October 2015 and Beyond...8 BFPs!!!

Hi everyone- just checking in to see how you all are doing :)

DH and I just completed all of our diagnostic testing and start our first round of IUI with CD 1 which will be right after Thanksgiving. Never thought I would ever need to give myself daily injections just to get pregnant... what a waste of money on birth control all these years!! LOL

I'm nervous but hoping our little science experiment will have a happy ending! <3
Maybe I'm glad you got thru ur diagnostics fast! Just getting my results took me like 4-5 months.

Just wanted to share this info with u. I hav a friend that has been trying for over 4 yrs and her IUIs failed too so she s on to IVF. However, she went to get acupuncture done n was told that she has cold uterus. We read about cold uterus and infertility, seems like a legit point. So maybe read about it and if you hav the symptoms then try to keep ur uterus warm during iUI n 2WW to up your chances.
Maybe, that's so exciting! Fx that the iui will be successful with your particular issue.

Golden and Giggle, how are you holding up?

I got a c-section date of 12/7 at 38+3 if the twins aren't here yet. I'm beginning to think that I have a cervix of steel or something because no one seemed to think I'd carry these babies this long with how petite I am (or was before the 45 lb gain!) I'm at the super uncomfortable twin stage where I can barely move and gave up picking anything up off the floor a few weeks ago... It's hit or miss on whether I can reach it and I'm flexible! 26 more days... The countdown is on :)
Wow Sapph, can't believe your delivery is right around the corner! Please remwmber to share photos when you can!

Maybe, i'm thrilled for you. I hope the first time's a charm!

GR what is cold uterus? Jeeze, can't believe how far along you are!

I'm ok, thanks for asking :) I am still battling headaches and nausea but I'm having more good days recently, thank God! My current dilemma is paying for a private gender scan in a couple weeks or not. Otherwise my scan date is almost New Years O_O
Sap! I cant believe that u are scheduled for delivery already. I feel like it was just couple months ago that u were starting clomid. Im glad you can carry them longer than estimated. Cant wait to see them!
Did you finish all ur shopping? You should probably have ur hospital bag ready, just incase!

Giggs, look at you! already 14weeks:happydance: Do you usually get headaches during first trimester? how is ur blood pressure? when is ur next scan? Do you think its a boy or girl?

Atm, I feel great! I got no pain and my belly is huge! Doc measured me with tape and I was 28cm at 24weeks. Either I got GD or big baby or the baby is in weird position. I will attach a pic with my next post.
I have my glucose test next week so im bit nervous about that. FX I got no GD:coffee:

I started buying things, I only have car seat and bassinet left. Also debating if i should get breast pump. I will be breastfeeding (hopefully) but i may need breast pump because we will be starting our own business during my Mat leave and DH will have to watch the baby when i go for meetings.

Probably will hold that off until the baby is 4 weeks tho, dont wanna give pacifier or bottle until he latches on perfectly.
Cute bump golden! It's exciting getting ready for baby. Hopefully you'll rock your glucose test. You're hitting that stage with lots of testing/vaccines/etc.

Giggle, I hope you decide on a plan for the ultrasound. Coming from a mom of a kiddo with a congenital heart defect, I've learned the closer to 21 or 22 weeks, the better for detecting cardiac abnormalities. But.... That doesn't make the wait any easier! I don't know what I'd do! The cheap part of me would wait for the anatomy scan and spend that money on a baby gear splurge but I'd also be super tempted to get a private scan to find out the gender earlier.

I'm thinking my babies won't hold out until my c-section at 38+3. I spent yesterday pm in l&d getting treated for preterm labor with fluid and terbutaline. Got discharged and will follow up with my ob tomorrow. My body feels like it's still trying to go into labor though I'm just not contracting regularly like yesterday. It's like every 2-5-10-3 mins whereas yesterday was consistently every 2 to 2.5 mins.
omg sap, u may give birth soon ha! how are the contractions? painful? I wouldnt know what to expect.

btw my doc gave me the glucose testing papers and told me to get it done before our appointment dec2nd. So does it matter if i go for glucose test Nov20th (26w5d) or Nov26 (27w4d)? does 6 days matter?
Sapph, did they five you steroids for the babies lungs? How freaky, I hope the stay in a bit longer!

I think I'll probably just end up waiting for the ultrasound at the end of December...i have an appt in a couple weeks and may ask if he can check quickly/cheaply :haha: but i'm not going to count on it.

GR, the bump is so nicely rounded! Lookin' good! I have no idea on the GD test :/
Golden, either gd screen would be great as far as I know esp if you're high risk but not positive.

My babies arrived via c-section at 35+1. Baby A was 5lb6oz and Baby B was 4lb13oz. We're keeping names and pics private at the moment. Babies went to nursery for a few hours for low blood sugar then stabilized quickly. More update to follow later.
Golden, either gd screen would be great as far as I know esp if you're high risk but not positive.

