
I'm feeling excited today. Have made a big batch of soup, am about to make carrot cake and am going to go into town to buy some meat to make some dinners to freeze later. Not sure where all this energy has come from but hey, I'm being productive!!!

I'm glad you've got the cleaners in Charlie as that's prob a big weight off your mind. At least everythings clean!

Only 3 days until my induction now, am really looking forward to meeting my little prince!
Cleaners have turned the house around, am well happy! :happydance: Feel ready for our LO to arrive now, just have a feeling she's planning to be v. fashionably late!!! :haha:

Woo hoo, so excited for you you only have 3 days to go before you get to meet your little prince Rosie, you must be so happy! Great you're well and truly into nesting mode now, its a v. good sign in itself, so you never know you may not be needing that induction after all.....

I really hope not but I've already cooked 3 meals for next week this morning & nothing. NO twinges, cramps or anything!!!! arg . . . he really is going to be a teenager when he comes out!
Haha - that's not a bad idea Charlie!! Ice craving is worse than ever, it is the 1st thing I think of in the morning and when I stop at night I just want more!!!!!!! I should fill the pool and just chill out in it, would be nice to watch TV and be comfortable for once!

As for my progress - I had cramps and contractions all night, couldn't get comfy in bed, only comfy thing was to stand or sit on the birth ball. Managed a couple of hours sleep and when I woke up they were much less intense. My midwife gave me another sweep today, still pretty favourable at 3cm, she did a really rough one today that was pretty painful and ever since I've been having period pains and tightenings again, so fingers crossed it may happen tonight!! But I'll probably still be pregnant tomorrow!! I am such a good time keeper I cannot believe this baby is late!!!!

We practiced fitting the car seat today and going to go for a walk as the weather is soooo lovely - maybe that will give the baby a hint to shift itself! lol

Good news about the builders almost being done Charlie, maybe now you'll relax a little and LO will come??

Rosie - hope you're ok? Not long now til you'll be a mummy!! Hoping it happens for you naturally, but if not, induction will get you going!

Come on Kelly and Immi - how are you doing?

Amy x
Woo hoo, sounds like you might be needing that birthing pool sooner than you think Amy! Sounds like you're progressing more than Rosie and myself.

Do you have another MW appointment before your induction Rosie or is that it now? I wondered whether they might be willing to check you again prior to your induction to see if your cervix is anymore favourable. I really think i'll be induced too, keep telling myself it doesn't really matter now our babes arrive as long as they're healthy! Just knowing you're gonna meet your LO this week is v. exciting!

I did a search for Immi and saw she had her LO back at the end of September. She had a little boy called Ciaran Patrick. I have messaged her a couple of days back but haven't heard. I didn't say anything in here as I was hoping she'd announce in here herself. Not surprising really as can imagine she's busy with her new bundle of joy! Huge congrats to her of course and f'xd she'll pop in soon. I think the last time she posted in here was July but she is still an active BnB member so it may be that she's deleted her subscription by accident or assumed we've abandoned the thread as we have to admit we were all a bit quiet during Aug/Sept! We hope to hear from you soon Immi. I hope Ciaran is doing well.

I've since found this, if any of you want to pass on your congrats to Immi.


thanks Charlie for finding Immi's birth story. Immi, if you do check in here, congratulations.
Amy - 3cm dilated!!!! I'm sooo jealous!
My midwife hasn't booked into see me again - I think I was so not ready she really didn't think I'd go naturally.
However, last night I had a bloddy show - woohoo!!!! I know it doesn't really mean anything but I have a glimmer of hope that it may happen naturally but am not really allowing myself to think like that.
My induction is tomorrow morning so I probably won't be on here again until I have my baby. Good luck to you 2 and Kelly. I'll def pop in once I feel up to it to see how you've got on.
V. exciting re your show, I had one the morning I went into labour with Bella (2 days prior to when I was due to be induced) and I noticed regular contractions by that afternoon, allbeit slow and I was in hospital by 11pm that night. Bella was born the next morning at 5.06am. I know sometimes a show doesn't mean its happening but this late in the game i'm sure its a v. good sign babe. You could always consider giving the MW a ring later today if you have a feeling things are starting but on the slow side and ask if she can put your induction back a day or two to give you a bit more time for it to happen naturally? Am keeping f'xd for you. Can't wait to hear your news.

Omg!!!! Not sure what happened to my sub on this thread but missed out on all the chat!!!!

