.... unless we get a miracle this month i'm pretty sure we're out. What with shift work and a badly timed arguement we completely missed our fertile period ...
But it seems its for the best ... TTC#3 was always a grey area for us ... it's been 5 years since having our last and we'd started romantically thinking about another ... we thought about it for months, our friends are having their firsts and it's all lovely and exciting so we poured over and over it and decided to go for it - that's why i ended up here. But since TTC i've been looking at babies and mothers and thinking 'really? do i want to do all that again?' DH was, at first, against the idea but i did such a good job of convincing him another baby was for us, he was really really up for another one.
But after 2 cycles i'm seriously doubting all this and we've both decided to stop trying.....

I just want to stay thank you to all of you who've been so helpful and friendly - i'll stick around until AF arrives but i know that if i'm to be truely happy with our decision i need to leave this site and mourn a little - it's hard to think i'll never ever be pregnant again and never have a newborn baby in my arms but i've got 2 girls who are growing up fast and we're having such fun and freedom now. It's the right decision for us and we're so happy as a family of 4.

Goodbye x x x :wave: x x x