I'm 12 dpo today and af is on her way. My temp dropped this morning, I'm feeling crampy, and i have a headache. I guess I'm happy that the 50mg clomid made me ovulate but bummed about the bfn.
I'll be doing cd3 bloodwork this cycle and hopefully another round of clomid. I'll be taking a break from the forums though and try to relax more this cycle.
Good luck ladies!
Bahh, I'm afraid I can't help. I don't ovulate without the clomid so I don't ever get a true af but I do usually get headaches when my hormone levels drop dramatically.
I miscarried at 5 weeks. Started bleeding 19 dpo. Went for bloods before the bleeding and hcg is decreasing. Not sure when we'll try again, but most likely in June.