~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Thanks Ladies!
Well technically I am in 2nd tri, but for some reason on BNB 2nd tri doesnt start until you are 14 weeks!?
Hi, sorry I disappeared after posting my BFP result, for the life of me I couldn't find this thread agin, iv never wandered over to this part of the forum so didn't even know it was here, thanks for adding me to the list, altho I do need moving to the 24th looks like I'm the only one on that day x
Hi pink, have you found your user control panel? It's the easiest way to follow threads you've replied to. (Either top right or at the left of the menu bar). I've updated your EDD :)
Welcome Melly!! Cute scan pic. :thumbup:

Had my appt yesterday. HB was 158, very strong and everything seemed good. My gender ultrasound is scheduled for May 21. I'm so excited for that one!!!
No I'm still not 2nd tri :( Hoping to be put forward (was put back last time) again at this scan but doubt it! Only 4 days to wait!

Thanks Ladies!
Well technically I am in 2nd tri, but for some reason on BNB 2nd tri doesnt start until you are 14 weeks!?

I always consider it 12 weeks, especially as by then most of the information/conversation in first trimester doesn't apply anyway. I would say by 13 certainly!

My daughter had a nasty gastro virus Thurs and Fri, so fingers crossed I don't get it, the boys seem OK, so hopefully it will pass the rest of us by. My husband is away, so I am without a paddle if I do get it! Trying to think positive though!

Also what is 'V' day? It's a second tri thing I keep seeing everywhere, can someone please explain?
Viability day - 24 wks. When your baby has a hope if born then (when doctors will do what they can to save baby). For some reason I find it a sad thing to celebrate, I would much rather my baby stayed put for another 13 weeks minimum.
Hello girls

Apologies for not being on so much... had a hectic stressful couple of weeks with work and not had much time to sit down and think!

Can't believe I'm 16 weeks now... have no idea where the time's gone or how on earth I've suddenly got to 4 months!! Feeling lots of regular flutters now particularly weekends (its being very wriggle while I'm sat here!) which is lovely.... can't wait for OH and DD to be able to feel it too! Next checkup is Tuesday and am hoping I get to hear the HB.....

Hope everyone's ok
Yeah I consider 2nd tri as 12 weeks too!! Tbh I never felt like I belonged in first tri as this is my third baby so altho I still had the worries as everyone else I was comforted by the thought that I knew what these pains and twinges were - does that make sence?

V-Day is when you are 24 weeks so if you were to go into labour then there is a chance that the baby would survive - Its not a celebration as such its just another milestone (like when you turn 12 weeks and the miscarriage rates fall)

Thanks for welcoming me in :) Loving being an October mummy to be again!!
Hi everyone! :) Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!! :)
Anyone got any tips for helping with back and hip pain? Mines gotten so much worse this past week, I can't bend over or squat and walking hurts :( I have a maternity pillow that I use in bed and it helps me sleep easier without much pain but I'm just miserable during the day!
Hi Emsmum, great to hear about the flutters, cannot wait for that moment! It makes things seem more real, as I am still feeling unrealistically pregnant at the moment.

Yeah I consider 2nd tri as 12 weeks too!! Tbh I never felt like I belonged in first tri as this is my third baby so altho I still had the worries as everyone else I was comforted by the thought that I knew what these pains and twinges were - does that make sence?

V-Day is when you are 24 weeks so if you were to go into labour then there is a chance that the baby would survive - Its not a celebration as such its just another milestone (like when you turn 12 weeks and the miscarriage rates fall)

Thanks for welcoming me in :) Loving being an October mummy to be again!!

I can totally relate to that!

Thanks Fifi and Mellllly for for explaining V day, doesn't sound like a celebratory thing, but hey I guess it's a milestone, just like any other!

Oh and Mellllly , this is my second time as an October mummy as well. I have ended my childbearing journey in the same place I began :) if this baby comes 2 weeks early it would share a birthday with it's big-big brother. What a birthday present that would be :haha:
Hi all.

Good to catch up on u all. Scan pics looking good :) although i have to wait until after my hol for 20wks scan although i will be 22weeks haha. Time is flyin before we no it we will be days away from due date. ve never wanted to pass a year away so quick b4 haha.

Last night i was awake alot wit cramps and pains i think i may of jst done too much yestaday :s so rest day 2day my 2 LO r playing with toys while im sittin on net haha.

