~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Lol yep, we are still waiting for summer here in the UK. It is just GREY!
Today I have my winter knitwear on!

Oh I was going to tell you girls about a book I am reading at the moment. It's called ' French Children Don't Throw Food'. It's very interesting!
The majority of french children sleep through the night from around 2 months old because of this thing called 'the pause' that they do. I think I am definitely going to try it.
Just thought it was worth a mention :)


Sounds interesting, sounds like she may have a bit of a rose tinted view of France though :haha:

I think the title says a lot about the stereotype that children can't behave in adult places. I have never seen a child being naughty in any restaurant in the US or anywhere, so it's not just French children, it's most children that are used to eating in adult oriented places with adults.

But we've been promised 25 degrees here tomorrow! And it's my day off. Woot!

But yes, our weather is schizophrenic, so we'll see.

Still pretty grey, maybe it'll switch later this morning. Have a nice day off!

Well, had the u/s today and we're officially Team :pink: It's a GIRL!!!!! :happydance:

Got some super cute pics, I'll try to post soon. I always thought I'd have boys, so getting one of each is a shock but I'm super excited.

Congratulations, wow yes we are turning into a pink thread :)

Wow pink take over in this group!!!
Perhaps I should give out my suggestion on choosing a baby carrier other than Baby Bjorn/Chicco/Tomy etc now... we started with a BB and quickly stopped using it as it killed both our backs. There are loads of options which are more long lasting and comfy for parent and baby (there's also an argument that BBs etc don't support babies brilliantly and can be detrimental to hips and backs). I use a woven wrap (2 Didymos and 1 Calin Bleu) and DH has a Beco Butterfly, both types will support baby til around 3yrs! Slingguide.co.uk is a great resource for advice

Thanks for that link, I will check that out. We have a bag-style sling that was great when LO was 6 months + but I was always worried about his breathing when he was a newborn, after reading that I will NOT be using it until the baby can sit up, so I think I'll be researching a new one for this baby.
21 weeks today...yayyy!!!

My OH felt baby kick last night for the first time!! I could feel him moving about so put my hand there and boof I felt him from the outside. So then I put my OH's hand there and just told him to keep it there and a while later boof!! When it happened I didn't say anything but he looked up and said was that him! I could have cried he was so happy!!!
Hiya ladies :) How are we all doing?

I feel like I've been kinda neglecting this thread lately! Been just popping in to bnb journals and then getting distracted again haha :)

Hope everyone is doing well!! :) I'm feeling munchkin kick loads lately! Can't wait to feel it from outside :)
Wow pink take over in this group!!!

So glad you didn't take what I said badly Feanorous, been worrying about what I said all afternoon. I'm just a soft touch! Although I don't move quite so quickly now as I did when he was tiny :) I think you find your own way once baby comes, DS was quite high needs (undiagnosed tongue tie and reflux) so we had to adapt how we approached things. No way on earth was I going to co-sleep! As the months have passed I've found myself identifying most with attachment parenting. Thankfully DH is the same :)

Oh god no! I am easy going :)
I have't had kids before so who knows how I will feel when it's born, but for now I am enjoying reading about lots of different methods.
Annabelle, many congrats on your girl!! Wonderful news! :)
Looking at all the pink wow! Anyone wanna share name ideas DH and I are going nuts trying to find the right name DH likes Mya and I like Hailey:shrug: I was really hoping to use Trevor:haha: but not this time:dohh:
Haven't even gone there with names yet or I would. Good luck. I think both DH and I are dreading it cause it was so hard to pick our sons name too.
Our daughter is Cassandra Arya H. (Cassie) to go with our son's name Cameron Arran H. I chose DS' name, DH chose DD's. If I was choosing she would have a scottish name but it's all give n take. We didn't find out ds' sex (my choice) but found out this time (dh's choice)
Hmm, I tend to lean towards mostly old fashioned sounding names like Charlotte, Evangeline, Josephine, Lila, Layla etc.. But I also like Reese and Brynlee which are more untraditional.

I've been stuck on Emmeline for our daughter, but DH does not like it. Says it's too close to Emily. But it's so pretty when you say it and see it spelled. :flower:
I was considering Phoebe or Elliana, but SO and I agreed on the name in my sig :) hopefully I don't change my mind at the last minute! But I'm pretty confident in this one.
Very Pretty Miracle!!!
I also like Rebecca NN Becca a family name. My grandmas only sister (5 brothers) who passed when she was in high school in an auto accodent.
Feelin' hot, hot, hot! Badadadaaaaa!
Pretty names!

We've got Olivia or perhaps Marie-Olivia

No boys name. Could do with some suggestions if anyone can think of them.

Especially Spanish/Portuguese names that work in English as well. Our other boys are Tomas and Mateus.

I have to call the hospital today and find out if my hemoglobin levels have dropped. I really hope they have and I stopped taking vitamins (and then stopped feeling breathless and sick!) I never took them with other pregnancies so I am praying they were the culprits and I overloaded my body with Iron (sort of opposite to anemia - just a theory) and now I can relax and carry on with a normal pregnancy. If they haven't dropped there is a chance of still birth/premature birth so I am in a bit of a mess today!! :cry:
Pretty names!

We've got Olivia or perhaps Marie-Olivia

No boys name. Could do with some suggestions if anyone can think of them.

Especially Spanish/Portuguese names that work in English as well. Our other boys are Tomas and Mateus.

I have to call the hospital today and find out if my hemoglobin levels have dropped. I really hope they have and I stopped taking vitamins (and then stopped feeling breathless and sick!) I never took them with other pregnancies so I am praying they were the culprits and I overloaded my body with Iron (sort of opposite to anemia - just a theory) and now I can relax and carry on with a normal pregnancy. If they haven't dropped there is a chance of still birth/premature birth so I am in a bit of a mess today!! :cry:

Sending good thoughts your way and pray all goes well! :hugs:
Oh cheshire, sorry you are going through this worry. Hope your levels are back to normal now x
Got my fingers crossed for your results!!

Phew it's already so warm here - it's going to be a scorcher today!!

I had the joys of waking up with leg cramp in the middle of the night. Jeez it hurt :( Also got home last night after going to a quiz night and had swollen feet lol!! Starting to feel really pregnant now and everyone commented this morning how big my bump is! Although they did say that I haven't put weight on anywhere else...yay!!!!

Hemoglobin levels have dropped down to 13.2 which is apparently fine, so happy!!

Flutterly, hate the cramps, I suffer from those as well, not yet but oh boy do I know they'll come. I have realised that trying to relax the whole leg when it starts works well.

So great that the baby weight is all baby ;) are you having the typical all out in front boy bump? Still think there is a little truth in that theory!

Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers, I can relax now and enjoy my pregnancy.
Yay so glad all is ok!!

I think my hips have got a little bigger but that might be all the chocolate and biccies I've had!! My actual bump is very out front and rather large!!

I think the cramp is because I've been in flip flops and they tense your muscles so much more! It's hot though so I have no choice!!
that's great Cheshire!

Nightmare morning here. Neither DS not I are morning people but the HVs and nursery run a messy play class. We've not made the first two classes due to being away and then ill but thought we would try today. I thought it was at 1030, a challenge given DS sleeps 9pm-9am so I got him up early, breakfasted, washed, dressed out the door. Get there at 1030 to discover it started at 10, no way we will ever make this class! So frustrated, hot, sweaty and grumpy. DS has only just now gone down for his nap. Grrr. I'm never bothering with a morning class again, even if it is free!

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