O/T should prisoners be able to have sex whilst doing a sentance

So their partner should be punished too? Do you really think its wise to lock a bunch of people up together and not allow them a healthy outlet for their sexual drives? Why do you think rape is such an issue in prisons?! Prisoners are still humans and still have rights.

I think conjugal visits should be a privilege earned by good behaviour, but not an automatic right.

They have hands! Use them:shrug:

If they rape in prison not having sex is not an excuse if that's the case every rapist in the world would use this as an excuse.

Depending what they are in prison for to me a murderer or rapist is not human they shouldn't even be breathing the same air as normal decent human beings who abide by the law should, they lost their human rights the day they took someone else's
^exactly this - they have hands. I'm sure single men cope well enough in prison!!!!!

Probably the most outrageous bloody thing ive read in a while. So getting their end away will help. Will they be providing escorts for the raging single men eh? :dohh:

They've committed crimes. And they'll only commit again if they realise how "great" prison is, it wont be a deterrent. Prison is meant to be a deterrent, a reason so people dont commit crimes, or recommit crimes.
No amount of sex is going to make them think prison is 'great'. And I still don't think their partners should be punished.

I'd rather have system that appears to be too easy on criminals if it results in a better society with less crime, than a harsher system to appease our anger that actually results in a much more fucked up society.
Personal I think its their partners choice if they wanna continue a relationship with a criminal.:shrug: Punishing themselves if you ask me, that's their choice.

I know way too many idiots who have done time in jail. They just don't care if they have to go down. Its just an inconvienience, nothing more. It's too easy for them. Sneaking mobiles in is easy peasy, chargers, the lot.

Let them deal with their own pressure ;)
I was watching a programme on channel 4 last week called lifers.
Now these are The murderers etc.

1 man murdered a young man by beating him to death, the piece of scum was sentenced to life or aka 25 years as our appalling justice system calls it!

When asked if he regretted his crime "some days yes, but most no as since I've been in here I've got a math qualification, English qualification....."

Another man murdered an old man robbed him of his life savings "na I'd hate to get out of prison. Or with all thats going on outside. In here I get 3 meals a day, tv..."

These don't sound like people that want to be rehabilitated to me, they sound like they are having a fab time! Whilst their victims family grieve their in there having fun! This is why I think prison should be down right awful, hard labour, punishments,very poor food!

Tbh I wouldn't want these animals rehabilitated into society with my daughter around.
No amount of sex is going to make them think prison is 'great'. And I still don't think their partners should be punished.

I'd rather have system that appears to be too easy on criminals if it results in a better society with less crime, than a harsher system to appease our anger that actually results in a much more fucked up society.

I think quite a few prisoners over here do think prison is great unfortunately.

With gyms, TVs, games consols it's better than some people's houses!
Get to learn New skills qualifications for FREE there's people that don't break the law that would love this opportunity but have to pay hundreds for it
I think quite a few prisoners over here do think prison is great unfortunately.

With gyms, TVs, games consols it's better than some people's houses!
Get to learn New skills qualifications for FREE there's people that don't break the law that would love this opportunity but have to pay hundreds for it

the important things in life isnt a gym, tv and games:nope:
I think quite a few prisoners over here do think prison is great unfortunately.

With gyms, TVs, games consols it's better than some people's houses!
Get to learn New skills qualifications for FREE there's people that don't break the law that would love this opportunity but have to pay hundreds for it

the important things in life isnt a gym, tv and games:nope:

Exactly. To be without your family is a horrible punishment. No amount of tv, games etc would make me feel good if I was locked away without Maria.

If there are people that would rather be locked away from the people they love because it means they'll get 3 hot meals a day, it says a very very sad thing about the state of society and poverty. People ought to be able to learn new skills and qualifications for free on the outside, instead of just complaining that people on the inside get them.
I think quite a few prisoners over here do think prison is great unfortunately.

With gyms, TVs, games consols it's better than some people's houses!
Get to learn New skills qualifications for FREE there's people that don't break the law that would love this opportunity but have to pay hundreds for it

the important things in life isnt a gym, tv and games:nope:

I'm not saying those things are important in people's lives!

I'm saying is it fare that people who break the law should get these privaliges.

Gaining skills and qualifications though is important so why should they get these for free in prison when good people who don't break the law may love to learn a knew skill to better there life can't afford to!
I think quite a few prisoners over here do think prison is great unfortunately.

