
Hi all,
2 more days to go till the summer hols ...... woohoo .............
We bought all our stuff as well - I've only got a few items left to get. We just put in a huge order from mothercare & boots! It's all coming a week on friday. So exciting! Got the pram last night (from argos) so had lots of fun putting it up!
I feel so shattered, didn't know it'd make me feel this tired! I know its end of term and all that but I feel so much more tired than usual, I reckon the heat & weight must be getting to me.
Can't believe we are thinking about birth plans already! What's the latest I can leave mine? I'm still not ready to think about it yet! lol!
I hope you've been ok Kelly & not been too upset & very glad to have you back.
well that's it folks, i'm on holiday! Not going anywhere, maybe a few day trips but i can relax now yeah!
I'm soooooo jealous Rosie!!!!!!! I've got another 5 weeks at work :-(((
Enjoy the time off!
Happy holidays Rosie, so pleased for you! :happydance: Hope you have some nice things planned?

aw thanks, we've not got too much lined up. I need to sleep most of next week! Lol, it always takes me about a week to wind down and get over the tiredness. I'm going to kiddicare with my mum and dad on mon, hopefully get some bargains. We've got deliveries coming tues and fri. Oh is on hol the next 2wks so we're painting the other 2 bedrooms and maybe some day trips out to the peaks or yorkshire dales. Then i have another 2wks where i think i'll meet up with friends and wash baby's clothes, get the nursery built up, pack my hospital bag and buy anything i might have forgotten! And then the hols are over and i'm back at work for 2 1/2 wks. Think i may have to try and catch some sun rays in there aswell (that's if england can manage them). Fun times!
Hiya everyone, how are you all doing? I just thought I'd stop by to let you know all my students passed!!!! yippee!!!! I'm so happy for them:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Hi ladies not been on this thread in ages :blush: hope you and bumps are all well.

Can't beleive October is nearly here now and soon we will be holding our little bundles of joy. it can't come quick enough for me I just want to meet my little man now and can stop all the worrying. Had a scare a few weeks ago where i hadn't felt him move and couldn't find his heartbeat so sent me into a wild panic he was ok though and doc found his heartbeat. Hes been back to his active self ever since. Have asked my consultant about discussing a possible induction closer to my due date because the stress is really effecting me now and my eldest so we shall see what she says yet to hear back from her :(

Also been losing my plug and was in hospital a couple of days ago incase i was in prem labour but thankfully all is ok.

We are all ready for his arrival now got his nursery done and it looks beautiful can't wait to see him in it.

Oooo and last thing we had a 4d scan done at 33 weeks and hes a little beauty with chubby cheeks and pouty lips. I'll try and get pics up soon. x
Hi Leigh

Yer I know it's like October next month!!! :happydance:

Wen is everyone finishing work? Think I mite have to work till the 1st!

However the midwife ( and everyone else who has an opinion) say Ihave a big baby as last time was measuring 35 at 31...eek. So got a growth scan next week. Not sure how accurate these scans really are as sis was measuring big so got induced at 38 wks but niece was healthy 7lb! But at least I get to see baby again!

Sorry to hear bout your scares! Losing your plug, is that the start of things? Still swotting up on birth stories :blush:
And the hospital trips. Is all ok now? Do you need to go back to keep an eye on things. Hopefully the little man will stay put for a few weeks!!

Hoping everyone else is ok? Yer been bit quiet on this thread hopefully we all start chatting again as our edd approaches. I think I'm the last due on this thread? Due on 19th.

I just hope my work sorts itself out. Went back after 2 weeks off to find they hardly did any of my work. And boss keeps telling me I'm not to worry or stres. I need to hand over stuff but noone has the time!!! So frustrating as spent 3 mths training up someone only for them ending up getting the sack!!! Arrrggghhh waste of my time!!!

Bump has defo grown last 2 weeks too as struggled at my desk today. Bump getting in way and back ache!!

Anyway 22 working days left. I can't wait to meet my baby. Really want to see what he/she looks like!!!!
Hi sweetie the thread has been really quiet of late hasn't it probably all of us been so busy with it being school hoildays and preparing for our new arrivals. Hopefully like you say it will pick up now we are getting close to our due dates.

I'm sorry to hear work is being a pain not long left to go and you can be a lady of leisure :happydance: Glad to hear bump is growing well mine doesn't seem to be that big at all now but its certainly getting heavier as I am so achey all the time.

Yeah the plug can be a sign that things are starting but it can regenerate itself so its 50/50 whether something starts or not.

I'm still having regular check ups with my consultant which is nice and I just found out shes willing to induce me if I haven't had Lewis by 39 weeks and I will have a stretch and sweep done at my next appointment on the 27th to see if that will get things going.

So either way he should be here end of the month/begining of October!

Can't beleive in 2 weeks I will be classed as full term and that he may even arrive on his own accord.

Looking forward to seeing what all our babies look like! x
Evening all,

Hope you are resting up Leigh, and things are ticking along nicely.

Hope everyone else is doing ok?

update from me

Had docs this morning, have slight protein in my wee so is sending it off for tests. hopefully its nothing. OH googled pre-elampsia (Sp!?) and started to freak out.... great!!!

Good news is baby is head down. so hopefully baby will stay that way and embark in engaging! lol eekkk....

Started my NCT antenatel classes last week, had one on Thurs and all day session on Sat. They are really good. can really recommend them. got 3 more sessions to go. we have learnt alot and we have a really good class. there are 7 couples in it.

