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****October 2013 Rainbow Babies****

Rant coming!!!!

Oh is off work bad has a bit of a dicky tummy hasn't been sick or anything but ya know he is still lying in bed which just annoys me do I get to lie in bed when I'm ill NO I have to get up and deal with the kids all day what annoys me even more is I was up 3 times with jake during the night oh woke me up moaning about a pain in his back 3 times and then this morning kids were all still asleep and he goes to the toilet and there is no big roll which by the way I had told him last night to bring one up from the downstairs toilet so I get woke up to trail down stair for that and couldn't get back to sleep just as I started dozing again jake gets up and so does Charlie and John who had already been down stairs so I get informed that one of the kittens has had a runny poo in the kitchen as it hasn't made the litter tray so I had to get up and sort that out and he is still lying in f-ing bed now!!!!! Am I over reacting?? X
I have days like that I think sometimes the way baby lies affects back and legs more that other days I don't even feel pregnant now just tired and I keep forgetring I am til Harvey gives a kick lol I have had a general unwell feeling for a few weeks now which is annoying cause you just feel shit and can't put your finger on what's making you feel that way xx
No way!! I'd be fuming too! Bloody hell if that was me I'd want to kick him out the bed! I don't think it's you I'd feel exactly the same way, what a bloody awful start to the day for you, I dunno how you cope I really don't luv xxxxxxx
I hope it's nothing, I have got fibromyalgia and I do get bad bouts sometimes but not for a v long time now, I hope that's all it is, the funny thing is the weakness is everywhere I get the restless syndrome, I just got up to make a drink and had to lean on the kitchen side, hope it passes, I hope the rest of the day is better for you xxxxx
What's that?? And I seriously don't know how I cope either I just want to punch him sometimes x
You're a superwoman that's for sure!!! Fibromyalgia causes quite a few things, it's like a syndrome with the main ones being joint pain and exhaustion, then loads of other things come under the umbrella of it like ibs, endometriosis both of which I've had. It seems to flare up with me rather than be constantly bad, the fatigue is terrible sometimes it washes over you and there's nothing you can do except sleep, almost like passing out sleep it's horrible:( xxxxxx
Sounds horrible I get joint pain but its due to hyper mobility which is just a pain in the arse that's how my back gets so bad xx
Oh it is awful the worst affected are my neck, wrists and back:( ah well. It was diagnosed after a car accident in my 20's it's quite common for a severe shock to be the trigger of it, like the ibs I've just learnt to live with it over the years, many take antidepressants and painkillers but I never take tablets, not took one so far this pregnancy, I just cope the best I can, only time I took painkillers was after ds birth cause was in agony from the forceps and I was on morphine when I broke two ribs in 2011, can't tell you how painful that was and it lasted weeks and weeks. Dh and Casey have been making a cake whilst I had a sleep, feeling a lot better and the weakness has gone, I need to rest more! Xxxx
I have just been swimming could totally do with a nap now!!
I never used to take any tablets but with the pain I'm in I have to and I have quite a high pain threshold I wouldn't take codeine at the start but I have after 16 weeks on the say so of my midwife and doc but I don't take the amount I'm allowed I take less and try to keep it to once a day at bedtime to get some sleep xx
You are super woman. I do not know how you resist punching him in the face....that would make me so mad. Its ridiculous. I would just lie down too and tell him that your as poorly and you need to take turns with the kids, see how he likes it.

Started bleeding a bit yesterday..not much and brown when I wiped only. DH and I had sex on Sunday night and it was the first time in 3 months since i thought i had the previa, so I assumed it was that. I have had some more today while at work and checked it out with my MW. She thinks its still from sex and it might continue for a few more days. Have been having cramping on and off but the midwives are unconcerned.

H saw your kitty on FB..utterly adorable.
Hope you both feel better from the pains, although i am struggling a bit I feel quite lucky as still working FT and getting about really well.
Hi ladies sorry been a bit AWOL but been reading every so often.

Geordie - hope your health improves soon feel so bad for you and not surprised you are so fed up! Think you are amazing to be so resilient!!

Oasis / goddess - glad all going with you both.

I have to admit I feel quite lucky as I feel very well bar a few aches and pains all is fine and still working full time too, agreed my maternity leave will be in 6 weeks, 2 before due date so hoping all stays that way.

Had 32 week scan today and placenta had moved up thankfully and LO pretty much on track growth wise around 60th percentile so all good.
Pat glad to hear your placenta has moved too.

I have 6w left at work and will be on mat leave from 37w onwards. I cannot wait. I am actually on vacation the final 2 weeks of August which is very nice.
Goddess I think if I was working I would probably be handling it better than being housebound all day x
its true, its good being at work having lots to take my mind off stuff and work is busy. I have a tonne to keep my busy and keep me occupied. Besides I have to prepare for my colleague covering for me for 2 weeks, so lots of working ahead.

While its tiring being at work, its more tiring at home with the kids.
Pleased all is well pat I can't wait for my scan to make sure placenta has moved at the 20 week one they said it had but consultant done an internal scan 3 weeks after and said it was still way to close to deliver safely so he has suggested they do an interal one as well as abdo one cause I just love getting my bits out for people NOT lol it's also in Friday the 13 sept so a bad omen knowing my luck then back on the 19th for the rescission of findings from scan and the at colposcopy straight after to get my abnormal cells looked at again like I say just love it xx
They had to do internal one for mine. They did quite a big scan externally but baby is so jammed down in the birth canal that she could not get a proper look at the cervix and placenta as baby was totally in the way and refused to move. As soon as she popped in the internal one she knew all was well.
So pleased all is well Pat, lovely to hear from you:) I don't know how I'd cope if I was on my feet working ft but I think I'd be ok if I was seated, my legs are way too bad to be on all day, I have to wear compression stockings everyday during pregnancy as my right leg has got very poor circulation due to faulty valves in my veins and is always slightly swollen, I'm hoping if I can loose weight after the birth it might improve as it was better when I was slim! I'm lucky that dh works mainly from home all the time now so is always on hand if I need anything, this pregnancy the soles of my feet have been so painful, I've not had that before but again the weight doesn't help, I'm still having a better pregnancy than with dd 12 or Casey so I'm counting my blessings still. My scan is on the 15th. Dh's cake was soooo nice, don't normally eat cake but it was sponge, jam and cream, sultanas and choc chips in the sponge and icing and sweets on top! Lol xxx.
Thanks ladies can't believe its 32 weeks already, it went far quicker than I thought!

Goddess - holiday before sounds fab are you going anywhere or just near home?

Geordie my last day of work will be Fri 13th too but am hoping its a good sign rather than a bad one!! 😃
Will be staying at home and doing lots of day trips.

My last day is also Friday 13th Pat.

No more bleeding. Just home from work exhausted. Need to make dinner.

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