Is ur due date June 7? My bday is June 8 and let me tell u what's coming! A kid that talks and talks and talks hahaha if it's a girl then u gotta deal with her cute mood swings
Hahaha yes it is 6/7

and we are staying team yellow! I told my husband he's in a world of hurt if we have a girl and she's anything like me

but he still wants one for some reason.
Kern can we get a pic of the test dry? And any other one(s) you take?

feed my addiction!
What did hubby say??? Uploads/image_zps5qvrjhx7.jpeg
There's the same test today, totally dry. I saved it for the hubs to see, proof.
Hubby is excited but hesitant to tell anyone since I had a loss. One of the first things he said was "how are you sure it's not a chemical or tubal?" I think he just doesn't want to get too excited until we hear a heartbeat, I can't blame him! But I feel so different about this one than my last chemical. My husband wanted to tell some close friends and I told him not to cause something told me to wait. Then I bled a few days later. This time I'm the one wanting to tell everyone.
My only concern is last time, with my son, I was prescribed progesterone. I can't get in to see the dr until Monday. Think I should be worried? Or buy some otc stuff? I don't know what to do there.
Maybe, I'm so sorry to hear af arrived.

I'm glad you have appointments scheduled to figure out what is going on. I hope you get that sticky bean soon and I'll be staying in this thread to follow my lovely ladies!