****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

hey girls, sorry too hear so many are having problems breastfeeding

All I can say is stay strong, it does get better, we are just starting too get into a groove with it and I am now starting to really enjoy it, Lasinoh is amazing stuff for cracked/sore nipples, I couldn't have got through the first 2 weeks without it.

brunettebimbo, LO might be in the middle of a growth spurt which is why he is feeding so much, I know we went through a phase for a few days where Little Man literally fed constantly for 4 hours, again it passes so stay strong, drink plenty of water and use this time too just relax and bond with your little one

:hugs: to all
I was getting dressed yesterday and i didnt want to put Chloe in her moses basket as was gonna come straight down stairs after so placed her in the middle of the bed to have a kick about. Well the little monkey feel asleep

Also i decided i would take a post pregnancy belly pic (17days post pregnancy) i had to get a new pair of jeans yesterday as some of my old pre-pregnancy jeans are too big for me (dont know quite how)
flipping eck phillipa - smaller jeans already!!! Well done you. I can't fit in any of my old ones they're far too small still :( ah well one day I will get back in them.

Leo was weighed today and has put on 6lbs since monday - I'm so proud of him. We also got him registered so he's all legal. Exciting times!

I hope everyone is feeling good today with the feeding xx
Aww Chloe is so so cute! And you are looking fantastic, I am just fitting back into some of my old clothes now!

Wow starsunshine, that's a fantastic amount of weight gain. The feeding for me is going really well, I absolutely love the bonding time we have when feeding and it's great to see she is thriving from it too. The only thing that is kind of putting a dampner on it is the negativity I am getting towards breastfeeding. Jinxed it for myself really as I posted on here the other day that I hadn't received any negativity and that perhaps attitudes towards breastfeeding have shifted but clearly not as much as I thought :( I think the problem is that womens breasts have become so sexualised in our society that some people actually think breastfeeding is inappropriate because of this xx
phillipa your tummy looks amazing!

mines awful i'm sure the c section scar isn't normal, it pulls part of my tummy in at a funny angle :wacko: doesn't seem it will ever look normal again :(
but still doing my exercizes hoping to get in pre preg jeans one day:lol:

hope everyone is well. i think the tiredness is really hitting me now, i've struggled to keep my eyes open most of the day :dohh:
Wow that's brilliant to be into smaller clothes than pre pregnancy ones! Chloe is gorgeous! What a wee dote!! I have two pairs of old jeans that fit me, all my smaller sized stuff fits but I look like I've been poured into it so have decided to avoid putting it on. Had a real down day last week, dh said he would take me shopping for some new clothes (not like him at all!!) everything I tired on in the shops just looked awful, I had such an obvious muffin top ended up buying two pairs of jeans a size bigger than what I normally am and felt better for the whole of two days when one of the pairs started to fall down and show of my underwear. I am officially between sizes; too big for size 10, too small for size 12. So annoying! On the breastfeeding front things are looking up, my midwife rang today to say that Alex has been referred to the Ulster hospital for her tongue tie. She's going to give me a call on Monday to see if they've received the referral and when I can expect to get an appointment through for Alex. So delighted as aside from breastfeeding probs its going to cause speech development problems too. The midwife told me if the tongue tie wasn't sorted it would mean Alex would miss out on the whole babbling stage babies go through and it can impact on speech development. Fx'd the appointment comes through soon as I don't want it to impact on her development. It really is true, as soon as a lo comes along you do nothing but worry! lol. Serenity I dread to ask what happened to change your mind about the negativity. I have to say I do feel uncomfortable breast feeding in public, I was in starbucks last week and Alex needed fed and I came out without a bottle of expressed milk for her so had to feed her, the looks some people were giving me was unbelievable...I have to say as well it seemed to be mostly middle aged women...it was as if I was doing something dirty or sordid. DH was with me and made a point of staring back at them till they looked away. They actually made me feel ashamed of what I was doing...society really has a lot to answer for! Since then I've always made sure I had a bottle of expressed milk with me! xoxo
Wow that's brilliant to be into smaller clothes than pre pregnancy ones! Chloe is gorgeous! What a wee dote!! I have two pairs of old jeans that fit me, all my smaller sized stuff fits but I look like I've been poured into it so have decided to avoid putting it on. Had a real down day last week, dh said he would take me shopping for some new clothes (not like him at all!!) everything I tired on in the shops just looked awful, I had such an obvious muffin top ended up buying two pairs of jeans a size bigger than what I normally am and felt better for the whole of two days when one of the pairs started to fall down and show of my underwear. I am officially between sizes; too big for size 10, too small for size 12. So annoying! On the breastfeeding front things are looking up, my midwife rang today to say that Alex has been referred to the Ulster hospital for her tongue tie. She's going to give me a call on Monday to see if they've received the referral and when I can expect to get an appointment through for Alex. So delighted as aside from breastfeeding probs its going to cause speech development problems too. The midwife told me if the tongue tie wasn't sorted it would mean Alex would miss out on the whole babbling stage babies go through and it can impact on speech development. Fx'd the appointment comes through soon as I don't want it to impact on her development. It really is true, as soon as a lo comes along you do nothing but worry! lol. Serenity I dread to ask what happened to change your mind about the negativity. I have to say I do feel uncomfortable breast feeding in public, I was in starbucks last week and Alex needed fed and I came out without a bottle of expressed milk for her so had to feed her, the looks some people were giving me was unbelievable...I have to say as well it seemed to be mostly middle aged women...it was as if I was doing something dirty or sordid. DH was with me and made a point of staring back at them till they looked away. They actually made me feel ashamed of what I was doing...society really has a lot to answer for! Since then I've always made sure I had a bottle of expressed milk with me! xoxo