With gyms, TVs, games consols it's better than some people's houses!
Get to learn New skills qualifications for FREE there's people that don't break the law that would love this opportunity but have to pay hundreds for it

the important things in life isnt a gym, tv and games:nope:

Exactly. To be without your family is a horrible punishment. No amount of tv, games etc would make me feel good if I was locked away without Maria.

If there are people that would rather be locked away from the people they love because it means they'll get 3 hot meals a day, it says a very very sad thing about the state of society and poverty. People ought to be able to learn new skills and qualifications for free on the outside, instead of just complaining that people on the inside get them.

I'm afraid untill this country does make things more easier for those who abide by the law instead of most coddling those that do people will always "complain"

My cousins ex fiancé, beat her black and blue causing her mc went in prison for it came out threatened to blow up their house put fireworks through their letterbox etc. police did nothing! She warned them that he's dangerous.

Later that week a kind taxi driver gave him a lift home for free the piece of scum beat the man unconscious and run him over in his own taxi leaving him for dead:nope:. His brother and mum covered up the murder, he was sentenced to life or as our pathetic law puts it 25 years, when this disgusting piece of filth comes out he'll still be young enough to carry on his life.... Would you really want this sort of person rehabilitated into society with our children, I certainly wouldn't!

Another person I know her brother is in prison for the 5th time due to be released next week for assaulting some young lad smashing his face in with a golf club completely destroying his face he'll forever have the scars... He don't care that he's in prison he's bragging about how great of a time he's having on fb how he doesn't want to come out!

These people are lucky to breathe nice fresh air!
We should be concentrating on making things easier and better for law-abiding people and then you'll find that there will be less criminals to complain about anyway. Its win-win.

Some people can't be rehabilitated, repeat offenders should be treated harsher than first offenders, and all prisoners should either be studying or working while in prison. Thats how I would have things work.
I think quite a few prisoners over here do think prison is great unfortunately.

With gyms, TVs, games consols it's better than some people's houses!
Get to learn New skills qualifications for FREE there's people that don't break the law that would love this opportunity but have to pay hundreds for it

the important things in life isnt a gym, tv and games:nope:

Exactly. To be without your family is a horrible punishment. No amount of tv, games etc would make me feel good if I was locked away without Maria.

If there are people that would rather be locked away from the people they love because it means they'll get 3 hot meals a day, it says a very very sad thing about the state of society and poverty. People ought to be able to learn new skills and qualifications for free on the outside, instead of just complaining that people on the inside get them.

I'm afraid untill this country does make things more easier for those who abide by the law instead of most coddling those that do people will always "complain"

My cousins ex fiancé, beat her black and blue causing her mc went in prison for it came out threatened to blow up their house put fireworks through their letterbox etc. police did nothing! She warned them that he's dangerous.

Later that week a kind taxi driver gave him a lift home for free the piece of scum beat the man unconscious and run him over in his own taxi leaving him for dead:nope:. His brother and mum covered up the murder, he was sentenced to life or as our pathetic law puts it 25 years, when this disgusting piece of filth comes out he'll still be young enough to carry on his life.... Would you really want this sort of person rehabilitated into society with our children, I certainly wouldn't!

Another person I know her brother is in prison for the 5th time due to be released next week for assaulting some young lad smashing his face in with a golf club completely destroying his face he'll forever have the scars... He don't care that he's in prison he's bragging about how great of a time he's having on fb how he doesn't want to come out!

These people are lucky to breathe nice fresh air!

