~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Thanks for the replies girls - I will get some cream in the next couple of days!
It is a bit odd, but as there is no pain or anything I won't worry just yet. I have my booking in app with the midwife on Thurs so I might ask her then..

Definitely planning on breastfeeding if I can. I will give it my best shot that's for sure.

I am just starting to look into NCT classes, anyone else? Mostly for the friendship side of things as my family are all 4 hours away. I have friends here but no pregnant friends, and would love some company whilst on maternity leave. They are a bit steep at £230 though!

I am starting to have a look at posts over on second tri now, anyone else? Still feel a bit 'young' for it, but first tri is all about the early weeks mostly.

Oh and Happy Easter everyone!
I am still on the fence about breast feeding. I don't think I want to do it. I am a social worker and when I return to work, I cannot be bothered with running around trying to pump. I am out in the field a lot and it would be too much.

I was adopted and so was my sister (from birth) so obviously we were never breast fed and we were the healthiest kids. We always got the perfect attendance awards in grade school and to date my sister has never had the chicken pox. I got it my Senior year of HS because my band partner had it. LOL
How long are you staying off with baby? If you even get to for a few months I'd recommend giving it a shot. It's really the best thing for your baby, even if you.can only do it for a short time. I totally get your point about your job making it difficult to pump. Depending on how your milk comes in and flows it can be easy or hard. I had a hard time pumping, would only get a few ounces each time. Some women have loads extra and in no time flat pumping. I was very jealous of those ladies. That liquid gold was hard to come by for me!
I think I am only going to take 2 months off. I have considered doing it only for those two months but am still unsure. As part of my prenatal care, they provide a breast feeding expert to talk to, so I will probably have one appointment and then make my decision. It is hard for me to justify though because my sister and I came out just fine. We are proof that you don't need to breast feed to have a totally healthy child.
I wasn't breastfed either and I am just fine and pretty intelligent, I think! lol
Then again, when I was born there wasn't as much research or info on it for parents to chose...I think it was done more out of convinience than anything else.

One thing to think about though is that breast feeding is alot less expensive than formula! :)

and a lot less stress in the middle of the night!
PS I wasn't BF either. It's the minority choice where I live but it was one thing I was determined to succeed at especially after our horrible birth experience.
Fifi - did you do NCT classes the first time round?
I hate to ask Fifi, but horrible birth experience? Mine went poorly too.
I would only dialate to 8 1/2 cm after 23 hours (waters broke) and pitocin to try to get things going. My boys heartrate dropped drastically with every contraction, so emerg c section happened which I was so unprepared for!
I didn't do NCT. I did a yoga for birth class and made loads of Mummy friends through that who I still meet up with.

Birth story: got to 42wks (41 by my dates) after having contractions on and off since 37 wks and went through all of induction (gel, assisted rupture of membranes, synotinon drip, had diamorphine and eventually an epidural), DS heartrate went up, there was meconium in the waters, and the fetal blood test machine wasn't working so I got 30 mins to push, he didn't progress far enough (no wonder being strapped to a bed all day) so we were taken (very quickly) for an emergency section. Far cry from my gentle water birth I'd planned, using yoga positions and hypnobirthing! Then with his failure to latch and a post partum infection it was generally a horrid time when it should have been one of the most wonderful. This is why I am planning a home waterbirth, however I need to go into labour myself otherwise it's another csection :(
Heya ladies! How are we all doing today?
I'm planning on at least trying bf for the first few months and will take it from there then.

2 weeks til my appointment woohoo! :)

I don't seem to be as nauseous as before but by gosh I am tired all the time!!
Fifi - walk walk and more walking. I spent two days walking around to get things moving, once I went home I was doing laundry, bent down to pick up a dropped sock and bam, water broke. I wish it had gone better, they didn't encourage me to walk around or anything while in labor, before the epidural and monitors. I went to 4 1/2 5 cm befor that point. I wish I had done more to get things moving, but I just did what they told me and laid in the bed. I did have a jetted tub and did that right before epidural as I asked and pain was bad!
We did lots of walking/waddling, it did nothing. I even went walking when being induced, back every 30 mins for obs! I'm not sure if perhaps his head never quite got into position then got too big (91st centile head circumference). I also tried all the old wives tales, pineapple curry anyone? BDing at 40+ weeks is not pretty!!!
I'm going to try breastfeeding and see how it goes. It was a disaster with DS, but I'm hoping to get to a specialist very early if it isn't working and try a bit harder since it is cheaper and better. My son did fine on formula, but I still have the mom guilt for it. Hoping to make it a few months at least, but since I work full time, there's no way I can continue for a year plus.

