O/T should prisoners be able to have sex whilst doing a sentance

Not saying sex is the only thing that matters but it is one aspect of continuing a relationship on the outside. But its not just about sex, spending time with their children would be another way of helping them rehabilitate. Here prisoners after serving half their sentence (I think) can apply for home leave every 4 months or something like that, and spend a few days at home with their family. It helps. It helps not only the prisoner but the family. Children of inmates are more likely to end up in prison themselves but things like this can help lessen that likelihood.
No prisoners shouldn't have sex in prison.
Yes prison is a punishment. You break the law and you get punished its how it works.

The bigger picture for me is that yes in a perfect world prisoners get out and never commit a crime agaib but that is not the reality and I think it's ridiculous to think allowing prisoners to have sex will stop them reoffending.
What would stop reoffending was a prison that was a punishment only supplying basic human needs, water, food, washing facilities and sleep. That's all we NEED everything else is a luxury.

And as for the argument 'why punish the partners too' well that's truly laughable and IMO not a argument that holds any ground

I'm sorry but thats just not true.
Surly when you go to prison the whole point is the fact that it is a punishement. I am not sure that losing your freedom but having conjugal visits, access to TVs etc, is really the same punshment. I strongly support prisoners having the opportunity to gain an education. However, I cannot support sex for prisoners.

Rape has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power. Many men find themselves in powderkeg situations with other men (soldiers in the field being one such group) but rape is no commonplace there.
No prisoners shouldn't have sex in prison.
Yes prison is a punishment. You break the law and you get punished its how it works.

The bigger picture for me is that yes in a perfect world prisoners get out and never commit a crime agaib but that is not the reality and I think it's ridiculous to think allowing prisoners to have sex will stop them reoffending.
What would stop reoffending was a prison that was a punishment only supplying basic human needs, water, food, washing facilities and sleep. That's all we NEED everything else is a luxury.

And as for the argument 'why punish the partners too' well that's truly laughable and IMO not a argument that holds any ground

I'm sorry but thats just not true.

Well IMO it is true and all some prisoners deserve.
What the hell is a prison without punishment? Where is the deterent if live carries on pretty much the same? Tv, games, socialisation, sex! Why do these people deserve such luxuries when they've broken the law? Causing people upset and misery and god knows what else.
I stay within the and work hard for everything I have and I think it's about time we stop worrying about the human rights of the prisoners and more about the rights of the people who were wronged by the criminals.
We live in a dangerous society where there are no serious consequences for breaking the law, our sentences are laughable. For instance that footballers not long ago got I think 18 months or 2 years for killing 2 young boys whilst pissed and speeding on the motor way!! And I'm pretty damn sure the boys' parents won't be of the belief that he deserves the air he breathes let along regular sex visits!
Sex certainly isn't the only important thing in a relationship but for me and I'm sure lots of other people it gives you a kind of intimacy that only sex can give you, I think that's important in a relationship. In my opinion the more relationships that can be maintained the more the inmate would have to work for when they are released.
No prisoners shouldn't have sex in prison.
Yes prison is a punishment. You break the law and you get punished its how it works.

The bigger picture for me is that yes in a perfect world prisoners get out and never commit a crime agaib but that is not the reality and I think it's ridiculous to think allowing prisoners to have sex will stop them reoffending.
What would stop reoffending was a prison that was a punishment only supplying basic human needs, water, food, washing facilities and sleep. That's all we NEED everything else is a luxury.

And as for the argument 'why punish the partners too' well that's truly laughable and IMO not a argument that holds any ground

I'm sorry but thats just not true.

Well IMO it is true and all some prisoners deserve.
What the hell is a prison without punishment? Where is the deterent if live carries on pretty much the same? Tv, games, socialisation, sex! Why do these people deserve such luxuries when they've broken the law? Causing people upset and misery and god knows what else.
I stay within the and work hard for everything I have and I think it's about time we stop worrying about the human rights of the prisoners and more about the rights of the people who were wronged by the criminals.
We live in a dangerous society where there are no serious consequences for breaking the law, our sentences are laughable. For instance that footballers not long ago got I think 18 months or 2 years for killing 2 young boys whilst pissed and speeding on the motor way!! And I'm pretty damn sure the boys' parents won't be of the belief that he deserves the air he breathes let along regular sex visits!

