October 2012 Beans! (Due Dates List)

Good luck all you ladies going natural with me :) I guess your right about the sweep. It can only be done when you have dialating anyways right? So that's cervical progress... I'm just a ball of nerves due to my birth plans being totally tossed out the window last time and practically blare toy disobeyed. I really want my wishes respected, and last time they were not, by both family and hospital. This time I will and DH will speak up and make demands!
Hmmmm well ladies, I've been getting period type cramps for the past hour or so - I've not had BH through my pregnancy so I don't have a lot to compare them with (apart from periods lol)
Just running myself a bath now as I've heard a soak will stop BHs but not true contractions.

Please make them go away - I want a nice sedate planned c-section, not a frantic emergency one!
Urchin- dring lots of cold water. Take a bath then lay on your left on the couch/bed afterward. Let us know if it goes. Oh with the bath judge when you get out, not when your in it. The bath can made real contractions less painful, till you get out that is. I remember having a jetted tub bath at the hospital, once I got out, it was like a ton of bricks! I crumbled to the groud in pain. That's when I asked for the epidural.
thanks hopeful! I shall do that ... am ridiculously thirsty so will quite happily neck a load of cold water :thumbup:
Oooh urchin!!! Have u rung ur midwife?? I would, just to be on the safe side. U've probably read this yourself but:

Most women who are pregnant for the first time will ask their midwives or friends this question. The answer is often maddeningly vague, along the lines of: "You'll know real labour when it starts." Fortunately, there are differences between Braxton Hicks contractions and labour contractions that can help you tell them apart.

Braxton Hicks contractions:
are infrequent, usually happening no more than once or twice an hour, a few times a day
often stop if you change activity, so, walk around if you've been sitting, and vice versa
are usually irregular, and if they are regular they only stay that way for a short spell
do not last long, usually less than a minute
continue to be unpredictable and non-rhythmic
do not increase in intensity
Compared to Braxton Hicks contractions, labour contractions are usually:
noticeably longer
more regular
more frequent
more painful
keep on going, increasing in frequency, duration, and intensity as time goes on
You may experience what is called false labour. This is when Braxton Hicks contractions come more rhythmically, perhaps every 10 to 20 minutes in late pregnancy.

False labour can be hard to tell apart from early labour, particularly if the tightening of your uterus feels uncomfortable. However, during false labour your cervix won't have started to change yet. Your midwife will be able to tell by carrying out a vaginal examination.

So if they haven't eased by now, get the midwife on the blower so if *this is it* u can deal with it while still rather calm!

Good luck :D
cheers CJ - that was very helpful!

The bath seems to have done the trick - not had one since I got out so am thinking BHs :thumbup:
Will keep an eye on them though!
I am waiting no induction or C section for me unless I end up needing one just cos I'm low risk and pregnancy been normal so far.

My friend who was due the day before has had her gorgeous baby cos she was induced and I'm so jealous lol!

I know I'm 2/5ths engaged and was 1/5th engaged last week...getting loads of cervix stabbing and lower back ache. But never had braxton hicks, or contractions or anything! So I'm fairly sure I'll be the unlucky one lol.

It's weird cos 2 of my friends were induced at 37 week, and one had hers on her due date. I'll be the overdue one :(
i am planning to go all natural... i try not to talk about it for risk of jinxing it!! lol. i have dobe calmbirth classes, which is similar to hypnobirthing.. so i guess we will see if that helps! i have an open mind though, not ruling anything out..

i too have been having braxton hicks and thinking it might be something more! on two occasions ive started timing them lol wishful thinking huh?? always seems to happen at night when i go to bed, apparently this is common because oxytocin increases at night & its more likely to go into labour at night.

cervix still somewhere up around my eyeballs i think, but everyone keeps saying im gonna go early! i shouldnt listen because wat would they know?? lol. baby is head down but not engaged.
9 days to go tops!

I'm so excited and more than a little bit scared
Yay for single figures!!! :happydance: sorry if u have read before, it's just wat I have added as a favorite becoz I've been getting BH for the first time this preg. Glad they eased for u tho - stay put Eenie!! For now at least :)

My baby has been awfully quiet... I did feel her yesterday, but not half as much as usual. And I haven't felt her yet this morning when I'm normally woken by kicks to the ribs. Will keep an eye out today and maybe ring hosp if she don't shape up! OH and mother are wallpapering the babys room today so don't want to interrupt that at all but if needs must! Lol.

