October babies due dates and bump colours

Aww :) , See the sonographer said to us because she was only 21weeks she will still look "skinny" lol so the face shots arnt as good as when your futher on, but it was good to see her whole little body , adorable :) Hope you enjoy yours and cant wait to see pics x
Phew.. finally got caught up from missing all the action here over the weekend.

Gash - hoping you and baby are alright!

MA - glad to hear everything is looking so well, what great news!

I'm loving the pictures everyone is posting. Have to wait another week and a half until another attempt at guessing gender. mon dieu!

My weekend was crazy to say the least. My sister was in town and after I busted my butt to get the house looking clean and fabulous I had some time to hang out before the party on Saturday so we went to some baby boutiques and it was so fun! I am down to two twin side-by-side strollers now but they only had the single versions in so that sucked. It was nice to be able to at least see how tall it was, light, how to collapse it etc. I will have to do some more research though before I order something unseen. Turns out sist and I are both in love with the exact same bedding set. doh!

My mom told me this weekend that she is going to give me her crib she bought for when DD stayed at her house over night along with the toddler bed in favor of buying two new cribs from IKEA that turn in to toddler beds later on. Yay! The crib won't match the one I have already but I was never going to be able to afford or find a duplicate anyway. I think I prefer that one is dark wood and the new one is white rather than trying to have two in the dark wood since they would obviously look different anyway. The toddler bed though is exactly the same as the one I bought so that's a bonus! My mom also indicated that most likely she and my dad were going to help me afford the stroller since I have to give away the one they had got me last baby. Yay again! I just might be able to afford the super expensive car seats I have to buy to be able to fit in the back of my small car along with a booster and the really good breast pump I want.

The family birthday party went really well. The house was FULL but the food was good, Katherine loved all her presents and barely anything was spilled on the carpet. lol Unfortunately my husbands family decided to insult and argue with him during the evening over things like him being in the military and economics (he's an economics major) etc. Luckily his family hates my family so we enjoyed our meal in relative bliss in the other room. But seriously.. they suck. thankfully DD has no clue so far but I hope they can smarten up soon because I really don't think she'll take too kindly to people attacking her daddy since she idolizes him.

Then there was the party for DD's friends yesterday. The movie was great and the kids were so well behaved. She had so much fun! I can honestly say though, I am soooooooo glad it is over for another year! Next year I want to just have a small party at our house or just get her to pick 2-3 friends and we'll take them mini putting and out for dinner or some such nonsense.
good luck for your scan yours truly .

hope everyone else is doing good. afm, got a very sore back and no solution !!
Glad your party well relatively well Littlestars!

Babyhopes, I feel ya on the sore back! Although I'm more like sore all over. I'm going to have to have a chat with my manager about cutting back my hours. I just can't do 8 hr shifts on my feet like I used to. That requires too much pain meds for my liking.

I'm so excited for this weekend! June 19th is Father's Day and our One Yr Anniversary, so we're going out to a really swanky restaurant. I have a really cute dress that's flowy enough for my bump to fit and I'll have to bust out the iron for DH's tie (I found it crumpled on the floor! silly men).
My back has been hurting too. It's worst when I wake up in the morning, I think it gets really tight while I sleep. :( It's better when I stretch it a lot.

My DH also destroys his ties! What is their problem??

Baby's kicks have finally gotten so strong that they made it hard to fall asleep last night! Jeez! But as DH says, it will be even harder to sleep once he's born. :haha: They don't hurt me or anything yet, but I can see how they will at some point...
katerdid and zb5, its horrible the aches... and theres not much you can do about it, im a bit weary about getting a warm pack on, can we do that? and its pretty much on the whole day so im gonna have to find a solution soon !
i'm at home with a viral infection :cry: been ordered 3 days of rest, paracetamol, fluids and sleep :dohh:

work will NOT be happy!! :dohh:

but i feel like death, headache, swollen glands, swollen tongue, sore throat, chesty cough, inflammation on my lungs :grr:

fun times lol hope you're all well :flower:
I've had back problems since I was 11 when I fell on rocks at the beach in Newquay. Fell right on the end of my spine, never been the same since.
This last 2 weeks, back has been absolutely unbearable also. The 5 month mark is when it got really bad with my DD. I've been seeing a chiropractor ever since and he really does help. My SI Joint gets all out of wack. I basically become a cripple by the end of the day, I can't walk, put any weight on my legs. The pain just takes mu breath away. It sucks so bad. Its just down to the extra weight, my back can't handle it. As soon as I gave birth to my DD it stopped instantly, so at least I know there's an end in sight.

