O/T should prisoners be able to have sex whilst doing a sentance

I watched LIFERS and know fact, that one of those prisoners was moved into the massive cell and GIVEN the tv, birds, games console etc if he agreed to be filmed, They found it hard to get prisoners willing to appear on TV, they also filmed for about a year as nothing was happening, no violence, etc the worse they got was someone getting caught with hooch in their cell.
Most lifers are not interested in causing trouble because it goes on their record and there is little chance they will get released.
It was totally obvious that some of these prisoners were mentally ill and their were prisoners who just snapped and deeply regretted it, there are prisoners who didnt intend to kill but are now living with their mistake. Its also highley unlikely long term prisoners will reoffend once out of prison compared to short term prisoners

EVERY prisoners situtation is different

in the UK we have 4 different cat prisons

A CAT prisons for VERY high risk prisoners - locked up 23 hours a day and probably highley unlikely to be released
B CAT prisons for high risk prisoners serving long life sentances= these were the prisoners on the programme
C CAT prisons for medium risk prisoners
D CAT prisons/open prison for low risk priosners

EVERY stage the rules regulations are tightened up, yes people can smuggle all sorts in to the D cat prisons/open prisons but its extreamly hard to smuggle anything in to ABC prisons and most things that do get smuggled in are by corrupt prison officers.

It really annoys me that people sit back and judge so easily and take TV programmes and other media as gospel, there is a lot more to it.

Prisoners who do say its easy and keep returning to prison are most likely in the lower cat prisons doing shorter sentences or prisoners who say they prefer prison to being outside, must have a very terrible life on the outside.

It definitley about rehabilitation and giving them the tools to get educated and go through councelling so they are able to get a job and cope once released.

im not denying their are people that shouldnt be released and those people probably wont be but i'm sorry every prisoner is different and has a different story.

If they've killed someone they shouldn't be given a second chance I don't think. If they've snapped once they could easily snap again.

Not sure if I'd wanna know the full story if they'd hurt someone would I wanna share society with them nope not at all!

I've not just used the programme or the media as examples of pure scum! By FACT and things that I personally have experienced first hand

And also when it watched the programme there was a man at the beginning saying that he would easily kill the 2 prison guards searching his bags as he's never getting out so has nothing to lose :shrug:.

ACTUALLY he said i have been given life with no parole, i will die in prison so i could kill these two prisoner officers right now if i want to, i dont want to, but i could, i am never getting out of prison so i have nothing to loose what is to stop others like me doing it..?

he was making a point a very valid point!
I watched LIFERS and know fact, that one of those prisoners was moved into the massive cell and GIVEN the tv, birds, games console etc if he agreed to be filmed, They found it hard to get prisoners willing to appear on TV, they also filmed for about a year as nothing was happening, no violence, etc the worse they got was someone getting caught with hooch in their cell.
Most lifers are not interested in causing trouble because it goes on their record and there is little chance they will get released.
It was totally obvious that some of these prisoners were mentally ill and their were prisoners who just snapped and deeply regretted it, there are prisoners who didnt intend to kill but are now living with their mistake. Its also highley unlikely long term prisoners will reoffend once out of prison compared to short term prisoners

EVERY prisoners situtation is different

in the UK we have 4 different cat prisons

A CAT prisons for VERY high risk prisoners - locked up 23 hours a day and probably highley unlikely to be released
B CAT prisons for high risk prisoners serving long life sentances= these were the prisoners on the programme
C CAT prisons for medium risk prisoners
D CAT prisons/open prison for low risk priosners

EVERY stage the rules regulations are tightened up, yes people can smuggle all sorts in to the D cat prisons/open prisons but its extreamly hard to smuggle anything in to ABC prisons and most things that do get smuggled in are by corrupt prison officers.

It really annoys me that people sit back and judge so easily and take TV programmes and other media as gospel, there is a lot more to it.

