~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

em - I think the skull looks quite girly?

fifi - tell me about the lack of sleep! Henry goes through phases of sleeping through and then the last 3 weeks he's up most nights at 2am and will only sleep next to me. His top teeth are cutting through though so hoping it's just that! ..... he's so different to STephen who slept through from 4 months and pretty much still does - though he is being a sod lately by waking up at 11pm and running around :(
Aww Cam's top two are also trying to come in, wish they would hurry up!
Em1980 I say boy. Are you finding out at your next scan?

Well massage was good but not relaxing, my back and neck are a bit of a mess so it was a bit sore :( Got another two to look forward to as DH paid for a package.
It's still early days of 2nd tri hopefully you'll get that burst of energy soon. I am still tired, but the sickness seems to be turning a corner. Finally!!

Anyone having big cravings still? I am going to need my own orchard, I even got up at 2am because I had to have a crisp juicy apple :haha: I am also glugging orange juice with bits, oranges, grapes and peaches. At least it's healthy!!

I am starting to get a hunch on the gender, so I am going to find out if I can be right a 4th time! Next scan the 19th of June.

:hi: to all the new ladies.

Has anyone started to think about their birth plans? I am considering a water birth but am torn because the water birth rooms have no windows. I have a thing about windows!

Yes, I agree. The sickness is finally starting to turn a corner! Thank goodness! :) And as for cravings, I too have been craving juice and fruit. Bananas, peaches, apples and my favorite- my mango/peach/orange juice! Then I add in some pulpy Tropicana juice for extra flavor. So good! :)

As for a birth plan, I am quite boring. Hospital and hopefully having a vaginal birth. That is about it! I don't think I will be breastfeeding either.

I know what you mean- I am ALWAYS tired. I am a full-time reception teacher so I guess that doesn't help! I am also finding that I have to have to keep changing position e.g. sitting, standing (which isn't hard when you are surrounded by 24 little ones) as things begin to pull and tweak.

Yes, it must revolve around our professions! I am a social worker and out in the field a lot. I am constantly driving to meetings, visiting clients and just on the go all day long. By 5PM my eyes are literally closing. I don't know how you do teaching though. I used to be a teacher and that is more draining! I don't think I could get through the day!
I have heard quite a few people saying about skulls in scan pictures looking like a boy or a girl- but I don't know how you can tell? What do they look for?
I have heard quite a few people saying about skulls in scan pictures looking like a boy or a girl- but I don't know how you can tell? What do they look for?

I have never heard of the skull theory and after reading about it, I am none the wiser. I now have 4 12-13 week ultrasound pictures. My two boys look the same and this baby and my daughter look the same. So if this is a girl there is probably something in the theory.....I think the difference seems to be that my boys have slopy heads and this baby and my girl have more forehead. If this baby is a boy, then I guess that will not be accurate. :haha:
I am always craving fresh fruit especially oranges and nice orange juice!!

Can't stand bananas since getting pregnant though which is odd as I've always loved them! Even the smell makes me gag now!
Fruit and jelly have been mine this time. It was ice-lollies last time which I hardly ever ate before.
From what I understand boys skulls are more curved at the top whereas girls are more flat. Both my boys scans had a curved top part of their skull and the same shape ... I *think* this baby's is a bit flatter but will see on the 1st May! :)

Cravings... I've gone off meat (apart from bacon and sausage) literally the smell of meat makes me gag. All I want to eat is jacket potato and cheese.... hmm and malteasers too!

So who is finding out if their beautiful babies are boys or girls?
Hi all I am a bit late finding you all but was just wondering if I would be able to join. I am due 13th October after 4 m/c's last year between 5 and 10 weeks.

We are staying team yellow as we like the idea of a surprise.

Look forward to chatting with you all xx
Welcome Cazi77. Congrats! I went through 4 losses in 2010 (between 4-6wks) but had my first sticky bean last year. Are you on the pregnant after recurrent m/c thread? It's in PAL section. I've added you to the front page x

Our plan is to find out the sex but not tell anyone (if we can! Might tell you girls though ;) )
Yes, we are definitely finding out the sex. My 20 week (even though I will be 21 weeks) is on June 14th. We will know then. So excited! :)
Welcome Cazi, looking forward to getting to know you. I am due 14th so just a day ahead of you :)

I have also been craving juices, or just cold drinks in general. I have bought lots of ice lollies today, yum!

I was just thinking I wonder who on this thread will give birth first?! Two of my friends recently gave birth 2/3 weeks early so some of us could even be in September! It'll be so exciting when one of us pops first...

How is everyone's bump coming along? We should start posting bump pics soon! Mine is more wobbly than firm at the moment, but I think it's definitely starting to appear...just waiting for the pop!

Today we went out and bought a new sofa - I'm so excited about it because I can just imagine getting comfy on it with the little baby.

Oh and yes, we are going to find out the sex - can't wait! My Dad said he doesn't want to know but I have no idea how he won't find out because the whole family will be talking about it and someone is bound to slip up around him!

My mum always said she didn't want to know with Stephen..... but as soon as we found out she was so desperate to know :haha:

I think we are going to find out but not entirely sure what to do :shrug:

Can't wait to see what you are all having! :D and yes fifi you have to tell us!!
Hello Cazi and congrats!

Staying Team Yellow all the way again. Much to the annoyance of my Mum.

Convinced it's a girl though; exact same pregnancy so far as last year.
I think I am going to find out although before getting pregnant I said it will be a boy, and even if we had 20 more they would all be boys!! It will be interesting to see now as I am starting to doubt that theory!

I am not sure about the skull theory but I have to say that my two boys scan pictures are similar and the new baby looks like my daughter. I am attaching my 4 ultrasound pictures so you can see for yourselves.

So if this is a girl, I will be convinced!! It will be really interesting in June or October, to see if this is true :)
Ooo my scan pic looks just like your 3rd one (boy!!)

We have just over 3 weeks until our next scan where we will hopefully find out the sex! I keep calling it a he!!

Bump is doing nicely...this was taken at 16 weeks on tuesday!!


Dad's still in hospital awaiting a biopsy on Monday - they are looking for whatever is on his brain and worst scenario is tumour so I have lots of emotions right now and am still exhausted! DP's dad and brother suggested yesterday that I spend less time at the hospital because of bugs but he's my dad and if it is worse case scenario and something happened, wouldn't I always regret not spending time with him?? That and he is so down, seeing me and the bump really cheers him up!!

Hope everyone is well. I have a seriously itchy nipple this morning!! Just enjoying a cup of decaf and biccy in bed!!!
Great bump pics flutterly! Mine looks quite similiar to yours - but I am a week or so behind you. Is yours firm?

Sorry to hear about your Dad - I would be the same as you, be at the hospital. Just use the hand sanitiser every time you enter/leave and I'm sure you'll be fine.

I will post a pic later on!

Cheshire, your scan looks the same as your other girl I would say :)

Thanks Hun, I knew I wouldn't be alone and it really annoyed me that they suggested it!! DP didn't agree with them but just said he'd pass their concerns on!!

My bump is firming but not hard yet and when I lay down its still only little so I haven't had the official pop yet!! I definitely look pregnant now though!!

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