October babies due dates and bump colours

fab news on your weight loss already kristen! your boys are gorgeous :kiss:

love the halloween costumes.. my niece really wants to buy LO one but i'm convinced if she does that then she'll be late! but i've promised her IF lo comes early she can go choose ANY outfit for her that she likes! lol

still busy doing lo's nursery here.. finished the walls at last :) just the skirting to gloss and the furniture to put in place, put lo's things away, hang up the pictures/frames/decorations etc. and we're done! passing the days really nicely (& quick!) so that's good :)

anyone got any nursery/bump pics to share keep us all entertained?
aww, thanks for all the birthday wishes! You girls are too sweet! I had a good, busy weekend which made me forget all about being impatient to go into labor.. hehe.. so that's nice. I feel rather silly for how nuts I was being about it last week, actually. Spending time with friends made me realize that soon, I'll be tied to a newborn and won't be able to do whatever I want whenever I want! I'd be content to wait 4 more weeks to give birth to this little guy if ONLY I could sleep at night and somehow get rid of all this awful hip and back pain. Tossed and turned last night until 4 am.. even the heating pad wasn't helping.. Can't lay on either side OR my back, because the pressure from LO's weight is just too much. I know all you other ladies have the same problem, and I'm definitely not the only one... so that's some consolation, I suppose. :)

Hope those of you who are still fighting the name battles can narrow things down soon! I was so glad when OH finally just agreed to a first name I loved and a middle name I could compromise on. I think us gals should get more veto power on names, considering how much harder pregnancy is on us than on the guys. They don't have to deal with any of the discomfort and pain!

OH and I looked at small SUV options online yesterday.. but then decided to just put it off until we have a second one coming along. We really don't need a bigger car yet, so that can wait... I don't want to deal with it right now :)

Nyp, any updates? We still have 5 days for some October bumps to make an early September-arrival! hehe! Can't wait for Saturday... it'll be so great to have made it to October :)
Nai - glad the nursery is coming along nicely. How exciting! I hope you post some pics when its finished...

MrsK - glad you had a good birthday weekend. And I completely hear you on not being able to get comfortable in bed at night.I have to switch sides every hour, coz my hips cant take my weight for too long. and then when I finally get comfy, I need a pee! Hope you manage to get some sleep soon...

OK, Nai. You asked for some pics to keep you entertained. Here is my 35 week bump (pics taken last Thursday).....


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It has been one long weekend. I would have pretty consistant contractions that were intense. They would last for hours. Then I would suggest that I was going to call the dr and they would slow down. This was every day this weekend. I had my dr appointment this morning and they weren't going to check me. I explained about the contractions and begged to be checked. Good thing I did. I'm now 2-3 cm dilated. She did a stretch and sweep, I do believe, she didn't say that she did one but it felt like she did. I have been in pain ever since and I'm hoping she is here soon.
Shelleney, I love that despite being pregnant you have matching undies/bra. Nice! Great looking bump.

Kristin - great job on #1 not gaining too much with the pregnancy and #2 getting it all off. I have gained an insane amount of weight and am sad to think only 30 lbs of it is excusable. Ekk!!

So I put my neighbors to shame. I went out and edged then mowed my front and back lawn and even mowed the front of my neighbor's lawn since we're connected. I think he was embarrassed since he knows I'm having the twins soon. He's out there mowing and edging his backyard acting like he was going to do it anyway and I hadn't needed to have done the front kinda thing. Too funny. I am soooooo hot and sweaty.. It's crazy how hot it still is for end of September in Canada, sadly I know I'll be complaining in a few weeks it's too cold.

Picures to come this afternoon, after lunch and some errands.
Yay!! That's exciting Mommy! FX for you that things will proceed quick and smoothly now. :)
Ooh, good luck, Mommy! I hope she will be here soon! Keep us posted!

Thanks Littlestars! But it was a sheer coincidence that both my bra and pants were pink in that photo. They weren't even a matching set - just coincidentally pink! :haha:

And I take my hat off to you for doing your lawns! at 8 months pregnant with twins!! You did put your neighbour to shame!! :rofl:
wow, mowing the lawn when so far along with twins! You rock! Your neighbor had better be ashamed!
It has been one long weekend. I would have pretty consistant contractions that were intense. They would last for hours. Then I would suggest that I was going to call the dr and they would slow down. This was every day this weekend. I had my dr appointment this morning and they weren't going to check me. I explained about the contractions and begged to be checked. Good thing I did. I'm now 2-3 cm dilated. She did a stretch and sweep, I do believe, she didn't say that she did one but it felt like she did. I have been in pain ever since and I'm hoping she is here soon.

I take it you've been through this before so your ready? Your 37wks so your at term but I'm wondering why she did the sweep without asking you first. That would have ticked me off a little bit! Were you okay with that?

