~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Well today was great until at the end of dinner, I washed dishes, baked squares for tomorrows BBQ and DH went downstairs to play video games and left me with my son while I tried to do laundry, with a bad backache and my son was screaming. I asked him to help he came up for a second then ran back down, again I said I thought I made myself clear that I need his help. Well he snapped at me and I lost it on him. Massive crying fit and finally he sort of apologized.
Wow hopeful, sounds like you needed a rest! I have started telling myself that I cannot be superwoman and the laundry can wait! Although my autie did this once and hasn't lifted a finger for 40 years since, my uncle is the house-husband of the century :haha:.

Poor hormones lady-K hope you got to enjoy your wedding and even eventually your night. One of the best quotes from my son is 'Dad, you better come, mums crying again' from the mouths of babes puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?

This baby/child free wedding theme seems to be growing momentum lately! I don't suppose most parents mind, I am easy either way but some people I know have really got upset about it and even missed their friends weddings in protest.

Days creeping towards scan, I saw the midwife on Thursday, I had a stand in midwife who was like the ice-queen. She told me my hemoglobin at booking was too high and took more blood. I asked what that would mean and she skipped over it and said if there is still a problem I will be referred to a senior doctor and they will be able to give me more information :( I will get the results next Thursday and I am not looking forward to it. I have looked around the internet and asked on here, a few answers have put my mind at rest and apparently it's not a huge big deal. I am now sure that it's all OK and just feel deep down that everything and baby will be fine even if it stays high, so fingers crossed!

Hope everyones well, hormonal, but well!!
It seems my headaches have yet to cease :/ trying to cope, but sometimes it's just frustrating.

On the plus side, I'm feeling more flutters, so I'm hoping this means baby girl will start kicking from the outside soon :)
Hi ladies!!

It's been a while since I posted, we have been DIY-ing like crazy! We have got so much done :)

I just read back through the thread, how exciting that we are getting gender scan results in!! Mine is a week on Tues, can't wait!

How is everyone's bump.coming along? I haven't had much progress with mine, its getting frustrating! Not really felt any movement yet either, is that normal?

What is everyone up to this weekend? Hope you are all doing well anyway :)

i am cleaning out the spare bedroom to move my OHs daughter into. its slowly coming together. i still want to paint the walls and get the carpet done tho. sunday im going to register with my best friend!! OH is putting our new pool up so i would rather him do that then register with me
Gotta love pregnancy :lol:
I trust no repeat Leikela?

Yes, no repeat! Thanks for asking! :)

I've had that happen too Leikela, you're not alone. Sometimes I can't tell if it's urine, cervical fluid or amniotic fluid. I have my appt with midwife on Wednesday, so I'll be asking about it just in case. All this extra "stuff" down below sucks and is confusing. :growlmad:

That makes me feel better. Thanks Annabelle! This is all very confusing stuff. LOL

It seems my headaches have yet to cease :/ trying to cope, but sometimes it's just frustrating.

On the plus side, I'm feeling more flutters, so I'm hoping this means baby girl will start kicking from the outside soon :)

I have also suffered with headaches too! Just had a bad pulsing one last night while Hubby and I were on the way to dinner. I told him I couldn't eat anymore and he was a bit pissed but understood. LOL I popped one extra strength Tylenol and was ok for the rest of the night. I hope yours get better!

Hi ladies!!

It's been a while since I posted, we have been DIY-ing like crazy! We have got so much done :)

I just read back through the thread, how exciting that we are getting gender scan results in!! Mine is a week on Tues, can't wait!

How is everyone's bump.coming along? I haven't had much progress with mine, its getting frustrating! Not really felt any movement yet either, is that normal?

What is everyone up to this weekend? Hope you are all doing well anyway :)


Hi Feanorous! Sounds like you are getting a lot done. Awesome! My bump has definitely grown! I hide it well with bigger shirts, etc. LOL I haven't felt any movement yet either and this is normal. I had my 17 week appointment last week and the Dr. said typically you don't start feeling anything until 20 to 21 weeks. At that appointment I did hear the heartbeat on the Doppler so I know baby is still going strong. Everyone is different though on feeling movement. I wouldn't worry! :)
Hi Feanorous! Sounds like you are getting a lot done. Awesome! My bump has definitely grown! I hide it well with bigger shirts, etc. LOL I haven't felt any movement yet either and this is normal. I had my 17 week appointment last week and the Dr. said typically you don't start feeling anything until 20 to 21 weeks. At that appointment I did hear the heartbeat on the Doppler so I know baby is still going strong. Everyone is different though on feeling movement. I wouldn't worry! :)

