October BFP's ~ Get your's here! (34 so far!!!)

just wanted to say congrats to everyone happy healthy 9 m! :)
Wow this thread moves quickly! Congrats to all those who got BFPs.
We are out again this cycle. AF showed up today. See ya on the next month all my TTCers and congrats to the BFPs that have already happened and those that are yet to come.
Well, from the looks of 2 days of plummeting temps, We are out. DW is quite choked up about it as she wanted this to be our month so badly. She starts all of the testing next month and was really hoping to avoid it. It doesn't help that everyone around us seems to be coming up pregnant too. Feeling a bit discouraged today and just waiting for the witch to show. (On our 11th anniversary no less)

:hugs: So sorry Leah. :hugs:
Starting to wonder if my brown spotting was af???

I don't know, I've wondered that myself a few times with long cycles, like the current one.
Still, when you do research on it,it all says you'll have a period if you ovulated, or breakthrough bleeding if you had an anovulatory cycle. It seems either way, you should have normal red flow.
And we're supposed to count CD1 as first day of red flow. So I'd say keep waiting.
But now that you asked the same question too, I might just do some more internet research and see if it's even possible for spotting or brown spotting, to be considered as the start of a cycle.
Hello Ladies! Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats on all the BFPs. Sorry for all that AF showed.

AFM I just wanted to give an update. My doctor called today to let me know my results on my progestrone levels, and she said that they like to see them at .20, and my were .21. She also said that I did indeed ovulate, and that my body is capable of holding a pregnancy. So I will be in on Monday to take a blood test to see if we will be having our first baby. :winkwink:

How is eveyone else doing?

That is great news all around! Great to have excellent progesterone levels, and to be able to sustain a pregnancy. :)
Hi everyone I am hoping to be on the Oct BFP list with y'all I just got my 22dPO progesterone level back and it's 45

Anyone know if that's good? Makes me want to test !

However I do not have any stinkin preggo symptoms :( come on let this be a sticky bean!!!
I got a very unexpected :bfp: last week. ^.^

Congrats!! :happydance:

Congrats!! A H&H 9mos!

Afm I am so confused, FF says I ovu on cd11 when I got a + opk, but countdowntopregnancy has me ovu on cd13. Any thoughts?

I would say CD11 looks more accurate but it is hard to tell because your temps seem pretty erratic. Do you temp orally or vaginally?

Vaginally. I temp around 6am during the week but later sometimes during the week. Maybe that's why they are erratic. Cm is still creamy and I (tmi) feel it when I get up from my desk and walk to the bathroom. I've been tired going to bed earlier and still waking up tired. Sometimes I get like this a week before af.

We' ll see what the next few days bring.
I got a very unexpected :bfp: last week. ^.^

Congrats!! :happydance:

Congrats!! A H&H 9mos!

Afm I am so confused, FF says I ovu on cd11 when I got a + opk, but countdowntopregnancy has me ovu on cd13. Any thoughts?

I would say CD11 looks more accurate but it is hard to tell because your temps seem pretty erratic. Do you temp orally or vaginally?

Vaginally. I temp around 6am during the week but later sometimes during the week. Maybe that's why they are erratic. Cm is still creamy and I (tmi) feel it when I get up from my desk and walk to the bathroom. I've been tired going to bed earlier and still waking up tired. Sometimes I get like this a week before af.

We' ll see what the next few days bring.

Meant to say sometimes later during the weekends.
So, Minuet, what are you going to do about this cycle? I would be batty by now if I were you! Are you waiting for nature to take its course? Why didn't the progesterone work? How are you doing?

I've decided to let my body do it's own thing, but I'm still taking enough stuff that it's probably a little confused right now anyway.:haha:
I've no idea why the progesterone didn't work, perhaps I needed to use more of it, but the side effects don't make me eager to try it again as an option.
Apparently parsley tea can bring on a period, but it's hard to say if that works for an anovulatory cycle, and I don't want to try that either.
Honestly I'm used to cycles this long, they've been standard for years, so that part doesn't bother me. Of course we're still very impatient to get a BFP, but to realize that dream, I need to correct the insulin resistance first, and prevent all the health problems that arise from it.
Once the insulin resistance is in check, my body will start ovulating again ( some 80% of women do), and the BFP shouldn't be far behind! :D

