October BFPs

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i got a darker pink line today yehhh. still wana get tmoz out the way that when witch due.
me!me!me!got pos test mon 13th oct yay!
Went for a blood test last night and was just confirmed by doctor today -she just rang!
Got my second BFP today, a lot darker than Tuesdays so I'm finally accepting it! Just hope the witch stays away tomorrow so I can breathe a sigh of relief!
Hi I tested Positive on Oct 15th (10 dpo) and 16th, and hopefully the 17th and 18th, a girl has got to make sure lol!!

Sticky Vibes always Welcome!!!
Hi there,

I got my :bfp: on Sunday 12th October (even though I thought it was an evap - does that still count?!) then on Monday, Tuesday and was confirmed by bloods on Wednesday!

I tested positive for the first time on the 7th and the official positive from the DR was on the 13th!
Hi! I am new here! I got my BFP this morning at 3:30am, when I woke up to urinate... It was faint but I retested with a different brand at 7:30 am and also got a positive. I have just "known" this was it! I am so excited!
hi all, had my :bfp: o n the 9th oct and sue on 18th june 09. nice to see that all of u were lucky as i was. i wish y''l successful pregnancies.
Got my BFP on the 10th October - so excited!

Rachel x
Hi I tested possitive on 17 th of October

I got a :bfp: today! 19th October :happydance: Me and my hubsta are over the moon!!!!!
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