October babies due dates and bump colours

Congrats Shelleney!!! I love the name.. definitely going to only be one in her class!

Well I got my hands on the fenugreek and also some blessed thistle. From everything I've read the fenugreek works for 'most' moms and can be stopped after a week or so but the blessed thistle you take until you don't want it to help anymore. Started taking them today.. guess time will tell.. FX!!!

Nypage - I've been really naughty the few times I've gone out and brought bottles with me. Gee wonder why I'm having issue with getting the breastfeeding going. I just can't bear the idea of being stuck sitting in my car or a restroom for an hour feeding the monsters at this point. I'm not one to BF in public. I really need to get a real schedule going as soon as I can satisfy the babies most feeds with only breastmilk to make it easier to schedule outings and shopping. I also need to assert my need for people to leave when they are interferring with my schedule. I am too easily giving in to relying on formula. I am honestly thinking that either tomorrow or Sunday I'm going to have my parents take DD off my hands for the majority of the day so I can obsessively BF the babies on demand all day with 0 supplements. I'm not looking forward to it but it was suggested by several sources as a method to up production and break the bottle habit.

Now off to go figure something out for dinner while the babies are still sleeping.. I'm looking forward to eating some real food today. It's been a while!
OctBabe - he's only 3 days old! Give the little guy a chance! :) My girls generally get very fussy and cranky at night.. pretty much as soon as prime time shows start and it goes until about 2am on a bad night. (I'm so happy I have a PVR and can pause live TV) One night literally as I settled one the other would wake.. and once and a while I thought both were settled finally and as soon as my head hit the pillow (literally) they would wake up. It went on for 2 hours, I was bawling and passing out from exhaustion all at the same time. No matter how many times I gave them boob it didn't work. They were just in a mood. It happens. The first few months with a newborn is hard but each day, week and month it gets better. You'll survive! Love them when they are quiet and cute and forgive them when they are not. :)
Oct, my guy is 3.5 weeks old and is always up all night. He hTes his bassinett so will cry, I pick him up and put n the boob, he falls asleep, I set him down, lay down, and he cries....every night all night. And m not comfortable wit falliing asleep with him I. My arms, which he would probably sleep all night.

Little, yea, I bring bottles with me too. I'm not a public nursing person either, but fear it confuses him and my supply if we are out all day and I don't nurse. Plus, I always get super engorged and leak and hate wasting my milk! I hate going out and about. But my bottles are breast milk, couldn't you just bring breast milk out?

So, today I pumped standing up in a handicapped bathroom stall at an indoor hotel waterpark, while feeding a bottle to m baby in his stroller. Ugh. It was tough! I hate breast feeding!
Mine are still up all night too...we put both in bed with us last night for the first time and they slept from 11-4:30 straight through (they are normally up every 1 1/2hrs). I was very adamant i wasnt going to co-sleep but i think we are going to now if thats what it takes for them to sleep. I was always afraid i would roll on them but somehow you still are conscious of them being there in your sleep and i dont move once i'm sleeping (very unusual for me) hubby takes one and i have the other.
Not a public nurser yet either. :rofl: I try to get something from pumping to bring out but we supplement with formula. Today she had just formula because we used both bottles early in the morning when I didn't feel like getting up and Doug bottle fed her.

Octbebe...The baby could be experiencing colic or gas issues too. Amelia has had a couple moments of bad days with gas.

She's an overall sleeper though. I have to wake her....I feel terrible but also wonder if there is anything wrong since WE are waking HER most of the time. She gets some wide awake moments during the day, but for the most part she sleeps and she hardly EVER cries to eat. Do you think she's okay?? She's not acting like anything is wrong. :shrug: The pediatrician seems to think she's fine.

Congrats Shelleney!! :hugs: So happy for you sweet friend.
Thats good that its normal, after a few nights of crappy sleep and i cant sleep in the day I get myself worked up that something is wrong with LO. :)
Hi Ladies!!
Little, I am there w/ you on eating a good meal. Yesterday I had a banana that I ate w/ one hand while bottle feeding pumped milk and that was it until my OH came home. I find it quite difficult to eat a solid meal w/ one hand and in between all things baby.

