**** October Bumpkins 2010 - 3rd Trimester - Born so far 50 Boy's and 48 Girl's! ****

Just got back from the doctor and I still haven't dilated. He said that really doesn't mean anything though as my cervix is very soft and if I start getting real contractions I could dilate quickly. The plan is I go in on Sunday and Monday mornings for the gel and if that doesn't work I'll be induced Tuesday! I kinda have a feeling this girl will arrive on her own though, at least I really hope so!
Since I came home I've been getting very strong pressure/pain down low which goes into my butt and to my back. They are strong enough to make me have to stop walking and concentrate on them and are very painful. My bump goes rock hard during them too. They are happening very frequently right now! It's annoying though because I have no idea if these would be considered contractions or just cramping from the cervix exam.. he did try to stretch it again though so maybe that set something off? All I know is last week I just had some cramping, nothing like this! How do you know if it's contractions or something else? I'm going to have no idea when to go to the hospital when I am in true labor..
Just got back from the doctor and I still haven't dilated. He said that really doesn't mean anything though as my cervix is very soft and if I start getting real contractions I could dilate quickly. The plan is I go in on Sunday and Monday mornings for the gel and if that doesn't work I'll be induced Tuesday! I kinda have a feeling this girl will arrive on her own though, at least I really hope so!
Since I came home I've been getting very strong pressure/pain down low which goes into my butt and to my back. They are strong enough to make me have to stop walking and concentrate on them and are very painful. My bump goes rock hard during them too. They are happening very frequently right now! It's annoying though because I have no idea if these would be considered contractions or just cramping from the cervix exam.. he did try to stretch it again though so maybe that set something off? All I know is last week I just had some cramping, nothing like this! How do you know if it's contractions or something else? I'm going to have no idea when to go to the hospital when I am in true labor..

When I went to the doctor he stretched my cervix and I started getting those pains you were talking about and later that night I went to the hospital with contraction, hope everything goes your, crossing our fingers for new babies!
Thanks! I hope so too! I'm still getting the tightening/pains, but not quite as frequent now. I hope I wake up tonight to something! :D
Jules - I had some cramping after my sweep too with my first daughter but it didn't last. When real contractions started for me, I KNEW right away. They were completely different from BH contractions or period-like pain. You will know, trust me. ;) They will be regular, and they will STAY regular... no matter what you do (lay down, walk, have a bath, etc). And they will be consistent... like coming every 6 minutes or so, and they have to last at least 45-60 seconds each contraction, otherwise they aren't strong enough to actually dilate you. ;) Feeling-wise, it's hard to remember what they actually felt like (since they say technically you cannot remember physical pain :shrug:) but from what I do remember, they felt like really tense, strong heat that had this pain with it, starting in my back, going around my hips and belly. That's how it felt for me anyway.

Good luck!!! :D
Still no baby today! At least I know that in no later than 4 days I'll be induced, and there's a chance the gel on Sunday will work too! It's so real now and so close! I'm getting SO excited!! I'd love it to happen on it's own though.. I'm heading to town in a few hours to pick up a few things at Wal-mart and just walk around to encourage Rose to come on out! Hope things are going well with the new mommies and the other impatient mommies to be, like me!
well I got another sweep! And still the same, every 10 minutes contractions. But, they are starting to hurt WAY more. I bet she'll come Halloween. I would be super geeked lol
Juless- Oh also have sex, trust me (tmi) but I think that played a part in me going into labor!
:shock: How many boys???

Congratulations to everyone whos had there babies :happydance: and hang on in there those who are still waiting :thumbup: wont be long xxx

Still no baby for me either!!! But I have an appointment in an hour to see my midwife and get a sweep done... though I doubt it will work. :shrug: I had one with my first daughter and I had her 5 days later... so it didn't work but it may have loosened things up? Either way, it can't hurt right?

And I will be induced a week from today (or possibly the 6th if the hospital is swamped) so no matter what, I have no more than 7-8 days until Alora will be here... but time is going sooo slow lately. I hope she comes this weekend!!! I've been having cramps today, just period-like cramps but it would be nice if it turned into something... but I've learned NOT to get my hopes up for anything! :haha:
You never know Kate the sweep may work :D and they say normally 2nd children come ealier than 1st so hopefully she wont keep you waiting 5 days maybe she will only keep you waiting a few days instead :D
Congrats on your little boy! :cloud9:

And thanks Phillippa - I hope you're right! It would be nice if she comes this weekend at least.... fingers crossed! Apparently sweeps work for about 50% of women who have them (go into labour within 24-48 hours) so we'll see! I'm already one day over... so only 4 more days until she's just as late as Kyree! But I really thought this baby would be earlier! I guess only time will tell. ;)
yes time will tell, you were the 50% it didnt work for last time maybe you will be the 50% it does wotk for this time :thumbup:
for those who are intrested there is a postpreg belly pic of ine in my jornal already had to get new jeans as pre pregnancy ones are too big yes too big
I hope you sweep works for you MommyKC!! Thanks for the advice CaseyCakes, hehe, I'll try to see if I can comfortably take your suggestion - I feel so HUGE! I'm thinking I won't be having an October Bumpkin, but even if she comes in November I'm still considering her one! You guys are the ones I've been though it all with so I'm sticking with the October ladies! :D
Phillippa - Wow, good for you!!! And I'm a little jealous! :tease: And I hope you're right about the sweep working but I have my doubts.

Jules - I have a feeling my baby won't be an October bumpkin either but I still consider her one anyway. ;)
I saw the midwife today, everything is good with baby and she's healthy and in position, but I'm only 1cm dilated, cervix is soft but not really effaced. :( I'm kind of bummed, as I was expecting more than that seeing as with my FIRST baby I was 2cm and 90% effaced at this point, and with my second baby I expected to be even more "along" than that. :( I feel like she really is never going to come on her own. I had the sweep, but don't feel anything... only mild cramping and it is barely noticeable.
Congrats on your baby mommyconfused! :D

So I lost some of my mucous plug this morning... sorry, tmi I know. But it doesn't necessarily mean anything anyway, but SOMETHING must be happening in there... and I think I'm past the point where it would "re-grow" itself so fingers crossed anyway. I had the sweep yesterday, hubby and I DTD, I tried doing those acupressure points to induced labour.... I've been drinking RLT.... I'm out of ideas!

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