It is, I didn't feel my second and third until 18+ weeks. This one there have been a couple of odd little pops, could go unnoticed. The thing is if you lie still, chances are nothing will happen (or you will not feel it), mine usually happens when I am stressing over bath and bedtime, like baby wants to join the zoo already :)

Interesting thought I had this morning, is anyone going through the 'what will my baby look like' thoughts? I remember obsessing about this, I imagined a mini version of my husband and was quite shocked that my son wasn't that dark (and especially my second son), forgot that I had any impact on their genes :) I thought about it today again, this baby may be a variation on my other three, but then again he/she could be completely different. It's such an exciting thought to ponder on!
I'm only getting minimal movement. This gal is no where near as active as my boy was. As for the bump, it's there but still not huge, wearing some mat clothes and some reg ones still that have stretch in them. It's long weekend here and absolutely gorgeous weather! We had a huge BBQ yesterday. Today went swimming, tomorrow maybe beach? Ah, gotta love this weather :)
Oh got to feel her for the first time last night!!! when ever i drink lemonade she acts like an acrobat so when she was going crazy last night i just picked put his hand there and he felt her 3 times!! it was soo awesome!!
also i got 4 boxes of girl clothes from his sister in law which is great!! registration is done for the shower now just have to wait until i get my summer schedule from work so i can pick a date and send out the invites!! im getting so excited!!
love BBQs and the beach!! cant wait till we can take a trip to the ocean!!
You girls are lucky, here in the UK we are still waiting for a sign of summer.
Will probably still be waiting in October :haha:
Lol yep, we are still waiting for summer here in the UK. It is just GREY!
Today I have my winter knitwear on!

Oh I was going to tell you girls about a book I am reading at the moment. It's called ' French Children Don't Throw Food'. It's very interesting!
The majority of french children sleep through the night from around 2 months old because of this thing called 'the pause' that they do. I think I am definitely going to try it.
Just thought it was worth a mention :)

What is it? Sounds a bit like controlled crying, I'm not a fan of that, especially not at 2 months. Babies have limited means of communication and if they cry it means they need something. I wouldn't want to be left crying if I was in pain or scared.
If you are BFing it's unlikely your baby will sleep through at that age (some do though) as BM is digested in around 2 hrs and their tummies are small so they need to feed frequently (plus night waking is a protection mechanism against little babies falling into such a deep sleep that thet forget to breathe).
Sorry if this comes across wrong :)
Hey Fifi

No its not controlled crying (from what I have read so far!), but it is just what it says really...'a pause' of about 2 or 3 minutes. I am going to read into it more and find out the details, I'm only about a 3rd of the way through. I don't like the sound of controlled crying either, but this doesn't sound anything like that.

It's something to do with connecting sleep cycles. Babies need to learn how to connect their sleep cycles by themselves?
The breast feeding thing would make sense though, the french apparently don't like to BF!

It's written by an American woman who is married to a British man, but lives in Paris. I am finding it interesting anyway :)

You girls are lucky, here in the UK we are still waiting for a sign of summer.
Will probably still be waiting in October :haha:

But we've been promised 25 degrees here tomorrow! And it's my day off. Woot!

But yes, our weather is schizophrenic, so we'll see.
Well, had the u/s today and we're officially Team :pink: It's a GIRL!!!!! :happydance:

Got some super cute pics, I'll try to post soon. I always thought I'd have boys, so getting one of each is a shock but I'm super excited.

The book sounds interesting Feanerous. I always like to read about different styles and opinions on stuff like that; you can take bits and pieces from many different sources that way if you want.
Wow pink take over in this group!!!

So glad you didn't take what I said badly Feanorous, been worrying about what I said all afternoon. I'm just a soft touch! Although I don't move quite so quickly now as I did when he was tiny :) I think you find your own way once baby comes, DS was quite high needs (undiagnosed tongue tie and reflux) so we had to adapt how we approached things. No way on earth was I going to co-sleep! As the months have passed I've found myself identifying most with attachment parenting. Thankfully DH is the same :)

Perhaps I should give out my suggestion on choosing a baby carrier other than Baby Bjorn/Chicco/Tomy etc now... we started with a BB and quickly stopped using it as it killed both our backs. There are loads of options which are more long lasting and comfy for parent and baby (there's also an argument that BBs etc don't support babies brilliantly and can be detrimental to hips and backs). I use a woven wrap (2 Didymos and 1 Calin Bleu) and DH has a Beco Butterfly, both types will support baby til around 3yrs! Slingguide.co.uk is a great resource for advice
Just felt pumpkin kick three times for the first time! Can't believe it :)
Isn't that a great feeling? I just felt my little girl really kick for a couple minutes last night. First time I could feel it on the outside, it was awesome. :cloud9:

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