October 2017 testers - Having an Oktoberfest - 9 BFPs and counting

Thencomesbebe, welcome and good luck!

Motherofcorgi. Even if you get a bfp I think you should be fine with partaking in the wine tasting. Just taste and spit! ;) The amount of alcohol will be so tiny so it will be far fram harmful.

Alligator, I really like the look of your chart! :) I know a great looking chart really doesn't mean anything, but still ;) chart envy! I'm such a slow riser.
Thencomesbebe, welcome and good luck!

Motherofcorgi. Even if you get a bfp I think you should be fine with partaking in the wine tasting. Just taste and spit! ;) The amount of alcohol will be so tiny so it will be far fram harmful.

You’re a genius and I like the way you think! ;)
Ahh Tove thank you - people keep saying I have a great chart and I know it's no guarantee of anything at all but I sure hope it means something for me!

And I agree with taste and spit. I read somewhere that the human body is pretty keyed up in early pregnancy knowing that some women don't know until 5 weeks along or more (not us crazy testers lol). It has built in mechanisms to protect the new little life inside you. The yolk sac is what is supporting the little embryo at that stage while the placenta forms, so obviously don't go crazy pounding back bottles of wine but a few sips or a glass or two is probably okay, but I totally get not wanting to!
Thencomesbebe, welcome and good luck

Yay! So excited to have a community to share my journey with and to witness everyone else's stories! Thank you so much!
I'm 8dpo today. Anxiously waiting for Sunday to test. Eeek. So all day today I've been feeling like a 'tickling' in my uterus. Oh man, I pray it's not just in my head. lol. It's weird I don't know how to describe it. Its not cramps or pressure or fluttering, really tickle is the only word I can think of, it actually makes me smile. Trying to convince myself its nothing and to relax but I can't. sigh.
Sounds promising Dream!! fx. Can't wait for you to test!
Well I gave in and tested early. BFN >_<
Super early if you go by expected AF since my cycles are long but since I had an IUI on Sept 18th I am supposed to test Oct 2nd. I know it's probably too early and I shouldn't get too down but I just want it so bad. I am now waiting till Sunday for sure and if it's still negative then Tuesday. (My AF isn't due until next Friday)
I figure 3 scenarios: 1) Pregnant but tested too early (this is the one I'm hoping for) 2) Not Pregnant or 3) Pregnant but losing it super early...since I had an ectopic last IUI in May I'm really afraid of this one.
I took and opk yesterday and it was very positive! It still showed positive this AM too. I should ovulate later today. But, Im bummed because yesterday I got a bladder infection! Worst timing. So now I am on omnicef antibiotics. I'm hoping this doesnt hurt my chances too much. Anyone have experience with being on antibiotics during ovulation and still getting pregnant?
I'm sorry keirst. I hope it's just too early! IUIs don't have the best success rate (which is such a bummer), but I'm not sure if that makes you feel any better. You had partial success on one so I hope you'll get lucky on this one!
So I’m 10 DPO and I’ve held out on testing so far but I think I’m going to take one tomorrow morning (still a bit early I know). My parents are hosting a wine tasting tomorrow and I want to take a test just to see if maybe I shouldn’t partake ;)
Having a few suspicious symptoms so FX!

I wouldn't worry too much as I know someone that was drinking throughout her pregnancy up until 6 months as she didn't even know she was pregnant and she went on to have a healthy baby :)

And plus I ovulated on 27th June and on 1st July I went to see green day and had like 5 bottles of beer (wasn't drunk) and obviously jumping around like a maniac :haha:
I honestly think it was all the jumping that shook the sperm around to make sure it met the egg lol
And by the time I got back to hotel I was sick(I never get sick on only 5 beers) (although I think it might have been the beef brisket I ate too)
I so wish I knew when to test! I
Not sure when/if I've ovulated though I've noticed more cm for a couple of days! That'll teach me to stop charting!!! I need to start again!
Dream, sounds like a promising sign! I had a weird sensation in my uterus (can't describe it with words) before I tested positive in my first pregnancy. So weird-uterus-feeling is sign I'm always hoping to get since, for me, it meant BFP.
Count me in ladies. I still haven't gotten a grasp on my cycles, so I'm not sure when I'll test. Currently CD 5. I have a follicle check scheduled for Oct 12th. Last cycle was a bust, never ovulated. Hoping for better results this cycle!
Hi all, I'm new here - just joined! My husband and I are in our mid-late twenties and have been TTC our first on and off for a year and a bit - a total of about 11-12 cycles. We've never had any pregnancies or positives.

This is our first month back to trying after a two-month hiatus, and we didn't have much of a chance to try this month; we just tried twice - once on CD 10 and once on CD 16, but I am still trying to be hopeful even though I know that the chances are slim.

I think I am 6DPO today but I am not sure because I have never taken any OPKs. According to my Ovia app I should have ovulated around last Saturday or Sunday, so that is what I am 'calculating' off of.

I took a cheapie today and even though a) I know it's way too early and that b) the cheapies are not the most sensitive. Still... I felt so discouraged when I saw that one single line. I felt like I was spiraling into a funnel of negativity; like there was no way that it would change from the negative that I was seeing into a positive by the time AF is due, because I've always had negatives. I know I probably seem melodramatic. I always told myself that I would try to take TTC as it comes, but it's easier said than done!

I plan to test again towards Wednesday or Thursday... My husband and I are going away for Canadian Thanksgiving to a cottage with our families and I would LOVE for us to be able to surprise them with good news. We shall see what happens!

Baby dust,

Little Miller
Added you all, welcome and good luck!

Little miller, I can't even imagine how frustrating it must be to be 1 year into TTC. I totally get the feeling of disappointment when seeing a bfn even though you logically know it's too early. That's why you shouldn't test so early!

Hope you get your BFP this cycle! If not, are you planning on seeking medical help soon?
Moving from September thread as im still waiting for AF or possibly ovulation.... Really stuck in limbo :wacko: this will be the longest cycle i have in all my life if FF isn't wrong in detecting my O. Just gonna enjoy :sex: :sex: :sex: :sex:.

I'll POAS on Oct 3 (DH's bday) if AF never comes, she should be arriving today but without O detected i don't know. I won't be testing today due to a temp drop which could mean the :witch: is coming if i really O'ed this cycle.


1. No bruises days leading to :af:
2. :holly: feel normal usually they're full and sensitive days before :af:
3. Weirdest cycle (annovulatory????) No thermal shift
4. Gassy
5. Lower back pain (tailbone)

Forgìve me for symptom spotting.
Well, serious lower back pains and bright pink/red spotting @ 14DPO, I think AF is here, looks like I'm out til next cycle, which is what I figured! Not too disappointed since this was our first month trying, here's to next month!

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