This is the case with a lot of people in prison i know 3 people who have been in and out of prison all their lifes all 3 of them for beating people to a pulp as soon as they get out of prison they say they are bored reoffend on purpose so they can go back inside as its an easier life for them :nope: ridiculous the lad my sister was with i refered to him as her boyf before but she just broke up with him he gets taken out on day trips to flippin theme parks and the lot for good behaviour and he is supposedly in prison for being a danger to society yet they take him out to liase with the public and children :nope: hes in there for hitting a guy round the head with a bat casuing serious damage to the poor sole simply because he support the wrong football team :nope: the other 2 lads i know was in prison for robbing and beating up taxi drivers they let them out both of them were out for a whole 3 weeks before they reoffended and went back inside they said they were bored so committed a crime for something to do is a discrace they prefer to be in prison than on the streets the system shouldnt work like that i know they prefer prison than been free as i have heard them admit it :dohh:
The system is failing they are closing down hospitals and maternity units because the country is broke yet they are spending more and more on prisons :nope:
The guards in the uK dont carry guns anyhow neither do the police only in cirtain circumstances they will use a tazer (electric shock gun or fire rubber bullets) and yes in some prisons it is common practice for every prisoner to have a television and a games console
I watched LIFERS and know fact, that one of those prisoners was moved into the massive cell and GIVEN the tv, birds, games console etc if he agreed to be filmed, They found it hard to get prisoners willing to appear on TV, they also filmed for about a year as nothing was happening, no violence, etc the worse they got was someone getting caught with hooch in their cell.
Most lifers are not interested in causing trouble because it goes on their record and there is little chance they will get released.
It was totally obvious that some of these prisoners were mentally ill and their were prisoners who just snapped and deeply regretted it, there are prisoners who didnt intend to kill but are now living with their mistake. Its also highley unlikely long term prisoners will reoffend once out of prison compared to short term prisoners

EVERY prisoners situtation is different

in the UK we have 4 different cat prisons

A CAT prisons for VERY high risk prisoners - locked up 23 hours a day and probably highley unlikely to be released
B CAT prisons for high risk prisoners serving long life sentances= these were the prisoners on the programme
C CAT prisons for medium risk prisoners
D CAT prisons/open prison for low risk priosners

EVERY stage the rules regulations are tightened up, yes people can smuggle all sorts in to the D cat prisons/open prisons but its extreamly hard to smuggle anything in to ABC prisons and most things that do get smuggled in are by corrupt prison officers.

It really annoys me that people sit back and judge so easily and take TV programmes and other media as gospel, there is a lot more to it.

Prisoners who do say its easy and keep returning to prison are most likely in the lower cat prisons doing shorter sentences or prisoners who say they prefer prison to being outside, must have a very terrible life on the outside.

It definitley about rehabilitation and giving them the tools to get educated and go through councelling so they are able to get a job and cope once released.

im not denying their are people that shouldnt be released and those people probably wont be but i'm sorry every prisoner is different and has a different story.
Natsku- actually tv, games etc ARE important to some people- scum who'd rather spend money on consoles than clothes or food for their families. People who scam money and and, benefits to buy the best trainers but beat up their girlfriends.
I agree, prison needs to rehabilitate those who can be rehabilitated. Those who can't though shouldn't be given special treatment.
We're not saying treat them all badly as punishment- but why on earth should extras be provided.
And you're basically saying men who don't get sex, are violent and rape.... Not sure how the male population would feel about that statement! Not all criminals are violent anyhow.
and it's the prisoners who are taking the sex away from their partners- they made the choice because they know the consequences of their actions. It just shouldn't be the responsibility of the prison service.
I feel sorry for anyone who thinks tv is more important than their freedom.

And I was saying that if you lock a lot of men together in close quarters, most with violence issues already, and then throw sexual frustration into the mix, things will get worse. The average man is not in the same situation!
I'd then be very worried for the women who were visiting these 'violent, sexually frustrated' men for sex!? They need to learn to live without it. What about all the single men....?
Most men control their sexual urges - surely part of their rehabilitation should be to learn todo it and not turn to violence. Surely you're giving into them otherwise.
I also feel very sorry for people who care about possessions than family- but I'm afraid they exist. They probably care more about sex than about respectful relationships.
Again- give them blowup dolls. Or porn.
I watched LIFERS and know fact, that one of those prisoners was moved into the massive cell and GIVEN the tv, birds, games console etc if he agreed to be filmed, They found it hard to get prisoners willing to appear on TV, they also filmed for about a year as nothing was happening, no violence, etc the worse they got was someone getting caught with hooch in their cell.
Most lifers are not interested in causing trouble because it goes on their record and there is little chance they will get released.
It was totally obvious that some of these prisoners were mentally ill and their were prisoners who just snapped and deeply regretted it, there are prisoners who didnt intend to kill but are now living with their mistake. Its also highley unlikely long term prisoners will reoffend once out of prison compared to short term prisoners

EVERY prisoners situtation is different

in the UK we have 4 different cat prisons

A CAT prisons for VERY high risk prisoners - locked up 23 hours a day and probably highley unlikely to be released
B CAT prisons for high risk prisoners serving long life sentances= these were the prisoners on the programme
C CAT prisons for medium risk prisoners
D CAT prisons/open prison for low risk priosners

EVERY stage the rules regulations are tightened up, yes people can smuggle all sorts in to the D cat prisons/open prisons but its extreamly hard to smuggle anything in to ABC prisons and most things that do get smuggled in are by corrupt prison officers.

