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****October 2013 Rainbow Babies****

Yes my placenta has moved so its not that. Its not fresh red blood, which is good. Its all brown or browny pink at most. Still having lots of cramping and back pain so will mention that to the MW today. I am pretty confident that everything is ok.
They should of really had you checked out though to be safe!!

My mw came today 90 minutes late she said 4 weeks ago baby was little but seems he has had a growth spurt cause she says he seems really big now she says we will have to see at growth scan which isn't til 34 weeks I'm quite worried about his size now he is also transverse she thinks that could be cause my placenta is still really low xx
Yes I agree goddess they should of checked you out but maybe it's different over there, here I was kept in hospital overnight and the bleeding and baby were constantly monitored xxx
Hannah I've got so big this last two weeks I'm so worried how big I will end up and how big Brooklyn will be as Casey was big. I've done so much today, dh has finished Brooklyn and Casey's room so we've been swapping all the furniture and everything over, obviously I didn't lift anything but I've just been on my feet and bending over etc and I had to walk up our estate twice which is all uphill, I'm feeling it now I really am xxxxxx
Definitely lol, not done a thing since I had a shower and sat down, dh did a lovely dinner and we watched a film, Casey went straight to sleep in his new room which I'm glad about as thought it might been strange for him, hoping hoping please no night terrors tonight he's had one every night except one since the heat started! Xxxxx
They would have checked me out for sure if it was proper bleeding.

Just home from mw and still totally unconcerned. Its brown which is old blood so they reckon its eiyher of 2 things. Irritated cervix from sex or a small clot dislodging and coming away now that placenta has moved. Measuring fine for dates.

What did she estimate as babies size. At least you get a scan soon to check it out.
She just said he seemed quite big I can tell cause of the difference in movements in the past 2 weeks I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead but I have flab too lol John and jake were both 9lb ers but hoping this one wont be much bigger than that she said if he looks really big on scan they will induce me earlier providing the placenta moves if it doesn't its a section x
Ah I see goddess sorry I didn't know it was brown blood thought it was red, that's so good all is ok I'm so pleased xxxx
Yeah that would do me lol the first 2 were 7lb 11 then I had the 2 9lb odd ones lol

Oh rang today to say one of the lasses at work who was 28 weeks had her baby by section yesterday they have been monitoring her cause the placenta wasn't working properly he is only 1lb 3oz but apparently they are hopeful cause he is trying to breath on his own and only needs a little help and he is fully formed they are testing for blindness and other things but so far so good x
Aw poor little thing. Hope the little one does ok, sounds promising.
Aww bless them, it's amazing they can be born so v early and be ok still, really hope the lil one is ok xxxxx
I know he is so small and fragile they noticed at her 20 week scan he was only measuring 17 weeks so have been keep a close eye on her ended up with daily scans and it really wasn't looking good but they have changed their time since taking him out and said its looking much better I can imagine what she is going through bless her!!

I went to my friends last night had a fab night being out the house didn't get in til after 1 then couldn't sleep then Charlie got up and Luc cause Charlie was up then had oh moaning all night cause he isn't well so I've had about an hours sleep on the day that I could of had proper sleep cause jake was at my mams the joys of being a mother and to top it off I feel like I have a hangover x

How's everyone else x
Good. Havent slept well either. Its only 7am but been awake for awhile. I am so bloody hot can't stand it anymore.
It's 3pm now and I'm totally flagging tried for a snooze on the sofa but can't even get that hope you cool down a bit its the worst being hot x
Our weather doesn't normally change till early / mid October. August gets hotter and september is usually mid 30s. I usually handle it a bit better obviously.

Hoping to have a nap in the afternoon too. Hope you manage a sneaky one.
Glad you had a good night Hannah sounds fun, am up dh's nans so thought I would take a belly shot of my 32 week belly, swear I look smaller on camera it's usually the other way round! X.


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Well no nap for me oasis your not too big and its nice and neat xx

Ill take one tomorrow and post it I can no longer walk I waddle xx
Honestly I've asked everyone and they say I'm bigger irl! How strange, I'm really tired too can't believe we were up til 4 this morning, just wasn't tired at all the. Xx cx

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