At night my lil guy is up every 2-3 hrs and he lets me know that he is awake and wants to be fed. He went in on Tues and was over 9 lbs, he was 6.77 at birth so he has gained quite a bit of weight in his first month. He eats SO much that I am worried we are over feeding him! But we are feeding him in the middle of the night when he wakes and during the day when he is rooting! So, IDK...

I did have success in taking milk thistle I only took it for a couple days but had increased supply but stopped because I thought it was giving my headaches. I still have headaches though and think it is a continued lack of sleep?! I also think my supply issues have to do w/ not consistently pumping during the day if I go out I take bottle (usually breast milk but we use formula if I am out of breast milk in the fridge). I do not BF in public I don't mind when women do it is just out of my comfort zone.

Shelleney, CONGRATS!! So happy for you!
MA, love your avatar pic!!
Krisitin, I look forward to getting our lil guy in his own crib I am going to be more adament about it around 2 months. Currently though he sleeps w/ us and I find he sleeps SO much better being near us! I was worried the first night about the whole rolling on baby thing but you really do unconsciously know they are there!

Oct, I haven't slept more than 2-3 hours a night in weeks.

Lys that's a huge weight gain! Wow. Could you pump while out n about to keep it up?I take my pump n figure out where to pump. It sucks!

My guy is still only like 7 lbs so mow I'm worried! Bet it's because I don't formula feed atball.....sonfarvi make enough milk for him....I even have a supply in freezer! But it's crash, tonight I nursed him for 3 hours.

I wish I could have him sleepnin bed ornin my arms, but I'm too afraid of SIDS. :(

anyone else worry about that or am I nuts?
Oct, I haven't slept more than 2-3 hours a night in weeks.

Lys that's a huge weight gain! Wow. Could you pump while out n about to keep it up?I take my pump n figure out where to pump. It sucks!

My guy is still only like 7 lbs so mow I'm worried! Bet it's because I don't formula feed atball.....sonfarvi make enough milk for him....I even have a supply in freezer! But it's crash, tonight I nursed him for 3 hours.

I wish I could have him sleepnin bed ornin my arms, but I'm too afraid of SIDS. :(

anyone else worry about that or am I nuts?

I dont know if u know who the sears drs are but I was reading a thing they wrote.up about co-sleeping and they said the instances of SIDS is much lower.with babies that sleep in bed with you...something about the closeness.....baby and mom respond to.each other and baby breaths better, mom responds faster if there is an issue....

My best friend and I had this conversation just yesterday. I made the comment that I sense that she sleeping with me and that I'm full aware of were she is at all times when we co sleep.

I have also co slept with my older 4 girls. Right now Tori sleeps in her bassinet until 5 in the morning and co sleeps with me for 2 hours after that.
But you do need to have a very firm mattress, no pillows, and no blankets in your bed o cosleep right? I understand that only co sleeping done entirely correct will lower SIDS risk but done incorrectly will raise the risk? I would need a new mattress as mine is probably considered too soft for a baby.
Congrats Shelleney!!! So happy you finally have your baby! Hope your both doing well.

After reading through all the posts I'm starting to realize I have very little advice and may be the odd one out in this group as we formula feed and don't co sleep. Tried co sleeping with my first but I couldn't sleep with her in the bed and she was in her own room at two months.

MILwas down for a week. I won't go into major detail but at this point I can honestly say I hope she never comes back. She spent the whole five days making me feel like an incompetent mother. She continually tried to push her ideas on me. The worst was when she gave my 1 year old peanut butter. I had just asked her not to because we hadn't tried it yet and I had no car that day. Thankfully Ava didn't react but still. I was fuming.

But she is gone now thankfully so things can go back to normal. Allison is just over 3 weeks and is eating 5oz every 4 hours during the day. At night she sleeps from about 10:30 pm to 6 am and then until 9 am after a bottle. At our two week check up for Ali the doctor said as long as she feeds every 4 hours during the day to let her choose when to eat at night even if she sleeps the whole night. She said she will make up for anything she missed during the day.

So far no gas or clic problems here which is a nice change from my first. She was all gas and colic problems from 2 months on. Hoping it stays this way.

