October babies due dates and bump colours

My Mw hasn't even looked down there since I've been pregnant. Is this normal?

Oooh Im all for the thread after the babies are here!

Um, I'd have a problem with that! Have you had any sonograms? Has she tested for group b strep? I can't remember how far along you are but you must be close to 35wks. How have you never been checked through your pregnancy?? Maybe she's monitoring a different way? :shrug:

I've had 2 sonograms, one at 12w and then at 20w I am now 38+2 and just saw her yesterday. She just has a feel of baby and listens to his HB but no internals at all.
I haven't been tested for group strep B? I just wizz on a stick and have had 3 blood test during my pregnancy.

Oh okay, as long as your getting some monitoring. I was a bit scared for you if they hadn't seen the baby nor checked for heartbeat. In my honest opinion, you don't always need internals and for good reason. You go messing with the uterus or pelvic wall and it can cause more harm than good. Unless you feel an infection coming on there's no need to look. Things are different there than here and the U.S. Dr.'s like to have their hands in everything. It's not always a good thing to be so clinical and interfere all the time. Though I do believe in moderation because sometimes you can go unmonitored and that isn't always healthy either. sounds like your being monitored as much as you need to be though.:winkwink: As long as you see baby, hear the heartbeat etc.
Oh thats good to know I was a little worried, I'm sure she would if I asked but I'd rather not.
Well, ((sigh)) it's 319am and OBVIOUSLY I'm nervous. My appointment is in 5 hours. Hopefully I won't be rushed in for a c-section and can come home to sleep. My husband and I spent time rearranging the bedroom and have the pack n play in here now with the bassinett. Poor guy. He came home from work, sat for a bit and then rearranged everything, swept, vacuumed, helped me put new linens on the bed, and wash down the walls and woodwork in the bedroom. Not even CLOSE to having her nursery done. She'll be in here anyways for the first couple of months. I just wanted her nursery done so I could nurse her in there, read to her in there and put her for her naps in there. I feel overwhelmed, but then how many of us are REALLY ready?! :shrug: I need to relax.

At any rate, I'm going to try to get some rest. I'll update everyone when I can..."hopefully" when I get back from my appointment. If they decide to do the section this week, maybe they'll give me a day or so? :shrug:
Octbebe - please dont be worried! Its seems that they do things the same in New Zealand as they do in the UK. Its just very different to the USA. I have had scans at 13 weeks and 21 weeks. I go to the midwife every now and again for her to test my wee, blood pressure, measure my bump, and listen to baby's heartbeat. I have not been tested for diabetes or Group B Strep. And I have not had any internal examinations. So please dont worry!! Its just the way NZ/UK do things!! :hugs:

Ooh, cant wait to get an update on Nypage!!! :dance:

Regarding the flu jab - here in the UK, all pregnant women are advised to have the flu jab during their pregnancy. As it is not a live vaccine, it should not make you ill at all. It gives you immunity, and also your baby. I will definitely be having it (in 2 weeks time). But obviously, it is a personal decision, and completely up to you :flower:

Good luck for your appointment today, MA, I will be thinking about you. I hope you come back to update us after (rather than be rushed off for section). Take care

Good luck at the appt today MA.

Shelleney - Im having the flu jab tomorrow , i figure like you say.. best to have it if its advised as pregnant women are classed as in the "high risk catagory" ..... even though i only have 3 weeks left it will cover me after the birth too x

Octbebe- Ive not been checked internally at all this pregnancy either xx

TMI ladies but i went to the loo before and when i wiped there was a load of my mucus plug on the tissue .... No blood or streaky pink colour etc , just plug .. so fingers crossed this means my cervix is doing something productive!! :)
Full Term Tomorrow :happydance:
Ooh, how exciting, Mummy!
Fingers crossed its the started of something....but not until tomorrow! :winkwink:
Ikno haha stay put till at least tomorrow little one, Your not fully baked till tomorrow :haha: xx
Im not keeping my hopes up as i was 13days overdue with my son, but fingers crossed this might mean that i may not go overdue with this little lady :cloud9:
Apparently 2nd babies come earlier than 1st babies.... so FXd!! :flower:
kerri - how have i missed this hun, need to get on to your journal lol :yipee: i'm SURE you're not going overdue this time!!

Shell - your bump is awesome! :thumbup: i need to take my 35wk bump pic today - i took one yesterday but it was all blurry! Need to get DH to take it for me now really rather than trying to do it in a mirror..

MA - Keeping everything crossed for you today that you get to come home and keep baking amelia until october! But if you *do* end up with your c section today.. how incredible that you will be holding amelia in your arms in just a few short hours... :hugs: :cloud9:

I haven't had an internal either (uk) other than at 22weeks when had some leaking fluid but that was done by a REG and not the MW.. i don't think the mw's like to go fiddling around down there at all tbh. So for me i've had on the NHS the 2 scans, 12weeks & 19weeks and i see my mw fortnightly because of my anaemia/blood issues and seeing the consultant once at 26wks saw her for a tiny scan and check (wasn't a full blown scan just literally checking LO "appeared" to be a healthy size - because of my anaemia/blood issues) and seeing them next week for another scan but they don't even take measurements at it, literally just look and feel and say "she is growing well" :shrug: but i'd rather that than too much invasion, LO is doing just perfectly i know!