So sorry about your birth Fifi! They never seem to go quite as we plan, do they? I was pretty flexible with my birth plan, but they did have to use the suction to get DS out since he was stuck and that was scary, but other than that, mine was pretty good.
Hi everyone,

Thought I would add a little to cheer everyone up. I had a terrible 1st labour which I think was partly due to fear and partly due to listening to a horror story from one of my NCT group, who gave all us preggies an indepth description of her failed birth plan. I ended up with a 48 hour labour with an epidural after 30 hours and suction because DS's heart rate dropped.

With the second and third I decided to go with the contractions and imagine with each wave of pain, what my body was doing. Instead of tensing my body and instinctively fighting the pain, I relaxed as much as possible and as a result my second labour lasted 5 hours with only gas and air and my third was here in under an hour, with barely time for the midwife to attend the birth!

I will also say that I got to 5cm and beyond without even knowing I was in labour, so for all you ladies that have done this before, your body will know what it's doing :)

Hope this helps calm some nerves!
Evening girls

I didn't get on well with BFing with DD (she was fully FF by a month old) but I was glad I gave it a go.... will try again this time but won't be beating myself up if it fails.... DD is a very healthy child!!

I did NCT last time but won't bother this time. The advice on BFing wasnt all accurate to the extent that it contributed to my failure in a way (in that the advice was all about how natural and easy it was and that if you were finding it as hard as that you were beyond help and doomed to failure :growlmad:). I did make a group of friends that I hung out with on mat leave and it is helpful to have that network in the early days.

I also had a 48 hour labour which ended up on the syncotin drip to increase contractions.... After my waters went I made it to 4cm entirely by myself at home though, everything only stopped each time I went into hospital to be checked..... in the end I had to be in hospital as waters had gone too long and there was an infection risk but I'm sure I'd have gotten there by myself without the drip had been able to stay at home.... i've been offered a home birth this time but not yet decided.....

scan in 2 days!!
Yeah, not sure why they try to sugarcoat the whole BF thing as easy and natural. It was hard to get a hang on baby latching and how I could help that, it hurt and no I didn't have mastitis just cracked nipple that was inflamed and I would cring for 20-30 minutes each time he fed that side for a solid 3 weeks. The bright side it got easier and now it's nothing.

It is not a walk in the park, it's hard but with support you ladies can do it, just don't feel like a failure asking for help! I had to ask my sister who'd been there done that all sorts of Q's! If you can't do it, formula is the next best thing! It's okay either way.
thanks everyone it was a HUGE shock they kept me lying down for an extra half hour because i was shaking so much!!!!

They are monochorionic diamotic twins, one placenta with one sack and a membrane dividing them. They are identical.
thanks everyone it was a HUGE shock they kept me lying down for an extra half hour because i was shaking so much!!!!

They are monochorionic diamotic twins, one placenta with one sack and a membrane dividing them. They are identical.

That's so exciting! What a shocker hehe.

I saw a lady in a shop the other say with 4 boys and two of them were identical twins - she kept calling them by the wrong names and then they kept tricking her and switching names lol. They were about 7!
She looked at me and said 'they always do this!' hehe.

Will you find out if they are boys are girls? This may sound stupid, but with identitical twins they are always the same sex right?

I have to tell my boss either today or tomorrow and I am sooooo scared! :(
I plan on BFing I am nervous about it tho as I have hear how hard it is. I heard it is a great bonding experience with ur baby and saves you bundles of $$ (which is always a a good thing!!) so i finally told my mom, step-dad, dad, and siblings. they were all excited except for my sister she is very selfish and narcissitic and has wanted a baby for a few years now but she isnt in a stable relationship and hasnt had one for a long time now. she already has my 9 year old niece so its not like she doesnt have kids. she was just so rude when I told her. my mom keeps telling me not to let her get to me but its hard when u would think ur only sister would support u and be excited but its the complete opposite. i told my best friend thats why she will be the cookies god mom because she has supported me before, during, and i know she will after. if my sister continues to act like this she will not be at my baby shower. i also told my boss yest and he took it rather well. told me if i needed anything to just let him know gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek and told me congrats. sorry for ranting but just wanted to share!!!

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