It really annoys me that people sit back and judge so easily and take TV programmes and other media as gospel, there is a lot more to it.

Prisoners who do say its easy and keep returning to prison are most likely in the lower cat prisons doing shorter sentences or prisoners who say they prefer prison to being outside, must have a very terrible life on the outside.

It definitley about rehabilitation and giving them the tools to get educated and go through councelling so they are able to get a job and cope once released.

im not denying their are people that shouldnt be released and those people probably wont be but i'm sorry every prisoner is different and has a different story.

If they've killed someone they shouldn't be given a second chance I don't think. If they've snapped once they could easily snap again.

Not sure if I'd wanna know the full story if they'd hurt someone would I wanna share society with them nope not at all!

I've not just used the programme or the media as examples of pure scum! By FACT and things that I personally have experienced first hand
I watched LIFERS and know fact, that one of those prisoners was moved into the massive cell and GIVEN the tv, birds, games console etc if he agreed to be filmed, They found it hard to get prisoners willing to appear on TV, they also filmed for about a year as nothing was happening, no violence, etc the worse they got was someone getting caught with hooch in their cell.
Most lifers are not interested in causing trouble because it goes on their record and there is little chance they will get released.
It was totally obvious that some of these prisoners were mentally ill and their were prisoners who just snapped and deeply regretted it, there are prisoners who didnt intend to kill but are now living with their mistake. Its also highley unlikely long term prisoners will reoffend once out of prison compared to short term prisoners

EVERY prisoners situtation is different

in the UK we have 4 different cat prisons

A CAT prisons for VERY high risk prisoners - locked up 23 hours a day and probably highley unlikely to be released
B CAT prisons for high risk prisoners serving long life sentances= these were the prisoners on the programme
C CAT prisons for medium risk prisoners
D CAT prisons/open prison for low risk priosners

EVERY stage the rules regulations are tightened up, yes people can smuggle all sorts in to the D cat prisons/open prisons but its extreamly hard to smuggle anything in to ABC prisons and most things that do get smuggled in are by corrupt prison officers.

It really annoys me that people sit back and judge so easily and take TV programmes and other media as gospel, there is a lot more to it.

Prisoners who do say its easy and keep returning to prison are most likely in the lower cat prisons doing shorter sentences or prisoners who say they prefer prison to being outside, must have a very terrible life on the outside.

It definitley about rehabilitation and giving them the tools to get educated and go through councelling so they are able to get a job and cope once released.

im not denying their are people that shouldnt be released and those people probably wont be but i'm sorry every prisoner is different and has a different story.

If they've killed someone they shouldn't be given a second chance I don't think. If they've snapped once they could easily snap again.

Not sure if I'd wanna know the full story if they'd hurt someone would I wanna share society with them nope not at all!

I've not just used the programme or the media as examples of pure scum! By FACT and things that I personally have experienced first hand

And also when it watched the programme there was a man at the beginning saying that he would easily kill the 2 prison guards searching his bags as he's never getting out so has nothing to lose :shrug:.
If a woman wants to stay with her partner while he's in jail that's her choice, she should just wait and abstain from sex if he's really that important.

imo prison is too easy in this country. Why are we suggesting ways to make it more so? What a joke!

Not seeing Family can't be that much of a punishment for those inside seeing as the re offending rate is so high. In fact , can't have been that important in the first place if they'd risk their family for whatever crime they committed!
If a woman wants to stay with her partner while he's in jail that's her choice, she should just wait and abstain from sex if he's really that important.

imo prison is too easy in this country. Why are we suggesting ways to make it more so? What a joke!

Not seeing Family can't be that much of a punishment for those inside seeing as the re offending rate is so high. In fact , can't have been that important in the first place if they'd risk their family for whatever crime they committed!

Can agree more :thumbup:

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