****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

Im sure it was the prunes as she has no cold and I feed her the same way. Gave her quite a tummy ache. =\
Aw, green poo, cracked nipples, lots has happe
ned over the weekend!

Beaniebaby-do not feel guilty about formula, you have done more than I would have, I really don't know how you have coped so far.

Leo has started smiling at me when I go to pick him up today-so cute. I can't believe he is more than 1month old. Where has the time gone? It's just flown by.

On the breast feeding issue-I've had no problems but have no idea how that happened! I just put him to my boob & he latched on and it's been the same since he was born. I wish it was that way for everyone xx
I phoned my health visitor this morning and she said that the green poop didn't sound like anything to worry about as Alexis is feeding well, is happy between feeds and I am getting plenty wet and poopy nappies. She thinks it is due to her having the cold. She said if it was anything to do with my milk she would be having green poo at every dirty nappy not just the odd one or two so I am satisfied that is the case and feeling reassured now. I am absolutely choked up with the cold today :( Have a really sore throat and feeling awful, it's horrible to think that Alexis feels like this...poor little thing xx
Sorry to hear some of you girls are having problems :hugs:
Our BFing is so much better, Tristan latches and feeds really well now :) Last Monday he weighed 8lb 2oz after putting on 20 oz in 10 days! Today he weighs 9lb 6oz! :shock:

I've got to take Tristan to the Doctors as the Health Visitor reckons he has reflux and needs baby Gaviscon. He is really sicky and cries whilst feeding which is down to acid. :( Bless him! She reckons once he is on it he may sleep better as we are still having terrible nights with him!

I've got a stinking cold, my nose is like a tap and my throat kills! It's really tickly and is making me feel sick! :(
hi girls

:hugs: to all those having breastfeeding problems, I hope they are resolved soon!

brunettebimbo sorry to hear about Tristan's Reflux, Little man was diagnosed with it a couple weeks back and started on baby gaviscon but we ended up having too stop it as it made him mega constipated, so we went from screaming with reflux to screaming with constipation

we are just dealing with it ourselves now, we have raised the end of his bed, and hold him upright for at least 20 mins after each feed

Little Man is doing great, he sleeps well (we take him up at 7, give him a bath & ready for bed, I start feeding at 7.30 ish and he goes down to bed right after, so he sleeps pretty much 8.30pm till 1, then 1.45 ish till 5, then 6 till 10, so very happy with that :)
Sorry to hear you have mastitus preggyeggy, hope it gets better soon.

Serenity i'd say the midwife's spot on with the green poo as Sophia was having green poo for the first 2.5 wks at every nappy and this was only rectified after I changed feeding habits and made sure she was getting more of the hindmilk, so defo down to a fore/hindmilk imbalance. It was v. worry for us and I was v. hard on myself but think it was related partly to the blood in her system from my nipples (as she was throwing up blood and the midwife said blood in their system can send their poos green) and also due to the fact my nipples were so sore on both sides from the deep cracks and blisters i'd get so far feeding on one side and then switch her over to the other if the pain was too unbearable, therefore she was probs taking the foremilk off the first side and then getting full before she got to the hindmilk on the 2nd side! Her poos are now normal mustard yellow colour and she's having lots of them and finally putting on weight. I hope once your Alexis' cold subsides that her system gets back to normal, i'm sure it will.

Sorry to hear that Tristan has reflux BB, we are hoping that Sophia doesn't get it as it seems most of the girls in our family have had it, including our eldest, Bella. She was diagnosed at around 4 wks and suffered really bad from both the normal reflux and the silent reflux. She was on ranitadine. Buttonnose's advice to raise the bed and keep Tristan upright after a feed is what i'd advise too. Also Buttonnose, if the gaviscon didn't work for your LO, have you throught about asking for ranitadine? Our neice was put on the gaviscon for hers and it didn't agree with her and they fought to get her on the ranitadine as they knew Bella had had it. Apparently they don't always offer it as its more expensive! It does get easier and they do grow out of it. :hugs:

I'm still perservering with the BF'ing girls but we're topping up with slightly more formula. I'm hoping to try latching Sophia back on the right side by the weekend as the nipple is v. nearly healed (after nearly 2 wks of solely expressing from that side!) and I can't face having to take the breast pump along to our niece's Baby Naming Day on Sunday! Wish me luck, I really hope she doesn't do more damage and I don't have to stop, but if it is v. painful I have decided I need to stop feeling guilty and beating myself up about it and just do what I can - express and gradually wean her off. At the end of the day she's had 4 wks now.

