October 2015 and Beyond...8 BFPs!!!

I always wanted to be pregnant at Christmas but I've missed it both times! A Christmas reveal would be great.
The morning sickness struggle is real. Almost puked in the middle of trader joe's.

I need line porn! Who's up next?
Kern- I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping we both have great big BFPs this month!!!

Afm, I'm 8dpo today and trying not to be obsessive :haha:. I have 2 ICs left from last cycle, and told myself I wouldn't buy any more this cycle, so I'm trying to hold out on testing until later this week. I have no patience, but I'm really, really trying! Also trying not to symptom spot, but I'd not good at that either. Had some really light cramping and twinges yesterday. Sore boobs, but that's par for the course during the last week of the TWW for me. Last night I felt more tired than usual, even after getting a good night's sleep on Saturday night. Not sure that any of it means anything, but I can't help but notice! :haha:

Also, probably TMI, but I'm dealing with a yeast infection. We used Preseed for the first time this cycle (religiously every time we BD), and I think that's what caused it since it lowers your pH. I got a 7 day treatment instead of the 1 or 3 day- it's supposed to be better for baby if I am pregnant.. so looks like I have another 6 days of FUN. On the positive side, I'm hoping since it lowered my pH, the soldiers were able to get where they needed to go this month!!!
13dpo today. Pretty sure af will be here right on time. Cervix is low and hard. Normal cramping. Super tired but have had an insanely busy couple of days. Eeeeeee. How is everyone?
Maybe, when are you testing? Hope all the things affecting your hoo ha this month worked in your favor!

Kern, you're justing waiting to see if af shows or not before you test?

I'm hanging in there. Dealing with illness still. I've come to accept feeling queasy as my new norm.
Kern- I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping we both have great big BFPs this month!!!

Afm, I'm 8dpo today and trying not to be obsessive :haha:. I have 2 ICs left from last cycle, and told myself I wouldn't buy any more this cycle, so I'm trying to hold out on testing until later this week. I have no patience, but I'm really, really trying! Also trying not to symptom spot, but I'd not good at that either. Had some really light cramping and twinges yesterday. Sore boobs, but that's par for the course during the last week of the TWW for me. Last night I felt more tired than usual, even after getting a good night's sleep on Saturday night. Not sure that any of it means anything, but I can't help but notice! :haha:

Also, probably TMI, but I'm dealing with a yeast infection. We used Preseed for the first time this cycle (religiously every time we BD), and I think that's what caused it since it lowers your pH. I got a 7 day treatment instead of the 1 or 3 day- it's supposed to be better for baby if I am pregnant.. so looks like I have another 6 days of FUN. On the positive side, I'm hoping since it lowered my pH, the soldiers were able to get where they needed to go this month!!!
Ahhh maybe, getting so close to testing, when do y plan to test? Be strong! Haha! Sorry about the infection, that's why I've been hesitant to use any of that stuff! Hope it heals quickly!

Maybe, when are you testing? Hope all the things affecting your hoo ha this month worked in your favor!

Kern, you're justing waiting to see if af shows or not before you test?

I'm hanging in there. Dealing with illness still. I've come to accept feeling queasy as my new norm.

Yes, I plan to wait for af, if af by some surprise doesn't show :haha: I'll test probably Friday or so just to make sure my cycle isn't messed up. My cm is super dry, my cervix is closed still, no sign of pink yet, I usually get af in the morning and sometimes I can see pink if I do a cervix check and then wipe it on a white paper towel or whatever, nothing like that yet but it could change any moment.

Sorry you're feeling sick, it's gotta make it hard to get through your daily tasks, I hope you don't suffer with it for long! :hugs:
Ooooh yeah, my house is in shambles right now. Seriously, it's shameful.
I really need to clean...my MIL is going to come help. I just feel sick, then eat bread to chill out my stomach, then later i feel like crap because i'm not used to eating this terribly. I feel bloated and run down. Can't wait until this subsides!

So excited, hope af stays away!
So sorry you are feeling crappy, giggle. My best friend is pregnant.. about 10 weeks, and has had horrible nausea. Her doctor actually prescribed something for her to take at night that has been a life saver for her, and she's had very little nausea since. Maybe your doctor can give you the same thing?

Afm, I tested this morning, BFN. Still early...I know, I know, but seeing that empty white space on a test makes me feel so out, even if it's only 10dpo. I had a really good feeling that this time was the one. Timing was good, used preseed for a little extra boost, have been having really vivid dreams, and even some cramping which I don't usually get during the TWW. My best friend had to go through IUI to get pregnant, so her family bought her a few fertility dolls that she kept on her nightstand. When she got pregnant, she gave them to me, so I even have THOSE working for me this cycle.:haha: but after testing I just feel down. Hopefully things will turn around over the next few days.
Aww maybe <3 hope this one's the cycle. If not, are you going to be seeing a fertility dr since it's been a year?
Aww maybe <3 hope this one's the cycle. If not, are you going to be seeing a fertility dr since it's been a year?

Yes, that's the plan. If it doesn't happen this cycle, I'm making an appointment with my OBGYN. I need an annual anyway, and have been putting it off hoping the next time I would go would be when I was pregnant. I'm worried though that I'm going to be told I need to lose weight before we can start any testing or treatment, which will put me right over the edge.

