Were they all that dark at the 5 minute mark? I'm using the high sensitivity ones from Wondfo (look like yours) and they're not positive at the 5 minute mark but dry almost as dark as the control line (though yours look a little darker than mine). As far as I can tell I'm not ovulating but I bleed all the time so that doesn't surprise me. Anyway, if they really have been positive, so people say it could indicate pcos, pregnancy, or maybe you ovulated twice. I've read that some people get near positives on their opks right before AF too. Maybe none of that explains your situation. I'm no expert at all (only been using opks about 4 weeks). I hope you figure it out.
Hi L.E, the lines were all darker at the 5 min mark, they got lighter as they dried, the last test is still wet and the pic was taken before the 5 minute mark, and what is pcos? lol
I did test and it was neg, but i figured as much, Af isn't due for 8 or 9 days, hopeing todays opk will finally be negitive. I do have a question, as long as the opk is positive does that mean i have not ovulated yet? should we keep doing the ?
Ya, my last ultra sound i had I was told that i had healthy ovaries, and my periods are usally 28 to 30 days, with a rare off month, gonna do another opk in a hour, hope for a negitive, 8 days is too long
ya, poor little guy, my oldest was sick saterday and sunday, i kept them both home from school on monday just in case and they seemed fine so i sent them today poor little Austin threw up all over the school floor..
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