That said, I just have to be patient and see if anything works:

vitex - still taking this as 'they' say it can take months to work
b50 complex - to boost luteal phase and prevent spotting before AF
extra Vit D and calcium - since a deficiency is highly likely and it won't hurt me anyway
myo-inositol - a B vitamin, helps normalize insulin levels
chromium - to help with insulin level
a unique, but simple protein to carb balanced diet - From the book ' The Insulin Resistance Diet'. This isn't really a diet, you just eat enough protein with carbs to prevent a spike in blood sugar and a corresponding insulin spike. The spikes are what cause all the problems and weight gain.
+ exercise = losing estrogen-rich fat cells
A 5-7% loss in body weight is enough to start most women ovulating again on their own. This is largely due to the fact that there are less estrogen-producing fat cells in their body, and the progesterone has a chance to rise like it should.

I could go on and on :p , have been doing a lot of reading about insulin resistance and PCOS, and it's very fascinating. Every woman out there should know the earmarks of insulin resistance; and that if she has PCOS, she most likely has insulin resistance too. Early detection = great results!
minuet, have you tried metformin? it worked wonders for me, i also have pcos and without the met wouldnt have a period
So, Minuet, what are you going to do about this cycle? I would be batty by now if I were you! Are you waiting for nature to take its course? Why didn't the progesterone work? How are you doing?

I've decided to let my body do it's own thing, but I'm still taking enough stuff that it's probably a little confused right now anyway.:haha:
I've no idea why the progesterone didn't work, perhaps I needed to use more of it, but the side effects don't make me eager to try it again as an option.
Apparently parsley tea can bring on a period, but it's hard to say if that works for an anovulatory cycle, and I don't want to try that either.
Honestly I'm used to cycles this long, they've been standard for years, so that part doesn't bother me. Of course we're still very impatient to get a BFP, but to realize that dream, I need to correct the insulin resistance first, and prevent all the health problems that arise from it.
Once the insulin resistance is in check, my body will start ovulating again ( some 80% of women do), and the BFP shouldn't be far behind! :D

That said, I just have to be patient and see if anything works:

vitex - still taking this as 'they' say it can take months to work
b50 complex - to boost luteal phase and prevent spotting before AF
extra Vit D and calcium - since a deficiency is highly likely and it won't hurt me anyway
myo-inositol - a B vitamin, helps normalize insulin levels
chromium - to help with insulin level
a unique, but simple protein to carb balanced diet - From the book ' The Insulin Resistance Diet'. This isn't really a diet, you just eat enough protein with carbs to prevent a spike in blood sugar and a corresponding insulin spike. The spikes are what cause all the problems and weight gain.
+ exercise = losing estrogen-rich fat cells
A 5-7% loss in body weight is enough to start most women ovulating again on their own. This is largely due to the fact that there are less estrogen-producing fat cells in their body, and the progesterone has a chance to rise like it should.

I could go on and on :p , have been doing a lot of reading about insulin resistance and PCOS, and it's very fascinating. Every woman out there should know the earmarks of insulin resistance; and that if she has PCOS, she most likely has insulin resistance too. Early detection = great results!

Wow! Well, good plan! You are patient! 77 days was my longest cycle and I hated it! Well, longest since ttc. I never paid much attention before, so..

My friend bought a treadmill to try to lose weight (her doc demanded it of her). She has the insulin resistance and pcos. And 3 kids. She had one period a year until Metformin. But she doesn't like the Metformin because of the side effects.

I don't know about myself, I am really looking forward to seeing a doc. I have 9 periods a year. I have my suspicions about it being pcos. When I was in high school I remember only having 1-2 periods a year. I was also very heavy. I am now about 50lbs lighter than high school, but still 40 pounds overweight. I have been trying out a low-GI diet to lose that stubborn stupid belly fat. So far, so good. Lost a few pounds. For me, the vitex works wonders. At least, I'm pretty sure it does :haha:.

