Added you
Can you girls look at this please?
What a night last night!! Nights just seem to be getting worse!
This was our night -
Slept 10 - 12
Up 12 - 1.30
Slept 1.30 - 3
Up 3 - 5
Slept 5 - 6.40
Up 6.40 - 7.20
Slept 7.20 - 8
Up 8 - 8.40
Slept 8.40 - 10
I really feel for you, because my nights are similar at the moment! Sucks cause I'm pretty sure I've caught my MIL's cold too. I hope our babies start behaving in the night soon, haha.

It's annoying because a week or so ago she was giving me at least one 4 hour sleep period.

Should have savoured it while I could!
I am with you both and sympathise completely. Sophia has been similar to this since day 1, actually it was worse in the beginning as I was getting 1-1.5 hrs sleep and she was cluster feeding throughout the rest of the night. She has her day and night mixed up clearly as is v. settled during the day and sleeps for England. A typical night however is:-
8pm-10pm asleep downstairs but only on us, or occasionally in her bouncy chair, unless she wakes up as she usually does this in the eve as soon as you put her down in her chair/moses basket
10pm-11.15pm breastfeed left side, nappy change, pace around by OH whilst I express from right side
11.15pm bottle of expressed milk by OH to top her up quickly to help settle her down whilst I head to bed
12am-2am/occasionally 2.30am asleep (in her moses basket, finally!)
2am/2.30am-6am cluster breastfeeding sessions where she falls asleep on me, I leave her dozing on me upright to help with wind etc., then she wakes as soon as I put her down, she then motions for another feed with her tongue and screams as if she hasn't fed all night and has forgotten! This goes on throughout the 4 hrs (approx) and in this time I also need to express from the right side to give this to her in a bottle as i'm trying to heal a deep crack so have been told not to feed from that side.
6am Wake OH (30 mins before his alarm) at my witt's end and get him to pace her to sleep whilst I get an hr's kip before I need to get up. She goes off better for him as smells my milk!
6.30-8.30am asleep, however I have to be up at 7am for my 3yr old (who no longer naps in the day so no opportunity for me to catch up on sleep in the day either!).
AM praying all our LO's turn a corner soon!