Wow, good for you ladies! Right after I had Kyree, I felt like I never wanted another baby.

I loved having her but I was so tired, hormonal, stressed, sore... I didn't want to go through it again ANY time soon. I started to get the "itch" when she was around 8 months old... that was when I wanted another baby. And it drove me INSANE until I got pregnant again, 6 months later!
I always knew that I wanted my children close together.... mine will be almost 2 years apart which is perfect for me.

Six years would be too much for me, but everyone has their reasons and their plans!

But a 6-yr age difference, they wouldn't have anything in common and would never really be able to play together. But on the upside, one would be in school and you could spend more time with the new baby.
This is my last baby though... even if I get that urge again to have another, which I'm sure I will... this is our last. Financially, we always agreed on two kids. So once this pregnancy is over... it's over... and that makes me sad, as much as I want her here... it bothers me too, to think in another week I will never experience these little wiggles inside of me again.