October babies due dates and bump colours

ahh, soo exciting, MA! Can't WAIT to see pictures of Amelia! You'll get to snuggle her in just 2 days!
Ekk! MA, I'll bet you're in a last minute scramble to get things done. Glad to hear Amelia is ready to make her grand entrance.

MrsK, scary stuff trying to deal with breast tissue problems. I really hope it's nothing more than what you think. I remember going to the doctor's office like 10 years ago with a painful lump and was totally freaked out. Turned out to just be something that happens with hormones once and while around your period. FX there is a simple answer for you too. I remember the doctor telling the fact that it was painful was good as it meant it was likely not a tumor.

So what have I accomplished today? hah NADA! I took DH to school and then took DD shopping. She got a new pair of shoes and toilet paper. So exciting! I'm hoping to get some stuff done tonight after DD goes to bed since DH is out late and there isn't much on tv tonight. Also, battery is charged in camera.. I just need to figure it out now before posting pictures.
Exciting MA! I can't wait to see her.

Ever morning I wake up now I think "is today the day", OH hugged me and asked me this morning "can you go into labour now, I don't want to go to work" Silly!!
MA - i'm actually really tearful for you knowing that you're going to have your darling amelia with you on thursday! :hugs: so wonderful! xx
Exciting MA! I can't wait to see her.

Ever morning I wake up now I think "is today the day", OH hugged me and asked me this morning "can you go into labour now, I don't want to go to work" Silly!!

My Dh did the opposite.. he told me he realized that he has mid-terms coming up he needs to study for and take and he'd be really screwed if I went into labor now so could I please hold out until at the earliest Thursday October 6th in the afternoon after his math class.
LMAO, I hope your DH is right, its my birthday on the 6th :D. But in saying he wants baby to come out this morning, last night he said "can you not go into labour tonight becoz im really tired" HA!
Wow MA so exciting that you will be meeting your little girl so soon! I cant wait to see pictures.

Im starting to get a little impatient. I get contractions daily and its easy to bring them on they just never last longer then an hour. 18 days until im due and 11 days until being induced most likely. Hoping to get thngs going on their own. After all the pre term labor you'd think she'd be ready to come but I think she's going to be stubborn. Im hoping my growth scan was off just a little since she was measuring 7lb 7oz at 36+6 already and I dont want to deliver a huge baby lol.

My hubby keeps asking me to go into labor so he can go on parental leave. Think he's sick of the guessing game since last time we had a for sure date at this point.

Took DD swimming this morning and the only thing I could think the whole time was " i hope my water doesn't break and I dont notice it". I have been having dreams about it breaking for almost 3 days now.

Im not sure if they do sweeps here in Canada really but im going to ask my doctor about them on Thursday. Im already a 3 so it shouldn't be a problem i dont think.

Hope everyone else is doing well and feeling good. Cannot believe we are all almost there. I also agree the keeping this thread going after the babies are born(in a diff section of course) would be wonderful.
Ha, my OH also asks me to go into labor so he won't have to go to work... watch it happen very early on a Saturday morning after he barely got any sleep! lol!

I didn't get much done today either.. don't really have a lot on my schedule these days. I try to have something to look forward to at least several times a week so time doesn't drag too much, but I spend most of my days watching Netflix, reading, or just relaxing on the couch. I figure I won't get the chance to be lazy much pretty soon!
MA- That is exciting that you will be holding your LO soon.

I had a nice 2 hour stay in the L&D last night. I was having contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart and last a minute. So I called the Dr and I got sent in. I was checked when I got there and was still the same dilated as I was at my appointment. I found out that my cervix is tilted backwards yet again. So as the nurse was checking me it was awful pain. As they monitored me my contractions stayed the same as they were when I called. Then I realized that I was having a lot of back pain after each contractions. I'm wondering if that is back labor? The nurse came back in 2 hours later and checked me again and she hit my cervix wrong so I tensed up and would not relax so she could check me more. She did say that the baby's head is lower and that my cervix should be normal soon. Even though my contractions were real and consistant and extremely intense, I wasn't dilating right so I was going to be discharged. The dr. (the girl one that I don't like) was the on call last night and she didn't want to come in, Told the nurse, to tell me to go home and if it continued to come in today. Even when I called her last night she was rude.