I hope your all feeling well, doing well and getting some rest when you can.
I have FINALLY caught up with all of the posts I missed this last week.
Looking forward to sharing tips and advice with all you wonderful Mummies/Mommies.

I am breastfeeding exclusively (not even expressing) at the moment. But who knows what will happen further down the line? I havent left the house yet, but am hoping to be comfortable with breastfeeding in public.
Also, I am trying not to co-sleep (it is highly discouraged here in the UK) HOWEVER, my baby refuses to sleep in her Moses basket, so I have let her in my bed with me a couple of times, but I always feel so guilty afterwards :(

Hope you are all well :hi:
I was very anti co-sleeping, but it just made things a lot easier for me, especially when i was in so much pain after Delivery. LO starts off in his bassinet, and when he wakes up for his next feed after i go to bed, he sleeps in his boppy right by me in bed. (he doesn't' sleep well flat, for some reason) I feel like I even sleep a little better knowing he's right there. We also keep all our pillows and blankets on bed with us, we just make sure they are not around baby. Things might change a bit when he's more....moving, but for now it's working great.
Hi ladies! Lots to catch up on.

We are not co-sleeping, although sometimes lounge with him in bed for a couple hours in the morning. I am too afraid of rolling onto him. I currently sleep with a teddy bear (I know...!) which I squeeze while I sleep, and had a nightmare early on that the teddy bear was baby and I was accidentally smothering him in bed. :wacko: He sleeps fine in bed with us but I can't sleep with him there, so he's in his crib.

He actually sleeps pretty well in his crib now. We swaddle him in his Miracle Blanket (awesome) and turn on white noise. We started turning on the white noise pretty loud and he loves it. He sleeps 2-4 hour stretches at night, but had a 5 hour stretch once! It was awesome.

I would like to be more comfortable breastfeeding in public. So far I bf'ed once in the car, and several times in doctor's offices (pediatrician and midwife) waiting for the doc to come in. I figure they've seen it before! I also bf in front of friends when we're home. But I'm not up for bf'ing in a cafe or anything yet... maybe someday.

btw... my DH is really turned on by my giant breastfeeding boobs. He doesn't seem to care at all about my pudgy stretchmarky belly or the fact that my boobs leak. I don't know whether to be happy or annoyed. :haha: I'm glad he's still attracted to me but, hello, we just had a baby 2 weeks ago! We don't have time for that and I'm not in the mood! :blush: Anyone else's DH this way? I am wondering if it is only partially a sexual thing and partially that he is desperate for attention since now all my attention goes to the baby...
my dh started flirting when i was still in hospital. lmao. feel bad for him tho because doc said i have to wait 8 weeks instead of 6 as my tear was soooooo bad. lol
Hi ladies! Lots to catch up on.

We are not co-sleeping, although sometimes lounge with him in bed for a couple hours in the morning. I am too afraid of rolling onto him. I currently sleep with a teddy bear (I know...!) which I squeeze while I sleep, and had a nightmare early on that the teddy bear was baby and I was accidentally smothering him in bed. :wacko: He sleeps fine in bed with us but I can't sleep with him there, so he's in his crib.

He actually sleeps pretty well in his crib now. We swaddle him in his Miracle Blanket (awesome) and turn on white noise. We started turning on the white noise pretty loud and he loves it. He sleeps 2-4 hour stretches at night, but had a 5 hour stretch once! It was awesome.

I would like to be more comfortable breastfeeding in public. So far I bf'ed once in the car, and several times in doctor's offices (pediatrician and midwife) waiting for the doc to come in. I figure they've seen it before! I also bf in front of friends when we're home. But I'm not up for bf'ing in a cafe or anything yet... maybe someday.

btw... my DH is really turned on by my giant breastfeeding boobs. He doesn't seem to care at all about my pudgy stretchmarky belly or the fact that my boobs leak. I don't know whether to be happy or annoyed. :haha: I'm glad he's still attracted to me but, hello, we just had a baby 2 weeks ago! We don't have time for that and I'm not in the mood! :blush: Anyone else's DH this way? I am wondering if it is only partially a sexual thing and partially that he is desperate for attention since now all my attention goes to the baby...

I have a stuffed dog that I sleep with and I've done exactly the same thing! Not the way I like to wake up...lol

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