~~++October Bumpkins 2012++~~

Morning girls

I need your advice! All weekend I’ve been having backache and pain low down, especially after having a wee! I had a UTI at around 8-10 weeks so I am just wondering If I may have another one. Anyway, been a nightmare trying to get through to my doctors or midwife this morning. Community midwife doesn’t have an appointment until 27th June and then docs said 29th June! I then explained that if I do have a UTI it can be bad if left untreated. I finally got an appointment for this Wed morning. Do you think that’s ok or should I insist on seeing someone today?
I am sure it’s fine, it might even be nothing…just hard to not worry about these things 

Hope everyone else is good…?
With a UTI I would want it dealt with sooner. Can you perhaps get a telephone consultation with a GP? That's sometimes a way to get in sooner. Or my practice does urgent appointments but you have to go through a telephone triage system with the practice nurse but given you are pregnant I would have thought they would want to get this dealt with sooner. Does it hurt when/after you wee?
If you really can't get an appt sooner, try and keep REALLY well hydrated and maybe get some cranberry capsules or drink cranberry juice as it's good at flushing out your urniary system.

I am really fed up today. Insomnia is slowly killing me, especially when my son decides that 530am is an appropriate wake up time. Even if we nap later in the day it's not the same. I feel like such a bad mummy to him. I get so grumpy, try not to let it show to him so instead DH gets it even though it's not his fault (other than him saying "No, it'll be ok, we don't need to use a condom!" He isn't getting any 'til he agrees to the snip!!! I do not want to be pregnant again! yep, I'm being a total cow at the minute!)
Aw Feanorous hope you get seen soon! It's so bad that they have no appointments to give! :(

Fifi sorry to hear you're having trouble sleeping :( I've been finding it hard to sleep this past week too but I think it's more having a lot going on in my head than anything else. I have no energy for anything this week!
Yeah I'd push for a telephone consultation or go to the hospital if necessary - I guess you don't want to be taking antibiotics unless you really need them though....

I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights, I'm really conscious about waking up to change positions now.

I'm getting a bit freaked out by not feeling any movement yet - baby was fine, good size and all at last week's scan but was sitting very low in my pelvis and I had an op about a month ago which resulted in a horizontal scar like a c-section so I haven't got much feeling plus I'm fat and have an anterior placenta. I'm presuming the combination of low baby, lack of feeling and placenta position is the reason I'm not feeling anything but it's niggling at me constantly....
Is there anyone else who hasn't felt baby yet?
Okay, I'm playing catch up here.

Leikela - Kayla is adorable and I've always thought Josephine was a beautiful old fashioned name. I prefer Kayla spelling also.

Whoever said Isla, that is super cute also. Makes me think of the actress Isla Fisher, if anyone's ever seen Wedding Crashers, she's the adorable red head in it.

Super cute baby bumps girls!! I love seeing our changing shapes. I'll try to post a pic of mine, but I'd say it's pretty close to yours Mel. :flower:
I'm getting a bit freaked out by not feeling any movement yet - baby was fine, good size and all at last week's scan but was sitting very low in my pelvis and I had an op about a month ago which resulted in a horizontal scar like a c-section so I haven't got much feeling plus I'm fat and have an anterior placenta. I'm presuming the combination of low baby, lack of feeling and placenta position is the reason I'm not feeling anything but it's niggling at me constantly....
Is there anyone else who hasn't felt baby yet?

I have only started feeling baby in the last 2 weeks and even then, they are fleeting moments. It can almost be mistaken for gas or tummy rumblings. Only the past week, have I felt an actual "kick" which cannot be mistaken for anything else! I feel them maybe only 1-2 times a day so not frequently. My OBGYN said that it is common not to feel a lot of movement until about 25 weeks.

The fact that you have an anterior placenta and are carrying low will definitely make it harder for you to feel baby! I wouldn't worry!

Leikela - Kayla is adorable and I've always thought Josephine was a beautiful old fashioned name. I prefer Kayla spelling also.

