November Sparklers 2014....22 boys, 22 girls born! Please update us!

Birth story:

Background: I was induced with my first daughter at 39+2. It wasn't for medical reasons - my first OB was on maternity leave and my replacement OB was about to go on a 2 week vacation, and I desperately wanted my doctor there. So we induced. We inserted cervadil at 5pm, started pitocin at 5am, and broke my water at 12pm. After all that, by 3pm I was dilated to 1.5cm - and only 0.5cm was done by my own body - the dr did a stretch to break my waters. Baby was still high, my body wasn't dilating or effacing, so I opted for a c-section. I don't regret her birth, but I do wonder what would've happened if I'd waited for her to come on her own. Would I have been able to deliver vaginally? My nurse told me that the OB mentioned to her that my pelvis seemed really small, and it's possible baby couldn't get through on her own.

I wanted a VBAC with my second pregnancy. I wanted to give things more time to see if they would happen on their own. My doctor was fully supportive, though she warned me my chances were less than 50% given my history - she was honest but again, always supportive. We agreed to schedule a RCS for 41 weeks, in case baby didn't come on her own prior to that.

At 40 weeks, she was still high, cervix was tightly closed, 50% effaced. Friday morning (40+2) I woke up at 3am to pee, and wiped away a large portion of my mucus plug tinged with old blood. I started having strong, painful contractions that day, though they were inconsistent and not incredibly frequent. I went for a walk, ran errands, bounced on my birthing change.

Woke up at 2am Saturday (40+3) to really painful contractions. They were so bad I got out of bed and went to the living room and started timing. For 5 hours, they came every 7 minutes never closer than 6 minutes, never farther than 10 minutes. And then...they fizzled. Spent the rest of Saturday with inconsistent, sporadic contractions, still painful. Went to bed early, and had a great night's sleep.

On Sunday (40+4) at around 11am, I went into labor again. Contractions were super hard and painful, and we're back to every 7-8 minutes. Again, though, they didn't get any closer together. They also didn't stop. I labored all night long.

On Monday (40+5) I was still contracting. We had scheduled our RCS for that morning at 10am, with the option to push it back if I didn't feel ready. I'd made up my mind that if I had dilated reasonably, we'd wait and try for the VBAC. As it turns out - I had only dilated to 0.5cm. And once they hooked me up to monitors, they saw that baby's heart rate was dropping with every contraction! My nurse told me that if I wasn't coming in for a c-section, they'd have to try to get that to stop, or else I would have ended up with a section anyway!

So we kept our appointment, and delivered our beautiful baby girl on Monday, November 24 at 12:22pm, weighing 7lb 9oz and measuring 19.5 inches. Reese Maxine is perfect! Her head was a little bit come-shaped because of the long labor, and the doctor said the contractions had caused my uterus to be suuuuuper thin, but other than that, everything is perfect. She looks just like her big sister, which I am beyond excited about!

Tubes are officially cut/tied as well. We have two amazing girls - our family is complete!
Having regular contractions, finally! 8-12 minutes for now and I'm hoping they don't fizzle out in the middle of the night.:happydance:
Congrats again!! And thank you for sharing your birth story, I'll have to get mine down now that I can look back at it fondly. Hope your recovering well and quickly!
Good luck missyann!

Love the birth story Mariemo. Glad your body gave it a try and glad she's here safe and sound. Looking forward to pics!

Glad everyone is putting on weight nicely. K is up to 11lb6!!!!!! He's nearly 5 big chunk! All on breast milk aswell so I must have a good supply. I too have the fast let down and lots of choking and spraying milk!!
k had been diagnosed with silent reflux, so not as much sick as with F but he is a great deal more uncomfortable and he is now on infant gaviscon. I don't know if it's helped but it's a pain to give him. I'm trying a syringe but most end up down his bib :dohh: any advice?

Other than that life is good.

Nearly December now, come on last November babies! Xxx
My birth story is here:

Silent reflux: DD1 had reflux. I'm sure hers was due to tongue tie so it's worth getting checked for that. Gaviscon worked, but as you've noticed it's a nightmare to get into a breastfed baby! We switched to ranitidine, which worked wonders and is much easier to administer as it's tiny volumes. Good luck!
My birth story is here:

Silent reflux: DD1 had reflux. I'm sure hers was due to tongue tie so it's worth getting checked for that. Gaviscon worked, but as you've noticed it's a nightmare to get into a breastfed baby! We switched to ranitidine, which worked wonders and is much easier to administer as it's tiny volumes. Good luck!