YT - good detective skills!!! Congratulations NY! :yipee: all these baby announcements are making me broody for my LO to come out.. but not just yet little princess! :kiss:

AFM: Got mw appt today just to check on swelling i've had since friday - hands and feet are huge and i swear i'm puffy around the cheeks now, also i've gained 3lbs since friday and not been eating unhealthy so that must be water retention i presume. So best to just be safe and get it checked - i'm sure it's just that i'm being a fatty incubator atm and that all will be fine! :haha: and for fun things, today i plan on setting up the moses basket and crib with its bedding, pack away LO's clothes into her chest of drawers and have a tidy up of the house which i've neglected the past 3-4 days because i've been doing the nursery up! (which the cleaning isn't fun, but is always satisfying lol)

I'm all for an october babies parenting thread - would hate to lose touch after sharing this journey together! :hugs:
I agree! I would love an October (and september!) parenting thread....when all the babies have arrived, we can think about setting one up!

Nai - hope your appointment goes well today and that the swelling isnt anything serious. Have fun with the nesting too :flower:

littlestars- you saying about putting pics on here to keep us entertained til we drop made me smile i'll put some more bump pics on
shelleney- that outfit for your little girl is gorgeous my mums got one for my boy cant wait to see it and i love your bump :thumbup:
Kristen- connor + liam will look so cute in their outfits
mrs k + shelleney- i dont have back pain but with you on the hip pain, and achy knees oh and the new addition sore muscles in top of inner thighs i was in bed majority of fri,sat,sun grrr.
i'm defo up for carrying on this thread or starting a new one, helping each other out etc :hugs:
oct bebe- i havent been looked at down there the whole time by midwife and agree it must be a uk, new zealand thing. At the start i went to the nurse as i found a huge cyst but they just said its probs due to hormones and they'll leave it be, not painful but :shrug: i dont want it there lol
Just wanted to pipe in about itnernal checks..I'm in Canada and despite being under high risk care I don't get internals, though I was getting a transvaginal US until 34 weeks for cervix length. And as for the strep B test.. is that a new thing? I had never heard of it until this pregnancy. I definitely didn't do it last time.

I'm up for continuing chatting after we've all given birth :)

I was so pooped after the lawn mowing since it was so hot.. As soon as DH came home from school I crashed on the couch and I asked him towake me 30 minutes later but he let me sleep for just over an hour.. Then I wandered aimlessly in the grocery store like a zombie and that's about all I got done. Dammit! I have such good intentions to do a lot each day. Good thing though.. I think I have more than enough food in the freezer for 2 weeks for dinners so that DH can take over. Also, sweetly my DH said that I should/could have asked him to mow the lawn on the weekend although he did admit he wouldn't have bothered with the edging like I do.

I am definitely hoping to get my flu shot this year. I always get it partly because of DD who also gets it, and partly because my 103 year old grandma won't get one so the family tries to shield her from getting sick. Babies cannot get the flu shot until they are 6 months old and then they need two shots so definitely it's better to get it either while pregnant or even afterwards to shield them from you passing the flu. My only problem is that right now I'm not sure if the doctor's office have the shot yet (we get a slightly different version in Canada than in the USA and it comes out later.. I think ours is more based on the current variants versus last years version which explains the delay), and the clinics the city runs which are so awesomely convenient aren't starting to run intil 2nd week of October.. ekkk. Cutting it close. I'll have to call my doctor's office today.

So here's my BIL rant today.. have I mentioned how much I don't like my BIL? DH doesn't like him either. He is just a complete wacko, left wing hypocrit who thinks the world can run on love and that if he just puts his needs out to the universe whatever he needs the universe will provide. Okay so that being said and done.. he called up DH last night and said he wanted to get a gift for the twins. Now this is totally out of character for him since he literally doesn't do jack for his 5 yo niece and never got her something when she was born and only for birthdays when his GF of the moment makes him. So fine.. gifts are appreciated. But what he wanted to get us was a diaper service paid for until the twins are toilet trained. Ummm what?? Has he even priced that? For at least 24 months?? is he on crack. He works under the table at a pizza joint. How is he going to pay for this? And nevermind that, we've already bought reusable diapers for the first year or so and don't need the service. And on top of that, apparently he was judging us thinking we were going to use disposable and lectured DH on the environment blah blah. Who is he to insist we do what he wants? I almost want to return the diapers and go disposable to piss him off I hate him so much. Grrrrr.. lol Nevermind the fact that if we accepted this gift he would most likely default on it within a month or two. Okay rant over. I told DH to tell him that he can buy us the larger size of diapers we will need or a gift card for a store where I can get them. Told him to tell his mom similar since she called the other day sort of looking for ideas on what to get and was disappointed that we've bought everything already.. ummm hello.. you kinda left things to lest minute, I assumed you weren't interested.
oh LS just be careful about BIL getting you a gift that's contracted :wacko: SIL did that to us with a "gift" then tried to leave us with a £285 debt cos it was taken out in OUR names, omg i'm still fuming about it.. won't get in to it now as it stresses me out far too much :dohh: but as ungrateful as it may sound, i won't accept a gift like that off ANYONE ever again, learned a huge lesson with SIL :grr: now it's an outright gift or nothing thank you very much!