I'm on my phone so can't type it all out!!

But I had Been in slow labour since last Tuesday!! And finally had a baby boy on weds just gone!!!

Vincent Edward 7lbs 14.5z

6 days early, really feeling for you guys still hanging on!! I felt reLly crappy at 39 weeks!!!

Arrgh will try to find time to update and read in detail!

Good luck octo bumps x x
Good luck to Rosie for today. Hope it All goes well for you!!!
Huge congrats Kelly on the arrival of your little man, Vincent Edward! Can't wait to see a pic and hear your birth story. I hope he's settling in well at home.

Have been thinking of Rosie loads, have presumed as we haven't heard from her that after her bloody shows this week she's already had her LO but just hasn't found time to update yet. If not and you made it to your induction Rosie, I hope it went well and can't wait to hear your news.

Likewise Amy, dying to hear from you to see whether your cramps etc. after your sweep earlier in the week came to anything.

I went for a sweet this afternoon and was told I am 3cm dillated and have bulging membranes lol (TMI, sorry!). I was a little surprised to say the least as still not in labour but been having constant BH since and feeling quite tender. She's booked me in for an induction on Fri 22nd but doesn't think i'll make it that far, but said it won't necessarily be this weekend. We're having curry this eve so we'll see what that does lol!

Hi, Leo Arthur arrived on 15th oct at 4:04 in the morning weighing 7lb14. He is sooooo cute. I will post a birth story I'm just struggling to do anything except look after Leo!!!! Hope u girls are doing well with your babies &looking forward to your announcement Charlie xx
Hi girls, just a quickie and i'll do my birth story at some point.

Alfred Thomas Scott arrived at 22.23 on 13th October weighing in at a hefty 8lbs!! Ouch!

Lovely to hear everyones news - just you now Charlie isn't it?

Amy X
Ahh congrats ladies!!!

Amy we share the same birth day!!!

Enjoy your new bundles of joys!! I know I am!! X x
Hi Everyone!!

My birth story!!

Arrived 6 days early on the 13th October (thankfully, i was really starting to struggle)

Having had very Strong and irregular BH contractions since the previous Tuesday, i finally went into labour the following Tuesday night!

Was quite slow to start, and had to be strapped down to the bed the whole way through cos my blood pressure was high, and baby wasnt being very reactive in my tummy, so they were monitoring him.

They broke my waters at 5cm to see if it would speed things up, and wake up the babe, but it didnt. so they put me on a drip.

Gas and air became my best friend at this point. Whoever made that stuff needs a medal!!

from 5am to 7am only dialated 1cm up to 6cm so i gave in to request an epidural as i couldnt take it. Anethesist took AGES coming round. but i had gone from 6cm to fully dialated within an hour! so i managed to push him out in 4 pushes and just gas and air. Was VERY pleased with myself.

Cant describe the power i felt giving birth. unbeliveable!!

So Vincent Edward Boyce arrived on 13th October 8.12am. weighing 7lbs 14.5oz.

Hes adorable.


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aw he really is adorable. Congratulations again. I am going to try to add you to my facebook but if I don't succeed then feel free to add me - rosie fleetcroft. I should be the only one!
Huge congratulations Kelly, Rosie and Amy! I hope your little ones are all settling in well at home.

So sorry for not updating have found it v. hard to get on here, its manic with a toddler at home too and a houseful of guests every day!

So here goes.....

Sophia Jasmine arrived at 12.17pm on Monday 18 October, 10 days late and weighing in at a whopping 8lbs 6.5oz. She is doing really well but is a lean mean feeding machine (I have the sore and cracked nipples to prove it!) and only seems to want to sleep during the day! Although tired (and v. sore!), it goes without saying that i'm loving being a mum to two gorgeous girlies and i'm completely in awe at my new bundle of joy! If I could bottle her I would!

Will try and get on here again soon when I have more time. Still haven't found time to write my birth story for instance!

Take care and lots of love to all,

Charlie x
We all done it girlies!!!!!!

Don't know bout you but after losing my likely bubs last November, even falling pregnant again, I never thought that I would ever hiold my own
Bundle of joy!!

But he's here, and he's so good and such a cutie I couldn't have asked for anything more. I can't stop looking at him and thinking wow!!!

Just wana thAnk you ladies for you support along the way! ESP you Charlie, I have bent your ear quite a bit!!!!

Love to you all x x Kelly x x x

Please let's stay in touch x x

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