Shelly. Well done u for tryin the natural route. I'm not that way inclined at all! Lol. Seein as its unlikely the pool is going to be ready, I'm sure I'll be havin some form of pain relief... Tho not keen on pethadine again as it made Elliot drowsy for a whole day. Hopefully I can stick to just gas and air!

I keep getting told I'll go early. I'll go wen I go I guess! Would be happy at 38 wks tho lol
nope, not read it before - and very useful!

Come on mini-cj, get a wriggle on!
cj in this late stage of pregnancy please dont wait if you notice reduced movements, do all the tricks to make bubba move, if in doubt ring L & D.

I put my Doppler on and her heart rate is still 145. And I've had some wiggles after my morning coffee. Going to count them today. She's just been constantly moving for so long that I think she's just slowing down now and it's made me a bit paranoid... She just rippled my belly as I type... Phew! Will definitely start using my kick counter app and if still in doubt I'll give them a ring. :hugs:
I put my Doppler on and her heart rate is still 145. And I've had some wiggles after my morning coffee. Going to count them today. She's just been constantly moving for so long that I think she's just slowing down now and it's made me a bit paranoid... She just rippled my belly as I type... Phew! Will definitely start using my kick counter app and if still in doubt I'll give them a ring. :hugs:

If you have been up moving around and doing a lot babies tend to sleep more from the rocking back and forth, but don't wait to call or go in to the hospital if your are extremely concerned.

Mine does this a lot to here lately and I love it when I lay down at night and feel him doing gymnastics in there, it hurts but I love it.
Has anyone considered downloading any apps that keep track of baby feelings, diaper changes, growth chart etc? I see Similac has a free baby journal so decided to download it today. There are other apps that cost a few $$ but come highly regarded as well.

I figured with the whirlwind of new activities, that a little manager of information could help out my sleep deprived brain!
Has anyone considered downloading any apps that keep track of baby feelings, diaper changes, growth chart etc? I see Similac has a free baby journal so decided to download it today. There are other apps that cost a few $$ but come highly regarded as well.

I figured with the whirlwind of new activities, that a little manager of information could help out my sleep deprived brain!

What is the name of the app?
Has anyone considered downloading any apps that keep track of baby feelings, diaper changes, growth chart etc? I see Similac has a free baby journal so decided to download it today. There are other apps that cost a few $$ but come highly regarded as well.

I figured with the whirlwind of new activities, that a little manager of information could help out my sleep deprived brain!

That sounds useful, I'll have to look for something like that!
I put my Doppler on and her heart rate is still 145. And I've had some wiggles after my morning coffee. Going to count them today. She's just been constantly moving for so long that I think she's just slowing down now and it's made me a bit paranoid... She just rippled my belly as I type... Phew! Will definitely start using my kick counter app and if still in doubt I'll give them a ring. :hugs:

If you have been up moving around and doing a lot babies tend to sleep more from the rocking back and forth, but don't wait to call or go in to the hospital if your are extremely concerned.

Mine does this a lot to here lately and I love it when I lay down at night and feel him doing gymnastics in there, it hurts but I love it.

Nanny had a word with her an she went mental so everything is fine. I think it's been more of a case that I haven't been as busy the last 2 days so I've have more time focusing on her not moving, if that makes sense? If I was busy like normal, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
I know how you feel. I have a crazy wriggler, always moving, last few days he's been quieter, went to hospital to check and he started moving loads but they monitored him loads and said he was perfectly fine and that it could just be because he's a bit more engaged and getting bigger so slowing down a little.
Has anyone considered downloading any apps that keep track of baby feelings, diaper changes, growth chart etc? I see Similac has a free baby journal so decided to download it today. There are other apps that cost a few $$ but come highly regarded as well.

I figured with the whirlwind of new activities, that a little manager of information could help out my sleep deprived brain!

That sounds useful, I'll have to look for something like that!

One is called Similac baby journal the other is called Baby Log. The second app has a ton of positive reviews but the full version isn't free whereas the Similac version is. I think the Similac version will be helpful just not as comprehensive.

Also in my original post I meant keep track of baby's feedings not feelings lol:dohh:

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