My contractions have not changed and I even have broken down and cried a couple times since being sent home. My husband and I decided that we are just waiting it out until I can't take anymore. I have lost even more chunks of mucus plug today. I just want to see my actual doctor, who understands and knows my history. So here I sit in complete pain. But I'm sucking it up a little while longer. The baby is still moving like she should so I'm not to worried about that now.

I'm just ready to hold my baby girl.
Oh wow, I've missed so much!

Congrats nypage!!!

MA, so exciting about Thursday! I know you would have preferred October, but was Thursday one of the okay days or is that someone else's birthday already? I can't remember! :)

mommyof3, those contractions sound really frustrating. :( But they will get you somewhere eventually!

MrsK, I hope everything is okay with the lump. I have heard the same as LittleStars, if it were a tumor it shouldn't hurt. Hopefully it is a cyst or something that can be drained so it stops causing pain.

Not much going on here. I had some crampy feelings after walking around a bit today. I haven't been walking much recently but did about 2 miles today, and by the end I was feeling crampy. But honestly I'm not sure if they were uterus cramps or gas cramps! :blush: Still, it would probably be good for me to keep walking to try and move things along. My DH is also asking me to go into labor. I'm honestly not sure why, because he has a lot of stuff to get done right now! He works for himself so work doesn't just stop when the baby comes (although he will do his best). He's got needy clients breathing down his neck. I think honestly he is just scared by how big my belly is every time I walk into a room and can't imagine it getting any bigger!!
Oh wow, I've missed so much!

Congrats nypage!!!

MA, so exciting about Thursday! I know you would have preferred October, but was Thursday one of the okay days or is that someone else's birthday already? I can't remember! :)

mommyof3, those contractions sound really frustrating. :( But they will get you somewhere eventually!

MrsK, I hope everything is okay with the lump. I have heard the same as LittleStars, if it were a tumor it shouldn't hurt. Hopefully it is a cyst or something that can be drained so it stops causing pain.

Not much going on here. I had some crampy feelings after walking around a bit today. I haven't been walking much recently but did about 2 miles today, and by the end I was feeling crampy. But honestly I'm not sure if they were uterus cramps or gas cramps! :blush: Still, it would probably be good for me to keep walking to try and move things along. My DH is also asking me to go into labor. I'm honestly not sure why, because he has a lot of stuff to get done right now! He works for himself so work doesn't just stop when the baby comes (although he will do his best). He's got needy clients breathing down his neck. I think honestly he is just scared by how big my belly is every time I walk into a room and can't imagine it getting any bigger!!
It's my aunts birthday and my other cousins granddaughter's 1st birthday who's mother conceived her while on drugs. Poor kid.

I've come to terms and we'll just make Amelia's birthday her own special day anyways. Though I did try to buy of the Dr.'s by asking them if they'd think about delivering her on Sat the 1st. :rofl: Can't understand WHY they refuse to go in on a Sat. :shrug: :lol:

I'm going in tomorrow evening for pre-testing. Already we're overwhelmed on facebook with joyful friends and family.....ppl have said they'll be visiting. Umm, I'm thinking they'll have to give us a private room if they know whats good for them. There'll be so many ppl walking in. Not to mention the nurses on postpartum know me from our loss and from the many times I've been on the floor for surgery this time. It's going to be one heck of a celebration....10 years in the waiting. I pray we'll be up for it all. :wacko: :lol: I can't wait to hold my little girl!

Called my mom and told her....she was pretty short and asked if we'd like her to show up at 7am. I told her it'd be awhile and they may take her to nicu then to bond for bf'ing with me, so probably noon time or something. She said okay and goodbye. No excitement in her voice at all. I don't know why I'm surprised. Her demeaner will change when she's in front of everyone at the hospital. She'll be all excited and feel like the center as a first time grandmom. I don't get her at all but I suppose it's nothing to worry about. :winkwink:
Oh wow, I've missed so much!

Congrats nypage!!!

MA, so exciting about Thursday! I know you would have preferred October, but was Thursday one of the okay days or is that someone else's birthday already? I can't remember! :)

mommyof3, those contractions sound really frustrating. :( But they will get you somewhere eventually!

