October 2015 and Beyond...8 BFPs!!!

Thanks golden. The temp increase did occur when my mood swings improved (aka estrogen rise). I could tell my estrogen levels were increasing based on mood and cm but didn't make the connection to bbt. I usually have really stable bbt too so I trust my temps just not the clomid :)

Yeap on clomid, its common to get false opk or weird looking bbt charts because its effecting ur hormones and everybody reacts differently. I would say keep Bding until u see creamy cm, then for sure u ovulated.
ooh sapphire! Hoping you're getting all that bding in! Heh that's exciting!

Just found out my job will be starting sooner which means I'll be able to start trying a month sooner than planned! So June I'll be back at it! Woo! Hopefully I'll have a few temping cycles under my belt so I can really see what's going on! Pumped!
Well, cd1 which means another early cycle, 25 days. I need to find out what's going on! Temped this morning after I realized I was bleeding and it wa 95.9, that seems really low? Hoping it's because I didn't get a bbt yet, going to do today, thought I had a few more days.

How is everyone? Bweaver, how are you feeling?
Well, cd1 which means another early cycle, 25 days. I need to find out what's going on! Temped this morning after I realized I was bleeding and it wa 95.9, that seems really low? Hoping it's because I didn't get a bbt yet, going to do today, thought I had a few more days.

How is everyone? Bweaver, how are you feeling?

I asked my doctor why my cycles are 25days and sometimes 30days. He said it depends on when you ovulate or lp. Ovulation day and lp is effected by ur life style so every month it can be different due to ur vitamin and mineral intakes.

Haven you been eating the same? did u change ur prenatal or did u start taking an extra supplement? are u stressed or more relaxed. Literally everything effects ur cycle. As long as u are beet ween 24-40 days length, u will be fine he said.
Hey ladies, hope everyone's doing well. I'm nearing the end of my tww. Have no symptoms of anything. Yesterday I had some mild cramping which I thought could be premenstural. Nothing today. No tender breasts. Period is due the 5th. Holding off on testing.
That's exciting mamak! I can never hold out that long. Keep us updated!

I'm officially 1dpo today. I had a temp rise this am and my ovaries don't feel like overfilled water balloons anymore. I'm super happy the clomid made me ovulate. I got lots of bd in this week too so I've done everything I can. Fx for a bfp this cycle.
That's exciting mamak! I can never hold out that long. Keep us updated!

I'm officially 1dpo today. I had a temp rise this am and my ovaries don't feel like overfilled water balloons anymore. I'm super happy the clomid made me ovulate. I got lots of bd in this week too so I've done everything I can. Fx for a bfp this cycle.

Ur charts looks great! u gonna get bfp for sure:hugs:
Yay sapph!!! That's great! I can't wait to see what happens. How are you feeling now?

Kern, that is oddly low. Did you sleep with your mouth open?

Mama, maybe the cramping was implantation :thumbup:

I'm technically in the tww but we're preventing for now until i get my anxiety issues under control. We prevented this month but we dtd about 4 days before o and again the day before o, but he withdrew (although he did go back so who knows). If i didn't get pregnant on 4 cycles of actually trying, i'm betting i'll not fall this cycle.

Kern yay about your job! Maybe we'll be bump buddies as i'm hoping to continue trying around june and have another spring baby.
Saph, hoping you get that BFP this time around! Still no symptoms. No cramps or sore breasts which I get before my period. I'm trying to stay positive. Hoping for my BFP this month. With my first pregnancy, I had extremely sore breasts but I was 6 weeks along. I don't feel premenstural but I don't feel pregnant either. Guess I'll see what happens.
Mamak, bweaver didn't really feel pregnant either when she got her bfp, she said she didn't really feel much of anything! I feel that's probably the best symptom to have! Haha

Giggle, that made me lol about my mouth being open, haha, maybe? I have had a cold the last few days. Today my temp was 96.5. Who knows.

I'm excited to start in June! I hope it happens quickly, I don't want to waste any time! I got to play with a 2week old baby girl all day yesterday and they're just so Precious! And tiny! Love!
I wanna know what happened with Bw's ultrasound?! Did they manage to find a baby sac? how are the hormone levels? keep us posted
Hello everyone! I am feeling alright. I thin I'm starting to get some morning sickness. I just felt yucky this morning and now again tonight. My belly just feels sour. I stil really don't have any pregnancy symptoms. In just EXTREMELY exhausted all of the time. I've been going to bed around 7pm lately. How sad is that?! I'm scheduled for another ultrasound on the 15th. My doctor called and said she received my ultrasound. She pretty much said I'm just too early to see anything so we would have to wait a could of weeks to get a god ultrasound. My anxiety kicks in from time to time worrying. I hope everything is moving along as it should by the time my ultrasound comes. I think once I see my baby's heartbeat it will sink in more for me. My daughter is SO excited. She wants a baby sister. And yes, my symptoms before my bfp were no symptoms! I didn't feel like anything was coming or happening. And here I am! Lol. I can't wait to see we more bfps!!!! I'm glad to see everyone seems to be doing good!!
Ugh I remember the sour stomach. I never threw up with dd but had a sour stomach until about 18 weeks. I've tried to block out those memories to psych myself up about doing it again. I look forward to hearing about your ultrasound in a couple weeks.

