
Counting down the days ion single fingures now. Here's hoping I won't have to count up the days too :haha: but am fully prepared to!
Ahhh single figures all ready!!!! Eeek how exciting!!!!!! :happydance:
Has Leigh been induced yet, anyone heard anything? Can't wait til we get news of our first little arrival!

Anyone been getting swollen feet and ankles? Mine started Fri and have been really uncomfortable! Baby is back to back so crawling on all fours is my best bet to turn her but all I wanna do is put my feet up as they're so painful! To be honest though have had so much to do that i've been more or less on my feet all day which hasn't helped and have been out a couple of eves this wk too as it was my b'day Tues!

Can't believe i'm due in 2 wks and we're still in the throws of our loft conversion, the messy stage at that! Stairs in now, 95% there and we're now watertight as windows and roof completed so that's something at least! Dying to get organised though but everything still not unpacked as don't want it getting dusty! Here's hoping our princess is late like her big sis was, 12 days to be exact! Have midwife appointment tomorrow so will see what she says about ankles. Don't think its pre-eclampsia as fingers and face etc. all fine and think I would have blown up everywhere if it was anything to worry about.

Good luck to all you lovely ladies, keep us posted with progress updates!

Hey girls!!!

Oh my god, I've been soooooooo bad and neglected you all!!!!! :blush: Sorry x

Glad to hear your all doing well and a big welcome to the new Octo-Bump members!

How exciting Leigh - I can't believe you're gonna be holding your baby real soon!

Charlie - hows things? Still pushing on with the loft conversion eh??!! Bet you can't wait for it to be finished?? My baby was back to back too recently, which really pissed me off as I have never slouched on the sofa during the pregnancy as I was so aware of getting it into the best position!! I had a sneaky scan at work and they confirmed it was direct OP (facing straight up - monkey!!) so I have spent the last 2 weeks sitting on the floor, the ball, kneeling on all 4's, swimming every other day and even lying in the bath the wrong way round to get it back in to a better position. And so far so good, got one of the scanners to check quickly on Monday and the back had rotated to my right side, which is better, but still not the best position!! Oh, well hopefully it will stay there and not slip back, but I am missing relaxing on the sofa!!

Rosie - how are you??

Immi - same question!

Has anyone heard from Kelly too?

As for me, I'm feeling really good!! Finally! I finished work properly on Monday and feel fantastic for it, if I'd known I'd feel this well I would have stopped working at 28 weeks - lol!! I have only done part time hours for the last 3 or 4 weeks as had loads of annual leave to take, but even so getting up at 5.45 every day was really taking it's toll. I'm really enjoying the pregnancy now and don't feel ready to lose my bump! I still love feeling it move and talking to it and don't feel uncomfortable at all. I think I'm quite lucky as I am all bump and it is quite neat so doesn't really bother me. Saying that - ask again in a week and I may give you a different answer!! Think as I still have things to do also I am not ready for baby to come - am being waxed tomorrow, having a massage on Tuesday and gotta buy my nursing bras yet, once I've sorted all that the baby can come!!

We have however, got a little prepared and put the birthing pool up!! It is massive and takes up half the living room, but I can't wait to use it! It is the nicer model and has a little seat in it for me to sit on and loads of room to move around in!! When I see it I get really excited!!

My friends threw me a baby shower last week which was really fun, we played loads of games and I got thoroughly spoilt, or the baby did rather!!

Although Im saying I'm not quite ready to have this baby I have been having daily baths in Clary Sage to see if that will get things going! Also been taking my Raspberry Leaf since 32 weeks so hoping that will help speed things up once they get going and my friend is going to do some reflexology on me next week to see if we can have a baby!! Every now and then I think that I'm gonna be a mummy soon and can't quite believe it!!!!

Hugs to you all X

Ps. My ice craving is out of control - I am eating a big bag (think it is 2kg from the supermarket) every day!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it goes once baby arrives!!
ice craving lol! It could be much worse. And i'm so naughty I slouch on the sofa all the time! I'm feeling v tired today, hardly got any sleep because I had heartburn :( it made me sick :( I also feel huge. Am def ready for him to come now but I've had no twinges, just a couple of odd cramps.

Leigh-we're all dying to know whether your iinduction worked xx
Sorry to hear you're suffering from heartburn, hope you get a better night's sleep tonight. :hugs:

Dying to hear from Leigh too, come on the suspense is killing us!

Thanks Amy loft conversion's really coming along. Great news on LO's position too as the MW confirmed this arvo that's she's turned and is head down, back facing out on the optimum left side! Well happy! Now I just have to keep her there! Great to hear you're getting so organised, loving the fact you have the pool set up already lol, must be strange looking at that every day! Surprised it hasn't kick started things! Lovely that your friends threw you a baby shower, so sweet!

Has anyone heard from Kelly too?