MrsK, I hope everything is okay with the lump. I have heard the same as LittleStars, if it were a tumor it shouldn't hurt. Hopefully it is a cyst or something that can be drained so it stops causing pain.

Not much going on here. I had some crampy feelings after walking around a bit today. I haven't been walking much recently but did about 2 miles today, and by the end I was feeling crampy. But honestly I'm not sure if they were uterus cramps or gas cramps! :blush: Still, it would probably be good for me to keep walking to try and move things along. My DH is also asking me to go into labor. I'm honestly not sure why, because he has a lot of stuff to get done right now! He works for himself so work doesn't just stop when the baby comes (although he will do his best). He's got needy clients breathing down his neck. I think honestly he is just scared by how big my belly is every time I walk into a room and can't imagine it getting any bigger!!

That is exactly what I'm telling myself. I'm trying my hardest to think positive about it because if I don't it really gets to me.
Hello everyone!!! First, thank yo uso so so so so much for each and every comment and concern about me. It is always so humbling to see such an outpour of kindness on this thread!

Sorry its late, but as you all may know, I had my baby boy that night I was concerned about things....it was sunday evening that I was concerned, and after 6 hours of contractions that got bad, I called and went to L&D. They found waters had broken. So at 336 am my baby boy was born c section. The section was horrible, it lasted about 1.5 hours and they had to call another doctor in to figure things out. Apparently, too much scar tissue formed from the first section and they had a hard time getting in, and had to scrape much of the vascular layer off the uterus, causing bleeding that was hard to control. In all of this, I felt so sick and lots of pressure and pain, and freaked out kinda hard close to an hour. This was a very bad surgery, then my baby boy headed to level 2 nursery and I was so worried. I couldn't see him for 7 hours after birth since I was numb. He had no name yet and I wanted to see him to name him and couldn't. THEN the doctor who did the section came in and basically told me I shouldn't at all have another baby, because the section was so bad she wouldn't do it again. SO I was a mess, and just got told this was for sure my last child when it was NOT going to be.....I was already excited for the next baby towards the end of this one....so I was devastated.....She did say that IF I did want to do this again, it would have to wait a year and a half, and the c section incision would be done vertical....and still be dangerous and risky. UGH. So all in all, not the greatest experience yet I saw my baby come me and that moment I knew it was all worth it. I love him with everything and am amazed that he is early and doing so well with everything. It sstill makes me want another one so badly, but I am trying not to think of that and enjoy him. So thats my story, sorry so long and slightly a bummer! I am happy, trust me!

Still in the hospital until Thursday (bless you MA, I will be thinking of you having your Amelia that day. )

In quite a bit of discomfort. Since they had so much trouuble in the c section, they knew i'd be in more pain than I should, so they're keeping me doped up. My baby is named Kian Patrick and weighed 6lbs 1 oz and is a whoppin 19" long. So he is just a peanut. But lots of hair! And has been latching on really well, although kinda fussing with feedings. Im exhausted and loving life!

This is my angel. He is beautiful.


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oh nypage1981 he is absolutely beautiful. Im so sorry your section went bad and about the news you got after. I am very happy to hear you and kian are doing well. What a lovely name.
Ny- sorry your section went bad. I'm happy that your little man is doing well. Congrats.
NY, so glad you and baby are well. I'm sorry to hear about the scarring. Maybe there's still a chance since she DID say she could open up a different way. If it's impossible and having another child is still on your heart, maybe you can decide on other options such as surrogacy or adoption. In all likelihood though, it looks like the potential is still there a year or so down the line and I think you'll be more prepared physically and emotionally to decide what's best for you. :winkwink: :hugs: In the meantime, love on that beautiful little boy of yours. I'm SO glad your both alright! :hugs:
Oh Nyp! Im so sorry to hear about your traumatic experience :hugs:
But your little boy is absolutely gorgeous! I cant believe how much hair he has!
And I have to say, I adore his name - Kian Patrick - its wonderful!!
Hope you recover well, and keep in touch :hugs:
Ooh MA! how exciting! :dance:
I cant believe you will be meeting your darling little Amelia tomorrow!!
Im sorry that its not in October, and that its the same day as those other 2 birthdays, but it will be sooo special! To finally hold her in your arms... :cloud9:
I just cant wait to hear from you afterwards, and obviously to see some photos of her.

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