Nursery Themes.........


Mum of 2 - PG with No.3
Sep 1, 2006
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Hi Girls,

Have you all decided on a nursery theme, or you just going for colours?

We have looked high and low for something differet, we had Winnioe the Pooh last time so would like a change this time......and finally we found something different, Noukies!! So that is the theme we are going for!!

I am hoping to have the nursery a pastel colour to match the border we choose.........

This is for a girl..........

And one similar to this if we have a boy
Tam I *love* it ~ What fabby taste you have :twisted:
Charming!! :twisted:

But I LOVE it!!! :wink:
I meant I like you being a nasty arse, giving me the evils!!!!! :lol:
:evil: < Is nasty
:twisted: < Is Muahahaha

*Pulls tongue*
OK my aplologies *bows* I will delete this post so you can delete yours, then I can delete mine, then you delete yours.................... then we can start again! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nope makes you look silly :lol:
LMAOOOOO!! Cheers BABE!!! :evil:

Just found out that I'm having a little girl. Haven't decided on a theme. I also did Winnie the Pooh with my son, but want to do something different.

This is my son's room Gallery.asp?CategoryID=170&ProductID=1352&ImageSize=large

These were the two that I was thinking about.
We haven't got a theme. We just painted the walls in neutral colours as we don't know what we are having but if you look in the "photo gallery" section, i'll go and post some pictures of our baby's room :)
EthansMom04 said:
Just found out that I'm having a little girl. Haven't decided on a theme. I also did Winnie the Pooh with my son, but want to do something different.

This is my son's room Gallery.asp?CategoryID=170&ProductID=1352&ImageSize=large

These were the two that I was thinking about.

Ohhhhhhhhhh I love both of the new ones!!!! They are gorgeous!!

I also looked at Amercican websites as I find the mainstream themes in the UK soooo boring.......but each to their own :wink:

Your nursery as it was also looks lovely..........

Congrats on having a girl babe :pink: :happydance:
MummyNatEdwards said:
We haven't got a theme. We just painted the walls in neutral colours as we don't know what we are having but if you look in the "photo gallery" section, i'll go and post some pictures of our baby's room :)

Nat, that looks lovely......really fresh and ideal for either a girl or a boy!

Have you got any bedding or anything like that, what's that like or again do you have neutral and will decide once baby is here? xx
Tam said:
MummyNatEdwards said:
We haven't got a theme. We just painted the walls in neutral colours as we don't know what we are having but if you look in the "photo gallery" section, i'll go and post some pictures of our baby's room :)

Nat, that looks lovely......really fresh and ideal for either a girl or a boy!

Have you got any bedding or anything like that, what's that like or again do you have neutral and will decide once baby is here? xx

Yep we've got the bedding but it's just lemons and whites and i've got to put the bedding in the cot (i'll probably do that tomorrow) and I also have a cot bumper (farmyard animals) which will be ok for both boy or girl
Awww that's cool!!

I love lemon too, it is so fresh & clean looking...........especially with white :D

Post more pice when you have done it all babe!! xx
Will do Tam :D just been washing some baby clothes (the baby could drop at any minute so would rather be prepared now than wait until November) :lol:
Awwwwwwwww you getting excited babe? Are you all prepared and ready for the unexpected? :wink:
I'm very excited and can't wait! :D Got everything ready so yep i'm ready for the baby this minute! :D
Awwwwww well take a chill pill & wait !! :lol:
Can't wait :lol:

Find myself just spending time in the baby's room and getting excited :oops:

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