So excited that your almost there dear friend!:hugs:

NYPAGE, I pray all is well with you over there. Please update us when you can dear. :winkwink::flower:

AFM, I still have this darn cold sticking around and my appointment is tomorrow. I'm SO NERVOUS! If I have protein in my urine they'll rush me for c-section....What happens if this cold is still here? :shrug: Will it harm the baby? Make things worse for recover for me?? Anyone know the answer to this?!

If no protein but high bp, they'll do an amnio to check her lung function and schedule before the week is over. At least that would give me some extra time to get rid of this darn cold.

Shellney, you have a cute babybump. Like the piercing too though I wouldn't let anyone near my bellybutton. I have this weird issue....I don't like ANYONE touching my belly button...Even me. It makes me cringe for some reason. Isn't that odd?? :rofl:

Nai, I too am working on the nursery. We got one decal up and received another in the mail. I'll buy the bigger one in November maybe because I have to get her glyder first. My friend is finishing the two sheets with the fabric I gave her. Can't wait for everyone to see it!

Gee, I'm getting a little sad.....I've come to really like chatting with you all. Where will we go from this thread?! I'd like to keep up with all my girls and their babies. :winkwink::flower:
MA- with this being baby number 5 for me, I'm more than ready. Lol. As for her doing the sweep, I'm upset about it and I am going to say something to my actual dr next appointment. This is the last time I she the girl doctor so I'm happy about that. With the way my contractions have been this weekend, I would have said she could do it if she had asked. But for her to just assume it's all right is another thing.

This had happened to me the day I delivered my 3rd girl. I went to the hospital because of contractions. Even told the nurse that if I'm not progressing on my own I would like to go home because it was my 1st girl's 3rd birthday and I wanted to spend it with her. When she checked me I was 1.5 cm and when she was done checking she says and now you are a 3 so you have to stay and have the baby. I was extremely upset. It is one thing for me to ask for it to be done, but to take it upon yourself to decide what to make my body without asking to really upsets me.
Ooh MA. I really hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. I hope that they do not find protein in your urine, so that you can go home and rest, and recover from your cold (and hopefully make it to October!). Im not sure what the side-effects are of having a cold if you were to go for a C-section. I hope somebody else will be able to help with that.
And thanks for commenting on my bump pics. I do love my bump, and I will miss it when its gone. But I dont think you're weird for not liking people touching your belly button. I dont like people touching mine either. But I had my piercing when I was 12, and cant remember whether it made me squeamish or not? lol

Oh Mommy, thats not acceptable at all! Doctors should always ask your permission before performing any kind of examination or procedure. and it sounds terrible what they did with your 3rd daughter, so you missed your eldest's birthday :nope:

MA- with this being baby number 5 for me, I'm more than ready. Lol. As for her doing the sweep, I'm upset about it and I am going to say something to my actual dr next appointment. This is the last time I she the girl doctor so I'm happy about that. With the way my contractions have been this weekend, I would have said she could do it if she had asked. But for her to just assume it's all right is another thing.

This had happened to me the day I delivered my 3rd girl. I went to the hospital because of contractions. Even told the nurse that if I'm not progressing on my own I would like to go home because it was my 1st girl's 3rd birthday and I wanted to spend it with her. When she checked me I was 1.5 cm and when she was done checking she says and now you are a 3 so you have to stay and have the baby. I was extremely upset. It is one thing for me to ask for it to be done, but to take it upon yourself to decide what to make my body without asking to really upsets me.

Yeah, they act awful quick without authorization and just assume! I have to watch them like hawks and ask questions before they do ANY procedure. In fact, I'm concerned about Amelia's shots. I'm opting out of a couple and am afraid they'll jump the gun. I'm going to gather them ahead of time and make sure they KNOW before they take her out what my wishes are. Doesn't mean they won't take it upon themselves to do it anyways though. It's quite annoying.
Shelleney and Kristin, Love the Halloween outfits too cute!

Kristin, Love your profile pic of the twins, TOO cute!!

MA: I was thinking the same thing about this thread, how much I have enjoyed it through my pregnancy. I would love for us to keep it going after all of our "Oct" babies are born. We can share breastfeeding, diapers, crawling, etc. I just think that would be WONDERFUL to continue this thread it has been so great getting to be involved and getting to know everyone!! :hugs:
I know some of the due date groups stick together to share parenting advice/stories. Maybe we could start a new Oct babies thread in one of the parenting forums? Sept babies welcome of course too! :winkwink:

Shelleney, nice bump! And nice undies, lol. I just got a new bra in that same color, it seems silly since I'm about to change sizes I assume, but it was on clearance for $5 and fits me perfectly! It's even one of those adjustable ones so I can undo the strap on either side for nursing... it's not a nursing bra so the strap might just fall backwards and then I'd lose it, but better than nothing. :)

MA, I hope your appt tomorrow goes well and there's no protein in your urine! Recovering from a C-section with a cold sounds miserable. :( I was just wondering when to get my flu shot this year - before or after baby? During breastfeeding or no? I'm going to ask the midwife tomorrow.