I'm with you on the clothes issue, as I seem to be inbetween sizes at the moment aswell. I should be wearing smaller sized tops but my breasts are so huge that I need the bigger tops to fit over them. With my jeans/trousers I'm in between sizes, size 12 is still too small but a 14 too big, my jeans have been falling down aswell and I seem to spend half my life pulling them up :haha:
That's fantastic that Alex is being referred, I hope she gets her appointment through quickly and gets the treatment she needs :flower:
With the breastfeeding, I am honestly really annoyed at the attitudes of some people. I would never dream of passing comment on a mummy that chooses to formula feed. I had to formula feed my last son and daughter but breastfed my eldest son for a year. I was over the moon ecstatic that I've managed to breastfeed Alexis and we are really enjoying it but the other day when we were out I had to feed her which I don't have an issue with as I make sure I do it discreetly and cover us with a blanket, but this woman noticed that I was feeding her as she walked past us and remarked rather loudly to the male that she was with that when she goes for lunch she doesn't expect to have a saggy tit shoved in her face!! :growlmad: 1. just for the record I don't have saggy breasts and 2. she couldn't see my breast at all as I make sure I am fully covered. I was absolutely furious, my other half was with me and he thought I would be embarassed but I was just raging mad!! How dare she say that, would be different I guess if I'd took my boob out in full view of everyone and exposed myself to everyone passing by that would have been a different story but I didn't and I am considerate enough to know that not everyone is comfortable with women breastfeeding although I can't understand why :shrug: I have also had comments from "friends" on how they think it's weird and wrong, that there is something perverse about it. I make it clear to them that women were infact given breasts to do this very job not for mens pleasure. I honestly think that is one of the main problems here, that breasts are so sexualised, people think it's wrong. Sad state of affairs really when you are frowned upon for breastfeeding your baby :cry: xx
Hi Ladies :flower:

How wonderful to be over here.

Dont get chance to get on much but can see we are all loving motherhood

Noah was born 10 days ago via emergency section 12 days overdue, very traumatic but he was worth it!!

Here he is 5 days old :cloud9:

Noah 034.2.jpg
Hi ladies, just a quick update from me, Jasmine Emily was born Mon 25/10/10, 13 days overdue, at 22;39 weighing 8lb 5oz. Fairly quick labour once waters were broken by mw then had the drip put in, 5 and a half hours later Jasmine was born. Only had gas and air which mw took off me during the pushing stage!! Will post a more detailed birth story soon with pics.

Will catch up with everyone when I can :)
Hi ladies, just a quick update from me, Jasmine Emily was born Mon 25/10/10, 13 days overdue, at 22;39 weighing 8lb 5oz. Fairly quick labour once waters were broken by mw then had the drip put in, 5 and a half hours later Jasmine was born. Only had gas and air which mw took off me during the pushing stage!! Will post a more detailed birth story soon with pics.

Will catch up with everyone when I can :)

Congrats on Jasmine hun,
why did the MW take the gas and air off you for pushing?
I mainly update in here for those who are intrested
Congratulations Kay0102, Noah is absolutely gorgeous, so cute xx

Congratulations Bumbleberry on the birth of Jasmine xx

Ladies, I am so so excited, it was mine and OH's anniversary today and he proposed :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
I am absolutely thrilled to bits, I was so shocked as I wasn't expecting it whatsoever as he's never expressed any interest in getting married! He has always said that we are happy the way we are so why change things but it seems he had a change of heart. I cannot even describe how happy I am, this year has been a fantastic year :cloud9: xxx
Thankyou ladies, I know it's not baby related but I am just so excited I'm fit to burst and want to tell anyone that will listen..............sorry :blush: xx
its ok sometimes its nice to have some non baby time. my health visitor told me me and DH should spent at least 15mins aday with convo thats not related 2 baby 2 keep relationship healthy.
hes been brill given me loads of massages now i can lay on tummy again
its ok sometimes its nice to have some non baby time. my health visitor told me me and DH should spent at least 15mins aday with convo thats not related 2 baby 2 keep relationship healthy.
hes been brill given me loads of massages now i can lay on tummy again

Ooooh massages, I would love a massage. Infact I said that after I had Alexis that was one of the first things I wanted when I was feeling up to it. He gave me massages while pregnant but they just aren't the same.
Yes we will jsut be lying in bed at night and Chloe will be asleep in her moses basket and he just get hold of some of my body lotion and gives me one i dont even have to ask.

I think my hormones are playing up already, me and DH had planned to have this baby and then for me to go to uni and not have another until i had finished uni and had a job for a year or so. Well over the last day or 2 i feel like i want another already
Aw that is really lovely of him, how thoughtful. I know what you mean about having another baby, I was adamant this was my last baby but then I was sitting feeding Alexis yesterday and was thinking about when we have our next baby. I don't know if it's just my hormones or not, only time will tell I suppose. Have you mentioned it to your husband? x
We we have talked about contraception ect, and waiting 6 years (which was planned before) but he keeps dropping hints that he doesnt want to wait that long either, plus he is 8years older than me so i dont think he wants to be to old especially if we want time for 3
Here is a thread i started explains the whole thing
It could just be your hormones or I was wondering if I was feeling like that because I missed being pregnant. I kept telling everyone that this was definetely my last pregnancy, I wasn't having anymore children, four was enough but I honestly can't see myself never having another baby, all my friends joke that I was just put on earth to reproduce :haha: I would probably say to wait and see, wait for your hormones to settle down and see how you're feeling then. I have a 10 year old, 7 year old, 4 year old and then baby Alexis so I don't really have any experience of having a closer age gap.xx

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