Hope every1 les weekends r goin well xxx
Hi everyone

I have just about caught up with the thread - I've been so busy with work etc that I just haven;t had a chance to get on here. Looks like you are all doing well though!

I can't believe I'm 16 weeks now - time is going quick now. Only 4 more weeks until 20 week scan :happydance:
I don't think I have felt any movement yet, just twinges which I think is more ligament pain, not baby movement. Hope to soon though!

I have been a bit upset with a friend though and wondered if anyone else has experienced this. We were pretty close until I got pregnant and now I feel like she is avoiding me for some reason. She has cancelled a couple of things we had booked to do together, for silly reasons and I don't know whether to ask her if I have done something wrong?
We usually talk to arrange things over text so I don't know if its appropriate to ask over text. I don't know, maybe I am being sensitive...but it just feels like since I have been preggers she doesn't want to know me!

Oh and yesterday I was in the O2 phone shop asking this guy for help and he was soooooo rude to me so I had a strop and stormed out of the shop. I've never done anything like that before lol. I felt so emotional afterwards! Bloomin hormones :)

Dizzydoll - I noticed you are from Waterford. My Mum's family are from there, I've been many times. Love it!

Dizzydoll I've been getting pain around the hips and bum/thighs :( worse when I walk a while and definitely worse standing up/sitting down a lot, think its worse pushing DD in a pushchair too. Sleeping with a pillow under the bump and between the legs does help, as does spreading out in bed. OH is lovely and wil go sleep elsewhere if I'm struggling but he can literally manage to sleep anywhere!! I also find I have to lie down lots and take things easy OH is doing his share of the housework now which does help.

Feanorous just a random thought but is it possible your friend could be TTC herself or maybe actually struggling to conceive? She might find it difficult knowing your are PG?
Aw hun sorry your friend is being that way! :( I have a friend that's kinda the same I've just not heard from her in ages and when I text I get one word answers and then no reply.
It's a pity but hopefully they'll come round :hugs:

Yeah hun I'm Waterford born and bred :) What part are your mums family from?
Talking of aches and pains and playing with LOs- I'm really struggling to play with her now :( Calm sat down games are ok as long as we're sat on the sofa not on the floor... sitting on hard floors and running around is seriously hard on the hips!! Feel very guilty having to explain all the time that mummy needs to sit down for a while....
Oh yeah sitting on the floor is a big no no! Takes me ages and a few tears to get up!
I had a friend who pulled that kinda thing with me once I was pregnant with my first. I couldn't figure out what was up as she had two kids herself. She just kept saying how busy she was. I had her invited to my baby shower even on the terms that gifts were not necessary, she said she would try to show up but might have to bring kiddies. Fine as my sis has two herself. She didnt show up or call. Never tried to contact me after that,and truthfully I was angry and hurt. On her birthday I sent a message on Facebook saying happy bday stranger, she said nothing.
I've decided people just get weird when they know you as one thing and yourlifeis changing. I'd text her saying its really important you meet with her as you have something big to discuss with only her. Talk to her about how you've felt , and if she is a friend she will hear you out and explain. If not then is it really a loss for someone who can't work out simple issues and move on lovingly? I think not. Go to a prenatal class, make some new expecting friends :)
Hi guys, I know I'm super late into everything but I hope it's okay to post too! :) My EDD is October 29! So who knows when baby will decide to appear.
Hi lunar, welcome! Congrats! Is this your first baby?

I'm with you all on getting up and down off the floor, it's not always graceful now! I'm also having some hip pain and lower back pain, but worst is the insomnia, I've been awake for 2-4hrs most nights in the middle of the night :( Oh and DS has stopped BFing, not sure if it's a nursing strike due to teething or weaning due to low supply. It's been coming for a number of weeks but it has really upset me. I wanted him to have at least a year but he's refusing to latch and biting me if I do try :( Fortunately he takes a bottle fine (and solids).
Went to the Scottish Baby Show today but didn't buy anything, was a nice wander though.

Feanorous my guess would be that she's either TTC or has been through losses. We TTC DS for 18 months and had 4 m/c but didn't really talk about it. Now I am really open and you discover how many people have been through similar situations. I did find it difficult being around pregnant friends and family after the first m/c.
However it could also be pregnancy hormones making you more sensitive. We were at a wedding reception recently and it felt like one of my friends left the room whenever we went into the room, I messaged her about it and she assured me we were ok (I did blame hormones when asking!)
Yes, at the moment I'm 14 weeks, this is the first! :)

Just wanted to say congrats to everyone expecting<3

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