Hoping they send DH for a SA right away before running all kinds of crazy and expensive tests on me. I've charted enough to know that I'm definitely ovulating each month. I know there are plenty of other things that can be wrong with me, but after watching my BFF go through all the testing, I'd prefer we rule out DH before turning me into a science experiment.
Sorry about the bfn maybe. Those always stuck even if they are early.

Giggs, I don't know what your pregnancy nausea was like with your son, but mine starts improving around 10 weeks then gets way better at 13 or 14. Hang in there! If it gives you hope, my house was a disaster the entire first trimester. I felt loads better in the second trimester and still have more energy now even I'm massive and can't even bend over :D

Kern, Friday will be here before you know it. Hopefully this is your month!

I have 2 Dr appts tomorrow. Fetal echocardiograms for the babies and MFM appt for growth scan (yay!) Hopefully I'll escape this gestational diabetes limbo...

My ob wants me to take my fasting and dinner blood sugar levels. She mentioned that we could do the 3 hr but doesn't like that my blood sugar is somewhat impaired even if I do manage to pass it because apparently with twins it's likely to get worse faster because of having double the placenta. Ugh... I know she's right but I still am not happy about it. I'm pretty sure my ob won't drop the issue even if I do pass the 3 hr so I'm thinking it may not be worth my trouble to bother with it but I'll see what mfm says tomorrow.

On the plus side we had one fall-ish day this week where the high was only 82 instead of 88+. My pregnant self loved it and wants it back!
Your temps are looking good maybe, possibly an implantation dip yesterday? I hope this is your cycle!

Afm, no af yet, haven't done a cervix check though. Maybe my feeling of totally not being pregnant is a symptom? Hahaha. :happydance:
Kern, lack of symptoms was my biggest thing for my first pregnancy and m/c. Fx!

Sapph, i actually didn't have a lick of sickness with DS except once, and i think it was food poisoning.

Actually all i had with DS until I was much further lon was acid reflux that tums took care of. This time...sore boobs, sore vag after bd, food averaions galore, queasiness...

Sapph, autumn has really started to kick in here the past week. Yours is just around the corner!
Thanks sapphire! I can't believe it's already Wednesday!

Giggle that's insane! No symptoms being a symptom. :haha: everything I've had so far could easily be written off as af symptoms. :dohh:

I guess I'll use fmu Friday morning if nothing happens before then. I should know though if it doesn't show up by then that something is happening. I'm afraid of a chemical too. Ahhhhhh. Nerves! :shrug:
15dpo today and no sign of af. I keep thinking she's here but always comes up clear. I'm not even cramping. So now I'm just afraid to test I think. Last time I was pregnant I lost it three days after af was due. So I think that's why I'm hesitating now.

Also, I was so convinced I was out when I had a migraine a few days ago I took excedrin migraine which has caffeine and is a ton of pain killer. I also took Flonase like a week ago because I had enough with the sneezing. Now I worry if I am pregnant what I did. :dohh: ack

How's everyone? Any new news maybe?
Those meds put you at risk for m/c but it doesn't mean it will make you, especially just a dose before baby probably implanted.

Fx and i'm excited for your test!!!
15dpo today and no sign of af. I keep thinking she's here but always comes up clear. I'm not even cramping. So now I'm just afraid to test I think. Last time I was pregnant I lost it three days after af was due. So I think that's why I'm hesitating now.

Also, I was so convinced I was out when I had a migraine a few days ago I took excedrin migraine which has caffeine and is a ton of pain killer. I also took Flonase like a week ago because I had enough with the sneezing. Now I worry if I am pregnant what I did. :dohh: ack

How's everyone? Any new news maybe?

Kern I'm so excited for you!!! Hoping for good news!!! I am sure that the meds will be just fine. Think of all the women who get pregnant without knowing it that go on to have healthy babies, even if they didn't watch every single thing that went into their body during the TWW. No stressing :)

I tested again a few hours ago- still BFN at 11dpo. Feeling pretty out at this point. I was really moody last night which is usually a surefire sign that AF is on her way.

I thought I needed a referral to see a fertility specialist, but apparently I don't. I called up a well regarded fertility center in the area yesterday afternoon, and they set me up with a consult on October 10th to talk through the diagnostic process and do an ultrasound to see if I have any obvious blockages, PCOS, etc. I assume they will also send DH for a SA, but we will see. I just want to know what the problem is so we can fix it. I am terrified and optimistic, but I figured having a plan in place would make the letdown of AF just a bit easier to bear this month. Best case I get surprised by a BFP and can cancel all my appointments, but I don't expect that to be the case.
Dang, maybe, sorry to hear. Your chart still looks great. Let's hope it's just too early for a bfp. :thumbup:

Afm, I went ahead and tested on a two hour hold. Strong bfp came up wicked fast. I think we all knew that was coming. :haha: I'm excited and nervous about another loss, and am trying to figure out the perfect time to tell hubby! Ahhhh how will I handle two children? Hahaha :happydance:

I took this pic as an idea to send to daddy. Yeah?

https://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e98/kiwitastic1Nugget/Mobile Uploads/image_zpsnsgyfity.jpeg
Kern!!! I knew it! How many dpo are you? Awww cute pic, and kind of discreet, like he'll have a double take on it i bet
Maybe, I'm glad you were able to set up an appointment so easily. Having a plan makes ttc a little more tolerable in the short term.

Kern, huge congratulations! I love your picture. Onward to the first trimester woes... Fatigue, morning sickness, and bloating :D fx your pregnancy will be uneventful and smooth.

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