Mommy, that is terrible them doing a sweep without asking you! All the times I've had my cervix "checked", I've had cramping afterwards, it made my B-H contractions worse, and a lot of the times I've had some brownish/pinkish discharge after. One of the times I had a LOT of discharge after, like I was losing my mucus plug. This was all before I was full term so I don't think they were trying to do a sweep, but they were pretty rough! I don't understand why they do that. :shrug: I think the midwife will offer to check my cervix tomorrow, not sure if I want her to or not. I have to weigh the annoyance and uncomfortableness with wanting to know if I've made any progress!
My Mw hasn't even looked down there since I've been pregnant. Is this normal?

Oooh Im all for the thread after the babies are here!
Okay, I'm getting worried about our dear friend NYPage. I pray she and baby are okay and am looking forward to an update. Praying for positive updates!! :thumbup:

ZB, I don't usually do flu shots. I don't like them but I've been contemplating maybe getting one. This winter season is supposed to be a bad one. Infants born before 39wks by c-section tend to have issues with upper respiratory issues. Against my better judgement, I'm thinking it may be the right thing to get one this year. The shots are supposed to also give baby immunity through breastmilk so I'm assuming they can do it while your pregnant as long as your not sick.

I don't know, I'm still toying with it. I don't like the idea of the shots. They mix both A1N1 with the flu shot now. I don't like them mixing two and three together. Let me know what you find out. September is usually the time to get one though so it works in time for flu season. I've also heard that through breastmilk babies are immune because of what's in the breastmilk. Even when momma has a cold or flu their immune due to the breastmilk. SOooo, here I sit contemplating. I'm SO NEUROTIC! Wouldn't it just be easier to get the darn thing and not question every darn decision?! :wacko: :shrug:

I guess you can say I research and advocate, but sometimes I think there's going a little overboard with the thinking. I don't want to be one of those hovering mommies that refuses to let her kid get dirty or fall once in awhile, kwim?

Oh, while I'm at it, I thought I'd share the conversation I had with my friend who had leaking in her abdomen that when the Dr. cut she lost water. She said she pee'd every 20 minutes for DAYS after that and it turned out she lost 40lbs all due to the water weight. Now seeing I only gained 14lbs of overall baby weight because I'm plus size, wouldn't it be a DREAM if I lost flipping 40lbs of water weight? Then I could lose the excess 35lbs to get to my predetermined goal weight (20lbs of that which I had already lost prior to our surprise baby we lost and gained back from excess insulin, hormones and depression) so this could be a good thing...though that's IF and/or WHEN the skin would go back to normal. I'm praying nothing will be hanging from the excess stretching of the water. ((sigh)) I have a whole lot of weight training to do after Christmas. Though I wish I could do it before. I'm told I can do the stretch bands and walking while recuperating from c-section but in no way can I use the heavy weights.

Alright enough of that talk. :wacko: It's time to get excited about Amelia and enjoy HER. Never mind the weight issue for now. She's a gift I don't take for granted! :happydance:

I'll keep everyone posted after tomorrows appointment.

In the meantime...NYPAGE, Where and how are you?!
My Mw hasn't even looked down there since I've been pregnant. Is this normal?

Oooh Im all for the thread after the babies are here!

Um, I'd have a problem with that! Have you had any sonograms? Has she tested for group b strep? I can't remember how far along you are but you must be close to 35wks. How have you never been checked through your pregnancy?? Maybe she's monitoring a different way? :shrug:
Hey ladies I could be totally wrong but I was looking to see if I could find anything to tell us how NYpage was doing and I found another thread she posts on and there are alot of congrats to NY on the arrival of her baby boy ( im thinking shes the only one of that thread called NY since i cant find another).

this is the thread, the last 2-3 pages have congrats to her.
My Mw hasn't even looked down there since I've been pregnant. Is this normal?

Oooh Im all for the thread after the babies are here!

Um, I'd have a problem with that! Have you had any sonograms? Has she tested for group b strep? I can't remember how far along you are but you must be close to 35wks. How have you never been checked through your pregnancy?? Maybe she's monitoring a different way? :shrug:

I've had 2 sonograms, one at 12w and then at 20w I am now 38+2 and just saw her yesterday. She just has a feel of baby and listens to his HB but no internals at all.
I haven't been tested for group strep B? I just wizz on a stick and have had 3 blood test during my pregnancy.
Hey ladies I could be totally wrong but I was looking to see if I could find anything to tell us how NYpage was doing and I found another thread she posts on and there are alot of congrats to NY on the arrival of her baby boy ( im thinking shes the only one of that thread called NY since i cant find another).

this is the thread, the last 2-3 pages have congrats to her.

Yup! That's her. Praise God she and baby boy are safe. One of the gals on the thread said her facebook status says they are on level 2 I'm assuming UK? And breastfeeding.

NY has had her baby boy!
Hes 6 lbs, 1.4 oz and 19 inches long

They don't know the name and said she would update on bnb when she can.

WTG Nikki! :hugs::kiss::flower: I knew that popping noise sounded fishy. Glad you and baby are doing well and looking forward to hearing your birth story.:winkwink::flower:

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