October babies due dates and bump colours

Hey ladies :hi:

sorry i havent been around for a few days. im finding new mummyhood difficult. Freya has colic. and she doesnt sleep. and she is constantly in my arms. and she wants breastfeeding constantly. hmmm. i am struggling.

anyways -
yourstruly - the girls looked lovely in their costumes.
kristen - the boys looked so cute (and not impressed) in their outfits.
nypage - sorry, i had to laugh out loud at kian in his giant pumkin costume! and wowzers on his long hair in your avatar pic!
MA - so sorry to hear of your cousin and her baby. they are in my prayers.
Littlestars - love the name Elizabeth Autumn. and apparently the hair loss is completely normal, so dont worry. also, sorry to hear about the colic. i know how you feel.

Hi to everyone else :hi:
ps, here is Freya in her Halloween costume. she was a witch!


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Finally got a couple of photos of Travis uploaded



Forgot to say i love the name Autumn going to store that name case i need it in the future :thumbup:
I haven't been given the hormone tablet they said they would wait and see how feeding went until Monday. I've had a breastfeeding lady come round to the house twice now to help and yesterday i thought i was getting somewhere (as i was leaking a bit) but my baby just gets so frustrated and screams when i feed him i've been told to give him formula after feeding cos he's hungry. I'll see if i can get my mum to get me fenugreek or milk thistle thanks. I pumped yesterday and got 25mil :haha:
Glad to hear the IUD insertion wasn't too bad Lys! I think I am going to try the minipill first, and if I don't respond well to the hormones maybe try Mirena. I know there are hormones in Mirena but less than the minipill.

MA, I don't know how long you are supposed to wait after a c-section. But even for vaginal delivery, I think they recommend spacing kids at least 1.5 years apart or your risk for preterm labor goes up. So not getting pregnant again until 9 months after birth. Of course we will probably wait longer because I doubt we'll feel ready!

My midwife recommended, if I use the minipill, to also do some fertility awareness as a backup. Not taking temps as it won't be accurate if I'm waking up at night to feed S, but being aware of fertile mucus and whatnot. Just because the minipill is not quite as effective as the regular bcp. MA, maybe fertility awareness would be good for you if you think your chances of getting pregnant are low but you still want to be careful?
Thanks ZB, I think we're going to do that. We're not planning on trying again until Amelia is a year old "But" Doug's getting frisky now that 6wks is almost here. I got what I'm "thinking" is a period. Since I don't get normal flow ( I had NONE when I got pregnant with Jackson) I have to be careful. Also, if I EVER want to get pregnant again, I can't be on "the pill" I already have a hormonal imbalance and it wreaks HAVOC on my body. So Doug is thinking the awful condom, but that's only half the battle as you can "still" have a chance to get pregnant. I was thinking about the method you spoke of too.

Our luck it took us 10 years to get pregnant and we would get pregnant real quick if we don't think about some form of birth control.
Shell I LOVE freyas witch costume. Sooo cute! Thanks for checking out my lil punkin:) the costume being newborn my ASS! I bet he fits into it at 1! Sorry you are having a rough time. I'm always breast feeding and mine has colic so every single feeding comes back up all over me and him and furniture. It's fun.

Adele, very cute pics also!

Little, with my daughter I had staples and they waited a day too late I think cuz they were stuck more to my skin and it was horrible removal. Eeeew!
Our luck it took us 10 years to get pregnant and we would get pregnant real quick if we don't think about some form of birth control.

Wouldn't that be crazy! Well, all you can do is your best, no method is 100% effective.

nypage, I think your big pumpkin is adorable! It looks adorable all big on him like that. We just bought Silas a Christmas outfit in 3-6 month size. He is already growing out of 0-3 month clothes in some brands. :shock: But this 3-6 month Christmas outfit looks awfully big... we'll see.
Hey ladies.

Littlestars- so sorry to hear about the colic. We dealt with it with Ava for a long time. It was hard but she is a much happier little girl now. I hope it doesn't last the full three months for you. I hear you about the mcdonalds thing though. I'm on day 5 of no fast food and nothing but water to drink. Trying to cut out all the bad.

Shelleny- I hope things get easier for you. Motherhood really is a huge adjustment and no one ever really tells you how hard it can be. Take it one day at a time and one problem at a time. Things will get better. Take it from someone who has been there with a very cranky cry all day baby. Ava was a terror child for a few months before it got better but it did get better. Your daughter is beautiful in her cute little costume.

Adele2011- Travis is a handsome little boy. Love the cute little pumpkin bib. Fingers crossed breastfeeding gets easier.


Hubby is getting his vasectomy in a few weeks so no more babies for us. I'm going back on the pill just invade though. That and it helps my skin and lightens my periods. Ali is 5 weeks old now. Still waiting for my first PP period. I'm not worried though since we haven't DTD. Will be waiting till I'm on the pill a while and I've seen my doctor for my 6 week check. Ali has another dr appoitment next week. Looking forward to hearing how big she is now. She is just starting to fit her 0-3 clothes.