My babies arrived via c-section at 35+1. Baby A was 5lb6oz and Baby B was 4lb13oz. We're keeping names and pics private at the moment. Babies went to nursery for a few hours for low blood sugar then stabilized quickly. More update to follow later.

OMG! no way:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Im so excited to see them. Glad everything went well and little divas are healthy. Keep us posted! and get some rest.
Awww congratulations Sapph! I hope no complications and you're resting up <3
It took nearly a month, but I finally typed up my birth story as promised. I hope you will come back and share yours when your babies arrive :)

On Sunday 11/13 I started having contractions 2-2.5 mins apart. I didn't think much of it that morning and drove into town to pick up DD1 from her grandmother's house, run errands, and have lunch. I started timing the contractions on the drive in and ran some errands to see if walking would stop them. Eventually we decided to go to the hospital and I was monitored and given a bolus of fluid and a dose of terbutaline. The contractions stopped, we picked up dd and were home by bedtime.

I woke up in the middle of the night with an unsettled stomach and general feeling of unease. I slept for a few broken hours and paced the house a bit but wasn't feeling contractions as strong as the previous day. I took dd to school in the morning but by lunchtime I called DH to come home because I felt like I was in labor even though I still wasn't feeling strong contractions. We dropped of the dog and dd with my mom and went to the hospital again about 24 hours after the first time!

I was monitored and was having contractions every 2-2.5 mins again and was 2-3 cm dilated so ob said it was c-section time. The spinal was a challenge to place accurately because of my mild scoliosis.

The surgeon discovered my original uterine c-section scar had separated leaving a large window through which the twins were visible. It's unnerving when your ob says "That's incredible. It's the largest window I've ever seen." And she's experienced!

The babies were born within a minute of each other at 35+1 weeks healthy and crying with 5 min apgar scores of 9.

The closure was performed while the babies were examined in an adjoining room where I could see them.

They went to the nursery while I was in recovery and were brought to me once I made it to the postpartum room. The girls were 5 lb 6 oz and 4 lb 13 oz and both were 17.5 in long.

Baby A went to nicu from day 2 - day 7 for a feeding tube until her sucking reflex developed. Happily, everyone was home before Thanksgiving.

Now it's just sleep deprivation we're contending with but the girls are doing well and big sister (3) is adjusting beautifully.


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Omg they're beautiful! That must have been hard with one in the nicu but i'm so glad her stay was short. Slepe deprivation is hard with one so I can only imagine how it is with two! Hope this stage passes quickly. How is your older daughter liking her new role as big sis?
They are beautiful saph :cloud9: my baby was also 4lb 13 at birth it's so little

Hope everyone is well
It's amazing how much smaller my 4lb 13oz baby felt compared to her twin at 5lb 6oz and older sister at 5lb 2oz. She was only 4 and a half lbs when we came home but is a little chunk now. She gained a whole pound in a week! She's my good eater. I pumped for a couple of weeks but am formula feeding now and letting my milk dry up. I need more than 1.5 hrs of sleep in a row! They were up every 2 to 2.5 hrs last night (usually eat every 3 hrs). Must be growing again.

Big sister had a rough first couple of weeks, but is doing much better now that I'm recovering from surgery and she's back in her (almost) normal school routine. She loves her "two babies" and keeps stealing bibs and diapers for her baby dolls :D

Tani, how are the boys?

Giggle, I see congrats are in order for being team blue again! How's the pregnancy going? Almost half way now!
Awww how sweet <3 glad you're all falling into a routine. Do they twins get up to feed at the same time?

Thanks for the congrats! It came as a huuuge surprise that I am having a boy. My symptoms were much worse this time, and I told myself they get worse with subsequent pregnancies and it was probably another boy, but my heart was soooo convinced girl. Then I had two ultrasounds in one week, but both times (one dr and one nurse) said they couldn't get a clear shot, but it looked like a girl. I went back to the nurse the next week to make sure, and this little boy was flashing his bits all over the place :haha: i was a little bummed out because i really want a daughter, but I was fine by the end of the day. Hubs said, "we'll just have to try again next time!" :dohh: but boys run in his family, so I'm not holding my breath (in 5 generations, there's been 1 girl going back on the father's side).
J's doing good now he's was 11lb 9oz at 4.5 months. He also hadn't learn to suck by birth but we're pretty much over that now &#128077;

Gigs I was the same when I was pregnant. Like 95% of my scan guesses were girl and I'd totally convinced I was having a girl. When we were told boy I was bummed for a few hours but I quickly go over it. Id of loved a girl (90% sure we're done with 2) but theres no way I'd swap either boys for a girl. There personalities are so different all ready.

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