Hey girls!!!
Oh my god, I've been soooooooo bad and neglected you all!!!!!

Sorry x
Glad to hear your all doing well and a big welcome to the new Octo-Bump members!
How exciting Leigh - I can't believe you're gonna be holding your baby real soon!
Charlie - hows things? Still pushing on with the loft conversion eh??!! Bet you can't wait for it to be finished?? My baby was back to back too recently, which really pissed me off as I have never slouched on the sofa during the pregnancy as I was so aware of getting it into the best position!! I had a sneaky scan at work and they confirmed it was direct OP (facing straight up - monkey!!) so I have spent the last 2 weeks sitting on the floor, the ball, kneeling on all 4's, swimming every other day and even lying in the bath the wrong way round to get it back in to a better position. And so far so good, got one of the scanners to check quickly on Monday and the back had rotated to my right side, which is better, but still not the best position!! Oh, well hopefully it will stay there and not slip back, but I am missing relaxing on the sofa!!
Rosie - how are you??
Immi - same question!
Has anyone heard from Kelly too?
As for me, I'm feeling really good!! Finally! I finished work properly on Monday and feel fantastic for it, if I'd known I'd feel this well I would have stopped working at 28 weeks - lol!! I have only done part time hours for the last 3 or 4 weeks as had loads of annual leave to take, but even so getting up at 5.45 every day was really taking it's toll. I'm really enjoying the pregnancy now and don't feel ready to lose my bump! I still love feeling it move and talking to it and don't feel uncomfortable at all. I think I'm quite lucky as I am all bump and it is quite neat so doesn't really bother me. Saying that - ask again in a week and I may give you a different answer!! Think as I still have things to do also I am not ready for baby to come - am being waxed tomorrow, having a massage on Tuesday and gotta buy my nursing bras yet, once I've sorted all that the baby can come!!
We have however, got a little prepared and put the birthing pool up!! It is massive and takes up half the living room, but I can't wait to use it! It is the nicer model and has a little seat in it for me to sit on and loads of room to move around in!! When I see it I get really excited!!
My friends threw me a baby shower last week which was really fun, we played loads of games and I got thoroughly spoilt, or the baby did rather!!
Although Im saying I'm not quite ready to have this baby I have been having daily baths in Clary Sage to see if that will get things going! Also been taking my Raspberry Leaf since 32 weeks so hoping that will help speed things up once they get going and my friend is going to do some reflexology on me next week to see if we can have a baby!! Every now and then I think that I'm gonna be a mummy soon and can't quite believe it!!!!
Hugs to you all X
Ps. My ice craving is out of control - I am eating a big bag (think it is 2kg from the supermarket) every day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it goes once baby arrives!!