Prisoners who do say its easy and keep returning to prison are most likely in the lower cat prisons doing shorter sentences or prisoners who say they prefer prison to being outside, must have a very terrible life on the outside.

It definitley about rehabilitation and giving them the tools to get educated and go through councelling so they are able to get a job and cope once released.

im not denying their are people that shouldnt be released and those people probably wont be but i'm sorry every prisoner is different and has a different story.

If they've killed someone they shouldn't be given a second chance I don't think. If they've snapped once they could easily snap again.

Not sure if I'd wanna know the full story if they'd hurt someone would I wanna share society with them nope not at all!

I've not just used the programme or the media as examples of pure scum! By FACT and things that I personally have experienced first hand

And also when it watched the programme there was a man at the beginning saying that he would easily kill the 2 prison guards searching his bags as he's never getting out so has nothing to lose :shrug:.

ACTUALLY he said i have been given life with no parole, i will die in prison so i could kill these two prisoner officers right now if i want to, i dont want to, but i could, i am never getting out of prison so i have nothing to loose what is to stop others like me doing it..?

he was making a point a very valid point![/QUOTE

sorry I didn't watch and learn the show word for word like you have obviously.

It's a good job scum like that never will be released and will be left to rot! and I hope their victims family weren't watching this programme, whilst their loved one is 6 feet under they are playing their Xbox still seeing their family...

Why their family would still want to see a metering family I'll never know each to their own
If your child committed a crime would you not want to see them again?

One of the reasons re-offending rates are so high is because the system is so messed up, making things harsher won't fix that, it'll make it worse. The evidence points that way. I just don't understand why people don't want to make things work better, why they would rather have a bad system with bad results just because it makes them feel slightly better that criminals are being punished more harshly. Frequent contact with people on the outside, including conjugal visits, make it easier to rehabilitate prisoners and makes them better behaved - why wouldn't you want that?!
im amazed theirs even an argument on this topic.

if my oh was stupid enough to get himself into bother with the police and got locked up for it, then shame on him, would i want him to have luxuries inside?? no i wouldnt because at the end of the day hes commited a crime and needs to be punished just like anyone else.
and i agree that if wives girlfiends partners want to stick by their men, stick by them, at home, not by bein invited in for sex sessions. youve chose to stick by them so face the consequences.

and the argument that sexually frustrated men get into fights?? funny my hubbies bn sexually frustrated best part of this pregnancy, but he hasnt beaten me or anyone else up, hes took himself to the bathroom and closed the door.

ways and means.
Your husband isn't locked up away from everyone he loves, sharing close quarters with the dregs of society though is he? Its not comparable.

The evidence shows that if prisoners have at least one person on the outside that they maintain a close contact with (i.e. visits) they are less violent in the prison, and are easier to rehabilitate and less likely to go back to previous criminal behaviour with previous criminal friends.

I'm glad I live in a country that prefers less crime, a better society, and less tax money wasted on prisons.
If your child committed a crime would you not want to see them again?

One of the reasons re-offending rates are so high is because the system is so messed up, making things harsher won't fix that, it'll make it worse. The evidence points that way. I just don't understand why people don't want to make things work better, why they would rather have a bad system with bad results just because it makes them feel slightly better that criminals are being punished more harshly. Frequent contact with people on the outside, including conjugal visits, make it easier to rehabilitate prisoners and makes them better behaved - why wouldn't you want that?!

Depending what the crime is if she murdered someone then honestly I don't think I would want to as hard as it is to say I wouldn't want to be part of her life.

Again depending what the crime is. Peodophiles, murderers, rapists people who have done crimes like that- no I really wouldn't want the rehabilitated back into society, the thought of those sorts of people mixing with my child and other children turns my stomach!

Those who have committed crimes like taking drugs, been inside once for a fight, other minor crimes then yes give them another chance.
Your husband isn't locked up away from everyone he loves, sharing close quarters with the dregs of society though is he? Its not comparable.