Hi Amy, its Kelly here, had to change my username cos of personal reasons , but i am still here!!:wave:

Aww your baby shower sounds lovely. and Wow your having a home birth? the more and more i watch home births i wish i was having one too. Just too chicken i spose. I have been drinking my RLT since 32 weeks too!! actually quite like it. just hope it does its job!

Still no news from Leigh....:paper:

Glad to hear that your baby has moved into correct position now Charlie. Mine seems to sit on the right hand side most of the time. still moves back and forth left and right, but seems to like the right side. anyone know if thats still ok?! I got a birth ball this week, so have been bouncing and rolling around on that.

bet you will be glad when your house is in order! you must be pulling your hair out!

so apart from Leigh, who hopefully is playing mummy, when are we all due?

I cant remember whos first!

Im due on the 19th, i think i am the last!

I am still blooming working..... 4 days to go and i cant bloody wait!! wish i had finished this week really. am so ready to be at home now and do stuff!! Iu have loads of friends already on Maternity leave or are stay at home mums, and they already have my diary planned to keep me busy!! lol:happydance:

Happy rainy sunday!!!
I'm glad you have some friends around to keep you busy Kelly-time's gone so slowly since finishing work. I'm going to have my hair cut today to try and tempt fate. I feel huge and my boy is so heavy in here-he's definately ready to come out now! I have a feeling I'm going to go over though . . . Had no signs at all so far! One can wish though!
Hi ladies sorry its taken me a while to reply thought would pop on quickly to say that Lewis arrived on the 24th September weighing 7lb 15oz he is soooooo beautiful and I am smitten with him.

My birth story is here if you want to have a read.


I can't add photos from my lappy and can't get on the p.c at the moment but if any of you use fb pm me your names and I'll add you (my profile is set to private so you wouldn't be able to find me lol).

Hope to see your birth annoucments soon! x
Aahhhh congrats Leigh!!!!!!!!!!! Hope mine goes as well as yours!!

Glad you're ok Kelly, I remember your problems before on BnB but didn't realise this was your new name! My baby is on the right side too, and keeps moving back to back - little bugger!! Better stop that!!

So I had a sweep yesterday!!!! A little early I know, but I'm still really itchy - have been since 26 weeks, blood tests have always been normal so it is not OC but I'm keen to get things going incase the bloods do become abnormal. My cervix was central (easy to find) and 1cm dilated!! Couldn't believe it, have been having period pains ever since and lots of Braxton Hicks and show, so hopefully I'll have some news for you girls soon!!! Saying that, it will probably all die down!!

My EDD is next Thursday 7th Oct - when is everyone else due?

Amy X
congratulations Leigh woohoo. I'm due tomorrow and I so hope he comes soon. At least the longest I have to wait now is 2wks. I'm getting so excited, it's going to be amazing having a son!!!!! Soooooo excited!
Huge congrats Leigh, thanks for sharing your story. Hope you are enjoying your new bundle of joy!!!!

V. exciting that you've had a sweep Amy, f'xd it brings something on for you soon and the cramps you've been feeling aren't a false alarm. I had 3 sweeps with Bella and she was still 12 days overdue but I defo didn't come home having symptoms you've been having so it all sounds promising for you! Good luck.

Happy due date for tomorrow Rosie, how exciting! I hope you don't have too long to wait.

Great to hear from you Kelly. So was it your last day today or is it tomorrow? Congrats anyway even if slightly premature, on starting your mat leave!!! :happydance: Yep i'm dying to get my house back and get organised! I'm due a wk tomorrow and still have a house full of builders! Tomorrow we have plastering happening in the loft and the landing, carpenters hanging fire doors throughout the house and and decorators painting what will be the baby's room as we have had some water damage in there from when they were building the dormer! I have so much to do its unreal! They finally rebuilt the shelves in our airing cupboard today so I can start to tackle getting all our bedding out of vacuum packs, including the baby bedding! To say we're cutting it fine is an understatement, I know! I just have a feeling i'm gonna be late though. To be honest even just another week so by my due date we should be a lot more organised and the builder has said as soon as I give him the nod he'll get a team of cleaners in here to get rid of all the dust etc. to set my mind at rest bringing a baby back!

One thing i'm not relishing if I am to go overdue again is my swollen feet, ankles and legs. They are getting so bad and are so tender. Is anyone else suffering with this? They never seem to go down but get worse throughout the day and are so sore in the eves! I can only fit into about one pair of shoes and even they're uncomfortable!

Have a feeling baby has moved again today, am hoping she's not back to back but I do seem to have lots of limbs out front again! I think she still has a bit of room in there so is still trying to make her mind up!