Thank ŷou Cangaroo. How quickly did Gaviscon work? Good to know ranitidine is easier...they said that would come next! Dxx
Having regular contractions, finally! 8-12 minutes for now and I'm hoping they don't fizzle out in the middle of the night.:happydance:

good luck missy :)

Eryk has been really fussy today. Not really sure why. Think he might be teething on top of going through a growth spurt. Wants to eat more than usual. Also can"t seem to put him down or he screams and cries. Very trying day.
Olivia's put on a full pound since her first doctors appointment two weeks ago. Doctor said she is right on track with everything - which is great to hear !

She was a trooper last night at bath time and didn't even cry. We were very proud.

She's been eating lots during the day, but still getting up every 2-3 hours to feed during the night. I'm going to try and give her a bottle before she goes down again and see if that keeps her full for longer. She's sleeping right now, so if she's predictable she'll be up within the hour or so and then I can try the formula and pray she sleeps longer tonight !
It's very normal for babies this age to only go 2 hours at a time at night that exactly what my lo does.

With my first baby we tried all sorts to make him sleep longer including a formular feed before bed. Nothing working apart from just waiting for him to do it himself whèb he was ready. So good luck but don't be too dîssapointed if it doesn't work your baby is doing what's normal.
My birth story is here:

Silent reflux: DD1 had reflux. I'm sure hers was due to tongue tie so it's worth getting checked for that. Gaviscon worked, but as you've noticed it's a nightmare to get into a breastfed baby! We switched to ranitidine, which worked wonders and is much easier to administer as it's tiny volumes. Good luck!

Thank ŷou Cangaroo. How quickly did Gaviscon work? Good to know ranitidine is easier...they said that would come next! Dxx

The Gaviscon was pretty much instant relief for her, which confirmed it was reflux. She'd scream for ages, scream about being given Gaviscon but then settle as soon as it was in and be obviously more comfortable. If you're getting Gaviscon in and it's not helping, it's probably not reflux.

We had a good first night home due to planned co-sleeping following safest practice guidelines. DD2 fed frequently, but I didn't have to wake fully. She's feeding amazingly, and already had transitional stool yesterday at 1 day old.
Mattison Michael was born at 2am, November 28. 7lbs10, 22 inches long. I was in labor for 24 hours and then pushed for another 3. He was sunny side up and I'm glad I didn't know that until afterwards. I'll post my birth story when I've had a little more sleep.
Congrats missy :hugs:
Thanks Cangaroo. Some doses i have seen some relief with him, but some i just don't think I've got enough in? It just ends up all down his chin :dohh:
It's so hard to get the gaviscon in. I'd go and ask to try ranitidine. Good luck!

We're doing very well. Came home last night. DD1 is being very grown up and loves her sister so much. DD2 is feeding amazingly and my milk is already in. She does have a tongue tie which is causing a slightly shallow latch and giving me some very slight soreness, but we're seeing a lactation consultant on Monday who will probably snip it. I worry about long term problems e.g. reflux like DD1 had if we leave it.

Hope the other new mums and babies are well!
Here is the link to my birth story. We are all recovering at home and enjoying this time with our boy. :thumbup:
Well ladies.....looks like my little one is NOT going to be a november sparkler... Im very depressed hes not here yet and frustrated as well. I have lots of anxiety now, and Im not even sure I can handle a newborn. i was all set to have him and now im just scared that i have more on my hands than I can handle. So im scared and anxious at the same time. Im looking forward to having him, but the further passed I go, the anxiety keeps building. So I dont really know how i feel at the moment, other than that. So many things are going through my head...
Well ladies.....looks like my little one is NOT going to be a november sparkler... Im very depressed hes not here yet and frustrated as well. I have lots of anxiety now, and Im not even sure I can handle a newborn. i was all set to have him and now im just scared that i have more on my hands than I can handle. So im scared and anxious at the same time. Im looking forward to having him, but the further passed I go, the anxiety keeps building. So I dont really know how i feel at the moment, other than that. So many things are going through my head...

Hang in there. I know how you're feeling. I was crying the morning of my 41 week appointment (and pretty much a little bit each day since I passed my due date), anxious that I was just not going to go into labor. It was a membrane sweep that did it for me eventually, but they couldn't have even tried that until 41 weeks anyway since I wasn't dialated much before that.

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