****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

I sympathise with your nights. I'm getting even less sleep as I'm still working (I run my own company)! I work from home but it does require all my time in between feeds and even when he's awake sometimes I need to hold him and e-mail/make phonecalls! I've never been so grateful to baby carriers either for when I'm out doing the stock etc :rofl:

I'm so tired!

I'm always so glad when DH comes home at night because I get to relax a bit before a usual 5 hours of broken sleep- if I'm really lucky! He's been doing the bedtime routine so that helps a lot.

I got into a pair of my old jeans today!!! How are you all feeling about your post partum shape! I'm ruined! Oh well... look at my Son to show for it :cloud9:
Nightmare poor you, such a shame you can't give yourself some mat leave and get someone else like a family member or friend to help, you must be exhausted.

Well done on the jeans front that's great. I put on around 2 3/4 stone and have a stone to lose to be happy and get back to a dress size 10/12. Have a huge appetite when breastfeeding though and can't stop snacking and gets worse during the night, have been known to polish off a whole bag of chocolate brioches in one night time feeding sesh :blush:

I'm 6 pounds lighter than my pre preg weight. :mrgreen:
I was so thankful last night that Rose slept from 11pm till 6am! She's been sleeping great, usually at least 4 hours before she wakes and wants a feed. She hardly cries too - only if she's hungry and is a really relaxed baby. I feel lucky to have this and I hope it lasts! :) Hope you girls get some rest soon!
Hi ladies,... sorry I have been MIA for a while, just don't have any free time these days! :shock:

I'm doing good, I feel good physically and we're all healthy... I guess whenever I have ANY free time I've been trying to lay down, or shower... so internet kind of gets low priority right now. :( I hope we get some sort of routine established soon, right now I'm flying by the seat of my pants and thank GOD for my mom. She has been helping since Alora was born and I would be lost without her. :cloud9: She's been awesome helping with Kyree, doing the dishes, helping with laundry, etc... I cannot even explain how grateful I am. :cry:

On another note... I am in the process of giving up BFing. :( Please no judgement, it has been a hard decision for me. But I'm slowly weaning myself off it as well as Alora so we don't get too shocked by the transition but I just can't do it anymore. :nope: Alora is honestly starving... I have a great supply but maybe my milk isn't right enough. :shrug: She eats constantly and is never ever satisfied. Now that she's on formula, she seems to actually get full for a while. I dunno, it's a bunch of things... the cracked nipples, engorgement... feeding every hour (therefore exhausted)... not being able to spend any time with Kyree... :cry: Thats the hardest, and it's been breaking my heart... it's one thing for her to lose attention but I can honestly say, I'm not exagerating by saying I had Alora on my boob 80% of the day! With a bottle, she's fed in 5 minutes. It just has been the best decision for us, and while I do feel really bad... I also feel ALOT better about my decision and hopefully this will allow us to get a better routine worked out, rather than always "on demand" like BFing. *sigh* Anyway, that's the update on that front.

Otherwise, Kyree has adjusted really well... she loves her sister and is always giving her kisses :cloud9: With my mom here, she hasn't had a chance to get really jealous since my mom keeps her entertained when I can't. But she needs to learn how to be a bit more gentle. :haha:

I hope you ladies and your precious babes are all doing well! :hugs:
Kate- My baby class teacher always said "feed the baby". It doesnt matter if its breast or formula all that matters is that she's healthy and getting what she needs:hugs:.

Im satisfied with my post pregnant body. I just finished playing my first ice hockey game and really shocked on how much leg muscle Ive lost. I am so glad muscles have memory or I would be in trouble for this season.

Anna is doing very well. Her gas issues have almost disappeared. I really recommend the Bio Gaia!
Molly is such a good sleeper and she really only cries when she's hungry or tired...mostly tired. when she gets tired she fights it and wow does she make up for never crying otherwise then...I swear the girl must be waking up the neighbors lol.
mommykc I am having the same issue! I never seem to get on the internet for more than 5 minutes without being nursing and that makes it hard to type! I'm hoping for a routine soon but not getting my hopes up!
breastfeeding is waaaay more time consuming then I ever imagined!
Im not getting much sleep :( Cooper wakes around ever 2hrs :(
I wasn't getting much sleep but Leo went from 10.30 till 4.00 last night. Have no idea how!!! He's been constantly feeding since then! Bless.

I had no idea people could take your photos? That's scared me a bit :( my friend uses babychapters so I'll check it out &see if it's safe.

I've got about 1st ish to lose to get back to pre-pred weight. Congrats to those who have done it already, that's amazing. I reckon it'll take me till well after christmas but I'm not really dieting &am using breast feeding as an excuse to eat!!!!!!
Kate- My baby class teacher always said "feed the baby". It doesnt matter if its breast or formula all that matters is that she's healthy and getting what she needs:hugs:.

My HV said the same to me following all our probs and I agree MommyKC it is such a hard decision to make, I have been agonising over it to the point where it was making me ill which is no good for me or bubs :hugs:

Jasmine is doing very well now and we've been discharged from the mw now. I feel quite lucky that she is now sleeping and seems to have established her day and night now :)

Only downside is my washing machine has broken and its gonna take at least a week to get a new one delivered, not good with a newbown lol, all I can say is thank goodness for my mum!!