Your LO sounds like he's doing amazing at night Buttonnose, i'm v. jealous! Sophia is doing a bit better now and mummy got 4.5 hrs sleep last night! :happydance: I know that sounds bad but that really is by far the best yet and I feel amazing on it today! It was broken, I had 2.5 hrs at the start of the night, was up for 3 hrs, then had a further 2 hrs this morning. She did a chunk of 4 hrs night before last so she defo can go more than her usual 2-2.5 hrs, was just a shame that it was from 5.30-9.30am and I had to be up with Bella at 7am! :dohh:

Ah so sweet Leo is smiling lots Starsunshine. Sophia has started doing the same the past 3 days and its just getting better and better. She cries when she wakes up in the morning in her moses basket but when I turn the light on and peer in she stops straight away and beams this lovely smile at me! She also had a little kick about on her playmat this morning and was smiling away and me and Bella for a good 10 mins! We're also noticing a lot more 'happy awake time' now, whereas before she would generally be crying for a feed or through tiredness when awake before.

MommyKC, I can sympathise on the night and day thing as Sophia seems to have hers mixed up a bit too as sleeps tonnes in the day and doesn't do so great at night. I'm not sure how much they're supposed to sleep in the day. I'm just doing everything on demand for now and hoping she'll fall into some sort of a routine eventually. Also with Bella to look after too I actually quite like the fact she's more settle and likes to sleep in the day. Know it can't continue though as I can't keep running on adrenaline and no sleep forever!

Sorry to hear you have mastitus preggyeggy, hope it gets better soon.

Serenity i'd say the midwife's spot on with the green poo as Sophia was having green poo for the first 2.5 wks at every nappy and this was only rectified after I changed feeding habits and made sure she was getting more of the hindmilk, so defo down to a fore/hindmilk imbalance. It was v. worry for us and I was v. hard on myself but think it was related partly to the blood in her system from my nipples (as she was throwing up blood and the midwife said blood in their system can send their poos green) and also due to the fact my nipples were so sore on both sides from the deep cracks and blisters i'd get so far feeding on one side and then switch her over to the other if the pain was too unbearable, therefore she was probs taking the foremilk off the first side and then getting full before she got to the hindmilk on the 2nd side! Her poos are now normal mustard yellow colour and she's having lots of them and finally putting on weight. I hope once your Alexis' cold subsides that her system gets back to normal, i'm sure it will.

Sorry to hear that Tristan has reflux BB, we are hoping that Sophia doesn't get it as it seems most of the girls in our family have had it, including our eldest, Bella. She was diagnosed at around 4 wks and suffered really bad from both the normal reflux and the silent reflux. She was on ranitadine. Buttonnose's advice to raise the bed and keep Tristan upright after a feed is what i'd advise too. Also Buttonnose, if the gaviscon didn't work for your LO, have you throught about asking for ranitadine? Our neice was put on the gaviscon for hers and it didn't agree with her and they fought to get her on the ranitadine as they knew Bella had had it. Apparently they don't always offer it as its more expensive! It does get easier and they do grow out of it. :hugs:

I'm still perservering with the BF'ing girls but we're topping up with slightly more formula. I'm hoping to try latching Sophia back on the right side by the weekend as the nipple is v. nearly healed (after nearly 2 wks of solely expressing from that side!) and I can't face having to take the breast pump along to our niece's Baby Naming Day on Sunday! Wish me luck, I really hope she doesn't do more damage and I don't have to stop, but if it is v. painful I have decided I need to stop feeling guilty and beating myself up about it and just do what I can - express and gradually wean her off. At the end of the day she's had 4 wks now.

Your LO sounds like he's doing amazing at night Buttonnose, i'm v. jealous! Sophia is doing a bit better now and mummy got 4.5 hrs sleep last night! :happydance: I know that sounds bad but that really is by far the best yet and I feel amazing on it today! It was broken, I had 2.5 hrs at the start of the night, was up for 3 hrs, then had a further 2 hrs this morning. She did a chunk of 4 hrs night before last so she defo can go more than her usual 2-2.5 hrs, was just a shame that it was from 5.30-9.30am and I had to be up with Bella at 7am! :dohh:

Ah so sweet Leo is smiling lots Starsunshine. Sophia has started doing the same the past 3 days and its just getting better and better. She cries when she wakes up in the morning in her moses basket but when I turn the light on and peer in she stops straight away and beams this lovely smile at me! She also had a little kick about on her playmat this morning and was smiling away and me and Bella for a good 10 mins! We're also noticing a lot more 'happy awake time' now, whereas before she would generally be crying for a feed or through tiredness when awake before.