I know it seems a bit soon too, but we put the car seat in the car yesterday. im so glad we did, as we had a right fight with the car seat base and teh car to get it in. had to get neighbour out to ask if it looked ok. she didnt really know cos she is using isofix in hers. so we put it in as best we could cos it still seemed to move a bit. took it up to babies r us, and got them to check it. they confirmed it was ok!! phew.... not moving it now till baby arrives. way too much hassle. am so glad bout a base as using the car seat on its own was just wayyyyy tooooo much hassle!!!

not long now!!!!!! i keep laughing nervously!!!!
Hi everyone, just found this thread, and feel like i belong here because my due date is 28th October, anyone due end of Oct to? most of you are due before me and iv read you all getting excited and anxious :)
Welcome to the thread Juliet. I'm due 8 Oct but I have a feeling I might be late so expecting our little princess to arrive mid-Oct at least as my daughter was 12 days late and i've heard your 2nd can often follow suit! I'm hoping so anyway as we're mid loft conversion at the mo so its all a bit chaotic in our household!

I hope the rest of you girls are well, its been so so long since any of us have been in this thread it will be so nice to get back to supporting one another again at such an exciting stage of our journeys!

Can't believe i'm due 4 wks today. Update from my end is baby is measuring spot on had 36 wk check today. Downside is looks like she's hed down but keeps going back to back. She does then turn round as keeps bobbing up and down and is v. active, I just hope she doesn't settle in the back to back position as she must be running out of room now! Hospital bag is half packed but other than that we're not hugely organised as like I said we're in the process of major building works at the mo so its all fun and games in our household!

I hope you girls are all feeling ok and enjoying your mat leave/final wks of your pregnancy. Great to hear from you Kelly and Leigh! Sorry to hear about your scares Leigh so glad all ok now and great you're being looked after. So glad you're enjoying your classes Kelly, I have one coming up at the end of the month for 2nd, 3rd, etc. time mums which should be a nice refresher and will allow me to meet some new mums in the area, since we're still quite new here after our move. I did the NCT and the NHS ones first time around with Bella so still have a great support network going from those as all of the girls I met have had their 2nd already.

I don't get on here as much as i'd like to these days since the co-ordination of this loft conversion and keeping the people with our nasty neighbour seems to be taking up all of my time but I will make more of an effort to pop by as there's not long for any of us now, very exciting. Who is due first out of us all, I can't remember?

me i'm due the 1st. I've started maternity leave now, am so glad coz was getting so so so tired. Unfortunately i've woken up feeling ill today, just hoping it rights itself before labour starts. I also lost my plug, midwife said it was normal at this stage but i might loose some more over next week or so. She also said don't count on it being the start of things! I'm so ready for him to come out now. We were meant to go to antenatal class today so if anyone has any advice its more than welcome-we did the 1st half but then i felt too ill so we came home. I feel ok about it all as i've read loads of books and spoken to my sis and friends but oh was really enjoying the class so feel bad for him. Ah well, i'm sure it'll be fine. I've done my birth plan with my midwife yesterday and got told off for not packing my hospital bag yet-oops! Kind of done most of it today so at least we can pick up my bag and baby's bag and have something to take with us! For u 2nd time mums how many baby clothes should i take for a 48hr stay? Sorry rambled on about me a lot there-i'm glad u girls picked this thread up again-it'll be nice to support each other in the final month and see each others babies!
Yes i think this will pick up more end of Sept, we will all be more anxious nearer October lol, What to expect at 34wk scan i am due on Wed, is there more blood taken? im terrified of needles :( and can they tell you the position your baby is in? im so anxious to find out, iv been getting lots of rib pain but its mostly the rib cage in my back so im hoping she hasnt moved from last time.
I had a 34 wk scan last week! She did measurements and showed us face etc. Told us we were head down. That's bout it. My babe is measuring ok thankfully as been told I carrying large!

Had consultant appointment after. She did as for wee sample but I had already been twice while waiting!

Anyway I had no needles! So hope that helps!
Wow thats great, even better if no more needles lol, i was told my baby was head down at my last mw appointment, you think babys head will stay down or can it move again, im hoping shes still head down, been worried cos i been getting lots of rib pain in the back. My partner been getting very hormonal bless him, you would think he was the one pregnant, very emotional at times, 2 wks to go then il be 37wks so exciting :D
baby can move around but i think its unlikely that they turn to breech without u knowing about it. I can feel mine turn sideways now! They can tell where everything is and the mw has always told me. I've booked onto more antenatal classes for this wkend now so we'll not miss out on anything. We get to do a tour of the labour ward in this one which is fab coz neither of us know where to go!
Hi ladies hope we are all well. Welcome Juilet to the thread hope your pregnancy is going well.

Starsunshine thats great you lost your plug but the midwife is right as I have lost some of mine on and off since 34 weeks and nothings come of it lol. Annoying really as you get your hopes up for nothing.

Hope everyone else is well.

Anyway a quick update from me my induction has been brought forward to 38 weeks so hopefully in 6 days time I will be holding my baby boy in my arms. It may not work though as they are only going to try the pessaries and if it doesn't work I then have to wait til 39 weeks but I don't mind so much. I put a thread up in 3rd tri explaining it all.

Oh and a question has anyone found now they are near the end they have lost their appetite and feel sick. I have no appetite at all lately and always feeling iffy the only way to feel better is to keep eating but then theres nothing I can think of that I fancy eating :hissy: think will send df out to the chippy soon lol. x
woah, that's amazing - you get to meet your LO so soon!!!! jealous!!!!!!!!! I'm still starving & eating everything in sight including the gaviscon bottle!
I've started having backache (more intense than normal) and a few cramps on and off - think my body's gearing up now although I know it doesn't mean he'll come soon. To be honest I want him to wait till at least 39 weeks. He definately has to wait until we've done our antenatal classes tomorrow and sunday (I know it's mega late to do them but at least it'll be fresh in our minds:haha:)

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