Looking forward to hearing of our next arrival. Oh due date confirmation - i'm due Fri 8 October!

wow, well at least it's nearly done and they're ready to clean up for you when you need it! I can't believe I've got here today, I am v excited and can't believe how fast the past 9months have gone. We're in october &I'm due today!!!!!!!!!! Woah! The end is in sight for me now, my midwife told me I'll get a sweep next thurs & be induced the thurs after if I've not had him of course. Hopefully he'll come over the weekend or early next week. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend x
Well I'm still here & going for my sweep this morning. Hopefully it's going to work and I'll have my baby, we'll see!
How was your sweep Rosie??
I'm having another today, hoping it will do more than just give me period pains this time!!
Still enjoying the pregnancy but ready and psyched up for labour now!! Also if baby plays ball and gets a move on OH will have almost 3 weeks off with annual leave and paternity leave all together!


Sweep was really bad. My cervix is high, far back and tightly closed shut. Midwife reckoned I wouldn't go into labour by myself but said that I could prove her wrong! I've been booked for induction on thurs. Am a bit upset that I've not had my baby yet but keep on telling myself that he's going to be super healthy when he comes out!!!! I've just got to keep myself busy till thurs now . . .

I hope your OH gets his 3 weeks off. Mine's gone back to work after his 1st week off!!!! He's got thurs & fri as annual leave & then 2 wks paternity after so at least he's got 2 and 1/2 weeks with me & baby.

I'd love to keep in touch with all you lovely girls after we've had our babies so if you want to add me to your facebook then I'm Rosie Fleetcroft. I should be the only one & the pic is of me and my OH. I have a stripy dress on and look v pregnant! I really appreciated your support throughout the 1st tri and know I only coped as well as I have done because of it so thanks group :hugs:
Ah don't be too disheartened Rosie, you've still got almost a week to do it. Please keep a positive frame of mind, it is so important.
Lots of sex/nipple stimulation/ walking / hot spicy food and if you're really desperate oral sex - believe me there is a theory about the prostaglandins being absorbed orally!!!!

Fingers crossed for you

My sweep was ok, cervix still central and 2cm dilated but I'm not really doing anything!!
These babies eh....... They have their own agenda!

Keep us posted xxx
Hi girls. Sorry i've been quiet my laptop's been playing up again. OH reckons he's fixed it for now so f'xd I don't lose this post! Drafted and tried posting in here 3 times last night to ask how your sweep went Rosie and lost all three! Will defo add you on facebook so we can stay in touch.

Sorry to hear your MW doesn't think you'll go into labour naturally Rosie, don't worry just yet as its often the way that as soon as you have that induction booked in things get moving! I had 2 sweeps with Bella and was beside myself not wanting to be induced and low and behold went into labour and had her the day before I was due to be induced. The same thing happened to 3 of my friends! There's still time.

Sounds like you're a little bit more ready Amy if you're already dilated, hope it won't be too long now. Which hospital did you say you were going to again? I'm at the Royal Surrey.

Can't believe i'm due today! Had my MW appointment and our LO is on the right side now, not ideal but at least she hasn't turned back to back again! Still only 2/5 engaged so she reckons i'll be late again like with Bella. I refused a sweep and will wait until next Fri for one now at 41 wks as although our build is v. almost there now we have lots of works going on tomorrow and the cleaners aren't in til Tues, so I am hoping she'll at least hold off until then! I am predicting around the 17th for me, just don't feel like she's ready to come out yet for some reason!

Yeah for being 40wks and yeah for not being back to back charlie and for being 2/5ths engaged. I thought that was quite good mine's never got past 3/5ths. Well been bouncing (made OH feel sick coz I never stop!!)and for long walks but still no twinges. Never mind, 4days until my induction.
Keep up the good work Rosie, there's still time! I feel fine, apart from my swollen ankles and really think i'll end up getting induced this time, just don't feel like she's ready to come out yet! Think we've probs been praying she's not early or even on time for so long now due to our build that she's obviously gone and made herself extra cosy! I have decided to have a sweep Fri at 41 weeks and then go for it with all the long walks, curries, etc.

We have a team of cleaners being sent in by the builders tomorrow and worked really hard at getting the place reorganised today so we're a lot more ready than we were, but I think we could do with a few more days to make a bit more progress with the build. They probs need another 1-2 weeks but that's mainly doing the ensuite in the loft so if they do need to come in after our LO is home, at least they'll be hidden away up there and I can find a quiet room down here to get to grips with feeding etc without being disturbed too much.

How's everyone else doing, i'm surprised this thread hasn't picked up a bit more considering we're all so close now. Looking forward to hear of our next arrival.

I hope Lewis is settling in well at home Leigh and breastfeeding etc. going well. I'll PM you my name so you can add me on facebook. If anyone else wants to add me i'm Charlie Guwy, just put your username on the request and i'll confirm you as a friend!

How are you feeling Amy? For some reason I have this image of you chilling out of an eve in your birth pool, munching through bags of ice lol! I hope the cravings have died down!

I hope you're enjoying your mat leave Kelly and your friends are keeping you busy.

We've still not heard from Immi in a while, hope she's ok?


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