That might be your opinion but its not based on any evidence. Whether a prison is harsh or soft, whether people actually go into prison or receive non-custodial sentences, has practically no effect at all on crime rates. Crime is affected by poverty, by lack of education, by lack of mental health care, by inequality. Stop worrying about prisoners getting sex and start worrying about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer - thats the only reasonable thing we can do. We can't change people who are sociopaths or psychopaths and commit crimes because of that, they're the ones that should be locked up (in a mental institution preferably), but most other criminals can be changed with the right approach.
No prisoners shouldn't have sex in prison.
Yes prison is a punishment. You break the law and you get punished its how it works.

The bigger picture for me is that yes in a perfect world prisoners get out and never commit a crime agaib but that is not the reality and I think it's ridiculous to think allowing prisoners to have sex will stop them reoffending.
What would stop reoffending was a prison that was a punishment only supplying basic human needs, water, food, washing facilities and sleep. That's all we NEED everything else is a luxury.

And as for the argument 'why punish the partners too' well that's truly laughable and IMO not a argument that holds any ground

I'm sorry but thats just not true.

Well IMO it is true and all some prisoners deserve.
What the hell is a prison without punishment? Where is the deterent if live carries on pretty much the same? Tv, games, socialisation, sex! Why do these people deserve such luxuries when they've broken the law? Causing people upset and misery and god knows what else.
I stay within the and work hard for everything I have and I think it's about time we stop worrying about the human rights of the prisoners and more about the rights of the people who were wronged by the criminals.
We live in a dangerous society where there are no serious consequences for breaking the law, our sentences are laughable. For instance that footballers not long ago got I think 18 months or 2 years for killing 2 young boys whilst pissed and speeding on the motor way!! And I'm pretty damn sure the boys' parents won't be of the belief that he deserves the air he breathes let along regular sex visits!

That might be your opinion but its not based on any evidence. Whether a prison is harsh or soft, whether people actually go into prison or receive non-custodial sentences, has practically no effect at all on crime rates. Crime is affected by poverty, by lack of education, by lack of mental health care, by inequality. Stop worrying about prisoners getting sex and start worrying about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer - thats the only reasonable thing we can do. We can't change people who are sociopaths or psychopaths and commit crimes because of that, they're the ones that should be locked up (in a mental institution preferably), but most other criminals can be changed with the right approach.

Well for starters I'm not stupid but I'm a victim of a pathetic justice system who allowed a man who abused me to walk away scot free with some pathetic community service! Well that's him well and truly punished, oh hang on a minute he didn't really get punished or learn anything. He laughed thinking it was funny! What message is that? Oh and he's upper middle class with a lot of money. Not all prisoners are poor and using that as an excuse in awful, millions of people are poorer than they would like and they don't go out and commit crimes. Again IMO we as a society make up excuses for people that cannot abide by the law.
Yes I agree that people deserve rehabilitation but at the same time they need to know they are being punished and realise what they've done is wrong
I dont think you need sex for rehabilitation. Education so therefore prospects is probably one of the most important things, alongside providing the chance for regular visits so relationships can still be maintained but this doesnt need to include sex.

I dont understand the violent, sexually frustrated point about rape. If my husand was violent and sexually frustrated and raped me would you say well if only he had been able to have sex? No of course not. The same can be said here, it is NOT about the release of sexual tension but rather showing the man you are raping who is 'boss', in control etc. Rape is a power thing not a sexual thing.

As an aside because I know you shouldnt think these things through emotionally, if my husband had been killed by someone and then the government/prison services put it in place that he could have sex with his partner so that he could maintain his relationship and so that she wasnt punished, I would be GUTTED. Me and my husband would no longer be able to maintain our relationship, and we would NEVER have that intimacy again. In my mind it would be why cant they wait a few years for something we will never get to experience together again, because of him.
I completely understand viewing it from a victim mentality. And I know if someone did something to someone I loved I would want them to suffer. BUT that doesn't help things in the long run. If we want to live in a better society and we want less chance of being a victim of these crimes, we need to do things differently, even if that means things we don't agree with.
I completely understand viewing it from a victim mentality. And I know if someone did something to someone I loved I would want them to suffer. BUT that doesn't help things in the long run. If we want to live in a better society and we want less chance of being a victim of these crimes, we need to do things differently, even if that means things we don't agree with.

Yes, that is why it was at the bottom and I said as an aside.

I still dont believe that sex is needed for rehablitation. There are plenty of other ways to rehabilitate.