Thanks so much Annabelle! :)
Great bump pictures

Morning girls
I need your advice! All weekend I’ve been having backache and pain low down, especially after having a wee! I had a UTI at around 8-10 weeks so I am just wondering If I may have another one. Anyway, been a nightmare trying to get through to my doctors or midwife this morning. Community midwife doesn’t have an appointment until 27th June and then docs said 29th June! I then explained that if I do have a UTI it can be bad if left untreated. I finally got an appointment for this Wed morning. Do you think that’s ok or should I insist on seeing someone today?
I am sure it’s fine, it might even be nothing…just hard to not worry about these things 

Hope everyone else is good…?

Hope you get seen soon, does your surgery have drop in sessions at any time? Or a phone consultation as Fifi mentioned? It might be worth being a little forceful with them. Hopefully you will get it sorted tomorrow morning if not and hope it's not a UTI.

I am really fed up today. Insomnia is slowly killing me, especially when my son decides that 530am is an appropriate wake up time. Even if we nap later in the day it's not the same. I feel like such a bad mummy to him. I get so grumpy, try not to let it show to him so instead DH gets it even though it's not his fault (other than him saying "No, it'll be ok, we don't need to use a condom!" He isn't getting any 'til he agrees to the snip!!! I do not want to be pregnant again! yep, I'm being a total cow at the minute!)

I feel your pain, I am shattered now but cannot sleep well and have nightmares on top. My 2 1/2 year old is pretty much rejecting naps now unless he burns himself out all morning, he is like lightening mcqueen on speed (actually that is who he thinks he is at the moment) so that is pretty much impossible. Unfortunately DH is getting the brunt of my foulness, I totally flipped on Sunday (father's day as well) :blush:, I felt awful about it later! Luckily with this being my 4th pregnancy it's all water off a ducks back for him, even my 8 year old has a 'here we go again' attitude!

I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights, I'm really conscious about waking up to change positions now.

I'm getting a bit freaked out by not feeling any movement yet - baby was fine, good size and all at last week's scan but was sitting very low in my pelvis and I had an op about a month ago which resulted in a horizontal scar like a c-section so I haven't got much feeling plus I'm fat and have an anterior placenta. I'm presuming the combination of low baby, lack of feeling and placenta position is the reason I'm not feeling anything but it's niggling at me constantly....
Is there anyone else who hasn't felt baby yet?

Not with this one but with the last two, they were hard to feel, certainly no where near energetic at this stage. Funnily it didn't seem to give any indication of their level of energy as they are both super energetic children. So I think it is 100% to do with position of placenta, baby and your level of activity. If your baby is rocked to sleep most of the time, and only giving little flutters of the hand or foot then you will barely feel them, with the other things you described it would be understandable to feel less.
Hi Ladies, i havent posted on this thread for a while. I hope you are all progressing nicely!!

I love the name Isla too. I think we are going to go for Darcey for our little girlie.

Despite my placenta being at the front where her body is her feet are clearly not padded by it and OMG can this little girl kick. The last two nights she has hurt me with them!!

OH finally got to feel her kick last night, which was very special for him. x
Hi Ladies, i havent posted on this thread for a while. I hope you are all progressing nicely!!

I love the name Isla too. I think we are going to go for Darcey for our little girlie.

Despite my placenta being at the front where her body is her feet are clearly not padded by it and OMG can this little girl kick. The last two nights she has hurt me with them!!

OH finally got to feel her kick last night, which was very special for him. x
Hi Miss Broody! Would you like me to add you to the front page. Just let me know your due date. Add to the :pink: domination in this thread!
Hello All!

Playing catch up too, been so busy with work but finally got a day off where I haven't got anything pressing to do. Hurrah!

Hope all are well. Saw baby girl moving my belly about in the bath last night. Was funny. Don't worry those not feeling movement - anterior placenta plays a huge part in that.