Afm, I'm 2 dpo and hoping my temps stay up. It dropped a tiny bit today but it got into the 40s last night and the house was like 5 degrees colder than normal so that could be why.

My ovaries are quickly returning to normal. During my lh surge, just going from sitting to standing hurt they were so swollen and today I barely noticed any twinges unless I was sitting very still like in the car.

I'm also back to creamy cm and feeling happy about my chances this cycle :)

One of my cousins had her first baby last week and my other cousin is in labor now. They are sisters in laws. I'm super excited for both of them but my baby fever is through the roof bad right now.
Sorry sapph :hugs: it's never easy watching everyone else go through it first. I have the first of a few upcoming baby showers this weekend, too :dohh: oh well.

Anywho, sounds like you definitely ov'ed this cycle! I hope the tww goes by quickly.

Bw, being exhausted is certainly a symptom! I think that sounda very positive. Also, a friend of mine on here was in a similar situation, and she had a repeat u/s the next week. The first one they just saw the sack, but the following weeks they saw a heartbeat. It was right around the 6 week mark. I bet you're fine :)
So no period, yet. Tomorrow I will be officially 1 day late. I remember a few months ago, I was many days late, ended up having a 39 day cycle which is very unusual for me. I'm just praying it won't be another long cycle like this. Waiting to test. My breasts are a bit sore. So maybe AF will rear her ugly head soon. The one thing I've noticed is how bloated and gassy I am. Last night I was miserable. I get like that before my period sometimes so who knows. Bweaver, I'm sure everything will turn out fine and you'll see little baby at your next ultrasound.
Sapph, it is hard when you got baby fever and it seems like everyone and their dog is expecting. I tell myself, "it's just not my turn yet."
Good luck to you mama! Gassy is a good sign :thumbup: lol

I'm in an unofficial tww...i wasn't trying this month but my lack of normal tww symptoms is making me go, "hmmmmm...."
Mama, I'm impressed you're holding out! I'm an early tester for sure. I don't even try to kid myself that I can wait until 14dpo!

Giggle, it must be frustrating to be taking a break after ttc and getting out of tww mode. I feel like I have two modes - actively ttc or on good birth control! I can't seem to find any middle ground.

I'm 3 dpo and can't sleep. Progesterone is supposed to make you sleepy but it just makes me hot and I sleep bad when I'm running hot. I have lots more cm (currently creamy) than I've had all cycle so it seems like the clomid effects are wearing off. I also have been a little gassy and feeling slightly stopped up. It's the progesterone increase again I'm sure. The waiting is already driving me crazy so I think I'll test next Friday at 10dpo. Also I'm hoping for crosshairs on ff this weekend... my temp rose too early which has me worrying but if I wasn't temping I'd definitely say I ovulated.

So yesterday I mentioned how bad my baby fever was but there is a silver lining. DD is the 8th of 10 great grandchildren on my husband's side and the only girl. The two younger than her were both born in the past two weeks and were more boys! I know our cousin was hoping her third was a girl but I'm a little glad dd will stay the only great granddaughter because she gets so spoiled! I know that's bad but it's helping get me through baby season...
Your chart looks good to me! There is definitely a distinct "second level" range to your temps. Not sure what ff will do but it looks to me like you definitely ovulated.

Yeah, i'm a little frustrated since i was so enjoying the easy going approach coupled with the "it's definitely not going to happen this time" feeling. I just hate the wait and anticipation. Now i'm just trying to wait out and see if my normal symptoms pop up. If not...i guess i might test, maybe wednesday (which feels like an eternity away right now). That'll be 11dpo.

I just hate the night before testing and all the pressure and nerves...i was secretly happy about putting off ttc :dohh: maybe that was the key to conceiving, lol
Hi ladies, here's a quick update from me... i'm solidly in the tww at 6 dpo. I have a serious poas addiction so I'm already itching to test at 6 dpo lol.

I was planning on testing Friday at 10 dpo. With dd I tested negative at 9 dpo and had a light but clearly evident positive at 11 dpo so if I follow the same timeline I think 10dpo sounds reasonable...

Bweaver, how are you doing?
I start testing 6dpo too! What an addiction. What other meds are you taking?

I had my appointment last week, DH's sperm analysis came back normal so problem is me :( but he didn't give me any meds yet because he told me my LH:FSH ratio was high which means PCOS, and I told him that I gave blood day before positive opk so it's normal to have high LH that day. So my doctor agreed with me and we will be repeating the test cd17 (not sure why 17) Anyways long story short, I decided not to take break and keep trying.

Cd14 today, didn't do opk yet but I should ovulate tomorrow for sure.

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