Ugh, I have mastitis. I've been really working hard at giving up nipple shields too, and it's worked on the side I have mastitis! I just don't know what to do now, I'm on awful antibiotics because the stuff they would usually give you is related to penicillin and I'm allergic to that...the doc warned me that these might make me feel ill, and they do! I keep waking up at night with stomach cramps. Like I needed anymore help to get less sleep!
The boob that's still healthy is the one that I'm still having problems getting her to feed from. As far as I can tell she's latched on ok, and she sucks and swallows for a min or so, but then it's just sucking and no swallowing...she'll do it for-literally-ever. Every time she falls asleep and I take her off, she's panicking like she's starving! It's like she can't get the milk, even though there's plenty there when I try to hand express. So every time I end up having to switch her to the other side, which hurts like a bitch but satisfies her.
Can't wait to go to the local baby cafe tomorrow, I'm going to see if they can help me. In the meantime, I'm going to go back to expressing the left side, cause I'll will definitely throw in the towel if I get mastitis on both sides.
Ugh, this is so annoying. Just when I thought I was really getting the hang of this, something messes everything up again.

At least she's only waking 2-3 times after 12am now.
edit: Awww MommyKC, I hope you manage to get some sleep!