I dont believe for a second it would reduce the amount of rapes either.
I completely understand viewing it from a victim mentality. And I know if someone did something to someone I loved I would want them to suffer. BUT that doesn't help things in the long run. If we want to live in a better society and we want less chance of being a victim of these crimes, we need to do things differently, even if that means things we don't agree with.

Yes, that is why it was at the bottom and I said as an aside.

I still dont believe that sex is needed for rehablitation. There are plenty of other ways to rehabilitate.

I dont believe for a second it would reduce the amount of rapes either.

Maybe it wouldn't but prison officers here credit in part the low levels of prison violence to the frequent contact with visitors, including conjugal visits. Bearing in mind some officers would still remember the old system which was the complete opposite, and how much violence there was then.
No, they lose certain rights and privalges in prison. Surely having sex is one of those! & when does it end, would it just be long term girlfriends and wives, or can they apply for a personal in a newspaper and bring in a stranger to DTD.
Natsku, do you only see prison as being a place to 'rehabilitate' people? There are some people who won't ever be rehabiltated and what will deter people from committing crimes in the first place if they know prison wont be so bad? There are consequences for our actions that we are all aware of and often stop people doing these things- being afraid of being caught.
I know most people don't break the law 'because they don't want to get caught' but some will. If you speed, you get a ticket, you may end up losing your license. You don't get 'rehabilitated'... You get punished- these things work!
So the fact that prison s becoming more and more cosy is surely going make criminals less worried about being caught. And for some- they don't give a damn about spending a year inside- you have to remember they types of people we're talking about. Armed robbers who really don't care who they hurt to get what they want- they know the risks but it doesn't stop them. If they know prison isnt going to be 'punishment' then all the more reason to keep doing it.
I am in no way saying prison should be really awful but I do think that 'luxuries' should be restricted and 'sex' really is a high end luxury in my opinion.
I've just skimmed through this thread, and there's an awful lot of black and white Daily Mail rhetoric being spouted.

Quick question: How many of you have actual knowledge of what prison is like? How many of you have been or seen loved ones sent there?

It's all very well saying they shouldn't have this, that or the other... that it's a partner's choice to stay with them etc etc etc - it's a very very different ball game in reality - it's not simple, nor is it pleasant.. for anyone involved.
If you look at Norway, one of the safest countries in the world they (until the crazy brevic guy) never locked people up for life, it was only rehabilitation. They have prisons in the middles of forests so the prisoners dont feel like they are in prison, the grounds are so big that the wall is so far away they never see it. They have prisons for murderes and rapists with no walls, with beaches and farms and saunas and fishing. they are allowed visits for sex, they are allowed. The max prison term is 21 years )they are looking into changing that for Brevik.) so prison isnt really much of a deterant, but they have a crime rate and a reoffending rate much much lower than the uk... so our system clearly isnt working.

I dont think that letting prisoners have sex will change all that over night but it might start a shift towards accepting that people no matter how evil still might have something good about them, maybe something that they never knew or were never told.

most people in prison are not murderers or pedophiles, but its easy to talk about them as if they are. I know i have done illegal things in my life, i bet that lots of us have, be that speeding or a bit of light drug use or shoplifting as a kid. The people in prison are still people, they still have feelings and needs, I feel like if it doesnt cost society anything and it might lead to lower reoffending rates and it makes a couple of people happy then its a good thing.
Breivik is somewhat of a special case. Prosecutors are trying to have him found to be criminally insane, thus put into psychiatric care and getting around the maximum tariff - it will not be a change in the law as such.
I watched LIFERS and know fact, that one of those prisoners was moved into the massive cell and GIVEN the tv, birds, games console etc if he agreed to be filmed, They found it hard to get prisoners willing to appear on TV, they also filmed for about a year as nothing was happening, no violence, etc the worse they got was someone getting caught with hooch in their cell.
Most lifers are not interested in causing trouble because it goes on their record and there is little chance they will get released.
It was totally obvious that some of these prisoners were mentally ill and their were prisoners who just snapped and deeply regretted it, there are prisoners who didnt intend to kill but are now living with their mistake. Its also highley unlikely long term prisoners will reoffend once out of prison compared to short term prisoners

EVERY prisoners situtation is different

in the UK we have 4 different cat prisons

A CAT prisons for VERY high risk prisoners - locked up 23 hours a day and probably highley unlikely to be released
B CAT prisons for high risk prisoners serving long life sentances= these were the prisoners on the programme
C CAT prisons for medium risk prisoners
D CAT prisons/open prison for low risk priosners

EVERY stage the rules regulations are tightened up, yes people can smuggle all sorts in to the D cat prisons/open prisons but its extreamly hard to smuggle anything in to ABC prisons and most things that do get smuggled in are by corrupt prison officers.