Also, like it's any of his business what decisions you make as to diapering your babies! people are so rude!! :grr:

i've been told to go get my flu shot before LO pops too, said you're more susceptible in pregnancy to flu yourself, and also immediately after the birth obviously and then you could pass it to LO if you *did* get the flu.. but i don't know, i did get a fever with it last year but it passed in a few days - i don't know if I want to risk getting a fever whilst i'm pregnant though.. agh decisions decisions!

saw mw about swelling - tested my urine no protein, bp very low as usual so no sign of anything bad! :thumbup: just said that i've overdone it with being on my feet doing the nursery and cleaning so much recently so she said to put my feet up for a few days.. so all good :)
Ooh, congrats NYP! I had some strange stabbing pains in my cervix last night, but didn't get me anywhere. Lucky girl!

I'm all for continuing this thread in the parenting section... I've really enjoyed getting to talk to you girls about everything!

OctBebe, just to repeat what everyone else has said already... not getting internals is totally normal, and is actually a good thing! Less risk of infections and all that. I haven't gotten any internal checks.. and even when I was tested for GBS, I was just given the swab to go do it myself instead of having somebody else sticking things up my privates.. hehe. I'm doing a homebirth though, that's the only reason I get away with that in the US... I think most US doctors start doing internals pretty early on.

Little-- your BIL sounds like a complete moron. Sorry about that! I hate people who are pushy about their "beliefs" and try to force it down everyone else's throat or lecture you about things.

AFM-- slept on the couch last night, and that was soo much better than the bed because it's so soft and gives my back a lot of support. So, with tons and tons of pillows, I actually got a very good night's sleep. Looks like I might be sleeping on the couch until this little guy is born!

Had to have a breast exam done yesterday due to a hard, painful mass that developed in my left breast during the course of the pregnancy. At first I assumed it was just a pregnancy symptom.. but eventually realized that it's not quite normal. After the breast exam I was told that the mass shows none of the typical signs for a tumor, but definitely very unusual and strange and I need to get it checked out before I begin nursing... soo.. now I'll be caught up in a flurry of ultrasounds and tests, trying to figure out what's wrong with me before LO is born, I guess. SO not looking forward to that... and also a little scared. It's reassuring to be told that it shows none of the external symptoms of a tumor... but NOT reassuring to be told that it's highly unusual and strange!
MrsK :hugs: hope it turns out to be something minor for you - my friend used to suffer with cysts in her breast - could it be that perhaps? (they are harmless and easily removed from what i gather)

The US does seem to be much more interested in internal exams than UK etc.. I guess both ways have their pros and cons :shrug:
Littlestars - sorry to hear your BIL has pissed you off again. I know how much you hate him :hugs:

Nai - glad the swelling wasnt serious - make sure you put your feet up now! :winkwink:

MrsK - sorry to hear about the breast lump, but im sure its nothing to worry about. Here in the UK, we are advised not to bother checking our breasts for lumps during pregnancy - as during pregnancy they are so lumpy and strange and different to what we are used to, that we would be constantly worried. I trully hope that after the baby is here, whatever it was disappears :hugs:

Yeah, I didn't think it was anything to worry about since pregnancy changed my breasts soo much.. but both midwives thought what I was experiencing was highly unusual and not something they had ever seen before, so they advised me to get it checked. I'm afraid of being sent from one specialist to the next, and just getting stressed out about all of it... I DON'T need that right now. Oh well, better safe than sorry, I guess. And maybe there's some way to get rid of the pain.. because it's been causing me a lot of pain. I'm guessing it's probably something like a cyst or weirdly clogged milk duct.. maybe because of underwire bras or whatever. :shrug: We'll see! I'm not too freaked out about it, just kinda wish I wouldn't have to deal with it at all.
Aww, hope you get some answers soon :hugs:

And happy 38 weeks! :dance:

Hi ladies!

Bp was high again so they did the amnio. I actually got the Dr. I LIKE and he was hillarious. Didn't hurt, was quick but messy. :rofl: He's a great Dr. though and made it light-hearted. :winkwink:

We thought we wouldn't hear back until 4pm but they called at 115pm to tell us Amelia's lungs are mature and they scheduled our c-section for 730am on Thursday the 29th. I tried to con them into waiting until Sat. October the first but nobody wanted to come in on a Saturday. :shrug: Don't know why! :shrug: :rofl:

I had some pretty intense contractions so they kept me in the office for awhile to be sure I wasn't going into labor. They check my cervix....FULLY CLOSED. What a testimony to how great the cerclage and 17P injections work. I'll be REALLY confident next pregnancy...though not too cocky. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Maybe just a bit more joyful of a new pregnancy and not so neurotic! :thumbup:

At any rate, baby Amelia will be here thursday.:happydance: Can't believe it. We've waited 10 years for this little girl and all of a sudden we're two days away from holding her. :cry: My cup runneth over!

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