The evidence shows that if prisoners have at least one person on the outside that they maintain a close contact with (i.e. visits) they are less violent in the prison, and are easier to rehabilitate and less likely to go back to previous criminal behaviour with previous criminal friends.

I'm glad I live in a country that prefers less crime, a better society, and less tax money wasted on prisons.

no hes not, because hes not comitted a crime so therefore doesnt need to be.
Your husband isn't locked up away from everyone he loves, sharing close quarters with the dregs of society though is he? Its not comparable.

The evidence shows that if prisoners have at least one person on the outside that they maintain a close contact with (i.e. visits) they are less violent in the prison, and are easier to rehabilitate and less likely to go back to previous criminal behaviour with previous criminal friends.

I'm glad I live in a country that prefers less crime, a better society, and less tax money wasted on prisons.

no hes not, because hes not comitted a crime so therefore doesnt need to be.

its also proof that if people stick by the law, they dont need to be imprisoned and this wouldnt be being discussed in the first place. but unfortunaly they do and it is. but i stick by my opinion-if you choose to commit crime then you do the time-and all that comes with it.
Your husband isn't locked up away from everyone he loves, sharing close quarters with the dregs of society though is he? Its not comparable.

The evidence shows that if prisoners have at least one person on the outside that they maintain a close contact with (i.e. visits) they are less violent in the prison, and are easier to rehabilitate and less likely to go back to previous criminal behaviour with previous criminal friends.

I'm glad I live in a country that prefers less crime, a better society, and less tax money wasted on prisons.

What I can't seem to understand on the point their locked up from those they love is.... Why didn't they think of that when they done the crime? They wasn't thinking of their partners when they were out causing trouble? They weren't considering their family was they.

Your right tax money is wasted over here on criminals providing them with nice Xmas dinners, parties (yes they have parties a family member works in a prison not allowed to say any more than that), TVs, games consols etc.
exactly-theyve hardly gone off to war fighting for our country have they???

theyve chose to spend time in prison and her majestys pleasure. atleast when soldiers choose to go off to war they do it for the country-not to rip off the country. but as someone else said-do they get sexual relief??

i think its pretty clear to see the majority of people think the whole idea is wrong.

and yes this country does piss tax payers money up the wall. but i tell u what i wouldnt want to be payng for-either supplying those people with condoms or worse still apying for their off spring thats bn concieved while behind bars that are left to us to support because their daddies are locked up.
I understand the viewpoint you all have but I am trying to look at this logically rather than emotionally, and the fact is that harsher conditions and sentences do not deter criminals, reduce reoffending or lower the crime rate. All they do is waste more of your tax money. The only real way of lowering crime is better social policy, including better welfare. But people are more concerned with revenge than with having less crime overall, and thats really sad I think.
I want Maria to grow up in a world with less crime and less social troubles, not more.
Hmmm...interesting read.

I do agree completely that it depends on the criminal and their crime. Whilst I agree that there should be actions and consequences, surely the consequences should suit the criminal?

For example, I know of a someone who became a drug user (from a family habit no less!) from a young age. He stole from his family and friends and eventually it lead to him robbing and mugging people to pay for his addiction.

His addiction no less meant he had little/no social interaction and meant he spent a lot of his time getting high.

Ultimately he was put in prison. He didn't give a shit about seeing his family - why would he? They helped put him there! Putting him in a position to have drugs (smuggled in no less) AND have other luxuries with it.

For him, it was a win/win situation :shrug:

We always talk about the different ways to teach our children...surely we should be practising this with our prisoners?