Hope everyone is ok :)
MommyKC - Don't feel bad about switching to formula! I completely understand feeling that way though.. when I was in the hospital I was feeding her constantly and she would shriek in hunger and was never full. I felt terrible hearing my baby cry in hunger. The lactation consultant was always saying how you don't need to suppliment with formula and to just keep feeding her till she was full. Well, feeding for 3 hours and her STILL being hungry isn't working in my opinion! Plus if they feed for such a long time they work so hard and burn more calories than they intake so it's pointless. Luckily my nurses were much more understanding and brought me some formula. What I do now is breastfeed her on each side till she stops then give her a few ounces of formula so she feels full. I also pump and mix it in a bottle with formula. She's doing fine switching from breast to bottle too. I do admit there are times I just give her a bottle of formula because it is easier when I'm out doing something or have sore nipples or am tired. I do feel bad when I give her formula, even though I know I shouldn't. I feel like I'm letting Rose down or something... I just try to remind myself that she is getting what she needs! My nurse said that every baby deserves to be fed and not feel hunger, so no matter how you do it don't feel bad. I can't imagine having a toddler and trying to breastfeed - I think you're awesome for even doing it this long!
MOMMYKC ~ No-one is going to judge you for doing what is best for you and your baby :hugs: as others have said, as long as baby is getting fed and you are both happy then that is the most important thing of all. I know how hard it is breastfeeding when you have another child/children as I have three other children aswell as Alexis and no-one ever tells you how much time in the early days that you will actually spend feeding. That's why I stopped breastfeeding my last child as he was attatched to my breast about 90% of the day and I felt like he was never full. I switched him to formula, which still wasn't enough, so the health visitor told me to feed him with hungry baby milk which he seemed far more settled on and he is still a good eater to this day and he is almost 5 now, will post a couple of pics of him.

Alexis will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and thankfully her feeding is settling into much more of a routine, about every 3 hours and she is only waking once during the night so I am getting plenty of sleep which is great because I have to get up at 6.30am everyday to get my other LO's ready for nursery and school. I have no problems with my breasts, no cracked nipples or anything which I am really thankful for and I am really enjoying breastfeeding this time around. We have also decided to switch to re-usable nappies so we are just in the process of researching and choosing the best nappies for us and once they are bought we are switching. Are there any ladies here who are using re-usables? Do you have any tips?
Hope everyone and their little one's are doing great, hopefully the LO's not sleeping great will get into the swing of it soon and you mummy's can start getting more sleep :hugs: xx

Edit: here's a picture of my wee man, this was taken 2 years ago. the uploader on here wont let me upload any recent pics for some reason :shrug: Need to find another way of getting photo's on here as the uploader is completely temperamental as to what it wants to upload :haha:


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Hiya, just read the last few posts but saw about formula feeding and feeling guilty. Just wanted to say I've been going through the exact same thing - I started formula feeding a couple of days after he was born as Noah wasn't latching on/for very long. Midwife helped me yesterday and found my nipples are too flat so we tried nipple shields and seems to have done the trick. So now gone to just breastfeeding, but I must say, it's hard work in comparison - he just doesn't seem to get as full! Much harder to settle him afterwards as well. Will see how long I continue for. But just wanted to say that everyone I have shared my woes about this to has said they too topped up/switched to formula - it's so common and it's so silly that we're made to feel guilty about it - not like we're saying we've decided to let him fend for himself - just a different option for feeding which quite often is because we're so concerned for their welfare!!
Can't believe he's a week old tomorrow - what a week!
:hugs: kate we aint going to judge you for doing what is est for your bay if she isnt satisfied on breastmilk you are making the right decision x
Kate: you've listed exactly how I felt as I transferred from breast to formula and my reasons were the same :hugs: Alden was always HUNGRY, always attached and I didn't get to see my Caitlyn :nope: :( and it was really getting to Caitlyn! Not fair on any of us. Since being on formula it's been a different story and tbh, I now feel ok about it :)
No one should be made to feel guilty about how they choose to feed their children unless they choose not to feed them! As long as you're giving them the nutrition they need then you're doing what's best for them. Honestly I've never thought about FF vs. BF until I got onto this site. Its amazing how many people make others feel guilty for what they choose (FF or Bf -it goes both ways). Honestly, I've thought about switching more than once. Especially cause I have to return to work in about 3 weeks and the thought of balancing it all almost gives me a panic attack.

However we choose to feed our children is our own choice and it doesn't mean we love them any more or less...
Thank you ladies for your support :) :hugs: I'm glad I'm not alone, and glad to hear that some people aren't judgemental when it comes to doing what is best for each of us and our babies. :)
I'm still exclusively bf but there have been several times if I had formula in the house she'd have had some. I still can't believe I made it through the 3 week growth spurt, and she still nurses for hours on end afternoon through evening. If she didn't sleep so well at night I'm sure I'd be caving with a top up at night.

I could not imagine doing this with another kid, or trying to work, so I definitely wouldn't beat yourself up!
Should also say my previously uninterested oh (during my pregnancy) has started cooking for me every night, if not for that I would live on toast!

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