I had it on nhs, and it was great. Was a magical first scan, they did the combined screening, so they took the nt measurement there and then and told us it on the spot that it was super low (0.8mm). Then they took the bloods and then we had a talk with the mw, who said that the measurement is normally the most accurate (As blood test gives quite alot of false positives, then u have to decide if u want amio,etc), but that if the bloods did come back as high risk we'd be phoned within 48 hrs. No phone call came, and got letter within about 3 weeks saying we were low risk, at 1 in 100,000!!
As pp said, i would be surprised if u got blood test results there and then, i know my bloods were sent to a specialist place in birmingham, and they said thats where the majority of combined screening bloods are done, but may be different privately??
From what iv heard, the private ones are maybe a bit less rushed than nhs, ul be in a nicer room and they will spend a bit more time pointing everything out. But thats just from what iv heard. I was really happy with our scan and dont see how it could have been any better (apart from the scanner lady was a bit scary and miserable!!). What will u do, do u reckon??