 5 I asked for an epidural. I tried to. Avoid it but I was didn't want to try anything else and not have it work. I was worried my exhaustion was stalling things too. My midwife said she'd talk me out of it since she knew I really didn't want it but I didn't see any way out so by 5:30 it was in! At 7 she checked me again still NO CHANGE! So she broke my water. There was some meconium so again another change! No immediate skin to skin. By 9:20 I could tell it was time to push. Mw checked and I was 10 with baby right there! So pushing started. And so did the heartburn/nausea which started the vomiting. Thankfully a little anti nausea meds and I was fine.
Isaac Matthew was born at 10:49pm 7lbs 13oz
My DH stood in amazement for minutes counting fingers/toes and just soaking it all in before he could tell me it was a boy.

So I had 32hrs of labor, 3.5 of active labor (7p) and 1hr 20min of pushing

We are totally in love! I can't believe he's a week old! He is a really good baby. Not a big fusser. He might have an eye condition but they are monitoring it and we don't go back for another month.

Hope everyone is doing well. And those still waiting have their LOs soon!


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Thanks for sharing your story, Rhapsodi. Your baby is beautiful!
Finally at the hospital! Not leaving without my little one!
Coraline Faye was born tonight at 8 pounds 12 ounces, 21 1/2 inches long after being induced and being in labor for 24 hours!
Good luck, Laylagirl.

Congrats, Lovetoteach. Looking forward to reading your birth story.
Congrats love to teach. My fingers are crossed Laylagirl!

Antibiotics are making me feel much better only problem is my right breast still has the blockage and it's reduced my milk a lot! Luckily going into my left after seems to satisfy her but as someone who's always had oversupply its disconcerting!

So warning to anyone bf mastitis gets worse very quickly and you should treat it straight away it went from a breast pain on one side Sunday eve to a fever chills and all flu symptoms by Monday day-scary
Thanks rhapsodi, that's a great birth story xxx

Good luck laylagirl! Xxx

Congratulations lovetoteach xxx

Thanks for the warning apple...get better soon xxx
Apple I feel for you. With dd1, I came down with symptoms very suddenly the weekend before my 6 week postpartum exam. I was at my parents house feeling fine, then suddenly I had a fever, chills, an achy boob, and a generally miserable feeling. I nursed often, used a heating pad, massaged I think, and treated the fever with meds, and I got lucky...symptoms went away on their own. When I saw my ob, I told her about it, and she could still see the red streak on my breast. She said let her know if I had any more trouble, but I was lucky and everything stayed fine. (To anyone else though, I would not recommend waiting it out, it just happened to be off hours when this happened and I knew I'd be seeing my Dr soon.)

I did have a plugged duct a few months later. Just one section of boob became engorged and I thought I'd never get it to drain. It was so sore. I tried all kinds of things like you can read online. What finally worked for me though was using a heating pad right before she ate and then nursing like so: put baby on her back on the floor. Hover over baby to feed her (I guess for gravity to help) with her chin lined up with the blockage. I'm not sure how well it'd work with a newborn because mine was bigger at that point. She was also sleeping through the night, so I did that first thing in the morning when she was hungry and likely suck really strongly. I felt like having her chin over the blockage was the biggest help though. There was a stinging sensation as she relieved the plug, and it remained achy after for a while, but finally it was softer instead of rock hard in that section!

I hope you're feeling 100% soon! Or as close as possible when you have a newborn!
Thank you ladies! I've been here complaining for days!
My handsome Hector was born December 2 @ 11:19 pm weighing a whopping 8lb 6oz and 21 in long! He's my big boy! I'm so happy! No tears, and after about 2 hours of sleep in about 24 hours, I don't feel half bad! I can walk around and use the bathroom and just hope the post partum process goes smooth! No drugs for pain at all! So I'm really proud of myself! I love looking at my little man! And I'm happy that he made his debut on the 2nd because my daughters birthday is December 3rd! So now they get their own days! So happy and thank you all so much for your support!
Congrats Lovetoteach and Laylagirl!! Can't wait to see pics!

Rhapsodi-he is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your birth story, I do not envy your long labor.

Apple- praying you feel better very soon.

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