Good luck!
I have PCOS also. I have three daughters but all were conceived in my 20's when I was thinner. Its 6 years since I've been preggo and I had an IUD for most of that time. Since I had it removed last September we've been trying to get preggers but with much less success. I'm almost 35 now and overweight. We got lucky once last December but miscarried in January. :cry: My doc said my progesterone was crazy low. After the loss, I had a period in April and not again until July. Thats when I started the metformin and clomid. No luck yet becoming pregnant yet but my period is now regular at least. I've also started weight watchers and going to the gym. I'm down 14lbs so far. I'm more determined than ever.
I have PCOS also. I have three daughters but all were conceived in my 20's when I was thinner. Its 6 years since I've been preggo and I had an IUD for most of that time. Since I had it removed last September we've been trying to get preggers but with much less success. I'm almost 35 now and overweight. We got lucky once last December but miscarried in January. :cry: My doc said my progesterone was crazy low. After the loss, I had a period in April and not again until July. Thats when I started the metformin and clomid. No luck yet becoming pregnant yet but my period is now regular at least. I've also started weight watchers and going to the gym. I'm down 14lbs so far. I'm more determined than ever.

Good for you! Our bodies are resiliant. Sorry about your loss, though.
minuet, have you tried metformin? it worked wonders for me, i also have pcos and without the met wouldnt have a period

Its on the list to try! I'd like to avoid it and the side effects though, if I can.


Wow! Well, good plan! You are patient! 77 days was my longest cycle and I hated it! Well, longest since ttc. I never paid much attention before, so..

My friend bought a treadmill to try to lose weight (her doc demanded it of her). She has the insulin resistance and pcos. And 3 kids. She had one period a year until Metformin. But she doesn't like the Metformin because of the side effects.

I don't know about myself, I am really looking forward to seeing a doc. I have 9 periods a year. I have my suspicions about it being pcos. When I was in high school I remember only having 1-2 periods a year. I was also very heavy. I am now about 50lbs lighter than high school, but still 40 pounds overweight. I have been trying out a low-GI diet to lose that stubborn stupid belly fat. So far, so good. Lost a few pounds. For me, the vitex works wonders. At least, I'm pretty sure it does :haha:.

Good luck!

I'd really encourage your friend to read the book I mentioned, it has great reviews from ladies with PCOS for helping them finally achieve weight loss!
I'm glad she's trying out a treadmill, but it can be really hard to loose weight with PCOS, without doing something to control the insulin spikes also. Hopefully she can find an exercise and diet system that is effective for her.
It's very possible you could have PCOS, there are plenty of women who are thin and have a period every month who have it too, so you never know.
Your ovulation does seem to bounce around a lot, but at least you actually O!
Congrats on the success with the low-GI, it's always encouraging to loose some of those stubborn pounds!

I have PCOS also. I have three daughters but all were conceived in my 20's when I was thinner. Its 6 years since I've been preggo and I had an IUD for most of that time. Since I had it removed last September we've been trying to get preggers but with much less success. I'm almost 35 now and overweight. We got lucky once last December but miscarried in January. :cry: My doc said my progesterone was crazy low. After the loss, I had a period in April and not again until July. Thats when I started the metformin and clomid. No luck yet becoming pregnant yet but my period is now regular at least. I've also started weight watchers and going to the gym. I'm down 14lbs so far. I'm more determined than ever.

So sorry for your loss :(

Congrats on the weight loss, that's truly awesome! That's great the metformin was able to regulate your period, now you have many more chances to be successful.

I was also slim in my early twenties, and suddenly at 25 it was like something snapped and I couldn't stop the weight from building - and my diet wasn't any different.
Since May my diet has been the healthiest ever ( not saying I threw out all the chocolate, I'm still human :haha:) but still, healthier. And I still put on pounds. :shrug:
So yep, it was definitely time for a different plan!
It's a nutty condition, for sure. :shrug:
I have pcos too and gained 40 pounds in 3 months. Luckily its starting to slip off ever since I had surgery (for endo and ovarian drilling to treat the pcos). I wish you all lots of luck and patience! Trying to conceive is frustrating enough without adding in extra long cycles to mess up calculations.
Well ladies I tested this morning bfn, but still no sign of AF. :shrug:
Today I am 12dpo, I so hope AF stays away but then again if I am pregnant why isn't it showing on a test. I only used a cheap eBay dip stick test. Supose all I can do is wait some more :wacko:
Hi all and Strargazer not the news I wanted ti post but just got out if hospital after an ectopic and having a tube removed. Life just isnt fair at times :cry: Anway hope to see you in a couple of months. Best of luck to the rest of you and :dust:

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