However, no matter which way you look at it....never would I agree to a prisoner being able to get their end away. I don't feel as though it is an essential basic need or an essential learning need.
No. Prison should mean Prison, it shouldn't mean some kind of holiday camp.
As for their partners benefit? Really? I don't think I've ever heard such a lame excuse. Im sorry but it is their choice to stick by someone that cannot keep within the law.
Why is everyone talking about tv's, game consoles, and partners on the outside? This debate was about prisoners having sex. We are not denying masturbation....and really, bring your wife in for a good scronk?! NAaaaaaaasty! No...their partners are NOT being'punished' by not having seX (was that a serious statement?) their partners have offender criminals as partners who have made poor choices and not thought about the effect and now has consequences to pay...and if that means they are upset that they can't have sex with them, perhaps they need to reevaluate the relationship, not the system. Sex in prison? Not on my dime!
Again, I'd rather pay for prisoners to have sex and other "luxuries" than pay the costs of having more crime in society. Am I the only one looking at the bigger picture here?!
Again, I'd rather pay for prisoners to have sex and other "luxuries" than pay the costs of having more crime in society. Am I the only one looking at the bigger picture here?!

I think you have a good point, If they maintain their links/bonds with the outside world they will have a much better chance of not reoffending. My initial thought was the additional money spent on organising it but maybe prisonerd using such a service could pay for it through work?

I don't think prison should be a punishment, more an education into how to behave properly in society.

Clearly the education needs to start with the most important things in life are not tv and computer games.
Again, I'd rather pay for prisoners to have sex and other "luxuries" than pay the costs of having more crime in society. Am I the only one looking at the bigger picture here?!

I think you have a good point, If they maintain their links/bonds with the outside world they will have a much better chance of not reoffending. My initial thought was the additional money spent on organising it but maybe prisonerd using such a service could pay for it through work?

I don't think prison should be a punishment, more an education into how to behave properly in society.

Clearly the education needs to start with the most important things in life are not tv and computer games.

Yeah they should earn privileges such as that through good behaviour and working. And I agree, the whole criminal justice system should be about helping and teaching people how to behave properly, not about punishing them and then waiting for them to do it again so you punish them again.

Of course there has to be an element of punishment, whether it be a fine, community service or having your freedom taken away for a period of time, but treating prisoners like scum doesn't do any good in the long run.
Why is everyone talking about tv's, game consoles, and partners on the outside? This debate was about prisoners having sex. We are not denying masturbation....and really, bring your wife in for a good scronk?! NAaaaaaaasty! No...their partners are NOT being'punished' by not having seX (was that a serious statement?) their partners have offender criminals as partners who have made poor choices and not thought about the effect and now has consequences to pay...and if that means they are upset that they can't have sex with them, perhaps they need to reevaluate the relationship, not the system. Sex in prison? Not on my dime!

I think what posters are meaning is that they've already been given the above things (when they shouldn't be) what more do they want sort of thing? Well that's what I meant anyway
So 'sex' is the only way to rehabilitate now?
I agree with good behaviour being rewarded (books etc). We're just all saying allowing sex is taking it too far. It's like you're saying if we don't allow all these luxuries it's going to make prisoners reoffend which to me is a ridiculous statement.
What about the armed forces? Why aren't you saying they should be able to have sex visits? Because they're not violent criminals?
And sure, an outside bond may help them to stay on the straight- but you're implying that 'sex' is the only thing that matters!
Yes- I agree we should be finding ways to turn them around- but do you really really believe 'sex' is the miracle cure?? What about counselling..... Therapies....? I'd much rather the money be spent on that than all the red tape involved in organising sex visits....
No prisoners shouldn't have sex in prison.
Yes prison is a punishment. You break the law and you get punished its how it works.

The bigger picture for me is that yes in a perfect world prisoners get out and never commit a crime agaib but that is not the reality and I think it's ridiculous to think allowing prisoners to have sex will stop them reoffending.
What would stop reoffending was a prison that was a punishment only supplying basic human needs, water, food, washing facilities and sleep. That's all we NEED everything else is a luxury.

And as for the argument 'why punish the partners too' well that's truly laughable and IMO not a argument that holds any ground

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