Like the name Lucas, it's not too common but also not weird (my two requirements for choosing a name! Well that and no negative associations with children I've worked with!! :lol:)

Oh my gosh, NAMES! It took us 8 months 3 weeks to come up with Lucy. I have crazy criteria too. Work in a secondary school so can't be same as any of the naughties I teach. I want it not to be too popular but not too weird, same as you fifi-folle. It needs also not to be too difficult to spell. And now I've got Lucy I don't want anything ending in 'y' or 'ie' as I think together it sounds too whiney.

Have shortlisted Layla or Nina. We prefer Layla but it slips into dangerous "How do you spell that?" territory and is also the same initial as Lucy (teenage "She opened my private love letter!!" issues) and also it means "Dark beauty" or "Born in the night" so is quite specific.#

We've also got quite a masculine surname (Gerrard) so a first name needs to feminine enough to counteract that, and not have too many (any) 'r's in it also.

(I know, I know, I'm crazy. Girls names are tough for me!)
Layla is my girl name ;) I am not sure I will ever get to use it since I am baking DS #2 and DH is insisting we are done after two :( We'll see though.

I like "L" names and our last name begins with an "L" too so my boys have major alliteration in their names. DS's name is Logan and this one is going to be Liam.
Lady-K I like Nina. You don't hear it very often. Layla is very pretty and feminine though!

Names are hard, we are trying to think of a middle name and all DH has contributed so far is Robinson, Royce and SMITH??? When I said English/British, I didn't mean surnames and cars!! I think I like it better when he just comments, rather than suggests. We may have got somewhere with Lucas Owen or back to Lucas Christopher. I'll just work on him for a few more months :winkwink:

I am having a little issue this morning and sorry for ranting here but so many people have asked if I found out what I was having and when I said boy they don't say 'congratulations' instead they ask if that is OK :saywhat: so many people have said things like 'oh is that your 4th boy?' or 'what do you have already, 3 boys?' even one of the mothers at the school said that and she sees me and my daughter everyday! I am getting a little fed up with it. Even if I had only boys, why not just say congratulations and mind their own business? I know it's just pregnancy hormones but it is really getting to me!
Lady K - I LOVE Layla!! That would've been my girl name if my last name didn't have so many dang l's in it to make it too much a mouthful. :haha:

Cheshire - I don't know why people would say that!?! You have both already, but even if you didn't, who cares? A congratulations is much more appropriate. Pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me lately too though! I'm snippy about everything! :growlmad: In this instance, I don't think it's hormones.

Oh, and our girl name is Audrey Priscilla. :flower: I've loved Audrey Hepburn for as long as I can remember, so it's been my fave girl name for years. Priscilla is hubby's mom and grandma's name, but it sounds nice together I think.
Hi all!!

Landed back in the uk at 4am and just woken from a sleep! It's hard not to spend the whole day sleeping but I'll regret it if I do!!

Turkey was amazing but so so hot! They had July weather in June so it averaged about 38-39 degrees each day! Much of our time was spent by the pool under an umbrella in the shade lol!!

Have I missed anything?? How is everyone?? I'm 25+2 now and have noticed another massive growth spurt this week! Bumpy picture below!!

Aw some lovely names ladies! :)
I can't wait to share ours haha :) Promised my OH we could keep them between us two til LO is born :)

ETA: Fab bump pic hun!!
Welcome back. You could've brought the sun with you.It's gone a.w.o.l. Superb bump pic! x x
Great bump picture Flutterly, and what weather to come back to!!

Thanks annabelle, I had a major meltdown and think it was what was needed for me to come out of a hormone schlump. Feeling much better now and not getting annoyed by anyone :)

I will try and take a bump picture, I need to clean toddler prints off the mirror first!
I have a rotten pain in my side since yesterday evening :( Going to the docs this afternoon to get checked out. Anyone else had similar? Just below my ribs on my left feels kinda like the pain you get if you've held in a wee for too long. :haha: Only way I can think to describe it. Constant dull ache and when I move its stabby :(

Hope everyone else is doing well! Onto another weekend bringing us closer to our wee ones!! :)
my guess is growing pains, my bump has been really achey the past few days :( Might be cause my son keeps bouncing on it though :lol:

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