MommyKC, I can sympathise on the night and day thing as Sophia seems to have hers mixed up a bit too as sleeps tonnes in the day and doesn't do so great at night. I'm not sure how much they're supposed to sleep in the day. I'm just doing everything on demand for now and hoping she'll fall into some sort of a routine eventually. Also with Bella to look after too I actually quite like the fact she's more settle and likes to sleep in the day. Know it can't continue though as I can't keep running on adrenaline and no sleep forever!


we have his 6 week check on Thursday so I'll ask about that then as it is with the same DR that prescribed the gaviscon

We have been very very lucky over night with Little Man, he has always slept pretty good, we have only have 4 bad nights since he was born and those where during growth spurts, other than that he has always slept great
how is everyone?

has anyone else got their 6 week check at 8 weeks? my letter says my 6 week check and the date of it, but it will be 8 weeks then.
not sure if they are just busy and thats the earliest or if they have my dates wrong? :wacko:
hi lovely ladies i'm really sorry to hijack your thread.... but can i ask you a favour? my best friend gave birth to her baby girl in october and i really can't think of what to get for xmas! it's her first christmas so i wanna get something but I'm not sure as she's so small hmmmmmm any thoughts would be appreciated? :) thank you and hope you're all doing well xxx
when i was shopping in town i noiced in a window of a jewellers photo frames that said babys first christmas under the space for the photo. maybe something like that? its the sort of thing i would like as a gift for him for christmas as opposed to more clothes :D
MommyKC, I can sympathise on the night and day thing as Sophia seems to have hers mixed up a bit too as sleeps tonnes in the day and doesn't do so great at night. I'm not sure how much they're supposed to sleep in the day. I'm just doing everything on demand for now and hoping she'll fall into some sort of a routine eventually. Also with Bella to look after too I actually quite like the fact she's more settle and likes to sleep in the day. Know it can't continue though as I can't keep running on adrenaline and no sleep forever!

Thats true! :thumbup: That is one benefit of them sleeping during the day, getting more time with our firstborns. :D
Rosalina had her first doctor's appointment today - she now weighs 12 pounds 3 ounces - off the charts! The doctor implied that maybe she's eating too much but maybe I understood him wrong. He just said I could try giving her a pacifier at times and that they normally say to try to feed them every 3 hours, but to feed her every 4. I don't think he means to not feed her, just to not soothe her with food I guess. Either way, if she's hungry I'll feed her. :p She's just a big girl, and I love my big baby!
Thanks BeanieBaby, I just panicked a bit when I saw the dark green poo as I vaguely remembered being told before that it was a sign something may be not quite right. Then last night I googled it and the milk imbalance came up but I really didn't think it could be that because she feeds from the same breast for ages, sometimes it feels like she's sucked me dry :rofl: I think us mummies are very hard on ourselves when we've no need to be :hugs: I was wincing at the computer screen as I read what you had said, I could only imagine how painful that must have been for you. Well done you for managing to express for two weeks, I just couldn't get the hang of expressing at all, could be at it for hours and only get the tiniest amount! I have total admiration for women who express, I just found it so hard. I've noticed that Alexis is also having more "happy awake time" where she will lie and have a good kick and wave of her little handies while she's lying on her playmat. And she's gurgling loads aswell, it is so so cute. Her smiling is also becoming more and more frequent now too. It's amazing watching them develop and grow infront of your eyes, no better feeling in the world. xx
Jules your girl was big to begin with so I don't see why her weight gain is a problem? She's only put 9 ounces on? :shrug: Tristan but 20 ounce on in 8 days!

:( Tristan isn't smiling or babbling yet, why? He is more awake, he seems happy and sort of gives you a side smile round about the time he's been fed but that's it?
BB im gettin impatient for the smiles too:haha:

This green poo thing does it just apply to brest fed babys or formula fed too ? lewis has had dark green poos for a couple of weeks now i hope thats normal:wacko:

How have you all registerd babys at the doctors i vaugley remember being told i would recieve a form but maybe i was just drugged up at the hospital lol ?? and how long did you all wait for youre chil benefit to be sorted out after you sent the form ? sorry for all the questions :blush:

I heard back from Child Benefit on Saturday.
I didn't register Tristan at the Doctors, I'd gone in for myself and mentioned that he was snuffley, he saw him there and then. I think once you register them eg birth your Dpctors get the details? :shrug: My Doctors had Tristans details already?
i got a form to fill in sent out automaticly to register frank at the doctors.

i haven't even registered him yet! this friday i am, i still need to get the benefits claim forms...im so unorganised!

frank got weighed this afternoon 8lbs! :D

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