October 2012 Beans! (Due Dates List)

I don't post much, but I just had an ultrasound to confirm little guy is still breech, so I have an elective c-section scheduled for the 28th! And I am 2-3 centimeters dilated, so there is a chance he might not wait for the scheduled date! 10 days or less until I have my baby!

If my contractions don't come back and stay regular I'll be induced the same day, I will find out for sure at my next appointment which is 1 week from today.
Welcome Melllllllly! Congratulations and welcome to the October group xxx

Sadly renovations are a must for us if we are to move - I bought this house 6 weeks before the property crash, so if I am going to get out of negative equity it is in need of a total overhaul
Gladly we are now well past the midway point, so hopefully will get it sold over the next year and move while I'm on mat leave :thumbup:

Today I plan a day of putting things in cupboards. I ran out of energy yesterday and couldn't decide what was going to live in which cupboard. But today Mr Urch is back at work so I have enough thinking time as I go to make the decisions.

TBH (and this would be so very sad if I weren't pregnant!) I am looking forward to a day of just normal nesting ... rather than the extreme version I've been doing up to now :thumbup:
I'm currently at the hospital, had some light bleeding/coloured discharge this morning when I wiped and cos I'm A Neg blood, am 34+6 and had an EMCS with my DS they want to check me over. I'm still getting loads of movement so hopefully it's nothing. They've just done my pulse, BP and temp but didn't tell me anything. The MW on the phone suggested they'd possibly scan and monitor me for a while.
Welcome Melly :)

(I'd add you to the list but my iPad keeps messing up the coding for some dumb reason)

I'm sitting here doing the pad test... Not sure but waters may be ruptured... Here's hoping coz this lil bean is getting heavy lol
Ooh, Liloopsy, sounds promising! Fingers crossed you get to hold your LO soon! xx
Thanks for the welcome ladies!!

I have had enough already, I wont be willing the baby on before it is ready but having my 2 little ones already is hard work
Well, the bleed/discharge stopped before I got to the hospital, they listened to bump and monitored movement, they took bloods and a swab to look for infections and gave me anti-d. I'm taking it easy this afternoon (as easy as DS will let me anyway!), hopefully it was nothing, but it's best to be safe'

Liloopsy, any update?

Well, I had a midwife appointment today (community mw, not hospital) and told her what's going on with my GD ... she reckons they will bring my c-section forward to next week :shock:
i came home to no living room!!!my OH and BIL had taken up the carpet and are replacing the floor!on the 1 hand im so pleasex it is being done and on the other hand...ARGH!!what a freaking mess!so stressed!lol in other news im thinking of leaving work at 36 weeks instead of 37 which would make next week my last one...im just so sore and tired. gonna discuss with MW tomoro morning x
Oh no Islander - that doesn't sound good at this stage :nope:
Oooh Urchin, not long left till your c-section!

Islander, do you know when they'll be done?

Little madam is still breech over here. Midwife had a feel and declared her still breech straight away, then listened to the heartbeat and realized she had moved in the whole 2 minutes it took from feel to doppler. Checked again after the doppler and she wasn't 100% convinced that she wasn't head down, as the big lump at the top of my bump had disappeared ... but nah, the kicks not long after showed that she is indeed still breech.

I brought up the option of vaginal breech delivery *if* she stays like this (and I'm really hoping she won't), asking if the hospitals around here do them. I was rather surprised when she told me 'I'm not sure, most choose to go for a c-section straight away... however, Katy, one of our midwives has experience with breech deliveries. She'll probably do a home birth'

So... that's given me something to think about. My midwife (Karla) will bring it up to this Katy and see what she says. I may still have a home birth, even if baby does stay breech.
Little madam is still breech over here. Midwife had a feel and declared her still breech straight away, then listened to the heartbeat and realized she had moved in the whole 2 minutes it took from feel to doppler. Checked again after the doppler and she wasn't 100% convinced that she wasn't head down, as the big lump at the top of my bump had disappeared ... but nah, the kicks not long after showed that she is indeed still breech.

I brought up the option of vaginal breech delivery *if* she stays like this (and I'm really hoping she won't), asking if the hospitals around here do them. I was rather surprised when she told me 'I'm not sure, most choose to go for a c-section straight away... however, Katy, one of our midwives has experience with breech deliveries. She'll probably do a home birth'

So... that's given me something to think about. My midwife (Karla) will bring it up to this Katy and see what she says. I may still have a home birth, even if baby does stay breech.

I know I am in the U.S. but my Dr. offered a breech birth right away when we found out little guy was breech. He said he has delivered over a hundred breech babies. For me the risks were too great (I already had one baby whose head got stuck, so didn't want to risk another, and when breech it can be disasterous if that happens). But I am expected to have a 9lb + baby, so if you had an averaged sized baby I could see where breech delivery would not be so bad.
My first was only 6lbs 6oz, and this is is following a similar line as she did. We're really not expecting her to be larger than 7lbs 6oz, so size wise it shouldn't be a problem.

It's good to hear there's still some people who practice breech births!
Evening girls...
I'm a bit far behind to catch up today... So sorry if I've missed anyones post!

Urchin : fab news about the kitchen. And I can't believe u may end up with a September baby! U traitor ;)

Islander : I tried to stay on in work but I have to admit I feel so much better havin left. Nightmare about ur flooring, but I'm sure it will be worth it once it's done. I think I'd be thrilled if I came home and saw my yucky laminate torn up and a nice new carpet to go down, but I don't see that in my near future lol.

Enrised : ouch. U r braver than me if that's wat u choose to do! Try some swimming, or get on ur hands and knees washing floors. Apparently that helps! When sitting, keep knees apart and lean forward... Hopefully baby turns for u!!

Me : Well i went on a hospital tour last night. The birthing pool hasn't been installed yet and they don't know when it will be, so it's not lookin good for my water birth :( not a happy bunny!
Something that does make me happy is that the first coat of "sorbet" pink has gone on in the baby's room! Another coat tomoro and it's ready for my mammy to wall paper on Sunday and then we can book the carpet to be fitted! Hoping it will all be sorted by next weekend... But we shall see!!
Bathroom complete, i have now scrubbed all the floors downstairs as was sick of dirty feet! have now however knackered myself out! and need some sleep.:sleep:

if i go into labour tonight i think i will sleep through it! :sleep:

cant believe all you ladies saying you are going to have your babies soon!!! feel dead jealous that my cervix was closed yesterday at appointment.

hoo hum!!!

very soon my bubba, very soon!!!
floor in the living room and nursery is done, one set of new curtains up, a new door being hung in the living room....i cleaned the couches so i helped lol... its all gorgeous!still need to do the beading and flooring in the passage and sun porch but we are getting there :D yay! im amazed cause BIL is normally useless, immature and a pain in the butt1but hes galvanised OH into action!YAY!
Sorry ur sweep didn't happen outnumbered!

That's fab new islander. Would u like to send them to my house please?? :)

Ive just sat down and having nasty period like pains... Not a fan :(
Sorry CJ - if it's any consolation I really don't want to be having her in September!
But, I'm putting myself in the hands of the medics - if they say better out than in, I won't argue :thumbup:

Sounds like everyone is on a mad house renovating tip! let's hope we're all finished before our babies get here :D
I would like to get in on this conversation too. I have definately not had any nesting as of yet. I always nest really hard about 2 days before I go into labor. I don't even have my babies room completely done yet, so I know I won't be going into labor till it's done. I have an appointment tomorrow. I was 1 cm dilated 9 days ago, so hoping for some progress!! Happy pregnancy to everyone, we are almost to the finish line. Yay!!!!

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