If you can see a Chiropractor its really worth it. The first couple sessions you'll be sore, because they un trap things that have been all snarled up, but after that its awesome. If you're in the USA, Insurance should cover it and it will be a co-pay. Medicare you'll have to get a referal, but they will cover it for you. If you're in England, you can go private or ask your Dr to refer you and the NHS will cover it most times (I used to see one back in England also)

I have found that if I sleep on my side, a pillow between my knees does help a lot because it helps keep your lower back in alignment when you sleep, or if you sleep on your back, put it under your knees so they are slightly bent, this also helps to support your back as you sleep.

My DH said I can get a prenatal massage on my lower back for my Birthday. I'm so excited :) Some other things that have helped mine (if you wanna try it) is Epsom salts bath. (1 cup to a bath of hot water) .. soak for 20 minutes. Make sure you drink a cup of water after because it can get you dehydrated. It's excellent stuff, do it just before bed.
Ice pack on the area, 15 mins on, 15 mins off for 1 hr. You can do this as much as you want in the day. Sometimes I fall asleep with one on my back. This takes down the swelling in the area. A heat pad will encourage blood flow, therefore swelling, compounding the issue.
You can take paracetamol, but that's it. No heat rubs, icy hot etc.

There is a yoga stretch called the something cat, where you're on all 4s and arch your back then let it drop in to an opposite arch. Its really good for untrapping areas in your lower back. If you google prenatal yoga stretches, a load will come up. It's really worth doing a few first thing in the AM and last thing in the PM just to loosen things up. They really do work wonders.

Not long to go, ladies :hugs:
i'm at home with a viral infection :cry: been ordered 3 days of rest, paracetamol, fluids and sleep :dohh:

work will NOT be happy!! :dohh:

but i feel like death, headache, swollen glands, swollen tongue, sore throat, chesty cough, inflammation on my lungs :grr:

fun times lol hope you're all well :flower:

Bugger work! You gotta think of you and bub. Sorry you're feeling so rotten. It really does suck. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:
she updated her journal she's out of hospital again :flower: x
Hi all,

I finally had my 21 week scan and we are thrilled to announce we have a healthy bouncing baby...........................................BOY!!!!.......

We are naming him Alfie Mark Turner (Mark after DH's dad) and are so happy to be team blue!!:blue::blue::blue:
Congrats MrsTurner!!!

Katerdid - my DH takes his ties off at the end of the night and then leaves them still tied and puts them on a coathanger to save him the effort of trying to get the knot right next time. So funny! But it's mostly because he's in the military and rarely wears a tie unless we're off to a wedding or it's a formal dinner for work.

No back problems for me yet thankfully. I'm thrilled since I'm really hoping not to have to go on bedrest with this pregnancy. Seems like it's really common for twins pregnancies. I literally could not imagine how our family would function if that happened. I fear September and being 8 months pregnant trying to walk DD to school. Ekk! DD was telling me on the weekend she can't wait until my belly is too big for me to be able to drive anymore. nice!
Congrats Mrsturner! Welcome to team blue!

Good advice Chaos! Do you have any cures for round ligament pains? I have been suffering with it all week. It's only on the right side where my boy likes to snuggle and kick. I swear he is always on that side now. It's reeking havoc because he's not evenly distributing his tubby weight.

Lol, my hubby doesn't know how to tie a tie so they are just left all done up. Makes it really hard to iron, but I am terrible at tying ties also, so I'd rather not have to do it.

Oh that's great that Gash is out! I read on her journal she was having major issues with her asthma again, poor soul.

Poor Nai! Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Chaos, very very helpful information ! xx

congratulations Mrs Turner. !!

glad gash is doing ok. x

hope everyone else is fine.
Oh I am with you girls on back pain. I have scoliosis of the lumbar and an offset pelvis so have lots of back aching. Anyone have painful feet when you first wake in the morning? Mine hurt so bad to walk on for about 5 minutes then get better. It's weird. Also, I used o feel my baby moving a ton but for a few days it's much less, is this a problem or is it some kind of phase?
Ny, i have the most horrible feet pain ever and its not only when i wake up, its like the top half of underneath ur food its swollen and i feel the pain from the sudden weight gain !! in kilos, i have gained 2, im 71.9 kilos now, and i can feel the weight on my foot. :cry: sorry you have scoliosis, dont know much about it but will read about it.
Thanks Chaos, I have been doing the yoga thing actually. It is normally "cat-cow", but when you are pregnant you're only supposed to do the cat. My yoga teacher describes it as: "arch your back like a halloween cat", and I have been doing it sometimes in the morning too. It really helps! Then in between "cats", normally you would do the "cow" and arch your back the other way so your belly hangs, but for pregnant ladies they say just keep your back straight for a bit, then go back to "cat".

I am afraid to go to a chiropractor!

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