I started a parenting journal. Not sure how often I'll get to update but I will try lots and will also try to follow all of yours. Now that family is gone I should have a bit more spare time.

Hope everyone is resting as much as possible and doing well.
Shelleney, LOVE the witch outfit!!

Adele, such a handsome boy you have there! Loving the pics!
Oh boy, this breast feeding thing is a love/hate relationship. I'm not sure how long I can keep doing this. She's on every two hours now and STILL cries. I'm so unsure if it's that she's not feeling fulfilled or if she has gas. Her diapers are REALLY wet so she's getting enough in....she is tooting a lot and poo's every other day or so. I think she's constipated and don't know what to do with her.

One of the ped's told us to give her plum juice in place of prune juice. We didn't see any plain baby plum juice, only cranberry plum juice and to be honest, I don't know how that will affect her system so early. :shrug:

I DO hope this gets better with time. I have told my husband I would give it three months. So by Christmas if it doesn't work, we'll switch to ff'ing full time. :cry: I know this sounds silly, but I feel as though if I go to formula full time, like I'm letting her down or hurting her in some way. All you hear anymore is how good bf'ing is and how much better it is for the brain, to wade off cancer for your children and even for YOU it wades off breast cancer. Then I see ALL these people who said they couldnt do it and went straight to ff'ing and all their kids are fine.

I'm whiny today because I'm feeling as though neither of us are feeling fulfilled. Maybe it's just the moment. :shrug:
MA- sorry to hear things are tough right now. Ava was a very constipated baby. The only thing that seemed to work for her was 1 tsp orange juice mixed with about 3 oz of water. It was recommended to us by her doctor. Worked perfect every time. Just plain orange juice.

I also want to say as a mom who has full time from day 1 FF with number 2 and from day 6 with number onei know it's a hard thing to look at at first but honestly you need to do what works for you. You need to be proud of yourself for getting as far as you have and keep pushing if it's really what you want and not feel guilty if it doesn't work. Both my girls are happy and healthy on formula. Just as happy as any BF baby.

I'm not telling you to quit or that FF is better because realistically we all know breast milk has more nutrient. I just want you to know your little girl would still be happy and healthy if you choose formula at some point.

I hope no matter what you choose things get better for you. And never feel like your failing. You area great mom and we all go through struggles as new moms and second, third and fouth time moms. Baby's are hard work.
MA I felt like that for a week giving LO formula. I felt like I was no needed anymore and that I was being a bad mother FFing, its horrible thinking about stopping, I am only BFing maybe twice a day before formula.
MA, I know how you feel! I get frustrated sometimes too. That's when I try to hand Silas off to DH to give myself a break and them some father-son time... he can feed him pumped milk if he's hungry.

Are you using a pacifier at all? I know some people don't approve, but Silas loves his and I think if we didn't give it to him I'd spend my days as a human pacifier...

Not sure what to say about the constipation. I think pooping every other day can be normal, but maybe it is upsetting her tummy. :(
MA-Connor is constipated and the dr said baby pear juice...1/2 oz in 1oz formula. Its helped a lot. Your lo may not be constipated though...its normal for bf babysitter not to have a bowel movement everyday from what I've been told. Have u tried using the gas relief drops? They have helped my boys :)
Im right there with you on the bf too...I've started to wonder if I should continue bc its a lot on me...I still have to supplement bc of low supply so im always double feeding them. Lately I've been pumping when I get a free 10 minutes and give them each a bottle of bm before bed...and then bf at night for soothing back to sleep.
I'm 50/50 FF/BF'ing myself. It is definitely time comsuming doing both. My DD1 was FF after a week and she is healthy, well adjusted and too smart for her own good. We had no issues with bonding or attachment so I think it's a bunch of poop when you see all the pro-BFing literature saying it's good for bonding. Formulas nowadays are so well formulated I really don't think it's an issue.. plus we're all past the initial part where we're passing on the colestrum where all the good stuff is. I'll do what I can for as long as I can but at the end of the day I know I'll be 100% FFing by 6 months anyway. and I won't feel any guilt about it.

No experience with constipation.. I'd take some though. I'm tired of cleaning the twin's runny poos
MA, she may not be constipated. William went through a spell around 1 month where he went a couple weeks where he pooped maybe every three days. As long as they are farting and don't go more than a week without poo'ing they are fine. He's now starting to poop once a day. With BF they absorb most of the nutrients and don't poop as much as FF or solid food babies. But try Gripe water if her gas is making her unhappy.

Glad to hear the Mirena went in well Lys! I'm nervous for mine.
My baby is only breast mil fed and poops every single diaper change! seems a bit much. Hes just a poopy guy!
My pediatrician said "breastfed babies poop 7-10 times per day... unless they poop once a week." Guess it can vary a lot! :haha:
When I was just bfing we had about 6 -10 poop diapers, now we are ff and bf and still have about 6 - 8 poop diapers per DAY!
Oh and if your lo was constipated u would know...the poor thing strains so much to go...I felt horrible watching connor :(

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