It really annoys me that people sit back and judge so easily and take TV programmes and other media as gospel, there is a lot more to it.

Prisoners who do say its easy and keep returning to prison are most likely in the lower cat prisons doing shorter sentences or prisoners who say they prefer prison to being outside, must have a very terrible life on the outside.

It definitley about rehabilitation and giving them the tools to get educated and go through councelling so they are able to get a job and cope once released.

im not denying their are people that shouldnt be released and those people probably wont be but i'm sorry every prisoner is different and has a different story.

If they've killed someone they shouldn't be given a second chance I don't think. If they've snapped once they could easily snap again.

Not sure if I'd wanna know the full story if they'd hurt someone would I wanna share society with them nope not at all!

I've not just used the programme or the media as examples of pure scum! By FACT and things that I personally have experienced first hand

And also when it watched the programme there was a man at the beginning saying that he would easily kill the 2 prison guards searching his bags as he's never getting out so has nothing to lose :shrug:.

ACTUALLY he said i have been given life with no parole, i will die in prison so i could kill these two prisoner officers right now if i want to, i dont want to, but i could, i am never getting out of prison so i have nothing to loose what is to stop others like me doing it..?

he was making a point a very valid point![/QUOTE

sorry I didn't watch and learn the show word for word like you have obviously.

It's a good job scum like that never will be released and will be left to rot! and I hope their victims family weren't watching this programme, whilst their loved one is 6 feet under they are playing their Xbox still seeing their family...

Why their family would still want to see a metering family I'll never know each to their own

well your version was daily mail ish.

i dont actually think prisoners should be allowed sex, the whole thing is just so much more complex and to hear such things than oh prisoners are scum treat them like animals let them rot etc ...........just :nope: i dont have the words.

There are 100% prisoners that should and will not be realeased and shouldnt be and i wouldnt want them to be but there are also prisoners that can be rehabilated and deserve a second chance, its not all black and white ............and with people like that in society they have no chance, all i think is each prisoner should be treated differently depending on the circumstance.

NO ONE knows how they will 100% react or feel until they are in that situation, its easy to sit back and judge so quickly on different situations.

One of my neighbours stabbed a girl when she was a teenager over a boy,(one of the after school fights) this was about 20 odd years ago ish, i knew the girl that died she was a neighbour of ours in the area i grew up we knew the family, when i found out the person who did it was now my neighbour (in a different area) it was a bit of a shock, she did her time, and obviously did a really really really stupid thing..she hasnt commited any crimes since and deeply regrets what she has done and is trying to get on with her life the best she can...she is nearly 40 now and obviously doesnt think or act like teenagers do...and its hard for people like her with some people attitudes....... yes someone died and someone i knew, and the family have lost a daughter etc etc and i know how hard that is ......(my uncle was knocked over and killed by a careless driver applying lipstick whilst driving at a stupid speed.......imo no better than any other person who unintentionally kills someone but she walked free. )

lost my train of thought..............urmmm......what i'm trying to say really is that people change people grow up, people do stupid things.............i'm not denying some people are just evil and need to be locked up forever but NOT ALL situations are like that AND i also 100% empathise with the victims family side of things, i just dont think it helps society in the long run with the whole eye for eye sort of attitude, and prisoners families have a real tough time to and i wouldnt wish that situation on anyone either.
Again, I'd rather pay for prisoners to have sex and other "luxuries" than pay the costs of having more crime in society. Am I the only one looking at the bigger picture here?!

having sex is going to lower crime rates vs masturbation. I would need to see some studies supporting that one! I am all for 'rehab' and even education! But, sex, and game consoles. no. I don't mind visits from family, but not to bang under the sheets.
Breivik is somewhat of a special case. Prosecutors are trying to have him found to be criminally insane, thus put into psychiatric care and getting around the maximum tariff - it will not be a change in the law as such.

the problem is that he keeps proving himself to be sane.. but i dont think they would only give him 21 years.. i think they realise that it doesnt work for a very very extream case like his.
I also believe that there are people who will never be able to 'rehabilitate' like Paul Bernardo. People like that should be strung up until dead.

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